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    Unit 12 What did you do last weekend_Section A 1a-2b课件(共26张PPT).pptx

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    Unit 12 What did you do last weekend_Section A 1a-2b课件(共26张PPT).pptx

    Unit 12 Unit 12 1a-2cWhat did you do last weekend?-What did you do last weekend?-I Page 3 A:How is your weekend?B:It is great/good/OK/not bad/terrible.Page 4A:What do you do on the weekend?B:I do my homework.wash clothes go shopping clean my roomwatch TV have a picnic cook dedicious foodread books stay in bed play computer gamesPage 5 A:How was your last weekend?B:It was great/good/OK/not bad/terrible.A:What did you do last weekend?B:I did my homework.wash clothes go shopping clean my roomwatch TV have a picnic cook dedicious foodread books stay in bed play computer gamesPage 7went(go)to the cinema 去看电影去看电影went(go)to the beach 去海滩去海滩went(go)boating 去滑船去滑船did(do)my homework 做作业做作业played(play)bad minton 打羽毛球打羽毛球camped(camp)by the lake 在湖边在湖边野野营营Review 去散步去散步去购物去购物去钓鱼去钓鱼 挤奶牛挤奶牛 骑马骑马 骑自行车骑自行车 喂小鸡喂小鸡 和某人谈话和某人谈话 拍照拍照带领带领参观参观种苹果种苹果摘草莓摘草莓go for a walk go shoppinggo fishingmilk a cowride a horseride a bikefeed chickenstalk with take photosshowaroundgrow applespick strawberrieswent for a walk went shoppingwent fishingmilked a cowrode a horserode a bikefed chickenstalked with took photosshowed aroundgrew applespicked strawberries-How was your last weekend?-It was.-What did you do?-I How about you?-My last weekend was and I.-What did she do last weekend?did homework went to the beach played badminton went to the cinema/movies went boating went camping camped by the lakeHow was her weekend?1b Listen and write.nightafternoonmorningSaturdayafternoon Sunday Bob:Hey,Lucy._ was your weekend?Lucy:Hi,Bob.It was great.Bob:So,what _ you _?Lucy:Well,_ Saturday morning,I _ badminton.In the afternoon I _ the beach,and at night,I _.Bob:Cool.What about Sunday?Lucy:In the morning,I _ by the lake with my classmates.In the afternoon,we _,and _ night,I_.Howdiddoonplayed went to went the cinema camped went boatingdid my homework at SaturdaymorningafternooneveningSundayLucy had a.weekend.On Saturday morning,she.It was.Then on,she.After that,She had so much fun!SaturdaymorningafternooneveningSundayAlices Weekendwhatwhenhow Alice had a good weekend.On Saturday morning,she did her homework at home.Then she played volleyball in the afternoon.It was good for her health.At night,she practiced the piano.On Sunday morning,she cleaned her room.She made it really clean.In the afternoon,she drew a nice picture.And she read a book at night.What a colorful and meaningful weekend she had!2a Listen and underline the words you hear.2b Listen and write down the names.BJCJT:So,did everyone have a good weekend?S:Yeah,we did,Ms.Clark!T:Good.What did you do last weekend,Becky?B:I visited my grandma,and I did my homework.T:Great.And how about you,Carol?Did you go out?C:No,I stayed at home.I studied for the English test.T:Wow,good for you.Jack,how about you?Where did you go?J:I went to a farm,and I fed some cows.T:Sounds like you had fun.A:So,did you have a good weekend?B:Yeah,.A:What did you do last weekend,XXX?B:I.on.A:Great.And how about you,xxx?Did you go out?C:Yes,.No,.I.And what did you do last weekend?A:I.and.B:Sounds like you had fun.How did you feel it?A:It was excellent/interesting/exciting/fun.Make up a new conversation according to 2b.A:Who visited her grandma?B:Becky did.BeckyCarolJackvisited her grandmastudied for the English testwent to a farmdid her homeworkfed some cows2cStudent A asks questions with who,what or where and Student B answers.Then change roles.两人一组,用疑问词两人一组,用疑问词who,what 和和where就就2a的听力内容进行问答。的听力内容进行问答。跟踪训练跟踪训练2从方框中选择合适的句子回答问题从方框中选择合适的句子回答问题(其中有一项多余其中有一项多余)。()1.What did he do on Sunday morning?()2.Who went to the museum yesterday?()3.Where did Lucy go this morning?()4.How was your last weekend?()5.Did you play tennis with them?A.She went to the zoo.B.On Sunday morning.C.He studied for a test.D.No,I didnt.I watched TV at home.E.Jack and Laura did.F.It was not very good.CEAFDMake a surveyMake a surveyWhat did your classmates do last weekend?Please use“what,who,where,when”to ask.whatwhowherewhenBobTom Lucy.Like this:A:Where did you go last weekend?B:I went to Shanghai.A:Who did you go with?B:.接龙游戏接龙游戏SA:On Saturday morning,I did my homework.SB:On Saturday morning,he did his homework.I went to the movies.SC:On Saturday morning,she went to the movies.I.规则:第一位同学说出周末做了什么,第二位同学要先以规则:第一位同学说出周末做了什么,第二位同学要先以第三人称描述他或她做了什么,然后再说自己做了什么。第三人称描述他或她做了什么,然后再说自己做了什么。For example:一、根据句意及图片提示,填入恰当的单词一、根据句意及图片提示,填入恰当的单词。1.Look!There is a beautiful _ on that flower.2.They often play _ after school.3.We fed some _ on the farm last weekend.4.They had a great time on the _ yesterday.5.I saw a _ in the kitchen last night.课堂练习课堂练习mousebeach sheep badmintonbutterfly placeweatheractivitiesfoodtimeSun Beachsunnyswim,take photossea fooda weekA:Where did you go on vacation,Li Na?B:1_A:How long were you there?B:2_A:How was the weather there?B:3_A:What did you do there?B:4_A:What did you have for meals?B:5_I went to Sun Beach.I stayed there for a week.It was sunny.I swam and took photos.I ate some sea food.二、根据表格内容,补全对话二、根据表格内容,补全对话。1.描述自己或他人过去的周末活动时要用过去时态描述自己或他人过去的周末活动时要用过去时态,并且要注意动词的规则和不规则形式并且要注意动词的规则和不规则形式。2.学习了用学习了用who,what,where,when引导的特殊疑问句讨引导的特殊疑问句讨论描述过去发生的事。论描述过去发生的事。3.一般过去时态的特殊疑问句一般过去时态的特殊疑问句:(1)特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+was/were+主语主语+其他?其他?上个周末你过得怎么样?上个周末你过得怎么样?_ _ your last weekend?(2)特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他?昨天他做了什么事情?昨天他做了什么事情?_ _ he do yesterday?课堂小结课堂小结


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