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    【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(二十三) Unit3 Life in the future 新人教版必修5.doc

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    【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(二十三) Unit3 Life in the future 新人教版必修5.doc

    课时作业(二十三)必修5Unit 3Life in the future(限时:30分钟) .完形填空Playwright Bertolt Brecht, known for The Threepenny Opera, once said, “From the start it has been the theatre's business to entertain peopleit needs no other passport than fun.” My mother would have _1_. She didn't know Brecht, but she always said the _2_ should be to entertain people, and make them _3_ hard.Born in 1910, my mother was the first director I ever met. Even from a young age she was an entertainer who thought performing was not just a hobby or even a profession but a way of living that was as _4_ as breathing or eating.When I _5_ and moved to Hollywood as an adult, I would later create 14 prime­time TV shows and _6_ 17 movies. During my five decades in show business, I never forgot my mother's advice to find the humor in _7_. I never wanted to _8_ the world. I wanted to entertain the world and not put people to sleep. If my mom had been born at a(n) _9_ time in history she might have become a stage actress or a performer herself. Instead, she groomed my two sisters, Penny Marshall and Ronny Marshall, and I to work in the _10_ of entertainment.She _11_ a kind of power and respect from her basement as a director that even Orson Welles and Martin Scorsese would find enviable. I will never stop _12_ my mother's message, and I will never stop missing her. _13_, as a present to my mother I built The Marjorie Ward Marshall Dance Center at my alma mater, Northwestern University. Whenever I visit the building it helps _14_ me that to entertain people and make them laugh is what my own _15_ has been all about.1A.rejected BobjectedCagreed Dlaughed 2A.criterion BconsequenceCdoubt Dgoal3A.weep Blaugh Cgrow Dremain 4A.private Bshabby Cessential Dsupreme5A.built up Btook upCgrew up Dset up6A.bring Bdirect Cwatch Dlike 7A.one BanythingCnothing Dthing 8A.change Bcreate Cruin Dforget 9A.abnormal BdifferentCalternative Dcompulsory10A.stage BboundaryCfield Dprocedure 11A.commanded BorderedCpresented Dattracted12A.coming on Bbringing onCcarrying on Dcalling on 13A.Generally BLikelyCActually DPersonally14A.ask Btell Cremind Dinform 15A.career Bhobby Cadvice Dhumor.阅读理解AWhat will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question, you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio­technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine, the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents, murder and war. Today's leading killers, such as heart disease, cancer, and aging itself, will become distant memories.In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells are the basic units of all living things, and until recently, scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100, medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so, people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs. The medicine, made up of the basic building materials of life, will build new brain cells, heart cells, and so onin much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.It is exciting to image that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic condition of human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.16According to the passage, human death is now mainly caused by _Adiseases and agingBaccidents and warCaccidents and agingDheart disease and war17In the author's opinion, today's most important advance in technology lies in _Amedicine Bthe InternetCbrain cells Dhuman organs18Humans may live longer in the future because _Aheart disease will be far away from usBhuman brains can decide the final deathCthe basic materials of cells will last foreverDhuman organs can be repaired by new medicine19How long can humans live in the future according to the passage?AOver 100 years.BMore than 120 years.CAbout 150 years.DThe passage doesn't tell us.20We can learn from the passage that _Ahuman life will not last more than 120 years in the futureBhumans have to take medicine to build new skin cells nowCmuch more needs to be done before humans can have a longer lifeDwe have already solved the technical problems in building new cellsBToday I went to Sam's school in the UK. It was different from my school in China.The uniforms were a lot more suit­like. Girls wore gray skirts and white shirts, boys wore smart gray trousers, and everyone wore the school tie.We arrived at 8:30 am for registration, and lessons began at 9 am. Like all 15­to­16­year­olds in the UK, Sam is taking her GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams this summer. Once you've completed these, you can choose whether to do two more years of school and take your “A­level exams”, which you need to go to university; do a vocational qualification (职业资格); or leave school and try to get a job. Everyone has to take GCSE English language, math (“maths” in the UK) and science. Because Sam wants to go to university to become a lawyer, she's doing nine GCSEs in total. She'll need to get top grades, the highest being an A.Some of Sam's lessons were a bit strange for me. We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson, and there were all sorts of old­fashioned words like “thou” and “thee” to mean “you”. In history we studied 20th Century China. It was strange hearing a foreign side of history and hearing English people trying to say all our Chinese names!Classes were a lot smaller than in China; there were only between 15 and 30 students in each class! They were also a lot more relaxed. Male teachers were called “Sir” and female teachers “Miss” out of respect, but everyone shouted out answers and waved their hands in lessons. It was more like a debate than a class. A bell rang at the end of each lesson and everyone leapt up to go to the next class.At break we bought crisps and biscuits in the canteen. Lunch was later than in Chinaat 1 o'clock. We had big plates of “shepherd's pie”minced meat topped with mashed potatotogether with peas and carrots. For dessert there was hot sweet rice called “rice pudding” with jam in it.It was good that I'd had a decent lunch, because at Sam's school, Monday afternoons are taken up with sport. I had my first introduction to the British game of netballa bit like basketball. Luckily I'd had a quick look in the rulebook (规则手册) before I tried to join in the game.21Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?ANot everyone in Sam's school wore the school tie. BThe students in Sam's school got to school at 8:30. CClasses in Sam's school were much smaller than in China. DThe students in Sam's school were also much more relaxed. 22All the things students can choose to do after they finish their GCSEs except _Adoing two more years of school and taking their Alevel examsBdoing a vocational qualificationCleaving school and trying to get a jobDfinding a part­time job23Which of the following is NOT strange for the author according to the passage?AThere were all kinds of old­fashioned words in Shakespeare. BStudents leapt up to go to the next class after finishing one lesson. CForeigners studied 20th Century China. DEnglish people tried to say Chinese names. 24Why do students call male teachers “Sir” and female teachers “Miss” according to the passage?ABecause the students like teachers. BBecause the students want to show their respect to their teachers. CBecause the school asks them to do it. DBecause it is a custom. 25What might British students eat at break?AShepherd's pies. BPeas and carrots. CCrisps and biscuits. DRice puddings.课时作业(二十三).“让人们快乐”,是妈妈从事艺术工作的根本目标,也是她老人家给“我”的建议,“我”也一直在这样努力着。1C考查动词辨析。下文告诉我们,妈妈的观点和Playwright Bertolt Brecht的一样, 认为演出就是娱乐观(听)众。也就是说她同意Playwright Bertolt Brecht的观点。故选C。2D考查名词辨析。母亲认同“表演就是娱乐观众”,所以也就把entertain people作为自己的工作目标了。criterion标准;consequence结果,后果;doubt怀疑。3B考查动词辨析。根据上文的entertain people可知,四个选项中只有laugh(大笑)符合语境。4C考查形容词辨析。essential不可缺的,必不可少的。private私人的;shabby破旧的;supreme至高无上的,最高的。根据句意选C。5C考查动词短语辨析。 grow up成长,长大。句意为:当我长大成人,搬到好莱坞以后,我创作了14部在黄金时间播出的电视剧,导演了17部影片。6B考查动词辨析。direct导演。结合上文的create及句意选direct。7B考查代词辨析。既然是让观众高兴,就得在任何事物中寻找幽默,这样才能达到娱乐观(听)众的目标。所以选anything。8A考查动词辨析。句意为:我从没想过要改变世界,我只是想让人们高兴,并且让人们(在观看演出的时候)别睡觉。所以选change,意思是:改变。9B考查形容词辨析。at a different time意思是:在不同的时期。句意为:如果她出生在历史上一个不同的时期,她自己会成为一个舞台演员或者是表演家。abnormal反常的,变态的;alternative可供替代的;compulsory强制的,必须做的。10C考查名词辨析。field(学习或研究的)领域。field of entertainment 娱乐界。stage舞台;boundary分界线;procedure程序。11A考查动词辨析。这里指的是掌握了一种力量,所以用command。order命令;present赠送;attract 吸引。12C考查动词短语辨析。carry on 继续。这里指的是“我”将一直把妈妈的思想(也就是对我的建议)落实到实际中,所以用carry on。come on 加油;bring on 引起,导致;call on 拜访,访问。13C考查副词辨析。后面叙述的是一个事实,所以用actually,意思是:事实上。14C考查动词辨析。remind sb that意思是:使某人想起/提醒某人语境为:无论什么时候我参观这座大楼,它总是提醒“我”让人们快乐、让人们开心是“我”事业的全部。15A考查名词辨析。句意见上一题。career事业。.A本文主要讲述了人类的生命由于生物技术的发展可以无限期延长的愿望有可能成为现实。16A细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句得知,当今生命的主要杀手是心脏病、癌症、年老。17A细节理解题。第二段前两句的意思是说“当今在讨论技术改变时,人们往往注意到的是网络。然而医药学方面的改变可能是这个时代真正技术方面的大事件”,故选A。18D推理判断题。由第二段的后半部分可知,在20502100年期间,每隔10年左右,人们可以通过吃药来修整生病或衰老的器官,这应是未来长寿的原因。19D推理判断题。阅读全文后得知,文章没有具体告诉我们人们将来能活多少年。20C推理判断题。由最后一段得知,想象一下将来技术的发展改变了人类最基本的生存条件,真是让人兴奋,但想达到美好的将来还有很多技术问题要解决。B这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者在英国Sam学校的亲身经历,看到了英国学校和中国学校各个方面的不同。21A细节理解题。从文章第二段的everyone wore the school tie看出A选项是不正确的。从文章第三段的We arrived at 8:30 am for registration可看出B选项是正确的;从文章第五段的Classes were a lot smaller than in China; there were only between 15 and 30 students in each class! They were also a lot more relaxed.看出选项C和D是正确的。22D细节理解题。从文章第三段的Once you've completed these, you can choose whether to do two more years of school and take your “A­level exams”, which you need to go to university; do a vocational qualification; or leave school and try to get a job. 看出选项A、B和C项是学生们在拿到普通中等教育证书后可以做的。故选D项。23B细节理解题。从文章第四段的We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson, and there were all sorts of old­fashioned words和In history we studied 20th Century China. It was strange hearing a foreign side of history and hearing English people trying to say all our Chinese names! 看出选项A、C和D是正确的。故选B项。24B细节理解题。从文章第五段的Male teachers were called “Sir” and female teachers “Miss” out of respect看出B项是正确的。25C细节理解题。从文章第六段的At break we bought crisps and biscuits in the canteen.看出C项是正确的。从第六段的Lunch was later than in Chinaat 1 o'clock. We had big plates of “shepherd's pie”minced meat topped with mashed potatotogether with peas and carrots. For dessert there was hot sweet rice called “rice pudding” with jam in it. 看出A、B和D项的内容是中午饭要吃到的东西。6


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