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    (全国卷)2021届高三英语下学期三轮冲刺模拟试题2第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen I first met George,I was in my early 30s,seeking a creative outlet(出路) unrelated to boring housework and raising little ones.My children,then aged three and five,were just entering kindergarten and school life.At 65,George had recently retired and was seeking a rewarding hobby.For both of us,painting was “it” and we met at a local painting class.Thus began a friendship that was to last until the day he died.George arrived in Australia as an immigrant from Britain with his wife and two children.He worked hard,played hard,and had an opinion about everything.He adored his wife,his family,and his friends.A slim and energetic man,George took pride in his fitness and walked three kilometres every day.As the only male in a painting class full of women,George ruled the roost and we were his hens.He adored his singular role and looked after his brood(一窝雏鸡) with the same attention he gave to everything.He took to painting with great passion(热情),even transforming the spare bedroom into a studio.A studio!His painting equipment was comprehensive.Ever practical,George housed many of these items in a red metal tool box.After the completion of the course,we still kept in touch.One day when George was about 80 years old,he asked me to come to his house.George explained that he was giving up painting because of his illness and he gave away all his “stuff” to me.I still use much of his equipment today.The most treasured thing is the red tool box.The original shop sticker is still firmly in place although the price has long since worn off.But thats all right because to my mind friendship is beyond price.21Why did the author go to painting class?ATo enjoy school life again.BTo make some new friends.CTo accompany her children.DTo do something interesting.22What might the author think of George?AReliable and caring.BProud and sensitive.CTalented and honest.DSmart and adventurous.23What is the best title for the text?AThe Red Tool BoxBA Friend Is a Second SelfCHave Fun in Painting ClassesDAn Old Mans Life After RetirementBWhen people find themselves in difficult conflicts,they often turn to mediation(调解)Mediators are advised to listen attentively,avoid favoring the ideas of one party,and make both sides feel at ease.Surprisingly,new research that my colleagues and I conducted suggests that,to effectively help people settle their conflicts,mediators should adopt a hostile(敌对的) attitude rather than a calming one.A hostile mediator,we find,brings better results than a nice one.Why would adding more negativity(消极性) to an already hostile situation prove beneficial?Consider how parents typically react when they cant get their children to stop quarreling:“I dont care who started itboth of you,go to your rooms!”At first sight,a calm mediator seems likely to be more effective.But as anyone with brothers or sisters knows,parents seemingly unsympathetic treatment of the situation can have an unusual effect.Children who moments before were troubling each other suddenly become more reasonable due to their unkind parents.In our research,we created situations in which pairs of negotiators were part of a heated conflict.In some cases,the mediator had a “nice” approachcalm and polite.In others,he was hostileaggressive and somewhat rude.Across different types of conflicts,we found that negotiators were more willing and able to reach an agreement in the presence of a hostile mediator than in the presence of a nice one.The main result of the test is not that hostility pays off.In fact,recent research has documented the social costs of negative behavior.For example,being the target of rude behavior reduces peoples performance on a variety of tasks.Other research shows the social benefits of positive behavior.People are more likely to close deals and become future business partners.Even with the widespread social benefits of positive behavior and costs of negative behavior,hostility can pay off in certain situations.24What can we learn about parents settlement of conflicts in Paragraph 2?AIts calming and wise.BIts arbitrary but effective.CIts commonly adopted.DIt harms family relationship.25How does the author support his viewpoints?ABy giving examples and experimenting.BBy analyzing causes and effects.CBy presenting facts.DBy making comparison.26What could be the best title of the text?AThe Significance of Effective MediationBThe Costs of Negative BehaviorCThe Benefits of Positive BehaviorDThe Surprising Power of HostilityCWhen was the last time something important slipped your mind?Maybe it was the answer to a test question,the name of an acquaintance or where you left your keys.Fortunately,memory can be improved so they wont happen that often.Peoples memory has much to do with training and practice.Applying effective means will help improve your memory so that you can access everything you learn whenever you need it.When students want to prepare for a test,they often try to study by simply reading over the material again,copying notes,etc.But these methods of remembering are not always helpful.People remember more when actively taking part in their learning rather than passively receiving it.One great way to do this is to test yourself on the material.Come up with questions about the topic,and try to answer them without looking at your notes.It also helps to try to summarize the material in different ways.You could diagram the information,or you could write your own outline.The more you use the information,the more likely you are to remember it.When I was 8,I began learning to play the flute(长笛),and my music instructor said that its better to practice for five minutes a day,seven days a week,than for two hours on one day.The same goes for remembering information.The more you spread out the time you spend reviewing information,the more likely you are to remember it.A psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus made an important discovery about memory and forgetting.He found that people tend to forget information in a regular pattern.They forget the most information shortly after learning it.The rate at which they forget then slows down over time.Every time people review the information,it causes them to forget less of itwhich means they remember more.So it is vital to review things you want to remember shortly after learning them.Over time,you can review them less and less frequently.27What would happen if something slipped your mind?AYou let your mind wander.BYou think of the answer to a question.CYou fail to remember certain information.DYou keep a persons name in mind.28How does the author support his viewpoints in Paragraphs 2 & 3?ABy making a comparison.BBy giving a summary.CBy conducting experiments.DBy offering examples.29What is the authors story in Paragraph 4 used to show?APractice makes perfect.BRepeated revision is important.CIts vital to insist on what you are fond of.DEfforts play a key part in learning.30What is the text mainly about?AAn explanation of Ebbinghauss theory.BA description of the learning process.CThe approaches to improving memory.DThe relationship between time and memory.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2019·广东深圳高级中学适应性考试)You forgot to set your wake­up alarm.As you slowly come to realize that youre going to be extremely late for school or work,you begin to get into a panic. 31 So you leave home stressed,hungry and thirsty.If you often start your day in such a stressed state,then youll be sure to benefit from the suggestions below.Wake up on time.Waking up on time(or even early) is necessary to start your day positively. 32 And you wont need to rush around at the last minute.Make your bed.Making your bed is probably the last thing you think about when you are prepared in the morning.This habit may be okay for students,but if you want to increase your motivation and productivity,you should definitely make your bed. 33 Take a 10­minute walk in the morning.If you have a dog,then this will be an easy task for you.However,even if you dont own a dog,why not try walking for 10 minutes outside every morning? 34 35 Organized people tend to do this work.It helps them keep track of what needs doing at home,work and beyond.The morning time is perfect for checking your to­do list.You may also find that you can delete some items that you completed the previous day.ACheck your to­do list.BTheres no time for any food or drink.CWrite down things youre grateful for.DFresh air and exercise will make you feel more energetic.EIt will give you space and time to complete your morning routine.FYoull be rewarded by a tidy room,and a feeling of self­satisfaction.GEach morning is the start of a new day,so why not learn something new?第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was young,I was a terrible student.I didnt 36 talking with my grandmother on the phone, 37 she would ask me about school and about what I was reading.Her inability to know what was 38 to me was never more evident than at gift­giving time.Each Christmas,I would get a package from Grandmother.“Another 39 ,just like every year!” I would think and then put it aside.I would 40 all my latest toys on Christmas morning and for days and even weeks after. 41 ,I would open Grandmothers gift.I would read the book and sometimes 42 the text,but I didnt count this as having fun.Although I was not interested in 43 ,I had great patience with younger children.Seeing how I 44 her kid with her homework,my neighbor 45 that I should become a teacher when I grew up.At first,the idea seemed 46 to me.Slowly the idea took root and I decided to give 47 a try.During my second semester in college,I 48 in my Childrens Literature class.Our teacher 49 a list of classic childrens books.It was then that I wanted to 50 .I raced home and ran to the basement.There on a 36A.avoid BlikeCsuggest Dstop37A.because BthoughCso Dwhile38A.obvious BavailableCimportant Dpossible39A.toy BphoneCbag Dbook40A.look for Bplay withCbreak down Dclean up41A.Suddenly BGraduallyCEventually DCuriously42A.edit BmemorizeCimprove Dpublish43A.school BChristmasCchildren Dgifts44A.provided BfilledCleft Dhelped45A.reported BprovedCremarked Dquestioned46A.mean BfamiliarCnatural Dridiculous47A.college BsportCdiet Djob48A.slept BsatCwaited Dspoke49A.received BsubmittedCdemanded Dshowed50A.rest BexplainCcry Dtraveldusty shelf sat the most amazing collection of childrens books any teacher could 51 to have.My grandmother didnt 52 me what my little girl mind wanted,but what she knew I 53 a gift for the soul that would last a lifetime.I 54 to water the seed my grandmother planted so long ago.I graduated from college,received my masters degree and became a 55 ,trying my best to plant those tiny seeds in all my students.51A.agree BhappenCafford Dhope52A.tell BgiveCread Dlend53A.needed BforgotCrepeated Ddoubted54A.hesitated BpretendedCcontinued Drefused55A.teacher BwriterCmanager Ddoctor第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Peoples fingernails and toenails,according 56. a recent study,are nowadays growing more quickly.Research carried out at the University of North Carolina indicates that the speed at 57. human nails are growing 58. (increase) by close to 25 percent over the last 70 years.The results of the study show that the average human fingernail now grows about 3.5mm a month,59. (compare) with just 3mm seven decades ago.Toenail growth,although only about 2mm per month,was also upon the figure obtained in 60. similar survey done 70 years ago.Researchers put the rapid increase down to changes in lifestyle,particularly the greater awareness of the 61. (important) of regular exercise and a healthy diet.This,they point out,is in line with similar 62. (trend) in the height and weight of present­day adults.63. (interesting),it appears that nails tend 64. (grow) fastest in warmer conditions,with the 65. (quick) growth rate among young people,and men.The fastest­growing nail is on the middle finger,while that on the little finger is by far the slowest,at only a little over 3mm each month.第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是李华,你和几个朋友打算去参观茶园,想邀请美国交流生Henry同往。请你给他写一封邮件告知他活动安排。内容包括:1时间和地点;2学习如何沏茶、品茶;3介绍中国茶文化的历史和发展。注意:1词数80左右;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Henry, Yours,Li Hua第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Last year at Christmas my wife,three boys and I were travelling in France.For five terrible days everything had gone wrong.Our rented car broke down;we were all restless and irritable in the crowded car.On Christmas Eve,when we checked into a poor hotel,there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.It was raining and cold when we went out to eat.We found a boring looking little restaurant carelessly decorated for the holiday.It smelled oily.Only five tables in the restaurant were occupied.There were two German couples,two French families,and an American sailor by himself.In the corner a piano player listlessly(无精打采地) played Christmas music.I was too stubborn and too tired to leave.I looked around and noticed that the other customers were eating in stony silence.The only person who seemed happy was the American sailor.When he was eating,a half­smile lighted his face.My wife ordered our meal.The waiter brought us the wrong thing.I scolded my wife for being stupid.The boys defended her,


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