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    外研版高中英语必修二Module 3作业题及答案解析6套11精选.doc

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    外研版高中英语必修二Module 3作业题及答案解析6套11精选.doc

    Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1A lot of artists were _ (天才) in many fields,such as Leonardo da Vinci and Beethoven.2_ (音乐的) theatre is a form of theatre combining music,songs,spoken dialogues and dances.3He was an excellent _ (指挥) of the orchestra before he retired.4The _ (听众) was enjoying every minute of the performance.5Its not so hard to find sources of c_ Chinese texts online,but I havent seen many grammatical explanations.6Some former Chinese women swimming champions c_ a song for the Olympics in Beijing.7His mother didnt know that he had l_ his life in the war.8Anns performance showed her t_ for music.选词填空1Dickens _ a famous British writer.2When he was very young,Edison _ the secret of nature and kept asking lots of questions.3I _ the girl at the party that night so that I recognized her easily this morning.4He had a good time near the seaside,enjoying the beautiful sights _ the delicious seafood.5We havent _ him for a long time,so we dont know what has happened to him.6China Daily is _ a newspaper;it also helps me learn English.同义词辨析1用voice,noise或sound的适当形式填空(1)He told it to me in a low _.(2)Dont make _,children.(3)When I was reading in my bedroom,I heard a strange _ downstairs.(4)The newspaper shouted out the _ of the citizens.2用be known as,be known for或be known to的适当形式填空(1)Chongqing _ us as a “foggy city”(2)Jinan _ its springs.(3)Yao Ming _ a basketball player.(4)Jackie Chan _ a kungfu film star.单项填空1He worked ,he didnt pass the exam.ABut BSoCYet DHowever2Shakespeare is well­known _ a great writer _ his excellent plays.Aas;for Bfor;asCto;for Dfor;to3_ children are about to come here soon!OK,Ill fetch _ chairs here.AFive other;five anotherBOther five;another fiveCFive other;another fiveDOther five;five another4To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our_”ASky BLifeCArts DVoices5By the time he realizes he_into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it.Awalks BwalkedChas walked Dhad walked6Father keeps impressing _ me the importance of following others advice wisely and correcting my mistakes in time.Ato BwithCon Dby7He showed a special talent _ singing _ an early age.Ain;at Bfor;inCat;in Dfor;at8_ the homework,he had to stay behind after class.ANot finishing BNot finishedCNot having finished DHaving not finished9_ his father came back from work _ his homework.ANot until;he didBIt wasnt until;when he didCIt was until;that he didnt doDIt wasnt until;that he did10On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she _ pale.Agot BchangedCwent Dappeared.阅读理解As is true in all cultures,Americans first hear music in the context of family of that music comes from the records on the family radio or television,and this “canned”_music is especially important in developing childrens musical often say they were very strongly influenced by the kind of music they heard before they were old enough to have their own records or choose the station on the family is usually some live music in the family as well.Many mothers and grandmothers sing lullabies (催眠曲),for can be important since in America,as elsewhere,lullabies not only lull a baby to sleep but promise,praise and teach cultural lullabies are the only songs in a foreign language that American children with strong ethnic (种族的) backgrounds hear,since people often fall back on old,familiar languages for intimate (亲密的) songs.Another important family context is the automobile,where families learn songs and sing together on weekends and is not as surprising as it appears,for the family car has become one of the basic centers of family experience,and it is one of the important places where the families gather for an extended period of time without outside family used to have to choose between making their own music in the car and being force­fed by the radio,but the invention of automobile cassette recorders and eight­track playback machines allows a family to have more control over what they hear when they drive.1The underlined words “canned music” (in Paragraph 1) refers to _.Athe music passed down from older generationsBrecorded music instead of live musicCmodern music young people can enjoyDthe music children hear in a car2The music children first hear is important in_.Ashaping their likes and dislikes in musicBlearning languageCdeveloping their mindDknowing about cultural values3According to the passage lullabies are usually sung in _.AAmerican EnglishBa familiar languageCan African languageDthe parents native language4The underlined word “context” (in Paragraph 3) probably means “_”Achances BcultureCsurroundings Dcontent5The invention of automobile cassette recorders allows a family to _.Aspend a longer time on vacation in the carBhave more choices in the music they hearCenjoy music without being disturbedDhave another place to get together1主语后有with,together with,along with,as well as等短语时,谓语动词不受这些短语的影响,仍与主语一致。not only.but also.连接并列主语时,谓语动词的形式应与最接近它的主语一致。2as well as在语意上强调前者;而not only.but also.则强调后者。(1)He as well as you has received the urgent call.不仅是你,他也收到了这个急电。(2)Not only he but also you are going to receive a present.不仅他,你也将会收到一件礼物。答案.5classical. known as interested in impressed with well as from6more than.1.(1)voice(2)noises(3)sound(4)voice(1)voice是可数名词,指人发出的声音。(2)noise泛指一切大的、杂乱的或令人讨厌的嘈杂声和吵闹声;不论是由人还是由物所发出的。(3)sound词义最广泛,它包括各种声音。2(1)is known to(2)is known for(3)is known as(4)is known as(1)be known as.作为而闻名。(2)be known for.以而出名(表示原因)。(3)be known to.为某人所熟悉。.分析句子知空处需一表示转折意义的副词,故D项正确。2Abe well­known as.作为而出名;be well­known for.因而出名。3C表示“还有几个”“另外的几个”可用“数词other名词”或“another数词名词”。4D由语境可知,此处指人类的语言,而语言是人类说的,因此用voices,而不用其他选项。5C由句中realizes及itll be可知应用现在的时态,故排除B、D两项,由句意可知空处强调已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时。6C该句考查的是短语impress sth.on sb.。句意为:父亲让我牢记理智地听取别人的建议并及时改正自己的错误的重要性。7Dshow a talent for“在上有天分”与at an early age“小时候”均是固定短语。8C根据语境可知,此处应用现在分词的完成式作状语,其否定形式为not having done.。9DIt was.that.是强调结构,强调的内容是“not until his father came back from work”。10C句意为:听到当地煤矿出事故的消息,她的脸变得苍白。.词义猜测题。由第一段第二句“Much of that music comes from the records on the family radio or television”可知答案。2A细节理解题。由第一段第二句的“this canned music is especially important in developing childrens musical taste”可知答案。3D细节理解题。由第二段最后一句的“since people often fall back on old,familiar languages for intimate (亲密的) songs”可知答案。4C词义猜测题。由下一句的“the family car has become one of the basic centers of family experience,and it is one of the important places where the families gather”可推知,其含义接近于surroundings环境。5B细节理解题。由文章的最后一句话可知答案。


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