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    Unit 3 Section A (2a-2d)课件人教版英语八年级上册 .pptx

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    Unit 3 Section A (2a-2d)课件人教版英语八年级上册 .pptx

    Im more outgoing than my sister.,Unit 3,Section A(2a-2d),知识与技能:通过听、说及角色扮演,在口语交流中运用比较级进行两者对比。,学习策略:根据常识预测听力内容;通过听辨关键词来获取信息。,文化意识:进一步了解英美国家青少年的情况。,情感态度:学生学会正视自己和别人的异同,学会自谦。关注语言的得体性并明白比赛的真谛。,Teaching Goals,2a &2b :学习记者对双胞胎姐妹Tina和Tara的采访对话,对话中双胞胎姐妹就各自的性格等方面的特点进行了对比,回答记者提问。,听力输入语言输出阅读输入语言输出,2d:通过角色扮演练习,帮助学生熟读、理解并表演两名学生关于昨天歌咏比赛的对话。,2c:通过“信息差”的结队口语活动,对Sam和Tom的各种个性特征进行问答及了解。,各环节之间的关系:,Teaching content,Pre-listening,Talk about the picture,What does the woman on the left do? Where is she from?,What are the names of the twins?,When is it? Where are they?,What are they talking about?,Tina and Tara,a reporter,funny (run) fast friendly (jump) highoutgoing (work) hardhard-working (get up) earlysmart lazy,Pre-listening,Predict the comparative forms of the words.,friendlier,funnier,run) faster,(jump) higher,more outgoing,more hard-working,(work) harder,lazier,(get up) earlier,smarter,Listen. Are the words in the box used with-(i)er or more? Complete the chart.,2a,funnier,(get up) ealier,lazier,(run) faster,(jump) higher,(work)harder,more outgoing,more hard-working,smarter,Tara _,2b,Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxes.,Tina _,is more outgoing than Tara.,is friendlier and funnier than Tara.,can run faster and jump higher than Tara.,is lazier than Tara.,is smarter than Tara.,works as hard as Tina.=,Tina works hard. Tara works hard,too.always gets up earlier than Tina.,Pair WorkIs Tina more outgoing than Tara?Yes, she is.Does Tara work harder than Tina?No, she doesnt,Student A, look at the left chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on P81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom.,2c,Student A,Student B,Song Xiaobao is shorter than Xiao Zhan. taller funnier heavier younger older stronger more outgoing ,Practice,Ask and answer questions about Song Xiaobao and Xiao Zhan.,Whats the girl in the picture doing?Who is she? Why?,Look at the picture & conversation and guess:,2d,1. How many girls are mentioned in the conversation? Who are they?2. Whose hair is shorter?3. Who sang better?Why?4. Who danced better?,5. Whats the most important thing in the singing competition on stage?,Lisas hair is shorter.,Nelly danced better than Lisa.,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,2d,Lisa sang better because she sings more clearly.,The writer thinks the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.I think the most important thing is that .,Anna liked the singing competition. It was _. Julie thought Lisa, the one with _ hair, sang _ and _ than Nelly. Anna thought Nelly danced _ than Lisa. All in all, the _ thing is to learn something new and have fun.,Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.,fantastic,shorter,better,more clearly,better,most important,2d,Role-play the conversation,polite fluent loud complete comparative form tense,1. Write a passage to describe yourself in the future and compare the traits with those now. (about 60 words) Many years later, I will be taller, I want to be more beautiful 2. Preview Grammar Focus on page 19.,Homework,


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