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    人教版七年级上册英语 Unit8 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e) 习题课件.ppt

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    人教版七年级上册英语 Unit8 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e) 习题课件.ppt

    Period 3 Section B(1a2c)人教版 七年级上Unit 8 When is your birthday?习题链接12345testtrip;timetermart festivalbusyinteresting;fun thingsOn September;school tripEnglish partybook salebusy term;Have a good time678910课内知识答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接12 345678DAABin the eveningDBD题组专训答 案 呈 现习题链接12 345678ABCADbusyfestivalart课后巩固testdear910111213reallythirdplayingpartiesparents1415答 案 呈 现习题链接课后巩固1617181920212223doesnt wantWhenhave timebook salecome to on September 7thits relaxingart festivalin their classroomwhite2425262728busybirthdayanlibrarywith2930答 案 呈 现课内知识一、根据汉语提示写单词一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇并背记相应英语词汇1.We have an English _(测验)every week.2.Im going on a _(旅行)to Hainan next month.Have a good _(时间)!testtriptime课内知识3.We have many ball games this _(学期).4.Do you have an _ _(艺术节)in your school every year?5.Im very _(忙碌的),so I cant help you now.termart festivalbusy课内知识二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语句子并背记英语句子6.本学期我们为你们准备了一些有趣而好玩的事情。We have some _ and _ _ for you this term.interestingfun things课内知识7.九月二十一号下午我们有一场学校旅行。_ _ 21st,we have a _ _ in the afternoon.On Septemberschool trip课内知识8.十一月三十号,我们有一场英语晚会。We have an _ _ on November 30th.English party课内知识9.而在十二月三号,我们在校图书馆有一场图书销售活动。And on December 3rd,we have a _ _ in the school library.book sale课内知识10.这真是一个繁忙的学期!祝你过得愉快!This is a really _ _!_ _ _ _!busy termHave a good time题组专训1.Its her birthday next week.What do you want to buy for her?_A.Happy birthday to her.B.Lets go to her birthday party.C.How much are the apples?D.What about some fruit?D题组专训2.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?_.I must look after my grandmother.【中考广元】A.Sorry,I cant B.Yes,Id love to C.Lets go【点拨】考查情景交际。句意为“你周六下午能来参加我的聚会吗?_。我必须照顾我的奶奶”。A项表示拒绝;B项表示乐意接受;C项表示建议。根据答语中第二句“I must look after my grandmother.”可知前一句应表示对邀请的拒绝。故选A。A题组专训3.Yunnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun _ it.【2021昆明月考】A.visiting B.to visit C.reading D.to read【点拨】考查非谓语动词。have fun doing sth.表示“做某事很开心”,故排除选项B和D;空格后的it指上文提到的Yunnan Museum,动词visit与其搭配构成动宾关系,可排除选项C。故选A。A题组专训4.I think diving(潜水)is a _ activity.we all like it.A.boring B.fun C.long D.busyB题组专训5.我们晚上开会吗?Do we have a meeting _ _ _?in the evening题组专训6.There is going to be an English movie in our school _ the evening of June 30.【2020黔南州】A.at B.in C.for D.on【点拨】考查介词辨析。at后跟具体的时刻;in泛指在上午、下午、晚上;或用于年代、月份、季节前;for后跟一段时间;on在具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。空后指的是6月30日的晚上,应用on。故选D。D题组专训7.Helens mother always goes shopping _ Friday afternoons.【2020甘孜】A.in B.on C.at【点拨】考查介词辨析。in后接年、月、季节等;on后接具体某一天、星期几、某一天的上午、下午或晚上等;at后接具体钟表时刻。根据空后“Friday afternoons”可知,此处应用介词on。故选B。B题组专训8.My friend and I are going for a picnic(野餐)tomorrow._A.Youre right.B.Thank you very much.C.I dont know.D.Have a good time.D课后巩固一、单项选择一、单项选择1.When is the volleyball game?_.A.Its on August 10th.B.Its in August 10thC.Its at August 10th D.Its of August 10th【点拨】表示在具体的某一天使用介词on。故选A。A课后巩固2.There are twentyeight or twentynine days in _.A.January B.February C.November D.DecemberB课后巩固3.Our ball games are _ May and our School Day is _ September 12th.A.in;in B.on;on C.in;on D.on;in【点拨】月份前面要用介词in;September 12th是具体的日期,前面要用on。故选C。C课后巩固A4.Ill have a school trip next week._.A.Have a good time B.Yes,pleaseC.Nice to meet you D.Youre welcome课后巩固5._ father is a teacher of our school.A.Mike and Jack B.Mikes and JacksC.Mikes and Jack D.Mike and Jacks【点拨】在名词所有格中,表示两者共有的人或事物,只在后一个人名上加“s”。故选D。D课后巩固二、根据首字母提示写单词二、根据首字母提示写单词6.Tom has a lot of things to do today,so he is very b .7.New Years Day is a very big f for Chinese.8.Does Mike like a?Yes.He often draws pictures at home.usyestivalrt课后巩固9.We are going to have a math t next week.10.My d friends,long time no see!How are you?estear课后巩固三、用所给词的适当形式完成句子三、用所给词的适当形式完成句子11.This is a _(real)busy term.We have many things to do.12.We have an art festival on October _(three).13.He often has fun _(play)with his old friends.reallythirdplaying课后巩固14.We have two _(party)in November,a Chinese one and an English one.15.His _(parent)are both teachers.They work in our school.partiesparents课后巩固四、按要求改写句子四、按要求改写句子16.Alan wants to play with his classmates after school.(改为否定句)Alan _ _ to play with his classmates after school.doesnt want课后巩固17.The basketball game is at 3:30 this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)_ is the basketball game?When课后巩固18.I am busy and cant go shopping this afternoon.(改为同义句)I dont _ _ to go shopping this afternoon.have time课后巩固19.明天我们将在学校图书馆进行图书促销。(完成译句)We will have a _ _ in the school library tomorrow.book sale课后巩固20.你的朋友们可以来参加我们今晚的聚会。(完成译句)Your friends can _ _ our party e to 课后巩固五、任务型阅读五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,回答下列问题。21.When is the volleyball game?Its _.【点拨】根据文章第一行On September 7th,we have a volleyball game.可知答案。on September 7th课后巩固22.Why does Bob like the school trip?Because _.【点拨】根据文章第三行In October,we have a school trip.I like it because its relaxing.可知答案。its relaxing课后巩固23.What is on November 3rd?Its the _.【点拨】根据文章第六行The art festival is on November 3rd.可知答案。art festival课后巩固24.Where is the English party?Its _.【点拨】根据文章第六行The English party is on Nov ember 18th.Its in our classroom.可知答案。in their classroom课后巩固25.What color is the model plane?Its _.【点拨】根据倒数第三行I buy a white model plane for her.可知答案。white课后巩固六、短文六、短文填空填空根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整通顺。Dear Grandma,How are you?Im very _26 this month.July 3rd is Alices birthday.I will go to her _27 party that evening.busybirthday课后巩固On July 5th,I have an English test.On July 15th,I have a soccer game.You know I love soccer.On July 18th,we have _28 English party.Our book sale in the school _29 is on July 20th.anlibrary课后巩固Oh,Grandma,I have so many(许多)things to do.Im sorry that I cant go to see you _30 my parents this month.Ill go to see you next month.Yours,Jackwith


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