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    外研版高中英语必修二Module 3作业题及答案解析6套10精选.doc

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    外研版高中英语必修二Module 3作业题及答案解析6套10精选.doc

    Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.语境填词1Its up to you.Dont let me _ (影响) your decision.2I like music very much,all kinds of music,but my _(最喜欢的) kind of music is classical music.3The word “_” (歌词) refers to the words of a song.4We can _(下载) music from the Internet.5Rock and roll _ (乐队) never sing ballads.6The Beatles sold more _(专辑) than any other rock band.7The song is _ (动人的),so I remembered it after I heard it.8The next programme is the piano _(独奏).同义词辨析用for the first time或the first time填空1I climbed the Great Wall in 2000 _.2_ I met him,he was in a red coat.3_ I went to China,I visited Beijing.完成句子1约翰和玛丽已经分道扬镳了,你知道吗?Did you know that John and Mary have _?2现代影视影响了人们的穿戴风格。Modern films and TV shows _ our dressing styles.3今年我们支付不起去国外度假的费用了。We _ abroad on vacation this year.4我们应当把每天的花费情况记录下来。We should _ everything we spend every day.5秘书已把老板要她做的事记下来了。The secretary _ what her boss have _ her to do.6他从早到晚忙来忙去,从不歇会儿。Hes at it _,and never gives himself a rest.单项填空1These signs are easy _.Ato see Bto be seenCseeing Dbeing seen2Would you like to see a film with us this evening?Id like I cant _ the time because I have to finish my composition.Aafford BpassCtake Dspend3_ be sent to work there?AWho do you suggestBWho do you suggest that shouldCDo you suggest who shouldDDo you suggest whom should4I sing in the school choir and play _ violin in _ orchestra.Athe;the Ba;anCthe;an Da;the5The problem was so _ that such a little boy cant solve it.Afunny BinterestingCcomplete Dcomplex6 kept _ all his students,though he had retired.Aa record Bthe recordCa record from Da record of7My junior middle school teacher had a great influence _ my career.Aupon Bwith Cto Dover8He is the rudest man I have ever ,his present secretary,is the only person who can _ him.Arespect BstandCsupport Ddislike9I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.Afirst time Bfor the first timeCthe first time Dby the first time10I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her._!It was her fault.ANo way BNot possibleCNo chance DNot at all.完形填空The party began shortly after ,who lived in the flat _1_ ,signed(叹气)to himself as he heard _2_ voices and the noisy he had _3_ some work home from the office, _4_ he kept himself busy for two hours,thus managing to pay no attention to the noise _5_ .But by nine oclock he felt tired and was ready to go to bed,though from his _6_ experience he knew it was _7_ trying to get to undressed and lay for a while on the bed,trying to read,but he _8_ himself reading the same page _9_ .He then turned off the light and _10_ his head in the , _11_ he could not shut _12_ the nois seemed to last ,his _13_ was gone.He jumped out of bed, _14_ on some clothing,marched firmly up the _15_ and walked into his neighbours owner of the flat came _16_ the room as soon as he saw Mr.Wood. _17_ could say anything,he cried,“My dear fellow,come and _18_ .I know our parties must interrupt meant to send you _19_ .”Mr.Woods anger disappeared then.“Id better go and get changed”,said later,he returned,properly dressed,only _20_ that the party was nearly over.1A.belowBunderCoverDabove2A.excitingBafraidCexcitedDfrightened3A.takenBcarriedCbroughtDdone whichBfrom whichCwhereDwhen5A.outsideBoverheadCnearbyDbelow6A.lastBbetterCearlierDusually7A.uselessBhelpfulCnecessaryDpossible8A.feltBmadeCfoundDforced9A.carelesslyBcarefullyCover and overDfast10A.buriedBplacedCshookDturned thenBworse stillCstrange enoughDeven so12A.awayBoffCdownDup13A.sleepBstrengthCpatienceDanger14A.pulledBdressedCputtingDwore15A.stepBstairsCflightDbuilding16A.acrossBaroundCtoDup to17A.AsBWhenCUntilDBefore downBscold meCjoin usDmeet us noticeBa messageCan invitationDan apology20A.foundBto findCfindingDfind疑问词do you think陈述句,常用来询问对方或第三者的想法或意见。1Where do you think he lives?你认为他住在什么地方?2Who do you think will win the game?你认为谁会赢得这场比赛?答案.5bands. the first time first time first time(1)for the first time第一次,起副词作用。(2)the first time第一次,起连词作用。. up an influence on3.cant afford to go4keep a record of a note of;asked morning till night.不定式在easy后作主语补足语且与句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时用主动形式表被动含义。2Aafford负担得起。cant afford the time.没有时间。3A句意为:你认为谁应该去那里工作?本题为双重问句,疑问代词who应置于句首,C、D两项语序错误;suggest后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词形式为“(should)动词原形”,故选择A项。4Cplay the violin乐器前一般加上定冠词。“在一家管弦乐队”是in an orchestra。5D句意为:这个问题太复杂了,这么小的男孩不能解决。6Dkeep a record of.意为“记录”,该短语中record为名词。7Ahave a great influence on/upon对有重大影响,为固定搭配。8Bstand容忍;忍受。9C句意为:第一次见到她,我就认为她是一个心肠好、诚实的人。本句中the first time I met her相当于when I first met her。10A句意为:我想你应该给詹妮打电话向她道歉。没门!是她的错。no way!意为“别想!门儿都没有!”表示强烈拒绝对方要求,符合本题语境。not possible不可能;no chance没有机会,没有希望;not at all根本不。.2Cexcited兴奋的,修饰voices。3C从别处带来用bring,符合句意。take意为“带走”;carry无方向。4A这里考查keep sb.busy with sth.。5B与文章开头呼应。6C这里是指根据以往的经验,应用earlier。7A通过though的运用,不难看出本题的正确选项。8C9Cover and over是固定搭配,意为“翻来覆去的”。10Abury ones head in the pillow表示“很想睡觉”。11D这里应用even so表示“尽管如此”。12Bshut off意为“关掉”,在这里指的是不让自己听见。13C终于Wood先生忍不住了。patience表示“忍耐”。14Apull on为固定搭配,意为“胡乱穿上,披上”。15B16Aacross意为“穿过(介词)”,这里是指主人一见到,就走过来。17D根据下文,这里是“还未说话”之意。18Cjoin sb.意为“加入到某人当中去”。19Cinvitation邀请,请柬。20Bonly to do sth.意为“却”,表示意想不到的结果。


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