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    2013年九年级英语下册 Module 5 Rules and suggestions单元精品教案 外研版.doc

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    2013年九年级英语下册 Module 5 Rules and suggestions单元精品教案 外研版.doc

    Module 5 Rules and suggestionsI. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 Skill Focus听Listen to the dialogue about the rules and suggestions to the Great Wall.说Talk about the rules and suggestions when making a trip读Read the dialogue about the rules and suggestions to the Great Wall. Read the article about what to do when meeting a bear.写Write notes about the things you must do if there are bears near.Write a passage called: Look after the countryside-and yourself. Write advice for visitors to China.LanguageFocus功能句式Everyday EnglishI am starving. P34I think thats all. P34Talking about rules and suggestions:You must keep to the path. P34You mustnt walk along the edge. P34You have to keep together. P34You shouldnt drink all the water. P34You can go rock climbing. P34We should hang the food in a tree. P36You mustnt move or make any gesture. P36词汇1重点词汇 rule, suggestion, rope, stream, clear, valley, peaceful, gesture, stick, still, sudden, blood, damage, cause, effort, fifth, order, director2短语keep.to, lead the way, fall asleep, reach out, in order to语法The usage of model verbs including can, may, must, should, have to.重点句子You must keep to the path. P34You mustnt walk along the edge. P34You have to keep together. P34I will lead the way. P34We fell asleep listening to the sound of water. P36If I reach out, I can just touch him. P36In order to become a “green school” like Guiyang Experimental Primary School, a school must include environmental education as part of the timetable. P40II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本模块以“rules and suggestions”为话题,学习旅游和遇到一些紧急事件时应注意的规则。对话以 “Mr. Jackson告诉人们爬长城时应该注意的一些事项为主题,要求学生重点掌握规则和建议的表达方法。而阅读文则是以遇到熊时应该怎么做为话题来讨论一些注意事项。通过模块学习,学生将重点掌握情态动词的用法,并能运用所学知识对旅游的人们说一些应注意的规则和提一些建议。Unit 1 通过听、读、说训练,要求学生了解爬长城时应注意的事项,初步学习说规则和提建议的表达方法。Vocabulary and listeningActivity 1要求学生看中国的长城图,给来参观的游客说一些规则,提一些建议。Activity 2要求学生听录音,利用所给词汇回答问题,并通过再次听录音检查答案,从而对Activity 3 的对话有一个准备。Activity 3听读一段Mr. Jackson给大家介绍一些规则和提建议的对话,在让学生了解爬长城应注意事项的同时,学习一些关于说规则、提建议的句式。Activity 4根据对话内容选择最佳答案。Activity 5要求学生就Mr. Jackson提的规则和建议做一个笔记。Activity 6要求学生就自己旅游的实际情况进行问答,并重点掌握一些词汇的用法。Pronunciation and speakingActivity 7 要求学生听录音,注意连读。Activity 8 要求学生两人一组,想一个自己想去旅游的地方,并就去这个地方的注意事项进行罗列和对话。Activity 9两组以上进行活动,各自说出自己所列举的注意事项和建议,从而加强对情态动词的理解和运用。Unit 2. 通过读、写训练,学习谈论遇到熊时应该注意的事项,并能运用所学的情态动词的表达方式对要旅游的地方进行说明。Reading该单元共设计了6个活动。Activity 1看一幅关于熊偷吃东西的图,谈谈人们碰到这样的情况时应该注意的事项。Activity 2通过阅读关于作者遇到熊的经历,来了解遇到熊时的注意事项。Activity 3要求学生阅读文章选择最佳答案, 学会捕捉文章的细节。Activity 4要求学生列举遇到熊时应该注意的事项,从而积累一些相关的知识。WritingActivity 5要求学生就去乡村旅游的想法列举一些相关的说明。Activity 6要求学生利用Activity 5中的信息,写一篇题为“Look after the countryside-and yourself”的文章。Unit 3 对情态动词、本模块的词汇以及关于规则和建议的话题进行综合训练。Activity 1要求把图标和表示该图标的句子搭配正确。Activity 2要求看规则,写句子,进一步练习功能句型。Activity 3要求就Activity 2中的规则的重要性进行问答练习。Activity 4要求学生运用所给单词的正确形式填空,从而复习本模块所学词汇,然后就本短文的内容写出参观森林的旅游者应注意的事项。 Activity 5 要求学生两人一组比较Activity 4中所写的规则。Activity 6. 阅读短文回答问题。 Activity 7听录音,把建议按照 “Do和Dont”归类。Around the world 介绍了游客应该怎样保护环境。Module Task给来中国参观旅游的人们写一些建议。Activity 8 小组活动,想想应该从哪些方面来写。Activity 9 运用含有情态动词的句子来写出建议。Activity 10 两人一组比较讨论所提建议,并找出最有帮助的建议。Activity 11 写出小组认为最有帮助的五条建议。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking Period 2 Reading and writing Period 3 Language in use Period 4 Integrating skills IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Language goals 语言目标a. Key Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语rule, suggestion, rope, stream, clear, starving, countryside, edge.keep to, lead the way, personal safety, get lost.b. Key sentences 重点句子 You must keep to the path. You mustnt walk along the edge. You can go rock climbing. You should think about personal safety. I am starving. I will lead the way.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about the rules and advice using model verbs.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to talk about the rules and advice using model verbs.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and speaking. Individual, pair or group work.Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点Master the new phrases and sentence pattern and make the students be free to talk about rules and advice when they are traveling.Teaching aids 教具准备a tape recorder, a projector and a blackboard Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Check and RevisionT: Nice to meet you again, everyone. In Module 4 we talked about the clothes we wear and the way we look. And we did some listening, speaking and reading practice. We also master the use of preposition. Now lets look at your poster. (The teacher asks the students to show their picture to their group. Work in groups to talk about the picture. Refer to their notes and answer any questions their group may have. At last collect all the pictures and make a group poster.)Step II Warming up and lead-in T: As we do something, like studying, working or playing, we should obey the rules and sometimes listen to others suggestions. When we study at school, we should obey the school rules. I think you know them clearly. Tell me some school rules.S1: Dont be late for school. S2: We should wear the school uniform.S3: Dont run in the hallway.S4: We shouldnt eat in class.T: Good! You should obey these rules. Here are some pictures. Show the following pictures. T: I think almost everybody likes traveling. Now please look at the four pictures. The first one is the Great Wall in our country. Whod like to go there?Ss: (some students) Wed like to. T: Picture 2. Do you know where it is?Ss: On the beach.T: Yes. It is in Sanya. It is very beautiful. I think most of us like the place. What about the third one? S5: I think the third one is a big snow mountain. T: Yes. The last one is TerraCotta Warriors and Horses in Xian. Have you been there?(Some students say yes. Some students say no.)T: Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses are very great. And when we travel to the places which we like, what rules should we obey or what rules and advice can we give to visitors? Work in pairs to give your rules or advice.(After a while.)T: OK. Stop here. Now say what rules or advice you can give to visitors to the Great Wall. S6: The visitors should wear a hat. S7: Dont walk along the edge.S8: Theyd better take some food and water. S9: They should wear comfortable shoes.T: Good rules and advice. Maybe there are some other rules you dont know. So follow Mr. Jackson who is going to tell us more rules if we want to go to the Great Wall.Step III Listening and readingListeningT: Now please turn to Page 34. Lets do some listening exercises. You are going to hear a dialogue about traveling. What are Mr. Jackson and Bettys mother talking about? Listen and answer the questions in Activity 2. It needs your careful listening. Write down what you hear. You can use the words and expressions in the box to help you. At last Ill check the answers with the whole class. Is that clear?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets begin.(Before listening, the teacher can go through the questions to see if the students understand them. The teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then plays for the second time, and during this time, the teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary. Finally the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)T: Now we know they are going to the Great Wall. Listen to another dialogue to find out what rules and suggestions Mr. Jackson gives to the children to the Great Wall.(After listening to the dialogue, the students give their answers.)S10: They should keep to the path.S11: They mustnt walk along the edge.S12: They have to keep together.S13: They must have the right shoes.T: Not bad! Now turn to Page 35. Look at the five questions in Activity 4. Listen again and choose the best answer to each question.Before listening, the teacher can ask the students to go through the questions first. The teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then play for the second time, and during this time, the teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary. Finally the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.The answers to Activity 4: 1.b 2.c 3. a 4. a 5. cReadingT: Now please read the dialogue to finish the form in Activity 5. You can do it with partners.(The students can do it fast. Then check the answers with the whole class.)The sample answers to Activity 5: You mustkeep to the pathYou mustntwalk along the edgeYou shouldStart walking and stop at noon for picnicYou shouldntDrink all the waterYou cango rock climbingYou cantgo off on your ownYou have tothink about personal safetyT: Yes. Now we know the rules and suggestions when we travel to the Great Wall. OK. Please read this dialogue again in pairs. One is Mr. Jackson, one is Daming and one is Betty. Then I will ask you to act it out.(The students prepare the dialogue for a few minutes.)T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes.T: Who will give us the performance?S1 and S2: We will try.Step VocabularyIn this procedure, let the students answer some questions and learn the usage of some useful words. T: In Activity 6, there are some questions for you to answer according to your real situation. Now, the first one, “When was the last time you went for a walk in the countryside? What did you see? Do you know the word “countryside”?Ss: It means “乡间,,农村。T: Right! OK! The answer to the question.S14: Last summer was the last time I went for a walk in the countryside. I saw some sheep.T: Where do you stand before you cross a road? Do you know what “cross” means?Ss: It means “go, pass”. For another example, cross the streetS15: I stand on the sidewalk. We should stand there.T: Whats your feeling about personal safety? Are you careful or careless? Here “personal safety” means “个人安全”.S16: I am very careful about personal safety. When we go out for a trip, personal safety is very important.T: What do you keep in your pocket or bags when you go out?S17: I often keep the money, the toilet paper and some other everyday things. Here I think “keep” means “have or take something with somebody”.T: Who leads the way when you are with your family in the countryside?S18: A relative of mine in the countryside. “Lead the way” means “带路”。 T: Have you ever used ropes for climbing? “Ropes” mean “绳索”。S19: No, I havent. Because the mountain we climbed is not high or cliffy. T: Good! I think in this way can you master the usage of them and I also hope you could make more sentences with them after class.Step Pronunciation and speakingPronunciation T: In Module 4 we have noticed that some sounds are linked. And we have done some practice about it. That is a very important part in reading and speaking English. You should master and pay attention to it. OK? Now lets do more practice to master it. Look at Activity 7. Try to link some of the sounds. After that, I will ask some of you to say the sentences aloud.(After a while, the teacher plays the tape. Ask the students to listen and check.)SpeakingShow on the screen.a beach a mountain a museuma swimming pool the countryside the theatre T: There are some places on the screen. Work in pairs to think of a trip youre going to make. Think about a trip to a swimming pool or a theatre. And make a list of rules and suggestions for the trip. Youd better make a dialogue.(When the students finish that, the teacher asks the students to read the rules and suggestions, or read their dialogues.)The list of rules and suggestions: a swimming pool: You mustnt go swimming immediately after lunch.You must wait an hour or more.a theatre: You shouldnt drop litter and spit at the theatre. You should keep quiet.The sample dialogue:Pair 1: Where are you going to make a trip?Pair 2: We are going to a swimming pool.Pair 1: Could you please let us look at your rules and suggestions?Pair 2: Yes. Here you are.Pair 1: You mustnt go swimming immediately after lunch.Pair 2: Yes!Pair1: And you mustnt go swimming on your own. You must always go with someone.Pair 2: That right. Whats your trip plan?Pair 1: We are going to a theatre.Pair 2: Wed also like to look at your rules and suggestions.Pair 1: Here you are.Pair 2: You should keep quiet there.Pair 1: Yes. So that people can watch the theatre carefully.Pair 2: You shouldnt drop litter and spit.Pair 1: Because we must keep the theatre clean.Step Conclusion and HomeworkT: Today, we did some listening practice. We also read a dialogue about rules and suggestions for traveling. Your homework: Read the dialogue again and again, noticing the sounds that are linked. And try to find more rules and suggestions to any other places you like. When we have lessons next time, please tell me. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Thats all. Bye. Period 2 Reading and writingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Language goals 语言目标a. Key Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语valley, peaceful, gesture, stick, still, sudden, blood, fall asleep, reach outb. Key sentences 重点句子 We should hang the food a tree tonight. It was peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.You mustnt move or make any gesture.If I reach out, I can just touch him.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to read the article about bears and write notes about the things they must do if there are bears near. Enable the students to write a passage called: Look after the countryside-and yourself.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to write notes about the things they must do if there are bears near. And how to write a passage called: Look after the countryside-and yourself.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading and writing. Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点How to write notes about the things they must do if there are bears near. And how to write a passage called: Look after the countryside-and yourself.Teaching aids 教具准备a tape recorder, a projector and a blackboard Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Check Homework and Lead inT: Nice to meet you, everyone! Have you found the rules and suggestions for traveling?Ss: Yes. T: Lily, give your rules, please. S1: When we go swimming in the sea, we must go with someone. We must not go swimming immediately after lunch. We must wait an hour or more.T: All right. What about you, Li Lei?S2: When we see a theatre, we should keep quiet. In the theatre, we should not drop litter or spit. (Ask more students to give their rules and suggestions. The teacher can write down some


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