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    7a Unit2 导学案答案.doc

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    7a Unit2 导学案答案.doc

    高邮市初中英语导学案7A Unit 2 参考答案Welcome to the unit【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. wake up2. want to do sth.3. go to sleep4. eat / have lunch 5. have fun / have a good time 6. get up 7. go to school 8.do morning exercises 9. have lessons 10. do after-school activities 11. go home 12. do homework 13. watch TV 14. go to bed(二)1. to have / eat supper 2. lots of 3. dont speak 4. doesnt get 5. in the morning(三)1.词性 2. have fun , have a good time , enjoy oneself【当堂反馈】一. 1-5 B C B B C 6-10 B A A B A 二. 1.doesnt do his homework 2. What are you going to do 3. called Lucy4. have fun5. wants to 三. 1. He usually goes to bed at 9:30 in the evening. 2. Dont talk. He wants to go to sleep. 3. Whats the time? Its 7:00. Its time to go to school. 4. He watches TV for half an hour after supper. 5. Li Ping keeps a diary every day. 6. He often chats with his e-friend on the Internet. 7. Someone doesnt know how to make friends with others.【课后拓展】 1. B information 2. C giving 3. C to listen 4. A What / C like 5.D 去掉itReading (1)【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. at lunchtime 2. chat with each other 3. be very nice / kind / friendly to me4. all my friends 5. do morning exercises 6. spend time doing sth. 7. the Reading Club8. after school9. play badminton10. a member of the Swimming Club 11. have a good time 12. e-mail me / give me an e-mail 13. my best friend 14. sit under the trees in / on the playground 15. really great 16.practise doing(二)1. Does he do 2. Does have 3. Do like playing 4. Does take 5. Are there any6. Who does go 7. How many students are there in your school? 8. a good swimmer 9. Chinese best(三)1.be friendly to , be helpful to , be polite to 这些短语都是在形容词后用介词to, 因为这些形容词都是指人的性格特征. 2. spend time on sth. , spend time doing sth. , spend time in doing sth.【当堂反馈】一.1. really 2. to do 3. going , playing 4. swimming, swimmers 5. activities 6. to have 7. exercises 8. doing 9. watches 10. arent 11. playing 12. walk二. 1. He spends half an hour playing basketball every day . 2. We always have a good time at our school. 3. There are lots of nice people in our class. 4. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 5. I want to send an e-mail to him. 6. I often practise playing volleyball with my friends after school. 【课后拓展】from, Let , something , have , once, after , lots , English , both , chattingReading (2)【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. swimming pool 2. show to 3. send sth. to sb. / send sb. sth. 4. three days a day 5. twice a week 6. by a computer(二)1. D 2. H 3. I 4. B 5. J 6. G 7. A 8. C 9. E 10. F (三)1. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 in the morning half past six in the morning 2. send it to me send the book to me / send me the book【当堂反馈】一. 1-5 D A B A A 6-10 C B D A D二. 1. There are about 100 teachers 2. spends two hours doing homework every day. 3. goes to the Reading Club twice a week 4. has a lot of homework to do at school every day. 5. Are all your classmates nice to you 6.often send each other e-mails and chat with each other【课后拓展】一. TFTFT二. 1.E-mail 2.is 3.first 4.exercises 5.many 6.all 7.lessons 8.best 9.in 10.playing Vocabulary【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. watch too much TV 2. read newspapers 3. listen to the radio 4. write e-mails 5. play badminton 6. read books 7. make model planes 8. watch football matches on TV(二)1. write 2. swimmers 3. go goes 4. matches 5. e-mail 6. to play 7. ships 8. more 9. letters 10. players(三)1. 这两个短语中文意思相同但结构不一样. 在watch too much中too much 作watch的宾语,在 watch TV too much 中too much 作动词watch的状语. 2. 都错. 单数可数名词不可用原形作宾语.【课堂导学与互动】 1. E 2. D 3. C 4. F 5. A 6. B【当堂反馈】一. 1. D playing 2. B listen to 3. B say 4. B. are both 5. B watches二. 1-5. B A C D A 6-7 A A三. 1 . lots of 2. Does have she does 3. likes playing 4. What do【课后拓展】 1. make 2. reads 3. listen 4. play 5. write 6. send 7. watch 8. much 9. listen 10. rightGrammar (1) 【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. have much time to do sth.2. all the time3. on Monday4. dancing lesson 5. talk with 6. lots of / a lot of 7. talk about 8. every Tuesday 9. on the volleyball court10. go to the Computer Club 11. know a lot about 12. meet up with 13. walk a dog14. every Thursday afternoon (二)1. She 2. It 3. She 4. I 5. They they 6. you 7. We (三)1. we, you 和 they 2. you and I; you and he ; he and I ; we and you; you and they ; we and they ; we, you and they【当堂反馈】一. 1-5 B D B A B/A 6-10 B D C A D二. 1. you 2. He 3. She 4.I 5. They 6. We 7. she 8. She 9. They 10. I 11. you, I 12. It【课后拓展】 (一)1. Do you read 2. What do they do 3. dont have any 4. often does 5.Dont do (二)1. meets up with Simon and then they do their homework together at the weekend. 2. We always sit under the big tree and chat with each other. 3. She is very busy and she doesnt have much time to listen to music. 4. My mother says we shouldnt watch too much TV 5. Peter and I both like football. We play together all the timeGrammar (2)【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1.really great 2. talk to him on the phone 3. teach me English 4. like reading books 5. talk about it after school 6. say hello to him 7. hear him well 8. like football(二)1. He us 2. we them 3. I them 4. you me 5. me you 6. me I 7. her 8. you(三)1. 宾 介 2. teach English to us buy books for me take him for a walk【课堂导学与互动】 Singular PluralSubjectIyouhesheitweyoutheyObjectmeyouhimheritusyouthem 【当堂反馈】一.1-5 C D C C C 6-10 C C C B B二.1. looking for 2. comes from 3. have a good time 4. am late 5. all the time 6. lots of 7. Would you like 8 each other 9. is good at 10. has dinner【课后拓展】 一、1. her 2. them 3. him 4. us 5. me二、1)Are your parents at home? Please say hello to them for me. 2)He teaches us English, and we teach him Chinese 3)I cant hear you well. Can you say it again? 4)He knows a lot about football. Lets ask him. 5)She is always busy. She doesnt have time to play with me. Integrated skills 【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. go on a school trip 2. next Monday 3. each/ every student 4. the China Science and Technology Museum 5. Beijing Zoo 6. the China Space Museum 7. except Monday8. the price for each student 9. be open 10. be closed 11. fromto 12. information about 13. look forward to 14. would like to go to Beijing Zoo15. dont worry 16. need more pratice/ need to practise it more 17.have a day out 18. have lessons 19. be good at 20. your favourite lesson(二)1.Thank you for organizing this class trip.2.The price for each student is 5 yuan.3.We are all looking forward to a great day out.4.What do you think of your new school?5.What is your favorite lesson?6.I am not good at English.   7. Maybe you need to practice it more.   8.Each student can spend 10 yuan.(三) 1. thank you for doing sth. look forward to doing sth. 共同点是: 介词后用动名词做宾语 2. What do think of? How you like ?【当堂反馈】(一)1. organizing     2. looking   3. information     4. closed     5. seeing(二)1. What do you think of the TV play?     2. My mother would like me to go home.     3. Thank you  for buying breakfast for me     4. His favorite sport is football.     5. They will go on a school trip next Sunday.(三)翻译下列句子1.There is lots of information about sports on the Internet.2.Well go on a class trip next Monday.3.The park opens from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.4. The museum is closed on Wednesday.5. Thank you for your help. Thank you for helping me. 6.每个学生都期盼一天愉快的出游。Each student is looking forward to a great day out.【课后拓展】一、1. classes 2. home 3. playing 4. run 5. volleyball 6. fly 7. songs 8. at 9. learn 10. flowers二、(略)Pronunciation【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)陈述句: 降调 一般疑问句: 升调 特殊疑问句: 降调 选择疑问句: 前升后降 祈使句: 降调 感叹句: 降调(二)1. desks /s / 2. schools / z / 3. trees /z / 4. oranges / iz / 5. students /s / 6. helps / s / 7. loves /z/ 8. knows / z / 9. teaches / iz / 10.reads / z / 11. goes / z /【当堂反馈】一.1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C二. 1. A 2. D三略四1.Mine 2. It 3.them 4.mine 5.their 6.yours mine theirs 7.her Hers 8.his it 9.you your 10. me【课后拓展】 一、A. 1. look at 2. look for 3. is , like 4. look after B. 1. say 2. says 3. talking 4. speak二、1. in 2. Japanese 3. some 4. same 5. ride 6. fly 7. helps 8. other 9. all 10. friendsMain task【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. chat with sb.2 . get ready for 3. too much 4 . learn more about the world5. eat nice food 6 . do morning exercises7. Online Friendship Club(二) 1 in 2 after 3 with 4 in 5 at(三)1.like,love,enjoy, be fond of , dislike, hate, 2准备好做某事be/get ready to do sth. 做好.的准备be/get ready for【当堂反馈】 (一) 1-5 C A C B A 6-7 D B (二)1、to do 2、to go 3、cooking 4、help 5、telling 6、having(二)根据所给汉语完成下列句子: 1.We like doing morning exercises because they are good for us.They help us get ready for the day.2.Millie likes/loves drawing because she likes different kinds of colours.3.Nike likes/loves playing football because he wants to be a football player.4.He dislikes doing homework because its hard and theres too much.5.Her cousin loves reading because she wants to learn more about the world.【课后拓展】 略Checkout【预习指导与检测】二、预习成果(一)1. the answer to Number 2 2. Lets ask him. 3. difficult question 4. go to the club every Tuesday 5. have trouble with sth.(二)1. swimmer 2. practicing 3. to eat 4. homework 5. twice 6. has 7. to go 8. well 9. writing 10. swimming (三)1.本句中we 为主格, 只能作主语,不能作宾语,因此应把we 改为us. 2. see sb. do sth. look at sb. do sth. watch sb. do sth. make sb. do sth. listen sb. do sth. hear sb. do sth. feel sb. do sth. 【当堂反馈】一. 1. games 2. lunch 3. swimmer 4. radio 5. e-mails 6. model 7. newspapers 8. shouldnt 9. practises 10. activities二. 1. watching 2. Dont look 3. make 4. write 5. reading 6. have 7. organizing 8. to go 9. to read 10. has三. 1. reading books; to learn more 2. the answer to 3. too much homework 4. chat with ; and eat 5. goes ; Computer Club every Tuesday【课后拓展】 一、1. yours2. have3. mine4. behind5. Sorry 6. white 7. like 8. Who 9. Lets 10. Dont 二、写作 略


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