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    牛津译林版九年级上册英语课件 Unit1 课时2 Reading I.ppt

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    牛津译林版九年级上册英语课件 Unit1 课时2 Reading I.ppt

    安徽译林版九年级上安徽译林版九年级上课时课时2 Reading I Unit 1 Asia习题链接习题链接1234678910基础巩固练提示:点击 进入习题511121314答案呈现CDACto visitdynastieseasternamazingraisingcavelandscapeemperorshapesattraction15C习题链接习题链接答案呈现161718runs for overfull of;worth seeingtake a boat trip19because of20History Museum212223tourists from different countriesto point at othersone of the wonders24a kind of traditional25going on holiday/taking a vacation基础巩固练习题链接习题链接答案呈现能力提升练262728DCA29C30B3132CC33C基础巩固练基础巩固练一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1.【2020颍上区月考】The large c (洞穴)is already known for thousands of years.2.The l (风景)of the Great Wall is like a dragon.3.【2020蚌埠一模】In ancient times,the e (皇帝)had very high power.aveandscapemperor基础巩固练基础巩固练4.Guilin is famous for its waters and mountains in different s (形状).5.Santaishan Forest Park is so beautiful that it has become a hot tourist a (吸引).hapesttraction基础巩固练基础巩固练二、用所给词的适当形式填空。二、用所给词的适当形式填空。6.We are planning _(visit)the Summer Palace next month.to visit基础巩固练基础巩固练7.How many _(dynasty)are there in Chinese history?dynasties基础巩固练基础巩固练8.Lily lives in the _(east)part of Shanghai.eastern基础巩固练基础巩固练9.How do you like Tiananmen Square?Its great!It is one of the most _(amaze)places.amazing基础巩固练基础巩固练10.When I watch the _(raise)of the national flag,I feel very excited.raising基础巩固练基础巩固练三、单项填空。三、单项填空。11.【2020安徽中考总复习】Stephen Hawking was famous _ a scientist and made a great contribution to the world and he died _ 14 March,2018.A.for;on B.as;inC.as;on D.for;inC【点拨点拨】考查介词辨析。考查介词辨析。be famous as 是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“作为作为而出名而出名”;在具体的某一天前用介词;在具体的某一天前用介词on。故。故选选C。基础巩固练基础巩固练12.My father _ to his workplace by bus,but now he _ there by bike.Really?You have an environmentally-friendly father.A.used to go;is used to goB.used to going;is used to goC.is used to go;is used to goingD.used to go;is used to goingD【点拨点拨】考查固定短语。第一句句意:我爸爸过去常常考查固定短语。第一句句意:我爸爸过去常常乘公交车去他的工作场所,但是现在他习惯于骑自行车乘公交车去他的工作场所,但是现在他习惯于骑自行车去那儿了。第一空考查短语去那儿了。第一空考查短语used to do sth.,意为意为“过去过去常常做某事常常做某事”;第二空考查短语;第二空考查短语be used to doing sth.,意为意为“习惯于做某事习惯于做某事”。故答案为。故答案为D。基础巩固练基础巩固练13.If you find some mistakes,please _.A.point out B.point atC.look at D.look outA基础巩固练基础巩固练14.Taiwan lies _ the south of China and _ the southeast of Fujian.A.in;on B.on;inC.in;to D.on;onC基础巩固练基础巩固练15.The boy _ his hand and asked if the Sun _ in the east every day.A.rose;rises B.raised;raisedC.raised;rises D.rises;raisedC基础巩固练基础巩固练四、根据汉语意思完成句子。四、根据汉语意思完成句子。16.长城在中国北部地区绵延6 000多千米。The Great Wall _ _ _ 6,000 kilometres across northern China.runs for over基础巩固练基础巩固练17.【2020淮安】这部电影充满神秘,值得一看。This film is _ _ mysteries and its _ _.full ofworth seeing基础巩固练基础巩固练18.游客们喜欢乘船游漓江。Tourists like to _ _ _ _ along the Lijiang River.take a boattrip基础巩固练基础巩固练19.许多人来游览桂林是因为其绮丽的风景。Many people come to visit Guilin _ _ its fantastic landscape.because of基础巩固练基础巩固练20.【2020陕西】今年暑假,我想去参观陕西历史博物馆。Im going to visit Shaanxi _ _ this summer vacation.History Museum基础巩固练基础巩固练21.【原创题】每年都有许多来自不同国家的游客参观颐和园。Lots of _ _ _ _ come to visit the Summer Palace every year.tourists from different countries基础巩固练基础巩固练22.当你在吃东西时用筷子指向其他人是粗鲁的。Its rude _ _ _ _ with chopsticks while you are eating.to point at others基础巩固练基础巩固练23.吉萨金字塔是古代世界奇迹之一。The Great Pyramid of Giza is _ _ _ _ of the ancient world.one ofthe wonders基础巩固练基础巩固练24.中国戏曲是一种中国传统艺术。Chinese opera is _ _ _ _ Chinese art.a kind oftraditional基础巩固练基础巩固练25.【2020广州】凯特决定去社区工作,而不是度假。Instead of _ _ _,Kate decided to work in the community.going on holiday/taking a vacation能力提升练能力提升练五、阅读理解五、阅读理解。A26.This passage is from _.A.a newspaper B.a magazineC.a TV program D.a radio programD【点拨点拨】由第三段第三句中由第三段第三句中“I would like to wish all our radio friends a very happy New Year”可知这是一档广可知这是一档广播节目。播节目。能力提升练能力提升练27._is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us.A.Robert BurnsB.The Washington Saxophone QuartetC.Buddy ThomasD.NobodyC【点拨点拨】在这档广播节目中,主持人在向我们介绍一首在这档广播节目中,主持人在向我们介绍一首名为名为Auld Lang Syne的歌曲。由短文最后一句的歌曲。由短文最后一句“This is Buddy Thomas.”可知,可知,Buddy Thomas就是节目主持人,就是节目主持人,故选择故选择C。能力提升练能力提升练28.From the passage,we know that the song Auld Lang Syne is mainly played in the USA _.A.on New Years Eve B.on Christmas EveC.on weekends D.on holidaysA【点拨点拨】由最后一段第一句由最后一段第一句The song is played in the United States mainly on New Years Eve.可知,应该可知,应该选择选择A。能力提升练能力提升练29.The song Auld Lang Syne is about _.A.the history of ScotlandB.an old Scottish poetC.the need to remember old friendsD.the wishes to the radio friendsC【点拨点拨】通读全文可知,节目主要介绍了通读全文可知,节目主要介绍了Auld Lang Syne这首歌曲的起源,但这首歌本身的意义在于缅这首歌曲的起源,但这首歌本身的意义在于缅怀老友,故选怀老友,故选C。能力提升练能力提升练B30.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.The Kongming lamp was invented in the Three Kingdoms Period by Zhuge Liang.B.People use sky lanterns to make wishes in both ancient and modern times.C.Paper-cutting and Chinese clay art are both ancient folk art in China.D.“Clay Figurine Zhang”is a famous folk artist in Tianjin.B【点拨点拨】根据原文第一个框中句子根据原文第一个框中句子This ancient Chinese handicraft was used for military purposes(军事目的军事目的)in ancient times.Modern people fly the Kongming lamp as a blessing(祝福祝福).可知可知B项错误。项错误。能力提升练能力提升练31.What does the underlined word“handicraft”mean in Chinese?A.手写 B.书法C.手工艺品 D.艺术品C【点拨点拨】原句为:原句为:This ancient Chinese handicraft was used for military purposes(军事目的军事目的)in ancient times.结合前文结合前文内容内容The sky lantern is also known as the Kongming lamp,commonly known as the wishing lamp.可知灯笼属于手工可知灯笼属于手工艺品。艺品。能力提升练能力提升练32.What do“the sky lantern”,“paper-cutting”and“Chinese clay art”have in common?A.They are all used in major festivals,such as the Lantern Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.B.They are all national intangible cultural heritages.C.All of them have a long history in China.D.They were all used for military purposes in ancient China.C【点拨点拨】阅读原文可知,文章中提到的这几个东西在中国阅读原文可知,文章中提到的这几个东西在中国都有悠久的历史,因此都有悠久的历史,因此C项正确。项正确。能力提升练能力提升练33.In which part can we find this article in a magazine?A.Sport.B.Travel.C.Culture.D.People.C【点拨点拨】这是一篇介绍中国历史文化的文章,因此正确答这是一篇介绍中国历史文化的文章,因此正确答案为案为C。


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