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    2 unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section A课件.ppt

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    2 unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section A课件.ppt

    欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section ACan you feel the love tonight?Can you feel the love tonight?The peace the evening brings.The world for once,in perfect harmony,with all its living things.So many things to tell her.But how to make her see?The truth about my past?Impossible!Shed turn away from me.Hes holding back.Hes hiding.But what I can decide?Why wont he be the king I know he is,the king I see him inside?Can you feel the love tonight?You neednt look too far.Stealing through the nights uncertainties,love is where they are.And if he falls in love tonight,it can be assumed.His carefree days with us are history.In short,our pal is doomed.pandaDo you know these animals?KoalalionbeartigerelephantgiraffedolphinpenguinWhat animals do you want to see?Why?1.tiger _ 2.elephant _3.koala _4.panda _5.lion _6.giraffe _adbefc1a.Match the words with the animals.1b.Listen and check the animals in 1a you hear.PanadaGiraffeKoala A:Lets see the pandas.B:Why do you want to see them?A:Because they are interesting.1c.Pairworkcute interestingfun smartlazy beauifulA:Lets see the koalas.B:Why do you want to see them?A:Because they are lovely.beautifulfun interestingfriendly lovelygolden monkeyintelligent funbeautiful interestingfriendly cutegiraffe cute friendlyfun beautifultiger beautifulsmartscaryelephant cute beautifulfun interestinglovelycutescarybeautifullion smart beautifulinterestingscary lovelybear beautiful lovelyfun interestingfriendly cutedolphinbeautifulfun cute friendlyshypenguin2a.Listen and write the animals you hear and match the followings.panadaslionsreally scarykind of interestingvery cuteAustraliaSouth AfricaChinakoalas2b.Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in the box.Julie:Lets see the _.John:Why do you like them?Julie:Because theyre _ interesting.John:Where are they from?Julie:Theyre from _.pandaskind ofChina2c.Talk about the other two animalsin 2a.Julie:Lets see the _.John:Why do you like them?Julie:Because theyre _.John:Where are they from?Julie:Theyre from _.lionskoalaskoalasvery cuteAustralia kind of big very big=a little bigThe animals and the countriesWhere are these animals from?They come from North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaAfricaOceaniaSouth PoleAustraliaNorth PoleCountry Animals ChinapandaAsiaAustraliakoalasOceaniaSouth AfricalionsAfricaIndiaelephantAsiapolar bearsNorth PolepenguinsSouth PoleJenny:Your dog is really cute,Peter!Peter:Hes my new pet,Dingding.Hes very smart.Jenny:Really?What can he do?Peter:He can walk on two legs.He can dance,too.Jenny:Wow!Peter:Does your family have a pet?Jenny:My mom has a big cat,but I dont like her.Peter:Why dont you like the cat?Jenny:Well,because shes kind of boring.She sleeps all day,and her name is Lazy.Peter:Haha,then thats a good name for her!2d.Role-play the conversation.Questions Answers Why do you like panadas?Because theyre kind of interesting.Why does John like Koalas?Because theyre very cute.Why dont you like tigers?Because theyre really scary.Where are lion from?Theyre from South Africa.Grammar FocusA:_are lions from?B:_ from South Africa.Do you _lions.?A:No,I dont.B:Why _ you like lions?A:Because theyre really scary.But I like giraffes.B:Really?_ do you like giraffes?A:Well,_ theyre kind of interesting.Do you like pandas?B:Yes,I do.But I like tigers a lot.A:Tigers?Why _ you like tigers?B:Theyre really _!3a.Fill in the blanks and practice.Where Theyre like dont Why because do cool I like _ because theyre cute.3b.Write names of animals.I like _ because theyre smart.I like _ because theyre interesting.I dont like _ because theyre lazy.koalasgiraffeselephantslionsA:Is this animal big?B:Yes,it is.A:Wheres the animal from?B:Its from China.A:Is it black and white?B:Yes,it is.A:Its a panda!B:Yes,youre right!3c.Guess animals.Its quiet and gentle.Its spotted.It has very long neck.Its strong and big.It looks like the cat.It runs fast.It eats meat.Its the king of the forest.uglyfriendlysmall/littleshy难看的难看的友好的友好的小的小的害羞的害羞的quietsmartfuninteresting安静的安静的精明的精明的乐趣乐趣有趣的有趣的cleverbeautifulcutescary聪明的聪明的美丽的美丽的小巧玲珑的小巧玲珑的令人恐慌的令人恐慌的本课须掌握的形容词本课须掌握的形容词Explanation 1.kind的用法的用法1)kind of 有点儿有点儿,有几分有几分,稍微稍微,“kind of +a.”如如:Koala bears are kind of shy.考拉有点害羞。考拉有点害羞。kind of difficult 有点儿难有点儿难 kind of cute 有点可爱有点可爱 kind of cold 有点冷有点冷2)kind 还有还有“种类种类”的意思,如:的意思,如:各种各样的各种各样的 all kinds of We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school.3)in kind 用实物用实物(支付支付)如:如:Farmers often like to pay their bills in kind.农民往往愿用实物抵账。农民往往愿用实物抵账。2.very +adj.很很/非常非常 very beautiful 很美很美/非常漂亮非常漂亮 very cool 很酷很酷3.China n.中国中国 Africa n.非洲非洲 China 和和Africa都是专有名词都是专有名词,首字母都应该首字母都应该 大写大写,而且和介词而且和介词in连用。如:连用。如:There are many kinds of tigers in China.There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa.4.-Why do you like pandas?-Because theyre kind of interesting.对于对于why开头的特殊疑问句询问原因的话,开头的特殊疑问句询问原因的话,回答要用回答要用because.-Where are lions from?-Theyre from South Africa.对于对于where开头的特殊疑问句询问地点的话,开头的特殊疑问句询问地点的话,应该回答的句子要出现应该的地点状语或名应该回答的句子要出现应该的地点状语或名词。词。.根据英语意思写出动物名称。根据英语意思写出动物名称。1.a very large,grey animal with big ears and a very long nose:_2.an Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves:_penguin,koala,elephant,panda,giraffeelephantkoala3.a large,black and white animal that lives in forests in China:_4.a large African animal with a very long neck and long,thin,legs:_5.a large,black and white sea bird that swims and cannot fly:_pandagiraffepenguin1.-What animals are from Australia?-_?A.Lions B.Pandas C.Koalas D.Dolphins2.-Are _ from China?-Yes,they are.A.lions B.pandas C.koalas D.dolphins3.-Do you like giraffe?-_.A.Yes,I am B.Yes,I do C.Yes,I can D.Yes,I will.单项选择。单项选择。CBB 4.-Why do you like pandas?-Because theyre _.A.sorry B.tired C.quiet D.cute5.-Where are the lions from?-_.A.China B.Australia C.South Africa D.USA6.Lets _ during the day.A.sleeps B.to sleep C.sleeping D.sleepD C D 7.-What other animals do you like?-I like _.A.dogs B.books C.bikes D.red8.She likes _ during the day.A.to sleeping B.sleeping C.sleep D.to sleeps9.There are _ hours in a day.A.seven B.twelve C.twenty-four D.forty eightA B C 1.Koalas are kind _ interesting.2.She likes to play _ her friends.3.Bill gets up _ nine.4.Lingling sleeps _ the day.5.Lions are _ the South Africa.6.Were in USA now,but were _ China.ofwithatfromfrom.用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。during7.Theres a chair _ your left.8.I know that you will arrive _ Beijing next Sunday.9.-Wheres the post office?-Its across _ the bank.10.There are many animals _ the zoo.oninfromin1.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?Because they dont want to be hot-dog.2.Where can a dog get another tail?At a retail store.脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯3.What animals can jump as high as a tree.All animals,for no trees can jump.4.Lucky mouse fell off a 1000-step stair,and was not hurt,why?He fell off the last step.5.Why do giraffes have long neck?Their heads are far from their bodies.6.Why is peacock the best story-teller?Because it always has a beautiful tail(tale).7.Which animal eats with its tail?All animals.No one takes off its tail while eating.8.Which is the strongest creature in the world?Snail.It carries its house on its back.10.What kind of animal will become larger when its head is cut off?foxox9.Why do lions eat raw meat?They dont know how to cook.Homework 1.Remember the new words.2.Practice the conversations with your classmates.Animals are our friends.We live(居住居住)in the same(相同相同)small world(世界世界).To Love animals is to love ourselves(我们自己我们自己).Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.Dont kill animals.Dont hurt animals.Dont eat animals.Dont kill animals.Dont hurt animals.Dont eat animals.励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全


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