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    (北京专用)2014届高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(23) Unit 3 Life in the future(含解析) 新人教版必修5.doc

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    (北京专用)2014届高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(23) Unit 3 Life in the future(含解析) 新人教版必修5.doc

    课时作业(二十三)必修5Unit 3 Life in the future(限时:45分钟) .单项填空1_alone in the large house,the little boy had to learn to survive by himself.ATo leave BLeaving CLeft DBeing left2The couple watched the Kongming light go higher and higher until they lost _ of it.Aview Bscene Cvision Dsight3Laura had a tense expression on her face,_ she had met some alien creatures.Aeven if Bas if Cso that Dnow that4I'm sure the beauty of _ nature there will make _ excellent impression on you.Athe; the Bthe; an C/; an D/; /5It would be very safe if you _ the door _ to the garden.Afasten; led Bwill fasten; leadsCfastened; leading Dfastened; to lead6“Stop thief! Stop thief!” But the thief was _ by the crowd and we lost sight of him.Adrowned BswallowedCcaught Dstopped7Fierce as they are faced with pressure, the students remain _ and try hard to achieve their goals.Aconscious BoptimisticCinfluential Dcompetitive 8Banks must complete for customers who will _ to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive.Atransfer Bswitch Cappeal Dresolve9More and more high­rise buildings have been built in big cities_space.Ain search of Bin place ofCfor lack of Dfor fear of10Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _ most of her day.Atakes up Bmakes upCsaves up Dputs up11A team of nurses_the doctor in performing the operation on the boy wounded in the earthquake.Asupported BencouragedCassisted Drespected12Tom feared to go home after his failure in the exam because the _ stream of discontent from his parents would drive him crazy.Aactual Bgradual Cefficient Dconstant13When I saw the cars crash on the road,a frightened feeling _ through my mind.Aflashed Bstruck Chit Doccurred14When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_,he walked towards the microphone.Anervously and embarrassinglyBnervous and embarrassedlyCnervously and embarrassingDnervous and embarrassed15In order to meet the demands they had to _ production.Afasten up Brise upCspeed up Dgo up.完形填空In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, _16_ to find that the building was _17_After the unforgettable shock, he _18_ the promise he had made to his son: “No matter _19_, I'll always be there for you!” And tears began to _20_ his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his _21_ to his son. He rushed there and started _22_ the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, _23_: “It's too late! They're all dead! _24_, face reality. There's nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with _25_: “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know _26_: “Is my boy _27_ or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours12 hours24 hours36 hoursThen, in the 38th hour, he _28_ a large stone and heard his son's _29_. He screamed his son's name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad! It's me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you _30_ me and _31_ you saved me, they'd be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!”“What's going on there?” The father asked.“There are 14 of us _32_ out of 33, Dad. We're scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you're here. When the building collapsed, it made _33_, and it saved us.”“Come _34_, boy!”“No, Dad! Let the other kids come out first, _35_ I know you'll get me! No matter what happens, I know you'll always be there for me!”16A.just Bonly Cever Dstill17A.as flat as a pancake Bas high as a mountainCas strong as an ox Das weak as a kitten18A.memorized BforgotCkept Dremembered19A.what Bwhat happenCwhich Dwho20A.fill Bfill in Ccome Dburst21A.picture Bpromise Cpresent Dencourage22A.digging Bdigging throughCdigging out Ddigging into23A.to say BsaidCand saying Dsaying24A.Come out BCome againCCome on DCome off25A.one word Bone soundCone row Done line26A.for himself Bof himselfCby himself Dto himself27A.live Bliving Calive Dlively28A.took back Bpicked upCcalled up Dpulled back29A.sound Bvoice Cnoise Dtone30A.will save Bwould saveCsave Dwould have saved31A.when Bbecause Ceven if Dthough32A.remained Bmissing Cleft Dgone33A.a promise Bspace Croom Da triangle34A.in Bfor Cout Dalong35A.because BthoughCwhen Deven though.阅读理解Just over a year ago, life as an orphan(孤儿) girl in Tilinanu, southern Malawi, was uncertain.Relying on the kindness of the poor villagers for a roof over their head, many had to sleep in a room that held as many as fifteen people, eating a diet mainly of porridge.Their classroom for daily lessons was an open space in the bush.Now 34 of them have comfortable beds in a smart new home, with a community hall and medical centre next to it.Another 175 village children eat there daily, with the adults coming in to learn English; it's an amazing transformation. Even more amazing is that the person behind it is just 21.When Alice Pulford was waiting to get into university, she took a five­month teaching position in Malawi.She loved the place, and returned in the spring of 2009 to visit her friend Zulu in Tilinanu.His aunt Mercy owned land there and was doing her best to provide an education for the orphans, many of whom had lost parents to AIDS or malaria(疟疾)But after helping Mercy out for some time, Alice realised that what the girls in particular really needed was a safe and permanent place to live.There was a derelict(年久失修的) church on Mercy's land.“If you give me the church, I'll set up a home for these children,” Alice told her.Mercy agreed.Alice phoned home and told her family about her plan.The family had already helped Alice raise 1,800 to assist the orphans.After they received Alice's call, they threw themselves into raising another 6,000, organising theatre trips and special parties and dinners.Alice found Malawian builders, selected materials and even helped with the brick­laying.In ten weeks, the church became a dormitory with toilets and a living area.In spring last year, Alice raised another 19,000 to build the medical centre and two new dormitories.The girls are happierand so is Alice, who has been spending around four months in Malawi a year.“The orphans think they're gaining from me, but when I see their smile, it transforms me,” she says.36Over a year ago, the orphans didn't have _Aa classroom Ba teacherCshelter Dfood37What is known about the home Alice has built for the orphans?AIt looks like a community hall.BIt depends on the villagers' help.CIt provides a place for recreation.DIt benefits both the children and adults.38Pulford's family are _Ashort of money Bfond of entertainmentsCsupportive of each other Dunaware of Alice's plan39What has Alice learned from her experience?AMoney­raising is a family business.BWinning orphans' smile calls for skills.CAIDS has made many children parentless.DHelping others brings changes in a person.情景作文假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,你的美国笔友Tom发来邮件,询问你目前的学习和生活情况以及毕业后的打算。请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序, 给他回一封邮件。注意:词数不少于60。参考词汇:高考The National College Entrance Examination_参考答案课时作业(二十三).1.C考查非谓语动词。句意:小男孩被单独留在一个大房子里,他不得不学着独立生存。leave和the little boy之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。2D考查名词辨析。句意:那对夫妇看着孔明灯越飞越高,直到看不见。词组lose sight of意思是“消失在视野之外,看不见”。3B句意:Laura表情紧张,好像遇到外星生物一样。even if即使,尽管;as if好像;so that以便;now that既然。根据题意可知B项正确。4C句意:我确信那里的自然之美会给你留下美好的印象。nature作“大自然”讲为不可数名词,单独使用时,前面不用冠词;短语make an impression on给留下印象。故选C项。5C第一空用过去时表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气;第二空为现在分词作the door的定语,the door与lead为逻辑上的主动关系。6B考查动词辨析。这里指的是小偷被淹没在人群之中,我们看不到他了。所以用swallow,意思是“淹没,吞没”。drown淹死, 淹没(声音等);catch抓住;stop阻止。7B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管学生们面临巨大的压力,他们仍然很乐观,努力实现自己的目标。conscious意为“有意识的”;optimistic意为“乐观的”;influential意为“有很大影响的”;competitive意为“竞争的”。根据句意可知B项正确。8B考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果客户对于接受的服务感到不满意而要换银行的话,银行必须为这些客户填写表格。transfer意为“转移,调任”;switch意为“改变,交换”;appeal意为“呼吁,有吸引力”;resolve意为“解决,分解”。根据句意可知B项正确。9C考查介词短语。in search of“搜寻,寻找”;in place of“代替”;for lack of“由于缺乏”;for fear of“因为害怕”。在大城市建高楼是由于缺乏空间,故选C。10A考查动词短语辨析。take up占据; make up编造; save up贮存;put up建造。句意:海伦总是帮助她妈妈,尽管上学占用了她一天的大部分时间。11C考查动词辨析。句意:一组护士协助医生给在地震中受伤的那个男孩做手术。assist sb.in doing sth.协助某人做某事。12D考查形容词辨析。constant连续发生的;不断的;重复的。句意:汤姆在考试失败后害怕回家,因为父母无休止的不满快使他发疯了。actual 实际的; gradual 逐渐的; efficient 高效的。13Astrike与hit都直接接宾语,不需用介词;occur需要与to连用。句意:当我看到公路上汽车相撞时,恐惧感涌上我的心头。flash在此意为“突然想到,猛然想起”。14D考查形容词的用法。形容词nervous and embarrassed强调状态,是对he的情况进行补充说明。 15C考查固定词组。speed up加速;fasten up扣上;rise up上升;go up上升。结合句意可知C正确。句意:为了满足需求,他们不得不加快生产。 .本文为记叙文。故事发生在1989年美国大地震中,一个父亲靠一个诺言救出了被困在废墟下长达38个小时的儿子。16Bonly to do sth表示“结果却,不料”,作结果状语,表示该结果在主语的预料之外。17. A这四个选项都是英语习语,根据本段第一句an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America判断,选择A项。18D句意:他想起了他曾对儿子许下的诺言memorize是“背诵,熟记”的意思,不合题意。19A从结构上分析,该句是省略了谓语动词的省略句,省略谓语之后,意义仍然清楚;如不省略动词,则谓语使用第三人称单数happens。从意义上分析,可排除C、D两项。20A这几个动词都可以表示“流泪”这个意义,但句式搭配不同,其表现形式分别为Tears fill his eyes. Tears come into his eyes. He bursts into tears.21B句意:他不停地想着他对儿子许下的诺言。22Bdig掘(土),挖;dig through在里挖掘;dig out 发掘出;dig into 钻研。由句意可知选B。23D从结构上分析,应该用现在分词作伴随状语。24Ccome on表示劝说、鼓励,意为“振作点”。25Done line意为“一句话(台词)”。A项中的one word干扰性较大,它表示“一个词”。26Afor oneself为自己;by oneself单独地,独自;of oneself自行地,自动地;to oneself独享,独自拥有。27Calive作表语,其含义与dead相对应。28Dpull back意为“使后退”,这里指把一块大石头推开。29B注意这四个词的区别:sound (各种)声音;voice (人们说话的)嗓音;noise (不悦耳的)噪音;tone (人们说话的)语气,语调。30B这是表示将来的虚拟语气,主句中用“would动词原形”,从下文中也能找到类似的句子。31A句意: 你来救我时,他们也会得救。32C此题包含一个固定句型:There areleft 还有剩余下来。33D句意:房屋倒塌时,形成了三角空隙。而make room与 make space 意为“(有意识地)为腾出空间”。34Ccome out出来。35A从上下文意义判断,此句为原因状语从句。.本文主要介绍了Alice为孤儿所做的很多好事。从这些经历中,她明白了“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”的道理。36A细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“Their classroom for daily lessons was an open space in the bush.”可知,一年多以前,孤儿们没有教室,只能在露天的灌木丛中的空地上上课。37D推理判断题。根据第二段第二句中的“Another 175 village children eat there daily, with the adults coming in to learn English”可知,Alice为孤儿们建的房子对孩子和成年人都有帮助。38C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The family had already helped Alice raise 1,800 to assist the orphans.After they received Alice's call, they threw themselves into raising another 6,000, organising theatre trips and special parties and dinners.”可知答案。39D推理判断题。根据最后一段的第二句“The orphans think they're gaining from me, but when I see their smile, it transforms me,'she says.”可知,Alice认为,帮助别人的同时也给自己带来了很大的改变,即D项正确。.One possible version:Dear Tom,I'm very glad to receive your e­mail in which you asked me about my life. As a Senior 3 student, I am now working very hard to prepare for the National College Entrance Examination. In class, I listen to the teachers attentively and take notes carefully. After class, I take an active part in various sports to keep healthy, which, I believe, is very important for my study.Both my teachers and parents give me a lot of support. With their help and encouragement, I have made great progress and been able to build up my confidence. I have decided to attend a medical university and become a doctor in the future. I am sure I can achieve this goal.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua- 7 -


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