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    高考英语词汇专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (一)(finish-fond)A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。1 Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the _ (起飞).2 _(渔民) in Maine are finding it difficult to make a living.3 You'd better slow down, that car was _(闪烁) its lights at you.4 My fish was delicious but Charles' beef had almost no _(味道).5 The company is reducing its workforce by _(解雇) 500 employees.B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1 If you finish _(do) your work, you can do what you like.2 He had the feeling that he _ (follow) at that time.3 Three-quarters of children were reading _(fluent) by the end of second grade.4 There were just 11 people in the church on their _ (fog) wedding day.5 They will use the funds _ (flexible) to meet the needs of their local communities.6 She is hoping to achieve a higher level of _(fluent) and accuracy.7 All the carpets we sell _(fit) free.8 Make sure the rope is _ (firm) attached before attempting to climb down.9 When lisa stood before the audience, she felt very uneasy with all eyes _(focus) on her.10 The market is flooded _ cheap imports.C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。1 She was so frightened that she _(无法集中思想). 2 _(朝坚定目标前进), and the whole world will let you go!D.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。It was my first day in Hangzhou, the Chinese city famous for its 1 (nature) beauty and history and I didnt have much time to spare. I wanted to see as much of the city as possible in the two days before I was 2 (return) to Guangzhou. My first task was to decide where to go and 3 to get there. I took out my guide book in which there was a lot of information about the citys well-known tourist 4 (attract) and started to read. At that moment an attractive young lady noticed my book, came up to me and 5 (introduce) herself. She said her name was Miss Bai. She 6 (kind) offered to show me 7 the city. I was delighted and was about to accept her proposal when she suggested we first 8_(go) to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge. I quite liked the idea of visiting the West Lake but wasnt so sure about crossing the Broken Bridge. 9 it was broken, did she expect me to jump across? And I couldnt swim, so if I fell in then I would drown. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, 10_ (close) my book and walked away. (二) (food-free)A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。1 Many snack _(食物) are high in salt, sugar and fat.2 Of the two suggestions, I prefer the _(前者).3 She worries because her father is getting _健忘_().4 After retiring as a _ (足球) manager, he worked as a commentator.5 He _(预告) that average salary increases will remain around 4 per cent.B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1 Boston _(found) in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.2 _(fortunate), no one was in the building when it collapsed.3 Children are allowed much more _(free) these days.4 Please feel free _(interrupt) me if you don't understand anything.5 She would never forget _ (see) the Himalayas for the first time.6 Many _(formal) expressions are gaining currency in serious newspapers.7 He forgave his brother _ breaking the window.8 It will soon be impossible for _(foreign) to enter the country.9 Hospitals are being forced _ (close) departments because of lack of money.10 He wants to compete at international level, but _(frank) I don't think he's up to it.C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。1 He _ (从未去过图书馆) and he isnt about to do so today. (set foot in)2 Teenagers live very busy lives and often _(不注意饮食和锻炼). (forget)D.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。It is wonderful that you are finally 1 (interest) in the Internet. Now we can use it to keep in touch. You can make new friends and find information on the Internet too. You can either browse, which means just 2 (look) at general information, 3 use a search engine to search.Just type in what you want to know and the program will help you find what you want. It will give you a list of web 4 (address). These are all links. That means you can click on them, and the Internet will take you to different websites. Sometimes you will go 5_(direct) to the web page with the information you need. Other times, you will find 6 (you) at the home page, which is 7 first page of a website.If you dont find what you need, you can click on the back arrow and return 8_ the previous page. If it takes a long time for a page 9 (appear) on your screen, you can click the refresh button, and usually it will appear 10 (fast). If you want to keep the page available in doing something else, just minimize it. It will wait at the bottom of the screen.(三)(freedom-future)A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。1 When I woke up this morning, the ground was covered with _(霜).2 He performs several important _(职能) within the organization.3 Their _(友谊) goes back to when they were at school together.4 There's a lot of _(摩擦) between my wife and my mother.5 Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of _(燃料).B. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1 The rainwater _(freeze) overnight, leaving the roads icy.2 The teams are playing a _ (friend) match on Sunday.3 As a child, she _(frequent) withdrew into her own fantasy world.4 It's no fun _(have) to work on Saturdays.5 Don't eat too much _(fry) food, which is not good for your health.6 Don't be frightened _(complain) if the service is bad.7 The hotel no longer smelt of _(fresh) cut flowers and expensive perfume.8 The president pledged to respect the existing _(front) between the two countries.9 When she looked at him her eyes were full _ tears.10 They regained their _(freed) after ten years of unjust imprisonment.C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。1 It is important _ (充分利用你的业余时间). (to the fullest)2 We should _ (经常参加体育运动和户外活动). (frequently)D.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。Murray had never been to college. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while 1 (work) in a bank. Later he became a great teacher. After Oxford 2 (give) him the job. Murray had a place 3 (build) in the garden behind his house to do his work. Part of it was one metre underground. In winter it felt 4_ a barn, he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box 5 (keep) warm. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and worked several hours before breakfast. Often he would work by candle light into the evening. Murray hoped 6 (finish) the new dictionary in ten years. 7 after five years he was still 8 (add) words for the letter A! Then others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. He worked 9._ the dictionary until he was very old. Fortyfour years later, in 1928,other editors finished it. It 10 (include) more than 15,000 words in twelve books. And you thought your English dictionary was big!附:参考答案(一)A1 flight 2 Fishermen 3 flashing 4 flavor 5 firingB1 doing 2 was being followed 3 fluently 4 foggy 5 flexibly 6 fluency 7 fitted 8 firmly 9 focused 10 withC1 could not fix her thoughts on anything 2 Go ahead for a firm goalD1 natural2 to return3 how4 attractions 5 introduced6 kindly7 around8 (should) go 9 Since/As10 closed(二)A1 foods 2 former 3 forgetful 4 football 5 forecastsB1 was founded 2 Fortunately 3 freedom 4 to interrupt 5 seeing 6 informal 7 for 8 foreigners 9 to close 10 franklyC1 has never set foot in a library2 forgot to think about their diets and exerciseD1 interested2 looking3 or4 addresses 5 directly6 yourself7 the8 to9 to appear 10 faster(三)A1 frost 2 functions 3 friendship 4 friction 5 fuelB1 froze 2 friendly 3 frequently 4 having 5 fried 6 to complain 7 freshly 8 frontiers 9 of 10 freedomC1 to use your spare time to the fullest2 take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequentlyD1 working2.gave3.built4.like5.to keep6.to finish7.But8.adding9.on10. Included4


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