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    LESSON 56 如何讲述奇闻轶事:老爷车大赛Part 1. 词汇脱口秀1. handsome为啥 handsome 表示“漂亮,帅气”? 最初含义是"easy to handle, ready at hand"据说,最早把这个词用来表示“男子漂亮,帅气”的是 16 世纪末期,英国诗人斯宾塞(Spenser) 以及大文豪莎士比亚 Shakespeare.1)形容男人 A handsome man2)也可以形容女士“健美”If you say a woman is handsome, you mean she looks attractive in a strong healthy way. Handsome is as handsome does.How one acts is more important than how one looks.3)可以形容“物”An animal, object, or building that is handsome looks attractive in an impressive way.A handsome horse A handsome carA handsome house猜猜看:The company has made a handsome profit out of the deal. A handsome sum of money is a large amount.2. wheel(1) 轮子How many wheels does a car have ? Five.A car usually have two front wheels, two back wheels and one spare wheel.注意:前轮: front wheels后轮: rear/back wheels备用轮:spare wheel / spare tyre(2) 方向盘=Steering wheel场景造句:My dad always takes the wheel whenever we go out. My dad is at /behind the wheel .= My dad is driving the car.The drunk driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel(=while he was driving).3. explodev.这个词为啥表示“爆炸”?explode 这词竟然来自剧院?explode 的两个部分ex=out 出 去plode 来 自 词 根 plaudere =clap the hands, applaud Explode = “to drive an actor off the stage by making noise”explode 核心意思就是 。【听记 1】到了 18 世纪后期,才慢慢演变为:“爆炸,爆发”的意思to burst with destructive force比如:In 1964, China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb.引申:Chinas population exploded after 1949.【explode = to increase suddenly and rapidly in number】【China nearly doubled in population from 540 million in 1949 to 969 million in 1979.】Knowing the flight was canceled , Michael exploded with anger. Jack told a joke which made us explode with laughter.An explosion of laughter 就是“一阵爆笑”explosion n. 爆炸,轰响4. coursecourse 为啥表示“路线”?基因:词根 cours , curs 表示 “run”所以,核心的意思:line in which something moves1)船只/飞机运动路线,就是航线, 比如:The plane was on course .The plane was 10 miles off course .The plane changed course to avoid the storm.2)河流“运动路线”的河道”比如:长江的河道 The course of the Yangtze River小常识:为啥长江叫 the Yangtze River?3)course 可以表示“时间进程”Over the course of the next few years, Jenny was studying very hard at Harvard University. the course of history 是啥?造句:World War Two changed the course of human history.4)那为啥 course 表示“课程”?因为 【听记 2】5. rivaln. 对手A rival is a competitor in sport, business, or a fight.比如:In the world cup, Brazil and Argentina have been rivals.As the two largest soft-drink brands, Coke and Pepsi have long been chief rivals.“arch rivals ”是什么意思?Coke and Pepsi are arch rivals.一个人,或某个东西非常好,好到没有竞争对手: Someone or something has no rivals or is without rival When iPhone was first launched in 2007, it was without rival. IPhone was unrivalled at that time.精彩用法: A has no rivals = A is without rival. = A is unrivalled.造句:The beer has no rivals.= The beer is without rival. = This beer is unrivalled. Michael Phelps had no rivals in the swimming pool.有同学可能会问:rival 和 competitor 都表示对手,有啥区别?rival 更可以强调 。【听记 3】比如:The two men were rivals for the ladys love.6. speedv. = travel at a great speed 疾驰,快速行驶If you speed somewhere, you move or travel there quickly.注意:过去式,sped/speeded过去分词:sped/speeded 比如:The ambulance sped to the hospital.The high-speed train sped through the tunnel at 300 kph.speed upThe train is speeding up . VS. The train is slowing down. The economic recovery is speeding up / slowing down.如果要表达“使加快,加速.”: speed sth. up / speed up sth. The Internet has sped up the process of globalization.Setting a reasonable goal and making a good plan will speed up the learning process.【Setting a time-bound goal can help overcome procrastination.】【听记答案】1. 发出巨大的噪音2. 课程也就是学习路线3. 双方针锋相对的紧张形势LESSON 56 如何讲述奇闻轶事:老爷车大赛Part 2. 句型精讲学习新概念中“delicate humor”After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them!精华赏析:Many of the cars broke down on the course注意 break down 表示抛锚了意思:If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.)。最精彩的是后面一句:Some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them.= Some drivers spent more time repairing their cars than driving them.“精致的幽默”- delicate humor.这种 delicate humor 的本质是什么呢?It is about looking at the world from a different perspective. It comes from extracting fun elements from our daily lives.精致的幽默在语言上有什么特点?1) Indirect information东欣老师的经历:“Hey, Mike,would you like to ride the roller coaster ?” “Oh, No, Kevin, We should not do it.”“Why?”“Because I don't wanna donate all my food to the park. ”注意,他说的这个 punchline(笑料,笑点) 是什么? 捐赠: donate呕吐: vomit 或者 throw up2) Visualization这课中就用到了一个小技巧:用介词代动词,制造画面感用 under the car 代替 repair the car , 用 in the car 代替 drive the car.在美国小说家 Jack London 的著名小说The call of the wild当中描述一只狗的遭遇: 一只叫做Buck 的狗一直生活在美国加州一个温暖的山谷里 Santa Clara Valley。【东欣老师注:如果对于这篇小说有兴趣,建议大家听听佐伊老师的牛津书虫双语阅读】He growled, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck. He jumped at the man.The man caught him and suddenly buck was on his back with his tongue out of his mouth.on his back = fall down to the ground out of his month = stick out his tongue3) hyperbole夸张思维: 比如:新概念 2第 54 课The door bell rang loud enough to wake the dead.东欣老师的经历:I saw a huge pair of shoes.“My brothers feet are so big that whenever we go skiing, he doesnt need any skis at all. ”4) To create the unexpectedThe winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.描述做一件事很困难:have a lot of trouble/difficulty doing sth. .比如: I have a lot of trouble/difficulty understanding his accent.实际获胜原因: The brake failed本课标题,“faster than sound”作者用了一种反语(irony)的幽默。The title of this story is really ironic.总结:Looking at things from a different perspective will make your life more colorful and fascinating!LESSON 56 如何讲述奇闻轶事:老爷车大赛Part 3. 故事转述1. 中英文逐句转述去年,我观看了一场专门为老爷车举办的有趣比赛。Last year, I watched a pretty interesting race held for old cars.这是一次令我大开眼界的经历。It was quite an eye-opening experience.看到那么多破旧的老爷车来参加比赛,观众们都很兴奋。Spectators were very excited to see so many clunker cars taking part in this race.* spectator n. (词根 spect=look)* clunker n. A clunker or a clunker car is an old car that does not work well.Its pronunciation sounds exactly like an old machine that doesnt run smoothly.一辆劳斯莱斯银魂汽车是最漂亮的汽车之一,当它出现的时候吸引了很多人的眼球。A Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost was one of the most handsome cars and caught the eye of many people when it appeared.* 拓展知识:Rolls-Royce 来自: Charles Rolls and Henry Royce.It was a British luxury car manufacturing business established in 1904. Rolls-Royce 被英国最早的汽车杂志Autocar称为世界上最好的汽车.最令人惊讶的是,一辆只有三个轮子的奔驰车也参加了比赛。Most surprisingly, a Benz with only three wheels also participated in the race.* Karl Benz:It is believed that he created the first practical automobile in 1885.所有的观众在比赛前都屏住呼吸,期待知道那辆车能获得胜利。All spectators were holding their breath before the race began, eager to see which car would win.在一阵爆炸式的轰鸣声中,比赛开始了。After a lot of loud explosions, the race kicked off.有些车艰难地前进,在半路就抛锚了,没能到达终点线。Struggling to go forward, quite a number of cars broke down on the course and failed to reach the finishing line.【finishing line / starting line】很可笑的是有些司机在车下面待的时间比车里都多。It was so funny that some drivers stayed even longer under their cars than in them.由于无法把车恢复正常,其中一位司机无奈只好在推着车往前走。Failing to get the car back to normal, one of those drivers had no choice but to push his car forward.当然,有一些车的确到达了终点。Of course, a few cars did make it to the destination.获胜的车速度达到了 40 英里每小时。考虑到这辆车的年龄,这个速度已经很非常棒了。The winner reached a speed of 40 miles an hour, which was quite impressive considering how old it was.但是,它是如何能达到这样高的一个速度呢?But how did it manage to reach such a high speed ?在比赛的最后,它的刹车坏了。At the end of the race, its brake failed.因此,它加速冲下了山坡,驾驶员费了好大劲才把它停下来。As a result, it sped downhill and the driver had great difficulty trying to stop it.【downhill adv.uphill adv. 】这个比赛很值得观看,因为它给观众们带来了很多欢乐。The race was worth watching as it gave the spectators a great deal of pleasure.尽管和刺激的现代赛车有很大差别,但是这个比赛同样令人激动不已。Although quite different from the thrilling modern car races, it was no less exciting.【A is no less exciting than B= A is as exciting as B;再比如:EQ is no less important than IQ.】2. 全英文转述Last year, I watched a pretty interesting race held for old cars. It was quite an eye-opening experience.Spectators were very excited to see so many clunker cars taking part in this race. A Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost was one of the most handsome cars and caught the eye of many people when it appeared. Most surprisingly, a Benz with only three wheels also participated in the race. All spectators were holding their breath before the race began, eager to see which car would win.After a lot of loud explosions, the race kicked off.Struggling to go forward, quite a number of cars broke down on the course and failed to reach the finishing line.It was so funny that some drivers stayed even longer under their cars than in them. Failing to get the car back to normal, one of those drivers had no choice but to push his car forward. Of course, a few cars did make it to the destination. The winner reached a speed of 40 miles an hour, which was quite impressive considering how old it was.But how did it manage to reach such a high speed ?At the end of the race, its brake failed.As a result, it sped downhill and the driver had great difficulty trying to stop it. The race was worth watching as it gave the spectators a great deal of pleasure.Although quite different from the thrilling modern car races, it was no less exciting.3. 文化点评美国的汽车文化 American automobile culture下面这些汽车类型你都认识么?SUV (sport-utility vehicle) sports carconvertible 【convert v. 转变】Green car limousine Vanpickup truckThough Ford did not invent the automobile, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle-class Americans could afford.In 1913, the Ford Model T became the first automobile to be mass-produced on a moving assemblyline(装配线,流水作业线).Ford Model T was a revolutionary product in the history of the automobile. By 1927, Ford had produced over 15,000,000 Model T automobiles.“Any man with a good job should be able to afford an automobile”. After World War Two, the American auto industry was booming.Cars grew in overall size, as well as engine size during the 1950s.By the end of the 1950s, one in six working Americans were employed either directly or indirectly in the automobile industry.The United States became the world's largest manufacturer of automobiles, and Henry Ford's goal of 30 years earlierthat any man with a good job should be able to afford an automobilewas achieved.America is a nation on wheels. American automobile culture has had an enduring influence on the culture of the United States.A new generation of service businesses focusing on customers with their automobiles sprang up during the decade(1950s).These service businesses include drive-through or drive-in restaurants drive-in theaters (cinemas) and motels.注意:drive-through 常简写为 Drive ThruMotel 来自于 motor hotel drive-in theaterDrive thruMotel


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