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    English 3B (Oxford Shanghai Edition)Module 2 Unit 1 AnimalsI、单元教学目标A。  Language knowledge (语言知识):1。 能正确认读和拼写tiger, lion, panda, monkey这四个动物单词。2、能较熟练地在语境中运用They are They have They can They like 描述动物特征和能力以及喜好。3、能运用句型Do you like? Yes, I do。/No, I dont.等,来熟练表达自己的喜好。4、可以感知动词短语climb the tree, water the flowers, run fast, ride bicycles,play the guitar, play hoops等在语境中的含义。5、能理解拓展句型What do you like? I like Why? 在语篇中的含义,并且可以根据语境利用新授句型进行简单的仿说和表达。B。  Language skills (语言技能):Listening:1、能听懂动词短语climb the tree, water the flowers, run fast, ride bicycles,play the guitar, play hoops和主要句型Do you like? Yes, I do。/No, I don't. 和What do you like? I like 2、能听懂单词tiger, lion, panda, monkey3、能听懂并理解文本Monkeys and hats的内容.Speaking:1、能较熟练地在语境中运用They are They have They can They like 在语篇中描述动物。2、能较熟练地在语境中说出单词tiger, lion, panda, monkey。3、能熟练地运用句型Do you like? Yes, I do。/No, I dont。等,来熟练表达自己的喜好.Reading:能较熟练的朗读主文本。Writing:能在课后尝试完成写作My favourite animal。C。  Language use (语言应用):1.能够使用正确的单词来描述动物名称.2。能够使用Do you like?句型来询问他人的喜好。3。能够用Yes, I do。/ No, I dont 句型来回答自己的喜好.4.能够使用They'reThey can描述动物的外型、特点及能力。5. 能够正确使用语段来对动物的外型、食性、能力、特点进行全面描述。D。 Cultural consciousness(文化意识):了解中国传统文化中的动物形象,明白动物与人类生活息息相关。E.   Affection and attitudes (情感态度):通过对话、故事表演、小组讨论等形式了解动物的形态和各自的本领,进而产生关爱动物、善待动物之意,体会人与动物和谐共处之境.II、分课时教学目标教学目标第一课时第二课时第三课时第四课时话 题Animals in the zooAnimals in the circusAnimals in the forest(Monkeys and hats)My favourite animal语言知识单词与动物园有关的名词:monkey, panda, bamboo, hippo, grass, elephant, hay, lion动词词组:climb the tree, water the flowers, run fast 与马戏团有关的名词:circus形容词: strong,clever,smart,动词词组 ride bicycles,play the guitar, play hoopsbull,season , summer, forest, hot,cool,Uncle Bai, hat,finally,back, take a rest, naughty, jump into the tree, make fun of , etc。favouritedragon,句型特殊疑问句:What animals do you like?I like一般疑问句Do you like? Yes, I do。/ No, I dont.What animals do you like? I like Why? They are They can What's your animal sign? My animal sign is Look at the They are They have They likeThey can 语言技能与运用1、能使用正确认读单词,描述动物名称。2、能够使用正确的动词词组来描述动物园中动物与生俱来的能力.3、能够正确说出动物所喜爱的食物。4、能够用What animals do you like?来询问他人对动物的喜好,并能准确运用I like来回答自己的喜好。1、能够使用正确的单词来描述动物名称。2、能够用正确的形容词来描述动物外貌特征与特点。3、能够使用Do you like?句型来询问他人的喜好。4、能够用Yes, I do。/ No, I don't 句型来回答自己的喜好。1、能用What animals do you like ?来询问他人喜欢的动物。2、能用They are .和They can 。来告诉别人你喜欢这种动物的原因.3、了解字母ck的发音。1、能通过询问Whats your animal sign?来了解他人的生肖。2、通过问答的形式后整理答案,形成一篇小作文My favourite animal。文化意识了解动物园中动物的基本本领及其爱好的食物.了解马戏团中的动物,与平时的动物有着不一样的本领。注意中国传统美德教育。注意中国传统文化的渗透情感态度我们要保护动物,就像爱自己一样爱他们,因为他们是人类的好朋友。在马戏团,动物们给我们带来欢乐,他们是人类的好朋友.通过学习促使学生逐步形成热爱动物、保护动物的品格,教育学生要养成不乱拿别人东西的良好品质。通过练习促使学生逐步形成热爱动物、保护动物的品格。III、单课教学文本与教学过程Period 1 Animals in the zooSchool: Zijing Primary School of Jiading District (嘉定区紫荆小学)Teacher: Lillian (李琳)Teaching materials:主体文本Animals in the zooHello, Im Mr Monkey。 Welcome to the zoo。 There are many animals in it. I can see the monkeys。 They're small。 Theyre brown。 They can climb the tree。 They can swim。 They like eating bananas. The pandas are big。 Theyre black and white. They can climb the tree too. They like eating bamboos。 The hippos are big. They can swim。 They like eating grass。 I can see the elephants。 Theyre so big。 They're grey。 They can water the flowers。 They like eating hay. I can see the lions。 They can run fast。 They like eating meat。 辅助文本Welcome to the Monkey Mountain. Theyre my good friends. They are brown。 They can climb the tree. They can swim too。 They like eating bananas。I can climb the tree。 Look, they're my friends too。 Theyre big, but they can climb the tree too。 They like eating bamboos.I can swim。 My friends can swim too。 So we can swim together. Theyre so big。 They like eating grass. Look, theyre swimming in the river.Oh, it's so hot. They're my friends。 They like eating hay。 They have long noses。 They can water the flowers. So I can take a shower now.It's cool now。 Oh! Can you hear this voice? Its scary。 They are big。 They like eating meat. They can run fast。 I cant run fast. But they can teach me。 So theyre my friends。 ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPretask preparationsWarmingup。1。Enjoy the song: Going to the zoo2。Say a chant: In the zoo用儿歌和chant活跃气氛,能够把学生的注意力引入课堂,激发学生学习兴趣,引入Animals in the zoo这一主题,为下一步的导入作好铺垫.Whiletask procedures1。 Meet new friend Introduce: What animals do you like? I like1。 Mr Monkeys introduction。 Show the picture of Mr Monkey。 Listen to the passage. Ask and answer。介绍主线人物Mr Monkey,进入故事情境,同时操练本课时重点句型。2。Go to see Mr Monkey's friends (1)Chapter1 New words: monkey, climb the tree (2)Chapter2 New words: panda, bamboo (3)Chapter3 New words: hippo, grass (4)Chapter4 New words: elephant, water the flowers, hay (5)Chapter5 New words: lion, run fast1。Listen and answer How are they?What colour are they?What can they do ?What do they like eating?2。Guessing game:Theyre big. They have big mouths。They have sharp teeth.3.Enjoy the videoThe elephants in the zoo由Mr Monkey带领我们了解他的朋友们。通过他对朋友的描述,让学生试着自己来说一说这些动物的形态、颜色、与生俱来的本领及喜爱的食物。以此激发学生喜爱动物的情感,同时,学生听听动物发出的叫声、以及guessing game,以激发学生的学习兴趣.3。Read and matchRead the passages, then match the correct animals.通过呈现的描述各种动物的段落,让学生自己读一读,连一连,为学生的语用输出作铺垫。4。Try to sayShow more pictures of the animals。 Try to describe the animals。 Theyre _。(size) They're _.(colour) They can _. They like eating _。给予学生更多的动物图片,根据已有提示,进而让学生自己贴一贴,学生尝试着运用所学知识,进而说一说,激发学生热爱动物的情感。Post-task activities1。Animals I likeIntroduce the animals I like to the students通过我来介绍自己的喜爱的动物来激发学生的学习兴趣,为之后学生介绍自己的喜爱的动物做铺垫。2.Animals you likeTalk about the animals you like to your friends整合一节课所学单词及句型,按照所学单词及句型,从动物的形态、颜色、能力、食物四方面来描述自己所喜爱的动物,对新学的知识进行巩固、提升,以达语言输出的目的。3。Enjoy the picturesThe pictures about the wild animals. Love animals like loving yourselves because theyre our friends. 播放一些野生动物与人类友好相处及人类伤害动物的图片,让学生情感上产生共鸣,动物是我们的朋友,应该像爱自己一样爱它们.Assignment1. Writing: Copy the words on the word paper 4. 2。 Oral: Read the words and text on P15 3. Oral: Talk about “Animals I like" I can see the _ in the zoo。 They're _。 Theyre _。(colour) They can _。 They like eating _。 I like them。巩固课堂学习内容,将课堂教学延伸至课外。教学设计说明:本课的教学内容为牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals中的第一课时,基于对单元的整体设立,第一课时的主题为: Animals in the zoo。本课时的重点是让学生能从动物的形态大小、颜色、与生俱来的能力以及喜爱的食物四方面来描述自己所喜爱的动物。教学的重点句型为:What animals do you like? 让学生能够询问他人对动物的喜好,并能用I like来表达自己的喜好。由于学生本身对动物这一话题怀有极大的兴趣,所以学生们的学习兴趣较为浓厚。在本课的教学中,我将努力把握以下几点:一、创设合理情境,激发学生学习兴趣研究表明:小学阶段正是情感性学习形成的关键时期。这阶段学生的学习活动带有很大程度的情绪倾向,每当学生对学习有浓厚的兴趣、好奇心和强烈求知欲时,他们不仅能产生情感迁移,而且他们的注意力会特别持久和集中。所以如何吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,是需首要解决的问题。悦耳动听的音乐、生动活泼的图片、趣味横生的游戏,在很大程度上都能吸引学生的学习兴趣。通过预设Mr Monkey这一主线人物,创设Mr Monkey带领我们游览动物园这一情境,通过他对朋友的描述过程中,让学生们听一听,说一说,从而了解不同的动物。穿插guessing game这一环节,让学生在在玩中学,既能激起学生的兴奋点,又能在轻松愉快的氛围中,把学生的情绪转移到英语上来,帮助学生体验主题,激发学生交流的兴趣。二、立足文本再构,调动学生语用情趣心理学研究表明:小学生的思维在很大程度上还主要是依靠直观的、具体的内容。为了更好地发展学生的语言运用能力,适当进行再构文本,围绕着主题,运用各种辅助文本,结合听、说、读三点要求,循序渐进地开展教学活动.力求通过本课的学习学生们能够完整的描述出动物的形态大小、颜色、能力及喜爱的食物,表达自己喜爱的动物。在学习过程中能调动学生想说、要说的情趣,最终达到语用的目的。Period 2 Animals in the circusSchool: Zijing Primary School of Jiading District (嘉定区紫荆小学)Teacher: Jojo (张卓)Teaching materials:主体文本In the circusWelcome to the circus。 We can see many animals in it. Look at the tigers。 They are big。 Theyre orange and black。 They can dance。 They can play with the ball。 They can jump through(穿过) hoops. They are super。 The birds are small and colourful. They can sing。 They can ride bicycles. Theyre lovely! They can make us happy. Do you like them? 辅助文本1、 Hello, Im Mr Monkey。 Welcome to the circus。 There are many animals in it。 Theyre my friends.2、 Look at the monkeys. They're brown。 Theyre small. They can sing in the circus. They can ride bicycles. They can play the guitar。 Theyre clever!3、 Look at the elephants。 Theyre grey. Theyre strong. They can play basketball in the circus。They can play football in it. They can draw。 Theyre super!I like elephants best。 Do you like elephants?4、 Look at the bears。 Theyre black. They're strong。 They can dance in the circus。 They can play hoops in it. They can ride bicycles. They're smart!ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparationsWarming up1、 Enjoy the song: In the zoo2、 Free talk选择与主题相关的英语歌曲的演唱,活跃气氛,引入主题.While-task procedures1、 Go to the circus with Mr Monkey.New word: circusIntroduce the circus。What animals can you see in the circus? 复习本单元一课时的内容,也为了引出今天的讨论主题 “马戏团的动物”。2、 Make new friends in the circus.(1)Chapter1 New words: ride bicycles, play the guitar,cleverNew sentences: Do you like? Yes, I do。/ No, I dont。(2)Chapter2 New words: strong(3)Chapter3 New words: play hoops, smart1.Listen and answer What are they?What colour are they?How are they?What can they do in the circus?2、Listen and match.3、 Listen and fill in the blanks。将教学内容与当学生熟悉人物Mr Monkey融合一起,随着他一起去结交新朋友,了解动物在马戏团的新本领。在马戏团的语境中,由Mr Monkey来介绍不同的动物,学习新的词汇和句型,通过了解各种动物在马戏团的不同能力,让学生自然地表达对于动物的喜好.Do a survey。Talk about the animals in groups.鼓励学生通过所学句型的问答,进行交流,获得所需要的信息。Act a dialogue。Make a new dialogue in pairs.用朗读的式了解文本内容,用角色表演的形式,加深并检验对文本的理解。Post-task activitiesRead and write. Read the passage, then complete the table。通过阅读和填写表格巩固所学知识,加深印象,为下面的写作打基础。Writing: Animals in the circus Write about the animals in the cirsus。We can many animals in the circus。 Look at the They're They can They areI like best。 Do you like them?通过写一写自己喜欢的马戏团动物并进行交流,培养学生大胆与他人交流的能力。Enjoy the pictures。Animals can make us happy。Animals are our friends.通过了解马戏团动物给我们带来的欢乐,让学生感受到动物是我们的好朋友。Assignment1. Listen and read the dialogue on P14。2. Copy the new words and phrases.3. Go to the circus with your friends and talk about animals you like .教学设计说明:本课的教学内容为牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals中的第二课时,基于对单元的整体设立,第二课时的主题为:Animals in the circus。基于学情,我将Look and say版块的内容进行了再构.经过调整、整合和补充,使得再构的文本语言更合理、内容更丰富、情感更深入,并在本单元第一教时的基础上开展进一步的学习。我所任教的三年级四班的学生经过二年多的英语学习,大多数学生学习兴趣浓厚,习惯良好,在课堂上乐于参与、积极主动,语言表达流畅,但也有个别学生基础略显薄弱。通过三年级上半学期的了解,我与学生们建立了良好的师生关系,课堂气氛较活跃。 基于教材和学情分析,在单元整体设计的基础上,我在本课的教学设计中注意了以下几方面:1。 关注新旧语言知识的整合在编写文本的时候,我首先考虑的是,本课的话题与学生的旧知有何联系?旧知的复现和运用怎样带动新授内容的学习?我希望经过新旧知的整合,能让学生有一个循序渐进的学得和习得的过程,将知识内化.在前一课时中,学生对于动物的特征与习性有了一定的了解,而在这一课时中学生通过学习了解了马戏团动物们的本领,因此在文本的编写中,注意前后两个课时学习内容的叠加,使学生对于动物的有更全面的认识。2。 关注内容、语言和情感的推进  在本课时教学过程的推进中,不仅关注了横向的单元推进,还关注了单课的纵向推进,即通过Mr Monkey这一个人物,采取有效的教学手段层层推进,并且将情感主线进行隐形的渗透,从而在语用输出阶段达到提升。这样不仅易于学生构建自己的知识体系,而且易于老师将课堂激活,进行有效的语篇教学.Period 3 Monkeys and hatsSchool: Zijing Primary School of Jiading District (嘉定区紫荆小学)Teacher: Zhu hui(朱慧)Teaching materials:主体文本It is a hot summer day。 Uncle Bai has many hats。 He sees a tree and takes a rest under the tree. Some monkeys take his hats and jump into the tree. Uncle Bai is angry.Finally, he gets his hats back。辅助文本It is a hot summer day 。Uncle Bai is in the forest。 He has many hats。 He sees a big tree. It is cool under the tree。 He takes a rest under it。 He is sleeping. Some monkeys see Uncle Bai and his hats. They make fun of Uncle Bai. They take his hats and jump into the tree. Bai is angry. But finally, the monkeys give back the hats to Uncle Bai。 Uncle Bai gets his hats back。 He is happy and he says thank you to the monkeys。ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPretask preparationsA songIntroduce “bull” to studentsWhat animals do you like? Why?Show a picture of a zoo。 Ask and answer “What animals can you see?”Ask and answer to review the contents of last two periods. Show the new pattern “What animals do you like? Why?” 学习新歌曲活跃气氛,同时复习句型What animals can you see?通过pair work的形式来复习前两节课的学习内容以巩固“They're和They can " Whiletask proceduresAbout monkeys。Introduce “naught” to students。Tell students that your favourite animal is monkeys。 And tell them why do you like monkeys。 通过交流复习有关monkeys 的特征习性等,为接下来的新授内容做准备.教学设计说明:本人执教的是三年级的学生,这个年龄段的孩子对英语学习的兴趣较浓厚,也乐于模仿和表现。Animals 一直是孩子们最感兴趣的话题之一,本单元的前两节课已经就animals的话题展开了讨论和学习,对于一些句型“Do you like ? Yes, I do。 No, I dont. What animals do you like? I like They are strong (clever). They can "都有了比较多的了解和练习。但是这两节课的学习更多的是结合各种动物的习性来学习一些单词和句型,而对某一动物来更深一层次的表达并不突出。而我本人觉得英语学习除了要学习一些基本的词汇和句型之外,更多的是实际的语言运用能力的提高,因此本教时的话题Naughty monkeys就可以很好的抓住孩子的学习兴趣,让他们能够从另一个角度来了解动物,从而激发他们的学习兴趣,以及热爱动物,爱护动物的情感。在教学过程中我注意了一下几个方面的处理。1、 注意了教学环节的衔接.在Pre-task preparations到While-task procedures的推进过程中,我通过pair word的形式复习了前两节课的内容,自然而然地引出了Listen and enjoy中的内容。此外,在Whiletask procedures过程中,在最后的一个场景教学中,正好抓住了单词back的教学引入了语音教学的内容。2、注意拆分教材,循序渐进,让学生更容易接受.在整个故事的教学过程中我把五个场景拆分成三个部分进行教学,并根据主体文本的内容进行适当的改编,如:“Some monkeys see Uncle Bai and his hats。 They make fun of Uncle Bai。” “But finally, the monkeys give back the hats to Uncle Bai.” “He is happy and he says thank you to the monkeys."总体来说充实了故事内容,加大了语言的输入量。3、 注意了对学生的文化意识的渗透和良好的人格品质的培养.在Posttask activities中,我插入了有关animal sign 的人文知识的教学,这是学生熟悉和喜欢的内容,那么句型Whats your animal sign? My animal sign is 学习起来也就容易多了。尤其是把故事中monkeys的恶作剧改成只是和Uncle Bai 开个玩笑,可以从正面来引导孩子做一个诚实守信的好孩子。


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