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    2023年12月大学英语三级考试试题1. In the wifes eyes, his _ to their marriage life is far from perfect.A) requirement B) commitment C) participation D) reflection2. In the event of SARS, some _ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.A) came up to B) lived up to C) faced up to D) caught up to3. Experts have _ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A) caught up B) put up C) come up D) kept up4. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A) require B) inquire C) acquire D) enquire5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained _ to the Beijing University.A) admission B) commitment C) opportunity D) reward6. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly _.A) gaps B) lengths C) distances D) intervals7. Only when one is _ of ones getting behind is one more likely to catch up.A) critical B) aware C) visual D) effective8. He had a _ look in his eyes. He must have been shocked.A) empty B) bare C) blank D) hollow9. As an ideal _ to the spread of SARS, this medicine is now in great demand.A) barrier B) commitment C) challenge D) access10. When her business goes wrong, she tends to _ for advice.A) get access to B) come across C) reach out D) speak up11. The most important for us now is to _ what is to be done next.A) allow of B) reflect on C) feel like D) remind of12. American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A) ignored B) refused C) neglected D) denied13. Good habits of living have proved to be of much _ to our health.A) barrier B) benefit C) immunity D) commitment14. The medicine the doctor gave me _ my headache.A) reduced B) improved C) released D) relieved15. As a(n) _ job, it requires much time and commitment and persistence.A) unwilling B) demanding C) embarrassing D) frustrating16. The _ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.A) uniqueness B) eagerness C) awareness D) effectiveness17. While studying he was financially dependent _ his wife.A) on B) of C) to D) from18. Anyone that goes against the social order is _ to answer for his action.A) possible B) probably C) likely D) normally19. There is much that can be done about the accidents _ from carelessness.A) arose B) arisen C) arising D) arise20. _ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A) Dislike B) Unlike C) Alike D) LikingPart Structure (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. All students are eager to know _C_they wilt pass the exam or not.A) if B) that C) whether D) why17. When the couple _D_ here, they _ to the park.A) will come;will go B) come;goC) will come;go D) come;will go18. I cannot find Tom anywhere.He _B_ have been off long. I heard him make a call just now.A) shouldn't B) can't C) mustn't D) needn't19. No matter who he is, young or old, people's state of mind tends to keep D_ with the rapid change of society.A) contact B) progress C) touch D) pace20. To tell you the truth, it's very hard for us to help them get rid of Internet addiction. But we _C_ on this problem trying to improve the situation.A) worked B) had worked C) are working D) had been working21. There was an earthquake happened, _B_ 100 people and with more than 300A) killed; injured B) killing; injuredC) killed; injuring D) killing; injuring22. 50miles southwest of the country _C_ the famous beautiful mountain.A) laying B) lie C) lies D)lays23. Everyone has periods in their lives _A_ everything seems so hard.A) when B) where C) which D) that24. Miss Liu doesn't mind _B_ your homework as long as it is done by yourself.A) you to delay handing in B) your delaying handing inC) your delaying to hand in D) you delay to hand in25. By no means _D_ ready to quit her study.A) will she B) she will C) she is D) is sheSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. The New York Times _is_ (be) popular with those statesmen.27. The people in your town are far _more friendly_ (friendly) than we expected.28. Injury problem could _shorten_ (short) basketball player's career.29. I will tell Mary the truth instead of you, but I'd rather you _told_ (tell) her.30. By the time I graduate from university, I _will have been_ (be) a student for 15 years.31. This famous poem should _be translated_ (translate) into Chinese because it is really worth reading.32. According to the latest report, more and more young people intend to learn _economics_ (economy) and social science.33. The dancer might have been killed in the crash if she _had gone_ (go) to American by plane.34. (catch) _Caught_ by the host for stealing, the boy felt rather ashamed.35. It's obvious that you hurt my feeling on purpose, so it's no use _making_ (make) an apology.Part Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the material carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage,you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements,numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) or D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.It is known to us that English is not as old as Chinese, but it is widely used by most people all over the world. English speakers enjoy creating new words. In fact, a majority of words are traceable and each of them may have an interesting story.However, no one will really care where a word comes from because it makes little difference in using them in our dally life. Did you ever feel confused about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham?About a hundred years ago, some men went to American from Europe, coming from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They didn't know how to use English properly. Seen them eating round pieces of beef and asked what it was, the Germans didn't understand the questions exactly, they answered: “we come from Hamburg. “One of the Americans was an owner of a restaurant and got an idea. He cooked some round pieces of bread with beef and began selling them. Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”. Today, hamburgers are welcomed by lots of people coming from different nationalities.36. According to the text, English is _C_.A) older than Chinese B) as old as ChineseC) not so old as Chinese D) very hard to learn37. Hamburg originally is _C_.A) a kind of food B) a round piece of beefC) a city in Germany D) the name of a village38. Which statement is correct according to the passage.'?DA) At first hamburgers was a kind of bread. B) Few Americans like hamburgers.C) Hamburgers are made of ham. D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago.39. _A_ begin to sell hamburgers to people.A) Americans B) The author C) Germans D) Europeans40. After reading this story, we know the word “hamburger” comes from _D_.A) China because it has a long historyB) English because Germans don't speak EnglishC) English speakers because they love eating itD) America because they give it that nameTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.Youth is not a matter of time but a matter of self-improvement, both physically and morally. Being a good youth, one should have those factors: the basic one is health. A healthy body is a kind of priceless treasure. One can do nothing without it. Secondly, we should pay essential attention to our moral character. We should be always willing to help those in trouble without any complaints. Moreover, we should care more about the people around us. Thirdly, cooperation and communication also play an important role in being a good youth. No one can live alone without any friends. And nobody can work out every problem without help of partners. So the youth should and must learn how to live and work well with others, including those people you don't like to cooperate or communicate with. The last but not the least, patriotism, meaning a love of one's country, is the one we should never forget. People always misunderstand the word “patriots” by thinking it only refers to those fighters who fight for their country. As a matter of fact, a patriot will do the things his country asks him to do. So being a youth is one thing, being a good one really needs to take every effort to make yourself to be.41. The passage really wants to tell us that _B_.A) what the meaning of “patriots” is B) the qualities a good youth should haveC) a youth should be doing good D) one should help others42. The first thing a good youth should have is DA) the best looking B)the best riches C) the good ability D)a healthy body43. A good youth should help others  AA) willingly B) at his convenience C) if he wants to D) with complains44. From the passage, we can know that cooperation and communication are  CA) good for some introverts B) helpful to usC) important to everyone D) not necessary to good friends45. In the author's opinion, the patriots must   CA) fight for the country B) learn everythingC) do what their country need them to do D)protect their family and countryTask 3Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50in the table below.Learning TourRecently, we will hold a learning tour for those English learners. By joining our helpful tour, everyone will find out, at first, specific activities that help to improve your English. Besides that, one can also have access to some interesting language learning materials in the Learning Tour. Moreover, participators will be taught the way to use computers and audio-visual facilities in the center.The learning tour will be held every Wednesday and Thursday in different time. The former one is from 10:30 to 11: 30am.,while the latter one is 1:00 -2: 00pm.For registration, people can go to Tin Ping Building on the 4th floor or email your name, ID card No. and date of joining the tour to Miss Feng at fengcahk, edu. hk Task 4Directions: The following is a list of terms on automobile English. After reading it,you are required to find the items equivalent to(与等同)those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.AEngine Fuel System Hthe electric systemBLights and Wires Ipower trainCStarting System Jone-way driveDunder pressure Khorse-drawn wagonElower hood lines Lspun glassFheated-treated Mparking lightGcontact point Nbackup lightOthe car heater Pcover bandsExamples:(E)低发动机罩 (L)玻璃纤维 Task 5Directions: There is an invitation letter below here. After reading the letters you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 through No. 60) that follow. The answers should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet. July 7th, 2023Dear Prof. Lee,The Academic Conference on traditional Chinese treatmentacupuncture and moxibustion, which is sponsored by Beijing College of Medicine will be held in Beijing, October 3rd, 2023. We would be very pleased to invite you to attend the conference. We all know that you are a very famous scholar in this field. The conference will be more significant if you can come. We will offer the accommodation for you.If you have any paper or topics on which you would like to give talks, please inform us in advance so that we can prepare the final program. Please confirm your participation at your convenience.We are looking forward to your reply.Best Wishes.Your sincerely,Wang Dong56. What's the subject of the conference?It is about traditional Chinese treatment _acupuncture and moxibustion_.57. Which college will sponsor the conference?It is _Beijing College of Medicine_ that sponsors it.58. When will the conference be held?It will be held on _October 3rd,2023_.59. What will they do for Prof. Lee?They will offer _accommodation_ for him.60. What does Prof. Lee need to do if he wants to give some talks?He is required to _inform_ them in advance.Part IV TranslationEnglish into Chinese (25 minutes)Directions: This part numbered 61 through 65 is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each sentence of numbers 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And write your translation of number 65 in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.61. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.D B CAA)尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解发明性工作,也不能代替人类。 B)有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做发明性工作。 C)电子计算机有很多缺陷,既不能进行发明性工作,也不能代替人类。 D)尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能进行发明性工作也不能代替人类。 62. It must be admitted that a good deal of dissatisfaction is reflected in those report    BDCAA)它必须被认可,也就是说这些报道反映了很多不满情绪。 B)必须认可,这些报道反映了很多不满情绪。 C)我们必须认可,这些报道的确反映了很多潜在的不满情绪。 D)这些报道反映出很多不满情绪的这个事实是应当被认可的。 63. After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it.  ACBDA)在双方签约后,各方应严格遵守本协议。 B)在两党达成协议后,各党派将严格遵守它。 C)在双方达成协议后,各方应严格遵守。 D)在两


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