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    Unit3 单元测试题人教版九年级英语.doc

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    Unit3 单元测试题人教版九年级英语.doc

    .Test for Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are? 第一部分 语言知识运用(共计60分).Multiple choice. (本题共20分)Choose he best choice according to the meaning of the sentence.()1. The doctor suggested that you _a good rest. A. took B. would take C. should take()2.My uncle _ to see me. Hell be here soon. A. comes B. is coming C. had come()3.Jerry didnt give up looking for a job _ he got an offer from a German company. A. until B. since C. because()4.Ill spend as much time as I can _in an old peoples home.A. help B. to help C. helping()5._hard for people to swim in winter. A. Thats B. This is C. Its ()6.You should turn off the light _ you go to bed . - I will , Mum. A. while B.as C.when()7.Your father knows all about what you do in the school. He seems _ your teacher. A. to have met B. met C. to meeting()8.I know the TV play White Deer Plain(白鹿原). It is _the novel written by Chen Zhongshi.A. base on B. based on C.basis on ()9.The old man _ his only daughter forhis life. A. depended on B. put on C. got on ()10. You dont need _ . We still have some time left. A. to hurry B. hurrying C. hurried()11.Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? -Go _ the post office , and youll find it on the left.A. pass B.past C. passed()12.Just now they _ me to be present at the meeting to be held tomorrow. A. demanded B. requested C. request()13.On the way _ home, I pass _ a fruit shop every day.A. to; by B. to; past C. /; by()14.You can _ help when you are in trouble. Dont worry too much.A. pay for B. ask for C. look for()15.Why is the shop still closed ? It is already ten oclock. -Because the owner is on holiday today. You can come again tomorrow afternoon _ 2:30 and 6:00. A. at B.between C. from ()16. My sister said she had some trouble _ her homework. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish()17.John sits behind me, so I sit _ him. A. at the top of B. at the end of C. in front of()18.Could you tell me _ Jim came here? He drove here himself. A. how B. why C. when()19.Oh, my god! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do ? -Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi. A. choice B. decision C. information()20.Julie is very _ and she always talks to others_. A. polite; politely B. politely ; polite C. polite ; polite.Close test (本题共15分) Choose the best answer to complete the passage . Kindness is a kind of virtue(美德), so I wanted to teach my son about the power of kindness. He had 21 some candies in a prize machine in the nearby supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to 22 his candies with others. He was hesitant (犹豫地) 23 he was a little shy,but he said yes after I encouraged him.A father and his child 24 us. I went to the father and asked if my son could give his daughter some candies. The father looked at me 25 a strange way , I explained that I was 26 my son about the power of kindness.At last, he said it was 27 .We went to his daughter.But to my 28 , the little girl wouldnt accept the candies! My son was rather 29 by the fact that she wouldnt accept his candies. He said lowly to me, “We are in 30 school, Mom”. And I suddenly 31 I had seen the little girl before in my sons school. When we 32 the supermarket, I explained to my son that people in the world today were not so open to kindness because their 33 had been shaped(定形)by the past, and I told him not to be sad. “They may have been 34 ,but Im sure they will be moved in some way. And the young girl will remember you as the boy with a kind heart when she meets you at 35 !()21.A. owned B. beat C. won ()22. A. provide B. give C. share ()23.A.when B. because C. so ()24.A.passed by B. Passed through C. went away()25.A. for B. at C. in ()26.A.teaching B. showing C. telling ()27.A. no B.okay C.wrong()28.A. mind B. joy C.surprise()29.A.sad B. angry C. sleepy()30.A.different B. the other C. the same ()31.A. forgot B.remembered C. left()32.A. arrived B. left C. arrived at ()33.A. eyes B. heads C. thoughts ()34.A. good B.bad C.unfriendly ()35.A.school B. home C.hospital.Find out the mistake in each line of the passage and then correct it.(本题共10分)Many people fight with their best friends one 36._or twice, but that dont make them enemies(敌人). 37._The best thing to do is try to get out of your fight. 38._Make sure the problem. Sometime its clear, 39._but sometimes its not . It is very necessary to you 40._to make sure there is actual a problem. 41._ Choosing an option(选择)and do it . Its better 42._to keep honest. If youre wrong, apologize to you 43._friend. It will make your friend feel better, or 44._encourage him to do the same. Accept the result. If your friend wants to cut the friendship for well, accept it. 45._.Communication(本题共20分,每小题2分) (A) Choose the best response from A to F in the box according to the dialogue given. Each choice should be used only once.A: Mom, my American fiend, Ann , invited me to dinner this evening.B:Really?(46)_?A:Seven oclock. I am afraid I have to go now.B:Its only five thirty. You have one and half hours left.(47)_A:Maybe I should get there early, or she will be worried.B:You know in the USA, people go to dinner neither too early nor too late. And her home isnt far from here. A:I see. (48)_B: You dont need to take anything. But (49)_A:Do you think thats enough?B: Of course. (50)_A:Thank you very much , Mom.B:You are welcome.A. what do you think I should bring with me?B.if you like, you can take some flowers.C.Hurry up ! Or youll be late.D.What time are you going?E. Thats pretty good.F. Dont worry.(B) Complete the dialogue with suitable words or sentences.A: Hello, Peter.B: Hi, Cathy. Im coming to say goodbye to you . Im going to Shanghai.A:(51)_?B: Because there will be a Chinese Summer Camp in Shanghai.A:(52)_B:I will practice my Chinese at the camp.A:I am sure you will be able to speak Chinese better. (53)_B: About half a month.A:(54)_B:By plane. A:You can visit some scenic spots(景点)in Shanghai in your free time. B: That sounds good. Oh,l must go now . Bye!A(55)_! Bye! 第二部分 阅读理解(共计40分).Reading Comprehension(本题共40分, 其中A,B,D题每小题1分, C,E每小题2分)(A) In our daily life , there are some interesting facts. But not everyone knows them. Lets see some of them!( )56.Blue light from our smartphones isnt good for our eyes. Scientists in the US said blue light can lead to blindness . They have suggested that people avoid using their phones in the dark because more blue light will harm our eyes.( )57.Can robots read our minds ?This might not be far away . Scientists from Australia and Germany have developed a type of robot that can guess peoples feelings by studying their eye movements.( )58.Besides eating less and exercising more , scientists from Oxford University have found that laughing can also help become thinner. laughing out loud can speed up our metabolism(新陈代谢)as well . 10 minutes of strong laughter can burn about 40 calories.( )59.Want to improve your memory? Just 10 minutes of light physical activities can help. There is a part in the brain that helps us learn and remember things Light activities such as taking a walk can make this part more active .( )60.How do you decide to study or play first? We can thank a special part of our brain. It works as a gatekeeper for our brain. It makes sure that the brain can notice the most important details. This helps us make better decisions. Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of each paragraph.A. Laugh to lose weight B. Harm in your handC. To play or not D. Exercise improves memory E. Happiness is up to youF. No secrets an more(B) Reality TV shows are getting popular these days. There are different kinds of programs likesinging competitions. Not only the young , but also the old become the fans of Running Man, the Master Chef and so on. Reality TV shows have some advantages. First of all, with so many kinds of reality TV shows , People can choose what they are interested in on TV or on the Internet. In addition, reality TV Shows are a good way to find the people who have the talent. Some people can get jobs by Taking part in the shows. Whats more , people on the shows can have interesting and unusualExperiences and meet quite it few new people. Reality TV shows have disadvantages, too. Some people think that reality TV shows are agood way for them to become famous. However , most successful and famous people work hard All their lives . Also , sometimes the people on the shows have to do something difficult or dangerous. In fact , for the audience , watching reality TV shows has two sides . Although maybe it is awaste of time and does harm to peoples eyes, it plays a role in learning the spirit of insistence(坚持不懈)and the attitude(态度)to life.Judge the following sentences true(T) or false (F) according to the passage.( )61.Recently both the young and the old take an interest in reality TV Shows.( )62.It is hard for people to find the talented people through reality TV shows.( )63.The people on reality TV shows can have interesting but common experiences.( )64.Some people think they can become famous by joining in reality TV shows.( )65.People can learn the spirit of insistence and the attitude to life from reality TV shows.(C) Student Volunteers Needed! Are you looking for something fun and do you want to help others in your spare time ? Then join us to be a volunteer! On October 23,from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. , Clapton Middle School will be holding a music festival in the school gym.Task Time Date Make posters 1 p.m.-4 p.m. October 17Set up the gym 11 a.m -4 p.m. October 20Help performers 9 a.m.-4 p.m October 23Welcome guests 10 a.ml.-2 p.m. October 23Clean up the gym 4 p.m. -7 p.m. October 23 Interested students should talk with Ms. Braxton. The music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission from your parents.Online courses in Creative Writing Are you looking for a way to express your feelings? Then join the Writers Club where you have the opportunity to work on new writing, finish personal writing projects,and help others review their writings. Mr Mitchell wants to work with students who are passionate (热情的)about writing and exploring ideas. Time and place: Every other Tuesday from 2:30-3:30 on the Internet Contact (联系)Mr. Mitchell : Brian-Mitchell scusd.edu( )66.Which of the following tasks should be done before the festival?A. Setting up the gym. B. Welcoming guests. C. Cleaning up the gym.( )67.From Student Volunteers Needed , we can learn the following EXCEPT_.A. Students are welcome to volunteer B. Volunteers can help in October 14, 2021C. Volunteers can get money after helping( )68.What can you do in the Writers Club?A. Meet famous writers B. Read classic books. C. Review others writings.( )69.Students can take the creative writing courses _.A. At school B. every Tuesday C. on the Internet( )70.How can you contact Mr. Mitchell?A. Make a phone call. B. Send an email C. Leave a note. (D) You may think there is only sand in the d 71 of the world , but it is not true, In the desert, as we know, there is a little r_72_ , but it is not enough for most plants. We can still see some 73_ live in the desert. There 74 water in some places in the desert. We c 75 these places oases(绿洲).In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all 75 of crops in the fields there. People also live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other a 76 . These animals 77 on the desert plants for their food and do not need much water. The animals are u 78 to the desert people in many ways . They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals . They use the camels for carrying water , food , tents and something else. The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place . They must al 79 look for grass or desert plants for their animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people are friendly. No man in the desert would ever r 80 to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.(E) A son and his father were walking on the mountains . Suddenly , the so fell down , hurt himself and shouted aloud, “AAAhhhhh!” To his surprise, he heard the voice repeating , somewhere in the mountain. He shouted in curiosity(好奇), “Who are you ?” He received the answer, “Who are you ?” He looked to his father and asked, “ Whats going on , Dad?” The father smiled and said , “My son, pay attention.” And then he screamed to the mountain, “ I admire you !” The voice answered , “ I admire you !” Again the man screamed , “You are a winner!” The voice answered , “You are a winner!” The boy was surprised , but he did not understand. Then the father explained, “People call this ECHO(回音), but really this is LIFE.” “It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in you heart. If you want more power , improve yourself.”Answer the question according to the passage. 81. Who walked on the mountain with the boy?_82. Why did the boy shout aloud suddenly when walking on the mountains?_83. Did the boy understand the echo before his father explained? 84. What shou


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