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    序号单词熟义生义例句narrowlyadv.差点儿差点儿没;仔细地没;仔细地One car went too fast and narrowly missed hitting the other e near to 差一点就差一点就She came near to killing him.nobody 没有人没有人n.小人物小人物“I want to be famous!I am tired of being a nobody,” he said. 序号单词熟义生义例句look down ones nose at 看不起看不起The Turners always look down theirnoses at their neighbours.noten. 笔记笔记n. 台词台词v. 注意到注意到 Learn the notes by heart. I noticed that her hands were dirty. novel小说小说adj. 新颖的新颖的 Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. nursen.护士,护士,保姆保姆vt.看护,照看护,照料(病人或料(病人或伤者)伤者)While nursing her ill elder sister, Tom discovered she had an interest in medicine.序号单词熟义生义例句object宾语宾语;物物件件v.反对反对They objected to leaving school and going to work.occur发生发生v. 被想到被想到It did not occur to me that you would object. be well/ badly off经济状况好经济状况好/坏坏He is well off, it appears, and willing to work for nothing.good offices 帮忙帮忙Through the good offices of a friend, I was able to get a ticket. take office 就职就职She took office at a difficult time.序号单词熟义生义例句be well on in/into很晚很晚Although it was well on in the evening, we decided to try our luck at fishing again. at once 马上马上同时;同时;既既,又又 Dont all speak at once! One at a time.She is at once clever and modest.openv.开开 adj. 开着;开着;打开的打开的adj. (问题,问题,议事等)议事等)未解决的未解决的They left the matter open. operate 动手术动手术vi.运转运转,起起作用作用 vt.经经营营The medicine began to operate at once. 序号单词熟义生义例句order命令命令v.定购定购 n.顺序顺序Have you ordered your meal?otherwiseadv. 否则;否则;要不然要不然adv. 在其他方在其他方面面You know what it is about. Why do you pretend otherwise? outgoingadj. 爱交际爱交际的;友好的;友好的;外向的;外向的的adj. 将卸任的;将卸任的;将离职的将离职的The outgoing president Bush attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.outspokenadj. 直率的;直率的;坦诚的坦诚的adj. 直言不讳的直言不讳的 She was very outspoken about her wish to be married. outstandingadj.优秀的,优秀的,杰出的杰出的adj. (款项款项,工作工作,困难等困难等)未支付未支付的;未完成的;的;未完成的;未决的未决的Some of the work is still outstanding. ownvt. 拥有拥有vt 承认承认He owned the child as his daughter. 序号单词熟义生义例句pack包包v包装;包装;收拾行李;收拾行李;挤满挤满You go and pack your thingsparagraphn. 段落段落n.报纸上短报纸上短篇报道篇报道There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper. park公园公园v停车;停车;放置放置n停停车场车场A car park is a place where you may park your carpart零件;零件;角色,角色,部分部分v分手分手/离;放弃;离;放弃; 卖掉卖掉I hope well never partIn order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions序号单词熟义生义例句partyn. 党党派;派;聚会聚会n. 契约或争契约或争论的双方论的双方The solution is acceptable to both parties. play apart in 起起作用作用 The women played an important part in the tasktake part in参与;参与;起起作用作用I once took part with him in a debatepass递给递给 v经过;经过;通过;过去;通过;过去;度过度过n传传球;通行证;球;通行证;关口关口vi. 发生,发生,产生产生You must pass your pass to him at the pass or you cant pass your summer holidays thereI have no idea what passed in my absence.序号单词熟义生义例句bringto passvt使发生使发生(come to pass vi发发生)生)His wifes death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religionpassage 文章文章n通道;通道;走廊;通过走廊;通过The house has an underground passagepatientn病病人人adj耐心耐心的的Just be patientI think youre nextpay付款付款vi合算合算He says farming doesnt paypeachn. 桃子桃子vt. 告发告发 vi. 告密告密He has peached me and all the others to save his life.序号单词熟义生义例句perform表演表演v履行;履行;执行执行Perform your promiseThe doctor performed the operation in person亲自亲自You can complain to the manager in per- son.physical物理的物理的身体的;物身体的;物质的;自然质的;自然的的We should help the people with mental or physical disabilitiespicture图片图片n形象;形象;样子;描绘;样子;描绘;美如画美如画v描绘;描绘;想像想像Can you form a picture in your mind of what I pictured to you?序号单词熟义生义例句pick up拾起,捡起拾起,捡起;偶然偶然发现发现;弄到手弄到手;听听到,得到(情报,到,得到(情报,知识);康复,知识);康复,增加(速度)增加(速度)用车接人用车接人Train picked up the timber workers working in the forest farm every day. pilot飞行员飞行员adj试验性试验性的的v带领带领If the pilot survey goes well,well go into full productionplace地方地方n职位;职位;地位;地位;(第(第)名名v放置;放置;安排职位安排职位She found a place in a store


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