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    Unit 10 If You Come to the Party Section A部分知识全方位 人教版八年级英语上册.docx

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    Unit 10 If You Come to the Party Section A部分知识全方位 人教版八年级英语上册.docx

    Unit 10 If You Come to the Party A部分知识全方位连词成句1.ready, order, are, to, you ?2.will, plans, what ,if, party, happen, a, he ?3.rains, stay, if, inside, we'll, it.4.class, it's, will, half , if, fine, the, come .5.helped, the, organize, activity, who, you?单项选择1.-Let's go climbingLangshan Mountain this Saturday_the weather is fine. -Good idea!A. thoughB.ifC. unlessD. or2. Nobody knows if he will come. If he_here,I_you at once.A. will arrive; callB. arrives;callC. will arrive; will callD. arrives;will call3.-Shall we go for a picnic this weekend? -That sounds great,if it_A. rainsB. doesn't rainC.will rainD. won't rain4. Eating and drinking on the Beijing subway is not allowed. If you_the rule, youll face a fine(罚款) of up to 500 yuanA. brokeB. breakC. will breakD. have broken5._we continue to kill elephants for their ivory,wehumanswill lose them in the end.A. IfB.BeforeC.UntilD.Although6-To write a good article,you must first_your thoughts very carefully. -Yeah,you're exactly right.A.changeB.solveC.acceptD.organize7_,you will get good grades.A.If you will work hardB.If you work hardC.If you worked hard8-I dont care what people think-Well,you_. Some opinions are worth weighing.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.would9Lets go fishing_the weather is fine.A.thatB.ifC.unlessD.until10I dont know what to wear tonight- do you have any suggestions?A.adviceB.problemsC.disagreementsD.warning11.-I don't know what_if I do that. -I think you_tell him the whole thing first.A.happens;shouldB.happens;shouldn'tC.will happen;shouldD.happened;shouldn't12After her grandpa died of cancer on January 16,2021,she felt very_A.happyB.upsetC.boredD.excited13.The summer vacationis coming.It's a good time_A.taking a tripB.to take a tripC.take a tripD.takes a trip14.I don't know_for my holiday during the summer vacation.A.where to goB.where are goingC.where goD.where will go15.Children often eat_when they watch_A.potato chips;showsB.potato chip;showC.potato chip;showsD.potato chips;show16. I'm afraid our headmaster is _busy_meet the visitors.A. much;toB. too;toC.so;toD. such;to17.If your father_back,please let me know.A.will comeB.comesC. comeD.had come18.-What about having a sports meeting for the students? -Good idea.Let's discuss when to_it.A. organizeB. deleteC. acceptD. solve19. If our government(政府)_pay attention to the safety of food,our life_in danger.A. isn't;isB. doesn't;will beC.won't;isD.isn't;will be20.-Do you know if David will come tomorrow? -No.But if he_,I'll call you to have a meal together.A. will comeB. won't comeC.comesD. doesn't come21-Can students go online during lessons? -They can_it is for that lesson.A. if B. orC. soD. but22.If we_take environmental problems seriously,the earth worse and worse.A. don't; won't be B. won't;isn'tC.won't;isD. don't;will be23.Ann with her parents_going to the party next Sunday.A. is B. are C. amD.will be24.If you are late, the teacher won't let you_A.in B. onC. with D. at25.If you_hard,you_the final exam.A. study; won't passB. will study; passC. will study; will passD. don't study; won't pass完形填空About two weeks before my tenth birthday,I broke my arm. I 1to have my birthday party at a skating rink(旱冰场).I had already 2 the invitations,so I still had to have the party.On the day of my party,when one of my 3 Sarah,came in,I found that she was limping(跛行). Sarah told me that she hurt her 4 .Sarah didn't skate at all during the party. All of my other friends had a great time skating, 5 Sarah stayed with me all the time.We talked about all kinds of things and we 6 a lot. Because of Sarah,my party became a lot more 7 for me.A few days later, I saw Sarah's mom at a store, and I asked,“Hello, Aunty! 8 is Sarah's leg?Is her leg better?” She looked very 9 and said, "Sarah never hurt her leg.”Then I 10 Sarah stayed with me at my birthday party just to make me feel better. My true friend,Sarah,gave me the best gift of all.1. A. agreedB. plannedC.talkedD.thought2. A. sent outB. put outC. came outD. took out3. A. sistersB. friendsC.teachersD. cousins4.A. arm B.handC. legD. head 5. A. ifB. butC. orD. so6. A. solvedB.taught C.laughedD.cried7. A. interestingB. helpfulC. popularD. important8. A. What B. Where C. Why D. How9. A. happyB. angryC. surprisedD. bored10. A. hopedB. decidedC. askedD. knew词语运用If you want to make friends,you need to go out to meet people. Friends hardly come to knock at your door while you are 1._ (play)computer games at home. You don't need to have a lot of common 2._(interest) with people in order to make friends with them. 3._fact,some of the best friendships are 4._two people who have different interests. For example,if you are outgoing,your friend may be 5._(quiet) than you.Maybe you're 6._(talent) in music while your friend is good at playing 7._(sport). 8._(keep) good relationships,you can give your friend an 9._(invite) sometimes.You can invite your friend to go to the movies 10._go to a concert with you.4


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