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    八年级上期中试题一,单项选择(每空1分,共20分)1.Are you gong to _the school soccer club? A.take part in B. join in C. join D.be in2. 1. I see him _ basketball almost every day.A.to playing B. to playC. playing D. plays 3.Jim is good _soccer,he think its good _health. A.at;to B,for;at C.at ;for D.to.at4.There _a football match,next week. A. will have B.is gong to be C. have D.is gong to have 5.We can use QQ to talk with each other online. -Good! Will you please show me _it?A:what to use B:how to use C:when to use D:where to use6.-My mother is ill in hospital. _. A:Thats OK B: All right C:Thank you D:Im sorry to hear that.7.My sister_Beijing tomorrow. She works there.A:leaves B: is leaving for C:leaves for D: is leaving8.He_know the answer, but Im not sure.A:maybe B:may be C:have to D:must9. Your room is so beautiful ! _A.OKB.Thank you,.C. Dont say that. D.No,no. 10. What _ you _ for vacation?A. do, do B. are, doing C. is, doing D.do,doing11. Im going to Beijing for my holiday _ August.A. in B. on C. at D.for12. Would you like _ me that newspaper?A. to give B. giving C. give D.gives13. He has a bad toothache. He needs _ a dentist at once.A. to see B. see C. seeing D. to seeing14. Doing more exercise _ good _ our health. A. are, at B. are, for C. is, for D.is at15. Pedro is _ than all of his classmates.A. fun B. funniest C. funnier. D. the funnier16. How long does it _ you to get here?A. take B. spend C. takes D.cost17. Thanks a lot for _ me to visit tomorrow.A. inviteing B. invitation C. asking D.invite18. Its ten kilometers _ here. A. for B. from C. in D.away from19. How often do you drink milk ? _A.twice B.twice a day C.two D.two a day20.Do you like to go to school _? No. I _ to school every day.A. by cars, take a bus B. on a bus, take the subway C. in a car, by bus D.by car by bus二,.完型填空.(20分)AIf you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food 1 good for our health. .Tofu(豆腐), milk, vegetables are healthy for us. Tofu is a kind of traditional(传统的) 2 food. We often 3 it in China. Now more and more people 4 other countries think tofu is good for health, 5 . They also like eating it. Milk is 6 kind of health food. Every day you should 7 one or two glasses of milk. It can 8 us strong.Vegetables are very important. You should eat 9 them. There are vitamin(维他命) A, B, C, D , E and so on in them.As we know, its important 10 a balanced diet(均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat.1 A are B is C will be D was2 A Japanese B American C English D Chinese3 A eat B drink take D play4 A for B with C in D at 5 A too B also well D either6 A the other B other C another D others7 A drinking B drink C take D to take8 A keep B makes C keeps D keeping 9 A a lot B plenty C much D a lots of 10 A making B to keep C keeping D to drinkBOne Saturday morning John and his mother went 11 a shoe shop 12 John a pair of new shoes. Mrs. Lee put her bag on a chair 13 she looked at some shoes. She could not see 14 she liked and went away. Suddenly(突然) she said, “Oh, my bag, someone 15 it away!”All the other people in the shop stopped 16 and looked at her. John ran after the man at once(立刻). A few minutes 17 , John came back with 18 . He 19 it to his mother. She opened the bag and had a look in 20 . Then she said,“Oh, god, nothing is lost.”11. A. by B. on C. to12. A. to buy B. to give C. to take13. A. so B. but C. when14. A. some B. any shoes . any bags15. A. went B. had C. took16. A. sitting B. thinking C. talking17. A. after B. later C. next18. A. the bag B. the shoes C. the man19. A. give B. gave C. take20. A. one B. it . them三,阅读理解(30分)AThere was a bookseller (书商). He did not like to pay for anything, One day a big box of books fell(掉下)on his foot.“Go to the doctor,” said his wife, “and show that foot to him.”“No,” he said, “Ill wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time. Then Ill ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay(付款).”The next day the doctor came to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised (答应) to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. “Buy this medicine and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said.“Thank you,” said the bookseller, “And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?” asked the doctor.“Two pounds(英磅).” “Oh, good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?” asked the bookseller.“I look over your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my houses, I ask them to pay only one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge (收费) two pounds. And I came here today, didnt I? Bye-bye!”1.The bookseller didnt want to see the doctor because _.A. his foot wasnt hurt. B. He couldnt go any fartherC. He didnt have any money to pay the doctor D. He didnt want to pay the doctor2.The next day the doctor came to the shop _.A. to buy some books B. to buy medicineC. to borrow some money D. to see the bookseller3.The seller asked the doctor to pay _.A. nothing B. two pounds C. only one pound D. two pound4.The doctor paid the bookseller _.A. many money B. much money C. nothing D. two pounds for books5.Which of the following is right? A. The seller didnt like to pay anything. B. The sellers wife didnt want him to go to the doctor.C. The seller was cleverer than the doctor.BAt midnight Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldnt go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer. He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears(眼泪) ran down his face. He didnt see his wife was standing by him. “Whats wrong with you, dear?” asked the woman. “Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands. The old woman opened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now.”“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How cant I do that?”“But I think health is more important.”Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I think.”The doctor told Mr. King to have an Xray examination of his lungs. And then he looked at the Xray carefully for a long time. “Tell me the truth, doctor.”said Mr.King, “Do you see any shadows(阴影)in my lungs?”“No, I dont see anything.”“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”“Yes. Your lungs are turning black. How can I see any shadows?”6. Mr.King got up to _ .A. smoke again B. talk with his wifeC. read the medicine book D. take some medicine7. Mr. King coughed because_ .A. he couldnt go to sleep B. he was afraid to dieC. he smoked too much D. he was too old8._ , so tears ran down his face.A. Mr. King thought he had lung cancerB. Mr. King couldnt understand the bookC. Mr. King was too sad to go to sleepD. The doctors refused to help Mr. King9.The doctor told Mr. King to have an Xray examination because_.A. he was sure the man would die soonB. he wanted the man to stop smoking right nowC. he wanted to know if there was something wrong with his lungsD. he was sure the man would soon be all right10. Which of the following is true?A. There was nothing serious with Mr. King.B. Smoking too much caused Mr. Kings lungs to turn black.C. The doctor found some shadows in Mr. Kings lungs.D. Mr. King decided to stop smoking at once.CPhilip likes to play football. He often plays football after school with his friends. Sandy likes to play basketball. She teaches her friends how to play it every Sunday afternoon. Han Mei is very good at the computer. She always uses it to draw pictures three times a week, and she uses it to surf the Internet. She has a good friend in America. Her name is Mary. Lin Tao is also good at drawing pictures. But he never uses computer to draw.11.What do Sandy and his friends do on Sunday afternoon? A. Play football B. Play basketball C. Draw pictures D. Play computer games12.How often does Han Mei draw with computer?A. Once a week B. Three times a week. C. Once a day D. Every day13.Who likes to surf the Internet? A. Philip B. Sandy C. Han Mei D. LinTao14.How often does Lin Tao use computer to draw? A. Never B. Hardly ever C. Three times a week D. Every week15.Who's Mary? A. She's an English girl. B. She's Sandy's friend. C. She's Han Mei's friend. D. She's Lin Tao's classmate.DSome of my classmates are not feeling well. Tom has a toothache. He cant eat anything. Jack has a bad headache. His father asks him to lie down and rest. So he doesnt go to school today. Peter is stressed out, because the exam is coming. Nancy has a stomachache because she ate too much yesterday. So she couldnt eat anything today. Jim has a headache and he is stressed out, too. Lucy has a cold and toothache. She will see a dentist this afternoon.16. Whats the matter with Tom? A. headache B. toothache . C.stomachache17. Why doesnt Jack go to school? A.his mother asks him not to go. B. the doctor asks him not to go C. he doesnt feel well.18. What food can Nancy eat? A. apples B. nothing. C. chips19. Who is stressed out? A. Peter B. Jim C. Peter & Jim20.What should Lucy do? A. Drink some water B. eat chocolate C. Listen to music四,.根据句意或首字母提示完成下列单词(10分) My classmate Jenny is pretty healthy .She takes (1)e_ every day . And her eating (2) h_ are pretty good .She eats a lot of (3) v_ ,usually ten to eleven (4)t_ a week .And she eats fruit and (5)d_ milk every day .She doesnt like to eat (6) j_ food .And she sleeps nine (7) h_ every night .So you see , she looks (8) a_ her health. Good food and enough exercise (9) h_ her to study (10)b_.五,书面表达(10分)请围绕怎么保持健康(How to Keep Healthy)话题为主题,写一篇60个词左右的短文。


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