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    Unit2 English around the world 基础训练课件人教版高中英语必修一.pptx

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    Unit2 English around the world 基础训练课件人教版高中英语必修一.pptx

    Unit 2 基础训练,1.为了丰富学生的校园生活,我们学校将举办音乐周。,In order to enrich the students school life, the Music Week will be held in our school.2.这是他第二次在会议上提到环保问题。It was the second time that he had come up with the problem of environment protection at the meeting .It was the second time that the problem of environment protection had come up at the meeting.,3.English changes over time because of cultural communication.(判断正误),4._(Base) on a true love story, the film is well thought of. 知识应该建立在实践的基础上。改错:1). This novel is based in historical facts.2). Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, a cartoon film basing on a popular Chinese cartoon TV series, has won the hearts of children in China.,Knowledge should be based on practice.,5.事实上:_、_、 _,依我看,事实上她是不同意你的。As far as Im concerned, she disagreed with you actually.,actually,in fact,as a matter of fact,6.依我看来,我们应充分利用每一分钟把学习搞好。,In my opinion/ As far as Im concerned, we should make full use of every minute to learn well.7.1).Many support the former choice, but personally I favour the _(late).2). I met her again three years _(late).3). Where can I find the _(late) edition of this dictionary?4). Weve been doing a lot of gardening _(late).,latter,later,latest,lately,8.即使你非常忙,我也希望你能参加即将到来的这项活动。,Even if you are extremely busy, I do hope youll take part in the upcoming activity.9.看到你们的英语不好,与其说我生气不如说我着急。 (more+adj./n+ than+adj./n.)Seeing you are not good at English,Im more anxious than angry.,10.英语老师要求我们学好英语,因为掌握好英语意味着将来有更多的机会。这就是英语被认为非常重要的原因。记住:成功是建立在努力工作的基础之上的。,Our English teacher requests us learn English well because having a good command of English means more chances in the future.,This is why English is recognized to be very important.,Do remember success is based on hard work.,11.There is no such +n.(单) +as. 没有像.这样的人/事世上没有像他这样的人。There is no such man as him in the world.世上没有像他这么好的人。There is no such kind man as him in the world .天下没有免费的午餐。There is no such thing as free lunch in the world.,12. a (large ) number of+n.(复数) “许多” “大量”,做主语时,谓语动词用复数。我们在山上栽了很多树。A large number of trees were planted on the hill.街道两边挂着许多大红灯笼。A large number of big red lanterns _(hang) on both sides of the street.,were hung,13.by the end of. 与at the end of.,We will have learned 3,000 words _the end of this term. There was a shop by the end of the street.(判断正误),by,at,14. more than,长城是中国最著名的名胜古迹,具有两千多年的历史。The Great Wall is the most famous place of interest with a history of_.收到你的来信我非常开心。 Im more than glad to receive your letter / hear from you . 翻译:The beauty of Mount.Hua is more than I can describe. I love you more than I can say.,more than 2,000 years.,12,13,14,15,


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