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    全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮 高一 Units8测试卷.doc

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    全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2021高三英语一轮 高一 Units8测试卷.doc

    智能检测(八)Sports.语音知识1angerAsilenceBanimalCthank Dpainting2coupleApound BsouthernCwound Dsound3usualAsuffer BminuteCnumber Dmuseum4scienceAachieve BfieldCchief Dvariety5exerciseAextra BexactCexploit Dexcept.单词拼写1Last year,Chinas tourism earned 17.8 billion US dollars,_(排名) fifth in the world.2When we got home,my mother was busy_(准备) dinner.3I have nothing_(进一步) to say.Dont you think the meeting should be over now?4In fact,reading and writing are two different_(技术)5Our team scored three_(分数) in the football match.单项填空1He practised his English day and night and_the competition at last.Abeat BgotCwon Ddefeated2_to our surprise,he went over all his notes in such a short time,_for the next days examination.AVery;preparing BMuch;preparedCGreatly;to be prepared DRather;being prepared3Shall I offer you a hand right now,Julia?Definitely.Such a lot of work is_I could manage myself.Aless than Brather thanCmore than Dno more than4Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not_her to do so.Aforbid BallowCfollow Dask5China,which has the largest population of the world,joined the WTO last week,_15 years of talks.Ato end BendedCending Dends6If you wish for any_explanation,you had better go to ask information desk.Afurther BfartherCfarthest Dfurthest7Did you take_part in the English speech contest?Yes,but_result was not as good as expected.A/;/ Ba;theCa;/ D/;the8When young,the man was strong enough to lift a stone_as much as 300 pounds.Aweighing BweighedCmeasuring Dmeasured9Though as busy as a bee,he goes back to his hometown to see his parents_other week.Asome BeveryConce Deach10Study shows that more than 100 million Chinese now surf the Internet at home,_first in the world.Amaking BtakingCstanding Dranking11Its important to develop tourism,but we should also take seriously the side effects it might have_the wildlife in the area.Awith BonCfor Dto12He has been working in the company for over 10 years and now holds the_of assistant manager.Asituation BoccasionCposition Dcondition13_the warm and sunny weather,oranges grow very well here.AExcept for BBecause ofCAs well as DIn preparation for14Whom would you rather_with you,Jim or Bruce?Both.I hope the three of us can go there together.Ahave to go Bto have goChave go Dto have to go15What does VOA_?Oh,its short for Voice of America,a program popular with many English learners.Astand for Bstand byCstand out Dstand up.阅读理解(2010届重庆第二次诊断,B)Does your older brother think hes cleverer than you?Well,hes probably right.According to a new research published in the journal Intelligence,the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs and the youngest the lowest.A number of studies have suggested that IQ scores decline with birth order.In the most recent study,at Vrije University,Amsterdam,researchers looked at men and women whose IQ had been tested at the ages of 5,12 and 18.The results,which showed a trend for the oldest to score better than the youngest in each test,involved about 200,000 people.That showed that first­borns had a three­point IQ advantage over the second­born,who was a point ahead of the next in line.The order of birth can also affect personality,achievement,and career,with first­borns being more academically successful and more likely to win Nobel prizes.However,eldest children are less likely to be radical and pioneering.Charles Darwin,for example,was the fifth child of six.Exactly why there should be such differences is not clear,and there are a number of theories on environmental influences on the child.The so­called dilution (稀释法) theory suggests that as family resources,both emotional and physical,as well as economic,are limited,it follows that,as a result,as more children come along,the levels of parental attention and encouragement will drop.Another theory is that the intellectual (智力的) environment in the family favors the first­born who has,at least for some time,the benefit of individual care and help.The theory which enjoys the most support is that the extra time and patience that the earlier­borns get from their parents,compared with those arriving later,gives them an advantage.1What is the passage mainly about?AIQ scores have little to do with the order of birth.BIntellectual families favor the first­born.CThe order of birth can have an effect on IQ.DThe order of birth can affect personality,achievement,and career.2By using Charles Darwin as an example,the author wants to prove that_.Aeldest children are the smartest in a familyByoungest children will usually become expertsCfirst­borns are more likely to win Nobel prizesDeldest children are less likely to try something new3What do we know about the dilution theory?AIntellectual parents love the first­born better.BParentsattention will drop with more children coming.CFamily resources,both emotional and physical are endless.DFirst­borns get less care and help from their parents.4The passage is developed mainly by_.Aoffering opinion with further explanationBpointing out similarities and differencesCcomparing opinions from different deedsDproviding typical examples(2010届东北三校第一次联考,D)Safety and Security ProceduresYour safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest.We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.YOUR VEHICLELock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside.We are not responsible for their loss.TRAVELINGBe observant (机警) when sightseeing or traveling.Stay in well­lit and heavily traveled areas.Dont display large amounts of cash.GUEST ROOM SECURITYFor additional security use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked.As an additional precaution (预防措施),please secure the secondary locks provided.Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification.A one­way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification.If there is any doubt about the persons identity,please contact the Front Desk.SAFETY BOXESDo not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle.We provide free safety boxes for your use.Hotel is not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.KEYSSafeguard your key.Please do not leave it in the door.Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended.Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.REPORTINGPlease report any suspicious activity,or safety concerns to management.FIREPlease familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits.Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator.In_the_unlikely_event_of_a_fire,please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building.Avoid the use of elevator.5The suggestions are most probably from_.Aa hotel manager Ba police officerCan experienced traveler Da tour guide6Which of the following is TRUE?AIt is advised to travel to places where there are few people.BThe hotel is not responsible for anything you lose.CDont report to the manager unless you are sure something is going wrong.DYoud better use the deadbolt and the secondary locks for safety.7If you feel doubtful about a stranger who knocks at the door,you should_.Alet the person in after you have got his/her nameBopen the door to check the persons ID cardCcall the Front Desk to make sureDcontact the local police for assistance8What does the underlined part “In the unlikely event of a fire”mean?AIn case a fire happens,though it is not very possible.BIf a fire happens when some big events are taking place.CIn case a fire happens in a public building.DIf a fire breaks out and it is getting out of control.语音知识1C2.B3.D4.D5.A.单词拼写1ranking2.preparing3.further4.skills5.points.单项填空1Cwin赢、赢得,如win the game/competition/match或win the first prize等;而defeat和beat都指“打败对方”;get指“获得什么奖项或名次”。2B本题考查副词和形容词短语的用法。句意为:令我们大为吃惊的是,他在这么短的时间内就把所有的笔记复习完了,为第二天的考试做好了准备。much在句中修饰to ones surprise,表示程度;prepared在句中为过去分词作形容词,表示状态。3C本题考查more than用法。句意为:“朱莉娅,要我给你帮忙吗?”“一点也不错(肯定是这样),这么多的工作我自己应付不了”。more than与含有情态动词can或could的从句连用,表示“不能”,如My love to my father is more than I can describe.我对父亲的爱难于用言语表述。less than小于,决不;rather than而不是;no more than仅仅。4B句意为:玛丽想独自环球旅行,可是她父母不允许她这样做。5C此处ending为现在分词作状语,表结果。6Afurther explanation进一步的解释。7Dtake part in是固定短语,意思是“参加”;the result特指英语演讲比赛的结果。8Aweigh作“称起来有多重”解时,是不及物动词。此处weighing是动词­ing形式作定语修饰stone。9Bevery每,每隔;every other weekevery second weekevery two weeks每两周;每隔一周。10D句意为:研究表明,中国在家上网的人数已高达一亿,居世界第一位。rank分等级,排名。动词­ing形式短语作结果状语。11B句意为:发展旅游业很重要,但我们也要认真考虑旅游业对野生动植物造成的负面影响。effect效果,后果,常用于短语have effect on.。12C句意为:他在这家公司工作10多年,现在担任助理经理。position职位,符合题意。13B句意为:“由于(because of)”气候温暖,阳光充足,因此这里的桔子长得很好。14Cwould rather宁愿,后接动词原形;have sb.do sth.让某人做某事。15Astand for代表,象征,符合题意。.阅读理解1C主旨大意题。从全文内容可知,文章的第一段导入了要讨论的话题。中心句“the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs and the youngest the lowest”表明本文主要讲述智商与出生顺序的关系。2D推理判断题。文章的第四段表明:一个人的出生顺序还影响他的性格、成就和事业。第一个孩子在学术上容易成功或更易获得诺贝尔奖,但是不激进、不具有开创性。下面举例说进化论的创立者达尔文就是六个孩子中的第五个。这个例子是为了证明“eldest children are less likely to be radical and pioneering”这个观点。3B推理判断题。文章的倒数第二段阐释了稀释法理论。其中的“as more children come along,the levels of parental attention and encouragement will drop”与B项的陈述相符。4A文章结构题。文章首先谈到一项研究结果,然后针对智商与出生顺序的关系展开陈述,即先表明观点,然后进行详细分析,这就是本文的写作结构。5A推理判断题。根据第一段中的as our guest可推断这是旅馆经理对顾客的善意提醒。下文各个小标题的内容也是线索提示。6D细节理解题。根据GUEST ROOM SECURITY部分的第一、二句内容可判断D项正确。A项与TRAVELING部分中的“Stay in well­lit and heavily traveled areas.”不符合;B项与SAFETY BOXES部分中的“Hotel is not responsible for items left in room valued over$200.”不符;C项与REPORTING部分中的“Please report any suspicious activity,or safety concerns to management.”不符。7C细节理解题。根据GUEST ROOM SECURITY部分中的“If there is any doubt about the persons identity,please contact the Front Desk.”可知,如果有陌生人敲门,应与前台联系,以核实对方的身份。8A词义猜测题。画线部分中的unlikely表示“不可能的”,由此可推断画线部分意为“万一发生火灾,虽然发生火灾的可能性极小”。5用心 爱心 专心


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