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    人教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit1 Period 3 Section B(1a-2e).ppt

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    人教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit1 Period 3 Section B(1a-2e).ppt

    人教河南专版 八年级上册Period 3 Section B(1a2e)Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?习题链接12345activitieswondereddifferenceswaitingbuildingsarrive in/get totry havingenjoys listeningbecause ofenough money678910小试牛刀基础练答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接小试牛刀基础练答 案 呈 现111213She was/felt so tired that she went to bed early yesterday.Finally/At last/In the end,we decided to see a film/go to the movies/go to the cinema tomorrow.Sometimes I feel like Mary is not friendly to me.My parents words always make a big difference to me.What a cold day(it is)!1415习题链接答 案 呈 现融会贯通提升练1617181920212223BACCDCEABD24253637383940toowerebutinnot262728enjoyablegotthemandhear2930313233Onbestchosehappilyfun3435小试牛刀基础练一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子1.The club provides different kinds of _(活动)like tennis,swimming and chess.2.At the beginning of this term,I_(想知道)what the new English teacher would be like.3.Although Tim and Tom are twins,there are some clear _(差别;差异)between them.activitieswondereddifferences小试牛刀基础练4.What are you doing now,Lisa?Im in the hospital and _(等候)in line to see the doctor.5.There are a lot of very old _(建筑物;房子)in this town.waitingbuildings小试牛刀基础练二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子6.你知道这趟高铁什么时候到达郑州吗?Do you know what time the highspeed railway will _ Zhengzhou?arrive in/get to小试牛刀基础练7.你感冒很严重,你应该吃点药试试。You have a bad cold and you should _ _ some medicine.try having小试牛刀基础练8.他开车时喜欢听音乐。He _ _ to music while hes driving.enjoys listening小试牛刀基础练9.因为下雨,他们没有出去散步。They didnt go for a walk _ _ the rain.because of小试牛刀基础练10.我们已经攒够了买电脑的钱。Weve saved _ _ to buy a computer.enough money小试牛刀基础练三、根据汉语意思和所给提示词翻译句子三、根据汉语意思和所给提示词翻译句子11.她昨天感到很累,以至于很早就上床睡觉了。(sothat)_She was/felt so tired that she went to bed early yesterday.小试牛刀基础练12.最后,我们决定明天去看电影。(decide to do sth.)_Finally/At last/In the end,we decided to see a film/go to the movies/go to the cinema tomorrow.小试牛刀基础练13.有时候我觉得Mary对我不太友好。(feel like)_Sometimes I feel like Mary is not friendly to me.小试牛刀基础练14.我父母的话总是对我有很大的影响。(words,make a big difference to sb.)_My parents words always make a big difference to me.小试牛刀基础练15.今天好冷啊!(what)_What a cold day(it is)!融会贯通提升练四、阅读理解四、阅读理解16.When is the best time to visit New England?_A.In May.B.In September.C.In October.D.In December.【点拨】细节理解题。根据“The best time to visit New England is in September.”可知去新英格兰的最佳时间是在九月,故答案为B。请同学们请同学们看看典中点典中点第第3页页短文。短文。B融会贯通提升练17.Where can you go if you want to swim in the sea in winter?_A.California.B.New York.C.Alaska.D.Washington DC.【点拨】细节理解题。根据“California is on the Pacific coast,and the weather is fine all year round.Take your swimming clothes because you might want to go swimming in the sea,even in December.”可知加利福尼亚的海滩12月可以游泳,故答案为A。A融会贯通提升练18.Whats the weather like in Seattle most of the year?_A.Snowy.B.Cold.C.Rainy.D.Hot.【点拨】细节理解题。根据“In Seattle,in the northwest,it is not very cold but it rains a lot in a year,so bring an umbrella.”可知,西雅图经常下雨。C融会贯通提升练19.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?_A.You had better go to Alaska in winter.B.Summer is the best time to visit the US.C.Bring a map if you want to travel around the US.D.The weather in New York is fine all year round.C【点拨】A选项是错的,由“If you want to visit Alaska,you had better go in summer.”可知,去阿拉斯加的最好季节是夏天。B选项错在对文章主旨大意理解偏差,文章介绍了在美国不同地方旅游,最佳时间是不同的。D选项由“New York and Washington DC are good places to visit in May or October,but in winter theres a lot of snow.”可知纽约全年并不都是好天气。融会贯通提升练20.Whats the best title of the passage?_A.Why do we go to the US?B.How can we go to the US?C.What do we need to visit the US?D.When is the best time to visit the US?【点拨】标题归纳题。根据文章内容可知本文介绍了去美国几个地方旅游的最佳时间。D融会贯通提升练五、任务型阅读五、任务型阅读根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。请同学们请同学们看看典中点典中点第第4页页短文。短文。融会贯通提升练_21 Its on the second Sunday of May,so the date changes each year.【点拨】由“Its on the second Sunday of May,so the date changes each year.”可知,由于母亲节每年的日期都在变化,所以对作者来说很难记住确切的日期。因此选C。C融会贯通提升练_22 Buying flowers and making cards for their mothers are what we usually do,while school children often make gifts in school.【点拨】由“Buying flowers and making cards for their mothers are what we usually do”可知,为母亲买花和制作卡片是我们经常做的,说明这是常见的庆祝母亲节的方式。因此选E。E融会贯通提升练_23 Its on the wall and she often cleans it with great care.Its a bright purple jasmine flower on a piece of stone.【点拨】由“Its on the wall and she often cleans it with great care.Its a bright purple jasmine flower on a piece of stone.”可知这是一幅作者送给母亲的画。因此选A。A融会贯通提升练I moved away from home twenty years ago.I often forget Mothers Day._24【点拨】作者20年前搬离了家,不仅经常忘记母亲节,而且礼物也不能准时送到。因此选B。B融会贯通提升练But its okay.All those other moms celebrate Mothers Day on the same day.My mom is unusual._25【点拨】根据语境可知,其他的母亲都在同一天过母亲节,但是作者的母亲不同寻常,她有自己专属的日子,那就是作者想起送母亲礼物的那天。因此选D。D融会贯通提升练六、语篇填空六、语篇填空第一节阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词、每词限用一次。enjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练Last Saturday,the students of Class Three in Guangming Middle School went to the Green Hill for a school trip.The weather was sunny and the trip was really _26.enjoyableenjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练At 8:00 on Saturday morning,after everyone _27 on the school bus,the school bus left for the hill.The students talked with each other on the bus.Some took sandwiches,fruit,eggs and milk with _28,and others took bread,juice,hot dogs and hamburgers.gotthemenjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练About an hour later,they arrived at the foot of the hill.There was a big lake _29 many green trees.The students could_30 birds singing in the trees.After a short rest,they started to climb the hill._31 the way,they enjoyed the beautiful scenery.andhearOnenjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练The hill was high,but they tried their _32 to get to the top.At about 12:30,they _33 a right place and were ready to have a picnic.That was the most relaxing moment.All of the students took out their food and drinks and enjoyed them together_34.bestchosehappilyenjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练After lunch,the students had _35 singing,dancing and talking on the grass.At the end of the day,they took the bus back to school.All of them felt tired but happy.funenjoyhearandhappytheychoosegetgoodfunon融会贯通提升练第二节根据上下文填空补全短文。Are you sorry for not traveling during the National Day holidays?If you stay at home at that time,I think you are very lucky.Why?Because there are too many people everywhere.In many places of interest in China,it s _36 crowded to do anything.【点拨】考查tooto句型,太以至于不能。too融会贯通提升练It was quite crowded in the West Lake on October 1st,2019.You even couldnt take photos for you or your friends.All what we could see were people.It was reported that there _37 about 13 people per meter by the lake.【点拨】考查there be 句型。注意要用过去式。were融会贯通提升练My friends told me they could see nothing _38 many tourists on the Broken Bridge.【点拨】考查上下文理解。根据句意可知我的朋友告诉我除了断桥上的游客之外什么也看不到。but融会贯通提升练“We shouldnt walk if the people _39 front of us didnt walk,”he said.He showed us a photo near the West Lake.In the photo,we hardly found him out.There were too many people.【点拨】考查介词短语in front of在前面。in融会贯通提升练So some people give the advice that we should _40 have the golden week any more.But other people say“no”about the advice.Whats your idea of it?Are you sorry now for not traveling during the golden week?I love staying at home more than traveling next National Day.【点拨】考查固定搭配not any more,不再。not


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