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    Unit 1 Art 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)       阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ASeptember 30, 2011 Skunk Scooters 100 Caldwell Street Omaha, NE 68102 To Whom It May Concern:        On August 27, 2011, I ordered a Skunk Scooter from your website. I was very excited when the motorcycle arrived because I bought it with the money I saved from doing part-time jobs over the summer vacation. Unfortunately, I have experienced several problems with my Skunk Scooter.        First of all, the front wheel always shakes from side to side, making the scooter difficult to control. Also, it makes an unpleasant sound as the wheel works. The sound is much louder than a car engine. The instructions say we should tighten the screws (螺丝). My mom and I did that. However, it did not help at all.        In addition, something is wrong with the handlebars (手把). According to your website, they can be easily raised to a height of thirty-six inches. This does not seem to be true of the Skunk Scooter I received. The handlebars are set at thirty inches, and they cannot be raised or lowered. It appears that the knob (球形把手) that is used to change the height is pushed into the handlebars, which makes it impossible to turn in either direction. It is extremely uncomfortable to ride the motorbike with its handlebars in such a low position.        Although you advertised the Skunk Scooter as “the quickest, coolest scooter on the planet,” it makes me feel very disgruntled. I am expecting that the repair of the scooter would be done at the earliest or else I want my money back. I know that you would not want customers to keep broken products. Therefore, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the trouble to solve the problem.                                                                                                                                                                       Sincerely,                                                                          Natasha Greene21. The text is probably written by a _.A. repairman               B. shopkeeper C. student                     D. salesgirl22. Whats wrong with the front wheel of the scooter?A. Several screws on it are missing.B. It is not as big as the website says.C. It keeps shaking and makes a noise.D. It cannot turn as fast as the back one.23. The underlined word “disgruntled” in the text probably means “_”. A. excited                    B. confusedC. proud                      D. dissatisfied  24. Natasha wrote the letter mainly to _. A. demand after-sales service B. send her congratulations C. express thankfulnessD. make an apology B       Recently, a painting of actress Elizabeth Taylor, which was drawn by American artist and filmmaker Andy Warhol, sold for US $63 million. Another simple black-and-white image of a Coca-Cola bottle sold for US $35 million. But the all-time record for a Warhol painting is $100 million for a piece titled “Eight Elvises”. Whats amazing is not that the pieces sold for so much, but the fact that they are not what you would call traditional art. They are “pop art”, art based on simple images of things and people from advertising, movies, music and day-to-day life.        Born in the 1920s, Warhol grew up mostly separated from other children due to (由于) health problems. He spent a lot of his time alone drawing and then went on to study art in college. He began his career as a commercial (商业的) artist, creating pictures for magazine articles and newspaper ads. That inspired him to experiment with pop art and he hosted Americas first pop art exhibition in the 1960s. The show met with a lot of discussion with some people saying that what he was doing was not art.        Warhol followed his first works with a series we are all familiar with paintings of Coca-Cola bottles, Brillo soap pad boxes, and portraits (肖像) of famous people. Soon after, Warhol stopped creating his own artwork. Instead, he had assistants and other artists create them at his studio called “The Factory”. Warhol wanted to show the world that art doesnt have to be complex or original; it can be created by anyone using ordinary things.        Today, Warhols work is unmistakable in its uniqueness. No matter how you may feel about his work, one thing cannot be argued. He introduced the world to a whole new art form, inspiring future generations of artists, and eventually becoming one of the most famous and successful pop art artists in the world.25. Which of the following pictures sold for $100 million?26. During his childhood, Warhol _.A. drew pictures for magazinesB. always lived a lonely lifeC. showed no interest in artD. liked to paint and dance27. Calling his studio “The Factory”, Warhol tried to show _.A. his studio was as big as a factoryB. pop art is different from traditional artC. artists prefer to work in a factoryD. art should be simple and easy to produce28. What would be the best title for the text?A. Andy Warhols world of pop artB. Women in the pop art movementC. A fun pop-art self-portrait for kidsD. Popular paintings by Andy WarholC       John was part of my childhood growing up in the 1970s and a link to sunny, fun-filled days spent on the beach at Bangor in Northern Ireland where we went for our summer holidays. To many, he was a mystery. Every afternoon John would wander to the end of the pier (码头) where he fed the seagulls and delighted in the sound of their excited cries as they flew around his head.        Often I asked my family questions regarding John. Eventually I gave up as no one could tell me anything about him. As I grew up, my visits to the beach became less frequent, and my memories of John buried in a childs imagination.        Last year memories came flooding back as I walked along the coastline, where I noticed a lady feeding the seagulls on the pier, and I decided to introduce myself. Then I came to know that the lady was Johns daughter, and after John left this world she carried out the ritual (惯例), which had held such importance for her father.        In some strange way I felt we shared a bond, each needing to remember. In return, Lucy told me of Johns life, his days in the British Navy (海军) during World War I and how he almost lost hope when his ship was attacked by a German U-boat in the North Sea and he found himself in a lifeboat with five others.       Close to death, he thought he heard the sound of wings. He put up his hands, only to catch a seagull that had landed on the side of the boat. The seagull saved the lives of the six men as it was used to catch fish, which kept them alive until they reached land. This period of Johns life was one he never talked about. But the ritual he first performed as a young man remained a part of him until he died.      Now I visit Lucy as often as I can, just to chat or very often walk along the beach to the pier end. We enjoy the comfortable silence, each lost in special memories.       29. Seeing John feeding the seagulls, the author might feel _.A. proud                  B. worried C. curious              D. guilty30. Why did the author introduce herself to the lady?A. She wanted to make more friends.B. She was also fond of feeding seagulls.C. She was told the lady was Johns daughter.D. She was attracted by what the lady was doing.31. We can infer from the text that John _.A. once served in both World WarsB. was a man with a grateful heartC. spent his childhood in BangorD. joined the navy in the 1970s32. What does the author mainly tell us in the text? A. She expressed her thanks to a seagull that saved her life.B. She told us the story of how she made friends with a lady.C. She shared with us her memories of a man who fed seagulls.D. She talked about her childhood spent on the beach at Bangor.D       A man pulls into the parking lot, turns off the engine, and sits for a minute feeling anxious about the next two hours. An important client (客户) has invited him to an open house in celebration of their new downtown office. He hates these things. He doesnt know what to say, he doesnt know anyone except the client, and he always feels like hes trying not to look lost. He sinks deeper into the seat, making a tough decision about when to leave.        Casual (随意的) conversation happens at least a dozen times a day. Yet for some of us, many occasions that involve small talk dont ever get any easier, and may even increase anxiety and cause some people to feel on edge about social events, business lunches, and chance meetings with neighbors. Unfortunately, as we are suffering our own discomfort, our neighbors, friends, and workmates generally consider us distant, cold, and proud.        If your conversations disappear almost as soon as theyve begun, or if youre an unwilling participant at social and business get-togethers, youll need some skills. Just get involved in a meaningful dialogue, try your best to introduce an interesting topic when theres a silence, and develop business friendships whenever and wherever possible.       Small talk isnt the lowly stepchild of real conversation. Without it, you rarely get to the real conversation. Small talk is the icebreaker that clears the way for a deeper conversation. People who excel at small talk are experts at making others feel included, valued, and comfortable. And that goes a long way toward furthering a business relationship, or making a friend.        Dont be fooled into thinking that all those other people you see who are smiling and happily chatting come by it naturally. Sure, some are natural-born talkers, but most have had to work at it. Theyve practiced, attended courses and read books. You dont think so? Believe me, I know. I used to be a single-minded, unsociable engineer no one has worse skills than I once did. I have become an expert by learning some skills and then practicing them. Its that simple.   33. According to Paragraph 2, those who are poor at casual conversation _. A. are sometimes considered unfriendly B. believe small talk is a waste of timeC. have few chances to meet strangers D. feel comfortable when they are with neighbors34. What does the author stress in Paragraph 4?A. The important functions of small talk.  B. The difficulties of starting a deep conversation.C. The advantages of small talk over real conversation.D. The differences between small talk and real conversation.35. In the last paragraph, the author mentions his own experience to _.A. show a good method of improving social skillsB. prove some people are born brilliant speakers C. show his achievements in social activities  D. prove conversation skills can be acquired 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)       根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to protect cell phones from damage       While people use cell phones frequently, very few take the necessary measures to prevent damage.  36  Here are some simple ways for you to protect your cell phone from damage. Keep cell phones out of the rain        If you must talk on the phone while its raining, try to move indoors.  37  Otherwise, you may have trouble with the numbers or the cell phone speaker. Imagine dialing (拨打) one number and getting different results. 38        Many people like to put their cell phones in the pants or jeans pocket. However, storing a cell phone there will put it at risk of damage. You may forget that it is still in your pocket and just sit on the cell phone. As a result, your cell phone screen will get damaged.Do not handle cell phones while eating         39  This is especially true for those times when you are eating messy things and get the ingredients on your hands. One accident can cause lots of damage for your cell phone. Get a protective cell phone case       There are many kinds of cases available on the market.  40  It will provide a protective cushion (垫子) that may save you from paying money to fix or buy a new phone.A. Do not put cell phones in your pocket B. Do not throw cell phones onto hard surfacesC. Many people often talk on the phone in the rain.D. You can also cover the phone up with your hand.E. Just choose one that fits the size of your cell phone.F. One mistake may end up costing you more money.G. Food and drinks should not be near your cell phones.第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)       阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。       As we know, it is important to be honest with children. But there are some things in this world that simply arent  41 . Sometimes it makes sense for parents to  42  to their children.       I still remember my three-year-old daughters face when we watched the  43  that twenty children at Sandy Hook Elementary School had been killed. After a few minutes she  44  and put her  45  arms around my legs and said, “I love you, Momma.” I was still  46  whether or not to turn the TV off when she,  47 , asked, “Momma, why arent those kids OK?” I just  48  that they were smart children,  49  they did something wrong and got punished.       Were not all  50  of a little lie here and there. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Snow White are just a few examples of  51  for parents to keep magic in the world. Magic, imagination and creativity are very essential in life,  52  for children. These stories battle against the negative aspects of the world and create  53 . In the end children will be able to  54  what is true and what was made to  55  their lives. Out of five brothers and a sister I can happily report that not one of the children I grew up with was  56  when we discovered who all those  57  people really were.       In life, a parent is the  58  of knowledge, and it is up to the parent to decide what knowledge to teach and when. Theres no  59  to tell children all about the truth. As they become  60 , they will have a better understanding of the world.41. A. user-friendly                      B. kid-friendly C. reader-friendly                        D. teacher-friendly42. A. agree                                B. talkC. lie                                          D. react43. A. news                                B. game C. discussion                              D. experiment44. A. came out                           B. fell downC. called back                             D. reached up45. A. long                                  B. littleC. thin                              D. strong46. A. arguing                             B. researchingC. considering                            D. questioning47. A. in peace                          B. in dangerC. in doubt                                 D. in puzzlement48.


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