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    小学六年级英语阅读题第1 页 共 6 页小学六年级英语阅读题At the BarbersLen was thirty years old,and he had very long hair.He lived in a big city.Because of his long hair,he did not find any work.One day he met an old friend,and this man said to him,“People in this city dont like long hair.Why dont you go to a barber?He can cut a lot of it off,and then you can get some work”At the barbers Len said to the barber,“Please cut most of my hair off.”The barber began.He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len,“Were you in the army a few years ago?”“Yes,I was,”Len answered,“Why did you ask that?”“Because I found a cap in your hair.”快速判断:1.Len was old,so he did not find any work.2.Len often wash his long hair.3.Lens hair was short.4.Len barber found a cap in Lens hair.5.Len was in the army now.选择填空:1.Len met one day.A:his father B:an old man C;his old friend 2.Len was very .A:dirty B:clean C:tidy 3.The cap was in Lens.A:hand B:bag C:hair 4.People in the city dont like.A:straight hair B:long hair C:short hair Buying TicketsSam is a little boy,and he is only eight years old.One day he goes to the cinema.It is the first time for him to do that.He buys a ticket and then goes in.But after two or three minutes he comes out,buys a second ticket and goes in again.After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket.Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket.Then the girl in the ticket office asks him,”Why do you buy so many tickets?How many friends do you meet?”Sam answers,”No,I nave no friend here.But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my tickets in piece.”快速判断:1.Sam buys the tickets for himself.2.Sam doesnt go to the cinema.3.Sam is too young to make friends.4.Sam has no friend in the cinema.选择填空:小学六年级英语阅读题第2 页 共 6 页1.Sam wants to buy when the girl asks him.A:the second ticket B:the third ticket C:the fourth ticket D:the fifth ticket 2.The big boy stops Sam at the door because .A:it is the big boys jobB:the big boy doesnt like SamC:the big boy doesnt know SamD:Sam doesn t buy tickets3.The big boy is of the cinema at all.A:a bookseller B:a policeman C:a shop keeper D:a worker 4.From the story we know .A:the little boy has a lot of money B:the little boy knows nothing about the cinema C:Sam doesn t like the filmD:the girl wants to get more money An Open-book Exam Miss Wang:Boys and girls,well have an open-book exam.You can bring anything.Billy:Great!Miss Wang:Why are you so happy?Billy:Because I can bring my father.快速判断:1.The student will have an exam.()2.Billy is a good student.()3.Billy wants to bring his father.()4.The teacher does not let her students bring their books.()Where Is My Cat?Mr Black likes fish very much.He often buys some fish in the shop and takes them home for supper.His wife,Mrs Black often asks her friends to their home to have lunch and eat fish.One day,when Mr Black comes home in the evening,he cannot find his fish.And Mrs Black says their cat has eaten the fish.Mr Black is very angry.HE takes the cat to the shop near their house to weigh the cat.HE says,”You see,my fish is one kilo,and this cat is one kilo,too.My fish is here.Then where is my cat?”快速判断:1.Mr Black likes to eat cat very much.()2.Mrs Black often eats fish with her friend.()3.The cat is one kilo.()4.The cat ate the fish.()文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 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HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1小学六年级英语阅读题第3 页 共 6 页回答问题:1.What does Mr Black often do?2.How does Mr Black feel when he cannot find his fish?3.Who eats the fish?Dont Cry,Miss WhiteMiss White is a teacher.Her home is not far from her school.SO she always walks to school in the morning everyday.One morning it is very cold and windy.Miss White walks to school.The cold wind goes into her eyes,and big tears begin running out her eyes.She gets to the school,opens the door and goes to the classroom.It is warm there and Miss White is very happy.But then a small boy looks at her for a few minutes,puts his arms round her and says kinds,”Dont cry,Miss White.School isnt very bad.选择填空:1.Miss White usually goes to school .A:on cold morning B:on warm days C:on windy morning D:on foot 2.The small boy thinks that .A:Miss White doesnt like the school.B:Miss White likes cry.C:Miss Whites eyes are not good.D:He does something wrong with his teacher.3.Which of the four is wrong?A:Miss Whites eyes are full of tears.B:The small boy knows why Jones is crying.C:The small boy loves his teacher.D:Miss White doesnt cry at all.4.It is that morning.A:very cold outside B:windy outside C:very warm in the classroom D:A,B and C The Tiger s DinnerTiger:Good afternoon.Mrs Goat.Let me eat you.Goat:Dont eat me,Mr Tiger.Im old.That deer is younger than me.(The goat runs away.)Tiger:Miss Deer,Miss Deer,Let me eat you.Deer:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there.(The deer runs away.)Tiger:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner.Birds:(The birds fly away.)You are bad.We can fly,can you?Tiger:No,I cant.But where is my dinner?选择填空:文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 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C:scared 2.The tiger doesnt eat the goat,because there is aover there.A:deer B:bird C:rabbit 3.Can the bird fly?A:No,they can B:Yes,they can.C:No,they cant.4.The tiger can t fly.He at last.A:eat dinner B:eat the goat C:doesn t have dinnerA Foolish DogA dog has large piece of meat in his mouth.When he is walking on a small bridge,he looks down and sees himself in the water.He thinks it is another dog.That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth.He says to himself,”I want to get his meat.Then I can have two pieces of meat.”He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water,and his meat falls into water.快速判断:1.The dog has a small piece of meat.()2.He wants to get two pieces of meat.()3.He finds another dog in the water.()4.The dog is standing on the grass.()5.He has no meat at last.()选择填空:1.There is a of meat in the dogs mouth.A:piece B:bottle C:glass D:cup 2.The dog looks down and sees in the water.A:yourself B:myself C:himself D:herself 3.He opens his mouth to .A:laugh B:cry C:eat D:dark 词海导航meat 肉walk 走bark 吠声fall 落下bridge 桥Mr Pig and Mr CowMr.Cow:Hello,Mr.Pig.Why are you sad?Mr.Pig:Everybody likes you,but nobody likes me.They always say,“How nice the cow is!”Mr.Cow:Yes.Maybe I give milk and cream.Mr.Pig:I give more.Bacon(咸肉),pork(猪肉),ham(火腿)and But they dont like me,why?Mr.Cow:Maybe youre too fat.You should do morning exercises everyday.Mr.Pig:Oh,no文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 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harder to catch the mice.We must let people live in a happy life in this house.选择填空:1There are people in the cats family.A:two B:three C:four 2.Mother Cat is .A:white B:black C:black and white 3.Mother Cat and Father Cat have a .A:son B:sister C:daughter 4.All the will work hard to .A:catch the mice B:catch people C:eat good food 5.Lily is years old.A:three B:one C:two 6.The black cat is Lilys.A.mother B:father C:uncle 词海导航large 巨大的people 人,人们beautiful 美丽的catch 捉,抓住husband 丈夫house 房子The Dogs Dirty FeetIt s a rainy day.A woman with a dog gets on a bus.Its a big dog and its feet are not clean.The conductor doesnt want the dog to sit on the chair.But the woman says to the conductor,”Oh,I pay for my dog.Can he sit here like the other people?”The conductor looks at the dog and says,”Yes,Madam,but like the other people,he must not put his feet on the chair.”选择填空:文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 ZU1E3S7U3I1文档编码:CU8R1P1E7K5 HR6T3L10B4V10 Z


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