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    Unit8单元综合测试卷(B) 牛津译林版英语七年级上册.doc

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    Unit8单元综合测试卷(B) 牛津译林版英语七年级上册.doc

    7A Unit8 单元综合测试卷(B)一、听力测试(10分)A.根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案()1. What size does the man need?A. Size 40. B. Size 41. C. Size 42.()2. Where are they talking?A. At school. B. At home. C. At a shop.()3. How does the boy like the trainers?A. Light. B. Comfortable.C. Popular.()4. Who are the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Shopkeeper and customer (顾客).C. Father and daughter.()5. Whatdoesthewomanmean?A. She doesn't like them. B. They don't match. C. She likes them.B.根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案()6. What's the shirt made of?A. It's made of cotton. B. It's made of wool.C. It's made of silk.() 7. How many kinds of clothes are made of cotton?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.()8. What's the colour of the blouse?A. It's white. B. It's yellow. C. It's green.()9. What does the shirt look like?A. It looks clean. B. It looks beautiful. C. It looks large.()10. What's the colour of the trainers?A. Yellow and white. B. Blue and white. C. Green and white.二、单词拼写(9分)1. My sister likes _ (深色的) colours but my mother doesn't.2. The _ (女士的)boots look great on Mrs Wang.3. -Who's that _ (精干的)man? - He is our Maths teacher.4. Here are some _ (设计) for a new building.5. - Whose is this pair of _ (手套)? - Jack's.6. Does she like the _ (紫色的) blouse?7. - The ice(冰) in the river is very s _ . We can go skating (滑冰)on it. - I'm afraid it's not thick (厚的) enough. It's dangerous to skate on it.8. I want to s my holiday on the beach (海滩).9. - I want to be a _ when I grow up.- So that you can wear many modern clothes and take part in many fashion shows.三、词形变化(5分)1. She wants two _ (many) apples to eat.2. - Are those pairs of trainers the _ (gentleman)? - Yes, they are theirs.3. I feel very _ (comfort) in this soft chair.4. Li Hua is one of Simon's favourite football _ (player).5. - How many _ (scarf) do you have? - Five.四、句型转换(5分)1. Lucy is a worker. Lily is a worker too. (合并为一句) _ Lucy _ Lily _ _.2. May I borrow some money from you? (改为同义句)Can you _some money _me?3. The boys are playing football in the football field. (对画线部分提问) _ are the boys _ in the football field?4. Tom is cleaning his car now. (改为否定句) Tom _ _ his car now.五、单项填空(15分)()1. Linda gets good grades in the exam. _ hapy she is!A. How a B. What aC. What D. How()2. - Sam, let's go to the cinema. There is a new movie called Star Wars. - Not now. I my brother David with his English.A. help B. helpedC. am helpingD. was helping()3. - How much is your new note book? - It _ me 12 yuan.A. is B. takesC. costs D. spends()4. - Why don't you like this red dress, Jane? - It isn't my _ . I would like to wear sports clothes.A. price B. size C. style D. colour()5. There are only eight chairs here. We need _ chairs.A. another two B. more twoC. two another D. another()6. I just don't know _ my brother.A. to buy what to B. what to buy toC. to buy what forD. what to buy for()7. - Can you _ your photos _ us? - Of course.A. give; for B. show; to C. show; for D. take; for()8. Here _ the bus. Let's _ .A. comes; get on it B. is coming; get on itC. come;get it on D. is coming; get it on()9. Simon wears a pair of _ .A. black leather long boots B. long black leather bootsC. leather long black boots D. black long leather boots()10. This pair of trainers _ very nice. Can I _ ?A. is; try them on B. are; try on themC. is; try it on D. are; try on it()11. - How long may I _ your bike? - For a week. But you can't _ it to others.A. borrow; lendB. keep; lendC. lend; borrow D. keep; borrow()12. You may choose _ , but you can't take this one.A. any other lantern B. other any lanternsC. another lanterns D. other lantern()13. The shirt, the jacket and the jeans _ cotton.A. all are made in B. both are made ofC. are both made from D. are all made of()14. - What do you _ my new book? - It's interesting.A. think over B. feel aboutC. think ofD. talk about()15. - Good morning, sir! May I help you? - _ . I am just having a look.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, you can'tC. Yes, you mayD. No, thank you六、完成句子(10分)1.妈妈和我都躺在床上,因为我们很累。 2.这个穿着黄色外套的女孩正在寻找她的狗。 3.孙明每天都花一个多小时练习踢足球。 4.今天的舞蹈课到此结束。 5.汤姆喜欢那件夹克衫,因为它既不太长也不太大。 七、完形填空(10分)Last summer, Tina's parents needed to work in another city for a month. So Tina had to stay 1 Aunt Betsy in California.Tina never saw Aunt Betsy before, 2 she was a little nervous(紧张的). Aumt Betsy told her her the 3 in California was hot. Tina took some shorts and T-shirts. She also put some books in her bag because she 4 reading. Her favourite books were about horses.When the day came, Aunt Betsy picked up Tina. On the 5 to her house, Tina saw many horses in the field. She liked them and 6 to have a horse some day.When they came to Aunt Betsy's house, Tina saw a big 7 on the wall. It was about a tall brown horse. Aunt Betsy was in the picture, and she was sitting on the horse.Do you 8 the horse? Its Lucky. Usually, I visit her 9 a week, every Saturday afternoon for an hour. We can go riding together this weekend, said Aunt Betsy.Tina felt 10 because she and her aunt had the same hobby. It was going to be a wonderful holiday.()1. A. to B. for C. with D. about()2. A. so B. but C. or D. if()3. A. water B. food C. work D. weather()4. A. disliked B. enjoyed C. forgot D. stopped()5. A. train B. farm C. way D. car()6. A. needed B. seemed C. felt D. wished()7. A. book B. TV C. picture D. clock()8. A. remember B. have C. like D. feed()9. A. once B. twice C. three times D. fourtimes()10. A. tired B. strange C. happy D. right八、阅读理解(10分)The weather is getting colder. People are wearing their winter coats, hats and gloves. But best of all, now it is the time of year to wear qiuku!Qiuku has many names in English. Some people call it long underwear. The formal (正式的) name in English is thermal (保暖的) underwear, or thermals for short.But the most popular nickname (昵称) is “long johns”. Some people think they are named after the famous British boxer (拳击手) John Sullivan. He wore clothing like long underwear while boxing. However, no one knows if this is true.US people wear long johns too, but they're not very popular. Every home in the US has neaters(暖气). So you don't need to wear warm clothes indoors during winter. Most people also think they are not very fashionable to wear. But some people have to work outdoors in winter. They need to wear long johns to keep warm during winter.I love to wear long johns too. I wear them at home all the time during the winter. They are comfortable and relaxing to wear.()1. What is the most popular name for qiuku in English?A. Long johns. B.Underwear. C. Thermals. D. Thermal underwear.()2. Why are long johns not so popular in the US? Because Americans don't like boxing or the name.Because people have heaters at home and don't feel cold. Because most people think long johns are not fashionable.Becausemanyofthemoftenworkoutdoorsandlongjohnsaretoolong.A. B. C. D.()3. What does the writer think of wearing long johns?A. He also thinks long johns are old fashioned.B. He only wears them in China, but never in the US.C. He thinks long johns are comfortable to wear.D. He doesn't feel relaxed when wearing long johns.()4. The writer wants to by writing this article.A. buy more long johns B. tell why people wear long johnsC. ask more people to wear long johns D. tell us about long johns()5. The passage is probably(可能) from .A. a history book B. a storybook C. a letter D. amagazine(杂志)九、短文填空(10分)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today we are 1. (show) you some different styles of traditional (传统的) Chinese clothes.Look 2. the first model. She is wearing a long gown(礼服). The gown is white. It is 3. of silk. It is light and makes you feel cool in summer. Do you think the model looks nice? And here 4. (come) a girl. Look at the Chinese-style dress on her. We call this dress qipao. It makes a woman look slim. Qipao has 5. history of about 100 years. You may think it always in an old style, 6. this qipao looks modern. Now on the T-stage is a model in a Tang suit(唐装). He looks smart. And look at 7. (he) cloth shoes. They are light and comfortable. Why not 8. (buy) a pair for your foreign(外国的) friend? The last model is Sue. She is a tall girl with 9. (glass). She looks 10. (real) good in white. That's all for our show. Now, would you like to take photos with our models?十、阅读表达(6分)(第1题1分,第2题2分,第3题3分)It's time for school! But on May 14th, Duncanville High School in Texas, US, asks 170 students to go back home.Why? Because they are wearing the wrong clothes to school.Schools in the US don't always ask students to wear uniforms. But they have dress codes (着装规范). For example, Duncanville High School tells students to wear belts and shirts without logos (标识).Schools' most-hated clothes are different. In 2011, schools in Florida stop students from wearing trousers that show body parts. Now, some schools don't allow(允许) leggings (紧身裤). Other schools ask students to wear a shirt or a skirt over leggings.Some students complain (抱怨) that schools are going too far. But schools say dress codes help protect (保护) the students and make sure they grow up with good taste."We want to teach them that they must do this not only here at school, but also outside school, "said Andre Smith.1. What does Duncanville High School ask students to wear? 2. Why do students complain that schools are going too far? 3. Do you think the school dress codes are good for students? Why or why not? 十一、书面表达(10分)假如你是穿搭小能手,请你根据下面表格中的内容,给你的同学提供一些穿搭建议,并将你的建议写成一篇短文。 需求 搭配 理由 西蒙 喜欢跳舞 夹克衫+牛仔裤 精干、酷 桑迪参加唱歌比赛(competition)紫色丝绸衬衫+黄色裙子 可爱、好看 安迪 常参加运动 棉T恤+运动鞋 舒适、时尚I'm glad I can help my classmates with their dressing styles. 6


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