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    人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party_ Section B(共35张PPT).pptx

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    人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party_ Section B(共35张PPT).pptx

    Unit 9Can you come to my party?第2课时Learning ObjectivesBy the end of the class,you will be able to1.use might to talk about possibility and use must and have to to talk about obligations;2.use different expressions to make invitations;3.accept or decline an invitation according to your calendar.RevisionA:Can you come to my birthday party?B:Sure,Id love to.RevisionA:Can you go to the movies?B:Im sorry,I cant.I must go to the doctor.Thanks for asking.go to the moviesgo to the doctorRevisionA:Can you go to the zoo?B:Im sorry.Im not free/available.I have to prepare for an exam.Maybe another/next time.go to the zooprepare for an examRevisionListeningListen to the conversation and answer the questions.1.Why did Jeff invite Nick to his house?2.Did Nick accept the invitation at first?Why?3.Did Nick accept the invitation at last?Why?2d1.Why did Jeff invite Nick to his house?_ _2.Did Nick accept the invitation at first?Why?_ _Because Jeffs cousin Sam from Xian was coming.No.Because Nick had an exam on Monday and he must prepare for it.3.Did Nick accept the invitation at last?Why?_ _ _Yes.Because Sam wasnt leaving until the next Wednesday and Nick could go to Jeffs house on Monday night.Role-play the conversation.2dJeff:Hey,Nick,can you come to my house on Saturday?My cousin Sam from Xian is going to be here.Nick:Oh,Sam!I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.Jeff:Yes,thats right.Nick:Id love to come,but Im afraid I cant.I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.Jeff:Thats really too bad!Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Nick:Sure!Catch you on Monday!Language Points1.not until “直到才”e.g.Dont leave todays work till tomorrow.I didnt go to bed last night until past midnight.2.hang out “闲逛;常去某处”e.g.I like to hang out at the mall with my friends.3.Catch you on Monday!“周一见!”=See you on Monday!类似的:Catch/See you later!(回头见!)2dPractice:Make up a conversation.Example:A:Hi,_,can you _?B:Id love to come,but Im afraid I cant._.A:_.B:Sure!Catch you _!Mary go to the movies with me I have to look after my little sisterOh,our favorite movie is still on next week.Can you go to the movies next Sunday?next Sundayon SundayGrammar FocusCan you come to my party on Saturday?Sure,Id love to.Sorry,I must study for a math test.Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?Sure.That sounds great.Im afraid not.I have the flu.Can he go to the party?No,he cant.He has to help his parents.Can she go to the baseball game?No,shes not available.She must go to the doctor.Can they go to the movies?No,theyre not free.They might have to meet their friends.What are you going to do on Saturday?Im going to the movies with my friends.Im not sure.I might go to the movies with my friends.Where are you going for vacation?Im going to New York.Im not sure.I might go to New York.It might rain.Watch a video and find the sentences with might.mightIm not sure.I might go to the movies with my friends.Im not sure.I might go to New York.It might rain.It might be too expensive for me.She might like it.might(not)+动词原形 表示“可能(不)”Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.1.A:What are you going to do on Saturday?B:Im not sure.I might _.watch TV on the weekendmy cousin visit my grandparentspractice the violin visit my grandparents3a2.A:What are you planning to do after school?B:I dont know._3.A:When will you finish the science homework?B:_ _4.A:Who are you going to the movies with?B:_I dont know.I might finish it on the weekend.I might watch TV.Im not sure.I might go with my cousin.5.A:Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?B:_ _Im not sure.I might have to practice the violin.must&have toI must study for a math test.She must go to the doctor.He has to help his parents.They might have to meet their friends.We always have to wear the school uniform.more personalmore situationalobligationsMaking an InvitationIm having a birthday party in a few weeks.You want to come?Do you want to go to the ball with me?I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me.Would you like to have lunch with me and my friend?Complete the sentences below.Use the words in brackets to help you.1.Inviting:_ (can/play tennis)Accepting:_Can you play tennis with me on Saturday?Sure.That sounds great.3b2.Inviting:_ (would like to/go to the movies)Refusing:_ Reason:_ (might have to)Would you like to go to the movies on Friday?Sorry,I cant.I might have to go out with my parents.3.Inviting:_ (can/hang out with us tonight)Refusing:_ Reason:_(must)Can you hang out with us tonight?Sorry,Im not free.I must study for a test.4.Inviting:_ _ (would like to/come to my birthday party)Accepting:_ Would you like to come to my birthday party?Sure,Id love to.Write down everything you have to do next week.Choose a day and time to have a party.3cMorningAfternoonEveningMON.TUE.WED.THUR.FRI.SAT.SUN.My CalendarInvite 8 classmates to your party.3cExample:A:Can you come to my party?B:When is it?A:Next week,on Saturday evening.B:Im sorry.I have to study for a math test.Invite 8 classmates to your party.Write down their replies.If they refuse your invitation,write down the reasons.NamesAcceptRefuse(Reasons)3cSummary1.might&must&have to2.Making an invitation:Can you?Would you like to?/Do you want to?I was wondering if you could?3.Accept or decline an invitation according to our calendars.HomeworkWrite down the result of your invitation using the following structure.Give an oral report in the next lesson.Structure:Im having a party on Im glad is/are coming to my party,but cant come because he/she/they


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