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    2018年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册课件: Unit 1课时2 ReadingⅠ.pptx

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    2018年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册课件: Unit 1课时2 ReadingⅠ.pptx

    Unit 1 Friends第第2课时课时第一PPT模板网-WWW.1PPT.COMTalking about your friends.Betty is one of my best friends.She is slim and has short hair.Betty is generous.She is willing to share things with her friends.She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.She helps me with my homework and she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.Betty has a good voice.She wants to be a singer when she grows up.My best friend is Max.He is the tallest boy in our classalmost 1.75 metres.He wears small round glasses.They make him look smart.Max has a good sense of humour.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.I never feel bored with him.Maxs legs are very long.They do not fit well under his desk.When he walks past our desks,he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.Max is so interesting!May is my best friend.She is shorter than I am.She has big bright eyes and long straight hair.Everyone thinks she is pretty.May is sweet.She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.May is a true friend.When something worries me,I can always go to her.I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一我最好的朋友之一知识点1 1one of.(形容词性物主代词(形容词性物主代词/定冠词形定冠词形容词的最高级)名词复数。容词的最高级)名词复数。one of.作主作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。考向【重点】eg:One of his hobbies is swimming.游泳是他的爱好之一。游泳是他的爱好之一。典例典例 Staying with families and friends is one of _ things in the world.(武威)A.the happiest B.happierC.the happy D.happiestAwilling/wl/adj.乐意的,愿意的乐意的,愿意的知识点2 2考向一 be willing to do sth.愿意做某事愿意做某事eg:Jack is willing to help me clean the house.杰克乐意帮我打扫房子。杰克乐意帮我打扫房子。eg:Are you willing to help me?你愿意帮助我吗?你愿意帮助我吗?voice/vs/n.嗓音嗓音知识点3 3eg:They are talking in a low voice.他们正在低声地交谈。他们正在低声地交谈。考向【易错点易错点】辨析:辨析:sound,noise与与voice词条含义及用法示例sound意为“声音,响声”,可泛指大自然的任何声音。At midnight he heard a strange sound.午夜他听到奇怪的声音。词条含义及用法示例noise 意为“噪音,喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。Dont make any noise!别吵闹!vioce意为“嗓音”,一般指人说话、唱歌、谈笑的声音。The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。in a loud voice 大声地;大声地;in a low voice 低声地;低声地;in a quiet voice 轻声地;轻声地;raise ones voice 提高嗓门提高嗓门搭配:搭配:典例典例Why does Tony talk with his sister in such a low_?Oh,because his grandma is sleeping in the room.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.musicB【点拨】词语应用法词语应用法。A.“声音,响声”,B.“嗓音”,C.“噪音”,D.“音乐”。由题干中的关键词talk及题意可知答案。almost/lmst/adv.几乎,差不多几乎,差不多知识点4 4eg:I almost forget it is Sunday today.我差点忘了今天是周日。我差点忘了今天是周日。考向【易错点易错点】辨析:辨析:almost与与nearly词条含义及用法示例almost意为“几乎,差不多”,是副词,常用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,可以和no,nothing,never这类否定词连用。Almost no one believed him.几乎没人相信他的话。词条含义及用法示例nearly意为“几乎,差不多”,nearly不能与no,none,nobody,nothing,never等词连用。We lost our way in the wind and I nearly fell over.我们在风中迷了路,我差点摔倒了。典例典例According to a recent survey,_ three fifths of working mothers in china dont want to have a second child.(广东)A.mostlyB.especially C.partly D.nearlyDfit/ft/vi.可容纳;装进可容纳;装进知识点5 5过去式和过去分词都为过去式和过去分词都为fitted,现在分词为,现在分词为fitting。eg:Id like to have a desk in the room but it wont fit.我想在房间里放一张桌子,但是搁不下。我想在房间里放一张桌子,但是搁不下。All the kids will fit in the back of the car.所有的孩子都可以坐到车的后排。所有的孩子都可以坐到车的后排。典例典例 The young man is so tall that his legs dont _ well under the table.A.walk B.run C.jump D.fitD【点拨】词义辨析法。词义辨析法。考查动词辨析。A.走路;B.跑;C.跳;D.可容纳,装进。knock sth.onto.把某物撞掉在把某物撞掉在的上面的上面知识点 6 6eg:He often knocks my books onto the floor.他经常把我的书撞掉在地板上。他经常把我的书撞掉在地板上。考向【易错点易错点】knock意为意为“碰,撞碰,撞”,knock.onto中中间要用代词的宾格形式。间要用代词的宾格形式。eg:Yesterday afternoon a car knocked him onto the ground.昨天下午一辆小汽车把他撞倒在地上。昨天下午一辆小汽车把他撞倒在地上。knock on/at 敲敲knock over 撞倒撞倒knock off 敲掉,撞倒敲掉,撞倒归纳:归纳:一、根据汉语提示完成单词1.My friend has a _(圆形的)face.2.I want to _(选择)an English book to read.3.My friend has big bright eyes and long _(直的)hair.4.The girl is always _(愿意的)to help people in need.5.My cousin Lily is a generous and _(惹人喜爱的)girl.I like to play with her.roundchoosestraightwillingsweet二、用所给词的适当形式填空6.He is the _(tall)boy in his class.7.One of the _(glass)on the table is broken.(永州)8.Our parents often make us _(study)all day.9.I never feel _(bore)with my friend.10.Everyone in my family _(get)up early in the morning.tallestglassesstudyboredgets三、单项选择11.Our monitor is funny and he often_ jokes.A.says B.tells C.speaks D.talks12.Sandy is so kind that she often _ her things with her friends.A.shows B.gives C.shares D.brings13.Hes always _ to help his friends.A.ready B.interesting C.hardly D.necessaryBCA14.I _ have no time to do my homework.A.nearby B.almost C.nearly D.near15.Cathy has such a good _ that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year.(安徽)A.sleep B.idea C.voice D.timeBC【点拨】根据句中信息根据句中信息she won many prizes in singing competitions 推测句中指的是推测句中指的是Cathy有这么好的声音;有这么好的声音;故选故选C。本本节节课课主主要要学学习习了了以以下下知知识识点点,请请同同学学们们及及时巩固练习:时巩固练习:one of my best friendswilling,fit,voice,almostknock sth.onto.PPT模板:


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