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    Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 教案 外研版七年级英语下册 .docx

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    Module 5 Shopping Unit 3 教案 外研版七年级英语下册 .docx

    一、基本信息课名 Module5 Shopping Unit 3学科英语章节第五模块第三单元教材版本外语教学与研究出版社课时第 1 课时课型复习课年级七年级下二、教材分析本模块是外研版七年级下册的第五模块,它以“购物”为话题,此话题与学生们的实际生活息息相关,交际性、应用性比较强,学生们比较感兴趣。“购物”这一话题学生们在小学阶段已有初步接触,具有一定的基础,该模块在他们已有的认知基础上进一步深入,能吸引学生的求知欲。同时,本模块第三单元中引用的语篇“网上购物”“目录购物”也是当下时尚的话题,很大程度上能激发学生的学习兴趣,也开阔他们的视野。第三单元是对本模块的语法及有关购物交际用语的巩固训练,本课中也重点巩固练习了与购物相关的词汇、有关购物的交际用语及 Wh- questions 在购物交际语中的使用。并且,通过练习达成了本课的写作任务,即完成一个学校野餐活动的购物清单。三、学习者分析初一下学期,学生们通过半年多的初中英语学习,渐渐熟悉了外研版教材内容的单元分布,对第三单元的复习课有了一定的了解,但是如何总结本模块语法规律并不成熟。本课中,教师引导学生通过课堂操练进而发现并自主总结购物话题下常见的特殊疑问词、特殊疑问句及相关用法。教师借助于信息技术,丰富活动,充分调动学生的积极性,激发他们参与课堂互动的热情。四、教学目标By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to.i. Language abilitya) talk about going shopping with questions: What.? How many/How much.?;b) write a shopping list.ii. Learning abilitya) talk about going shopping through pair work and group work;b) write a shopping list through group work.iii. Quality of thinkinga) express opinions on shopping;b) use the mind map to classify different information.iv. Cultural awarenessa) learn about the different ways of shopping and improve the sense of being a smart shopper; to be a good partner.五、教学重难点分析及解决措施Teaching importance:a) Talk about going shopping;b) Learn the Wh- questions.Difficult points:Be able to talk about shopping and write a shopping list for the picnic.Solutions: Teach the importance and difficulties by some methods, such as the Activity Teaching Method, the Game Teaching Method, the Exercise Teaching Method.六、教学方法Teaching methods:Game teaching method, PWP method, task-based teaching method, group-work teachingmethod and communicative language teaching.七、教学用具Teaching aids:Handouts, some pictures, color pens, multimedia computer, courseware(Seewo),Smart Class.八、教学过程教学环节环节目标教学内容学生活动媒体作用及分析Step1 Lead-i n复习并引入本课话题“购物”, 引起学生注意。激发学生的学习兴趣,营造和谐的课堂氛围。1. Greet together.2. Review the title and topic.3. Ask a question: How can people do shopping? (Offline shopping & Online shopping)1. Greet together.2. Review the title and topic.3. Answer a question: How can people do shopping? (Offline shopping & Online shopping)融合信息技术手段,利用希沃白板五中遮罩功能,逐步呈现内容,唤起同学们的已知。Step2 Revisi on & Presen tation复习谈论购物时所用的基本词汇特殊疑问句句型及常用语。进一步了解、学习常见的特殊疑问词并参与不同的学习活动及趣味游戏,尝试在学习中总结语法规律进而达到自主学习的目的。1. Review three basic、 aspects of offline shopping: Where, What and How.And lead the students to fill,out the table.2. Play a game to put the words into the correct basket: HOW MANY,BASKET & HOW MUCHBASKET (Activity3).3. Show the pictures and lead the students to fill in the blanks in different scenes(In1. See the table about offline shopping: Where, What and How. And try to fill out the table.2. Use iPad to play the game to put the words into the correct basket: HOW MANY BASKET & HOW MUCHBASKET (Activity3). Meanwhile, other students read the words together.3. Look at the pictures1. 利用图表转换文本信 息,理清购 物基本要点, 即 Where, What and How.2. 借助智慧课堂学生平板,学生坐在原位进行匹配游戏操作,消除紧张感,同时,a clothes shop/In a supermarket/In a shoe shop.).4. Ask and answer to learnthe useful sentences when doing shopping. (colour/size/price/quantity) What colour.?What size.?How much.?How many.?5. Let the students match the sentences with How many & How much in Activity 4. Then enable the students to understand the differences between “How many” and “How much” when talking about quantity: Countable nouns & uncountable nouns.6. Ask the students to use iPad to match the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B. (Activity2)7. Play a short video about Wh- questions and let the students find out how many Wh- questions there are. Then lead the students to complete the mind map on the blackboard.and fill in the blanks in different scenes(In a clothes shop/In a supermarket/In a shoe shop.).4. Ask and answer tolearn the useful sentences when doing shopping. (colour/size/price/quantit y)What colour.? What size.?How much.?How many.?5. Match the sentences with How many & How much in Activity 4. Understand the differences between “How many” and “How much” when talking about quantity: Countable nouns & uncountable nouns.6. Match the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B by using iPad. (Activity2)7. Watch a short video about Wh- questions and try to find out how many Wh- questions there are. Then complete the mindmap on the blackboard.也引起其他学生注意及兴趣。3. 借助多媒体编辑、组合图文,创设不同的真实的购物场景,并在情境中学习词汇、句型, 直观形象, 提高了学习的趣味性及教学效果。4. 利用智慧课堂学生平板完成较难的活动二匹配任务,并通过数据分析查看学生错误率较高的题目,针对有效地进行讲解,突破本课教学难点,提高课堂效率。5.借助安徽基础教育资源网平台获取优秀的教育资源,对微课视频进行甄选及再加工,保留适合本课堂的内容,并结合传统板书,以思维导图形式呈现本课特殊疑问词,让 知识能够与 符号相结合, 并利用符号 帮助记忆与 理解。Step3 Revisi on , Practic e & Aroun d the world通过角色扮演巩固及内化所学的购物表达。文化拓展部分,以听读形式,既让学生了解目录购物与其他类型购物的异同,又鼓励学生感知中西方文化差异。1. Let the students work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures. They have to role play as a customer and a shop worker.2. Show the table and lead the students to talk about the basic aspects of online shopping: where, what, how.3. Show the picture in the Around the world. And lead the students to predict about catalogue shopping.4. Play the tape for the students to listen and fill in the blanks about catalogue shopping. Then check the answers through iPad.1. Work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures. Role play as a customer and a shop worker.2. Look at the table and talk about the basic aspects of online shopping: where, what, how.3. Look at the picture in the Around the world. And try to predict about catalogue shopping.4. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks about catalogue shopping. Then check the answers through iPad.1. 利用希沃白板的组合、超链接等功 能,切割场 景图,学生 选图做对话, 让对话更具 真实性,让 学生在实践 操练中习得 语言。2. 利用多媒体信息技术, 将文本内容 转换成音频, 通过听短文 找信息,获 取关键内容, 将听读练习 融合,并通 过智慧课堂 学生机上传 作答,老师 进行实时反 馈。Step4 Conso lidatio n & E xtensi on搭建语言支架, 学生能通过板书图表,谈论购物清单,由说到写步步递进,真正将所学运用1. Supposethatthe、students are going to have a picnic with,their classmates. Let the students ask and。answer the questions first.2. Then encourage the students to write a shopping list for the picnic.3. Check their shopping1. Ask and answer the questions first and then write a shopping list for the picnic.What food or drinks do you need to buy?How much/many do you need?What else would you like to buy?2. Check the shoppinglists through iPad通过智慧课堂学生机上传作答,现场展示学生作业情况并反馈,实现师评、生评等多种评价方式。lists through iPad. Show more useful expressions to the class to imitate.I need to buyAnd I also need to buy I am going to buyIdliketochoosebecausetogether with the teacher. Get more useful expressions to imitate.I need to buyAnd I also need to buy I am going to buyId like to choose becauseStep5 Summ ary教学生善用思维导图,将知识结构化,渗透学习策略,授之以渔Make a summary with the help of the blackboard design and the fish map.。Make a summary with the help of the blackboard design and the fish map together with the teacher.结合传统板书的思维导图和形象化的电子版鱼骨图,充分体现了信息化时代下智慧课堂的优越性。Step6 Home work对本课进行课后延伸,给予充分的时间去完成写作。1. Add more information about shopping and draw a fish map.2. Write your shopping plan as a short passage.Step7 Black board design & the fish map搭建语言支架, 将知识结构化。预设并课堂生成板书,清晰地呈现本课重点内容Blackboard design:The fish map:。九、教学流程图十、教学评价本课中,我充分利用讯飞智慧课堂的技术手段,进行全体作答等练习,并和学生一起查看数据分析进行实时反馈,对教学过程进行适当评价,加强师评有效性。学生通过学生平板进行互评互学,实现了生生互评,充分调动了他们的学习积极性和竞争意识。十一、教学反思与改进外研版教材内容在安排上独具一格,第三单元主要是复习巩固前两个单元所学知识。我认为教师可以根据不同的学情,对第三单元的活动内容进行适当、灵活的重新安排及补充。另外,我更偏爱上一堂集听说读写为一体的复习课,以更加活泼的形式呈现活动内容。信息技术手段永远都是为了课堂服务,本课中我结合传统教学板书并充分利用讯飞智慧课堂的优势,极大地激发了学生的学习热情和积极性。但课堂中还是没能完全照顾到每个同学,接下来我要提高自身的信息技术运用能力,更好地将信息技术与学科进行融合,让智慧课堂更好地服务于我的课堂。我也会继续努力,多学习,提升我的课堂教学效果。


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