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    关于首字母填空专题复习第一页,讲稿共三十一页哦第二页,讲稿共三十一页哦Warming-upn1.go d_ the street/rivern2.keep the readers i_ in the bookownnterestedn3.tell the d_ betweenn4.can h_ believeardlyn7._/_ a lecturen5.know w_ to do nexthatgiveattendn6.c_/m_ mistakesorrectakeTips:固定词组固定词组常用结构常用结构ifference第三页,讲稿共三十一页哦Revision-句子的成分 3.Sally loves p_,She wants to be a painter in the future.2.He s_ most of his life teaching English.pent谓语:动词或动词词组(注意时态)谓语:动词或动词词组(注意时态)ainting宾语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式、宾语从句等宾语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式、宾语从句等1.R_ money for the poor is a meaningful thing.aising主语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式等主语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式等 4.The cake tasted so g_ that the kids wanted to have more.ood表语:名,形容词,动词不定式,动名词、代词等表语:名,形容词,动词不定式,动名词、代词等第四页,讲稿共三十一页哦Revision-句子的成分l7.I found it d_ to solve the big problem.ifficult宾补:名词、形、动词不定式(宾补:名词、形、动词不定式(e.g.want sb to do sth)l6.L_,he still got the first prize.uckily状语:副词状语:副词(修饰动词、动词词组、句子、形容词、副词等修饰动词、动词词组、句子、形容词、副词等),状语从句,状语从句l5.Snow is an u_ sight in this warm place.nusual定语:形容词(前置和后置)、动词不定式等定语:形容词(前置和后置)、动词不定式等Attention!Sentence structure(句子成分)(句子成分)Part of speech(词性)(词性)Meaning (词义)(词义)Proper form (词形)(词形)第五页,讲稿共三十一页哦 _ ,because he often makes mistakes in the test.because he seldom makes mistakes in the test.He is a careful boy because he seldom makes mistakes in the test.a c boy.He is .He is1.2.3.You will be glad to live in a c_ sitting room.4.Jack is a c_ boy,he can solve quite difficult problems.5.We should keep Shanghai beautiful and c_.6.Its too hot,can you give me something c_ to drink?7.The supermarket makes our life c_ in our neighborhood.8.Without a jacket,youll surely feel c_.9.The water in the river was so c_ that we can see fish swimming in it.omfortableleveroolonvinentoldlearleanadjectivesareless第六页,讲稿共三十一页哦Where do we need to use adjectives?1.adj.+n.2.link verb(连系动词)连系动词)+adj.4.make+n.+adj.(宾补)宾补)连系动词:连系动词:似乎似乎是是五感官五感官三变化三变化注意级别注意级别:原级、比较原级、比较级和最高级级和最高级3.indefinite pronoun(不定代词)不定代词)+adj.keep+adj.(宾补)宾补)第七页,讲稿共三十一页哦probleman easysolvedeal withhavehisa big/smalla difficultNoun的用法:的用法:verb+n.所有格所有格+n.adj.+n.prep.+n.数词数词+n.放句首做主语放句首做主语注意单复数注意单复数What problem did he have?第八页,讲稿共三十一页哦 _ are helpful to students.They give them knowledge.in class and after class they care for them like parents.第九页,讲稿共三十一页哦1.Recently many w_ are going to evening school for further study while they work in the factory in the daytime.3.Janes cousin has made several films.He is a wonderful a_.2.There is something wrong with your t_,youd better go to the dentist.4.The computer is fast,and never makes m_.orkerseethctoristakes第十页,讲稿共三十一页哦Finally,he drank the water _.happily proudly,gladly,excitedly,He couldnt drink the water,so he looked at the water _.sadly angrily Adverbs 的用法:的用法:1.修饰动词,可放在动词前或后;修饰动词,可放在动词前或后;2.修饰形容词或副词,可放在形和副的前或后;修饰形容词或副词,可放在形和副的前或后;3.修饰整个句子,放在句首修饰整个句子,放在句首第十一页,讲稿共三十一页哦He said _.He said to his father _ that he got an“A”in English test.He said to his father _ that he got a“D”in English test.第十二页,讲稿共三十一页哦1.It rained so h_ that we had to stop playing football with Class Four.2.The boy is old e_ to drive a car by himself.3.S_,over 28,000 civilians(平民平民)lost their lives during the three-year war in Iraq(伊拉克)伊拉克).eavilyadlynough第十三页,讲稿共三十一页哦善善用上下文用上下文 巧巧解首字母完形填空题解首字母完形填空题单句中的上下文单句中的上下文n1.There is no fish in the river because its s_ polluted.n2.The lady looked for her glasses everywhere in her room,but she f_ to find them.n3.The son told his father _that he had gotn4.Wed better turn o_ our mobile phones.The meeting will start in a minute.n5.The dress fits me well,_ I want to buy it.n The dress fits me well,_ I cant afford it because its too expensive.a“D”in English.notTips:Search for useful information in the same sentence(在在本句中寻找信息本句中寻找信息)sadlyhappilyan“A”in Engligh.ffnsobut(注意连词和句意的变化)(注意连词和句意的变化)eriouslyailed第十四页,讲稿共三十一页哦语段中的上下文:nClimbing a mountain is hard work.But one step after another finally brings a person to the t_.Along the way,he can stop and look around.And the h_ he climbs,the more wonderful his view(视野视野)is.If he keeps climbing,he will have a new world before him.He will have a new way of understanding everything.opigher找找固固定定结结构构第十五页,讲稿共三十一页哦语段中的上下文:nThe wide use of mobile phones has also brought some p_.For example,there are many game programs(程序)程序)in mobile phones.Students may play the games in class.There are also some students who download novels to their mobile phones and read them in class.This is bad for their studies.So we must use mobile phones p_,or they will be harmful to us.roblemsroperly借助连词或衔接词来理解文章借助连词或衔接词来理解文章联系上下文,找依据联系上下文,找依据第十六页,讲稿共三十一页哦语段中的上下文:nChina has decided to take action to stop the use of free plastic bags.Supermarkets,shops and outlets(经销店经销店)in China will not be a_ to offer plastic bags.It means if you want a plastic shopping bag,you must p_ for it.Tips:Search for the useful information from sentences(在句群中寻在句群中寻找信息找信息)解题时要注意句子之间甚至语段之间的逻辑关系,利用常识,同时联系上解题时要注意句子之间甚至语段之间的逻辑关系,利用常识,同时联系上下文下文找词组、找结构、找依据,同时注意语法。找词组、找结构、找依据,同时注意语法。lloweday利用常识和固定搭利用常识和固定搭配配第十七页,讲稿共三十一页哦篇章中的上下文nDear sir or Madam,nIm writing about the bad behavior(行为)行为)of people in the cinema.Every time I go to see a movie,something p_ me from enjoying the film.Many people arrive l_.Others talk l_ during the movie.The last time I went to the cinema,a mans mobile phone r_ and he had a loud conversation right in the middle of the film!.Why are people so rude?They should turn o_ their mobile phones and they ought not to disturb others in public places.We should n_ put up with(容忍)(容忍)this kind of behavior.In the future,I think the cinema staff should ask these people to leave.Yours sincerely,Wendy Wang reventsateoudlyangffot/neverTips:根据上下文,依据常识,联想推断根据上下文,依据常识,联想推断Tips:Search for the useful information from paragraphs(在段落中寻找信息在段落中寻找信息)通读全文,了解大意通读全文,了解大意;抓住文章的首句,建立解题思路抓住文章的首句,建立解题思路第十八页,讲稿共三十一页哦首字母填空题的解题技巧首字母填空题的解题技巧1.理解句意理解句意2.判断单词判断单词3.复读全文、逐空验证、弥补疏漏。复读全文、逐空验证、弥补疏漏。泛读全文,寻找句子中,段落中及整篇文章泛读全文,寻找句子中,段落中及整篇文章的信息的信息,判断所需填单词的意思;判断所需填单词的意思;根据根据语义语义,词性词性,逻辑逻辑和和固定搭配固定搭配上的需要来推测所上的需要来推测所填单词并注意词形变化:填单词并注意词形变化:*名词要注意单复数名词要注意单复数,*形形容词和副词要注意比较级和最高级容词和副词要注意比较级和最高级,*动词要注意时态动词要注意时态.逻辑关系确定连词。逻辑关系确定连词。做完题后,一定要认真检查,尽量减少粗心所致的笔误或拼做完题后,一定要认真检查,尽量减少粗心所致的笔误或拼写错误,对有疑问的地方,更要根据文章的内容、上下文的写错误,对有疑问的地方,更要根据文章的内容、上下文的语法结构、逻辑发展进行反复斟酌,尽量减少疏漏语法结构、逻辑发展进行反复斟酌,尽量减少疏漏。第十九页,讲稿共三十一页哦 At one time,making a film was an expensive activity only for a small group of people and film companies.Not only were the tools and machines expensive but the cost of film was also far greater than most people could afford.However,modern technology has c_ all that.New technology has really opened up the world of film-making for film fans.Now a camera does not cost m_ and most young people are certainly able to pay for it.So all you need is to get one for yourself.With that,you may then start your own film-making.However,film-making is t_ work.You probably need many other people to help you.For example,the p_ of actors and actresses is very important in your film.Of course,these actors and actresses may be your schoolmates,friends or family members.You dont even need to pay them a cent while they are glad to be part of your job.第二十页,讲稿共三十一页哦 B_,you need to make up a story.Can you write your own one?If you have good imagination,you can create an attractive story e_.Many world-famous film makers and producers are also good story-writers.If not,perhaps you need someone else to write it for you.An excellent story is the key to making a s_ film.Are you going to be a cameraman yourself?When filming,who is going to take care of the lighting?Who is going to make the furniture,the background and things like that?If you cant do all these things,you need to think about asking other people to help you.Remember:Film-making is not a one-man business.第二十一页,讲稿共三十一页哦HomeworknReview what we have learnt todaynUse the strategies(策略,方法)(策略,方法)we have learnt to finish the rest of the exercises第二十二页,讲稿共三十一页哦第二十三页,讲稿共三十一页哦第二十四页,讲稿共三十一页哦【巩固练习2】When the London Underground goes on strike,my journey to work can be terrible.I remember a strike,which happened a few years a_1_,the station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a different train.This a_2_about an hour to my journey,so I wasnt very happy.E_3_went wrong at the station.People were late and they were panicking!By the time I go to the train,I was feeling upset and sorry for myself.Then I saw this man.There was something about him-he had such a familiar f_4_.A few minutes later,I realized that he was Jack,a fiend from my school days in Scotland.At the same time he a_5_realized who I was.Then we started talking about school days and the people we both used to k_6_.I was even more surprised when the train came into my station and he started to get off too!I asked him w_7_he was going and he said he was going to work.He told me he worked in Fitzroy Street.You see,I work in Fitzroy Street,too.Its a small w_8_!It was such an amazing coincidence!第二十五页,讲稿共三十一页哦全文概况是身处英国的作者在经历一次他印象深刻的伦敦地铁罢工事件时,巧遇他旧日在苏格兰的同学的故事。在截取这样一个素材时,出题者选取了8个词汇作为得分点。第1空的答案是ago。此处很少有同学失分,把握一般过去时的必要的条件就是要有一个表示段时间的a few years,再看文中其余动词的时态就很容易推断出是指几年以前。第二十六页,讲稿共三十一页哦 第2空的答案是added.此处失分的同学不少,其难点有二:先是要判断此空所需单词的词性是什么。让我们跳过空格审视一下剩余部分还缺少什么句子成分?该句主语、宾语都在,只有中间的谓语不见,由此推断该处应为开头是a的动词,作者一再强调此次罢工是terrible的,那么消极影响就必然是增加作者的麻烦。并且该句后面有一个介词to出现,那么什么动词既表示“增加、添加”又可以和to一同使用呢?那么只有add符合条件。第一个难点解决了,下一个就要看时态。根据统一原则,把add改为过去时added。很多同学过了难点以后就不再关注细节了,导致只填了add而失分。第3空的答案是Everything.原则同上。第二十七页,讲稿共三十一页哦 第4空答案是face.作者偶然注意的人身体上的哪个部位会是以f开头的呢?有face,foot等等可能,显然填脚是“令人眼熟的”似乎不大合乎逻辑,能一眼被人辨认的人体部位就是面孔,因此判断是face。第5空答案是also.副词的考察这已经是第二次出现了,通观这一句,所有主要成分无一缺席,惟有表示“也、同时”的副词才符合题意,因而确定为also.表示在作者认出这样一个老同学的同时,对方也同时辨认出了“我”的身份。第6空答案是know.此句是一个包含省略关系代词“that/who/whom”的定语从句的复合句,先行词可确定是people,而表示“认识/知道”含义的以k开头的动词只有know。第二十八页,讲稿共三十一页哦 第7空答案是where.先要复习一下宾语从句的概念,它是指在主从复合句中充当宾语、位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句。引导宾语从句的连接词有:连词that,whether,if;连接代词who,which,what以及其强调形式whoever,whichever,whatever;连接副词when,where,why,how等。本句及物动词ask后很明显应该衔接的是双宾语,其中有直接宾语人称代词him,后面就要跟一个由任意连接副词引导的宾语从句做间接宾语。再向后看,发现“老朋友”回答作者他是要去工作,从而确定选择连接副词where代指地点。第二十九页,讲稿共三十一页哦第8空答案是world.此句是非正常形式的感叹句,虽然不是由“what/how”引导,但后面的感叹号仍说明了该句的性质,在判断出了以上7个空白后,同学们可轻易知道作者感慨的是“这世界真小!”第三十页,讲稿共三十一页哦感感谢谢大大家家观观看看第三十一页,讲稿共三十一页哦


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