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    2011届高考英语复习届高考英语复习课件:倒装、强调课件:倒装、强调一、单项选择1.Hardly _ into the office _ the telephone rang.A.does he go;thanB.did he go;when C.has he gone;when D.had he gone;when 这是由句型这是由句型hardlywhen构成的倒装句,并构成的倒装句,并且用过去完成时。且用过去完成时。2.I would have helped you,_ here yesterday.A.were I B.if I were C.should I have been D.had I been 这是虚拟语气省略这是虚拟语气省略if构成的倒装。对过去构成的倒装。对过去的虚拟,从句用的虚拟,从句用“if+主语主语+动词过去完成时动词过去完成时”构成,省略构成,省略if时,时,had提前,构成部分倒提前,构成部分倒装。装。3.On each side of the street _ a lot of trees.A.are grownB.is standing C.grow D.stands由由on引导的介词短语置于句首做状语时,谓语引导的介词短语置于句首做状语时,谓语动词提前,构成完全倒装。动词提前,构成完全倒装。4.Up into the sky _.A.went the light blue smoke B.does the light blue smoke C.the light blue smoke went D.go the light blue smoke副词副词up等置于句首表地点、方位时,且主等置于句首表地点、方位时,且主语为名词,谓语动词提前,构成完全倒装。语为名词,谓语动词提前,构成完全倒装。5._ we shall go on a picnic.A.The weather is fine B.Should the weather be fine C.The weather be fine D.Would the weather be fine这是虚拟语气省略这是虚拟语气省略if构成的倒装。对将来的虚构成的倒装。对将来的虚拟,从句由拟,从句由“if+主语主语+should+动词原形动词原形”,if省略时,省略时,should提前。提前。6.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other.A.they had quarreled B.they have quarreled C.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled否定词否定词never置于并列句的句首,该句由助动置于并列句的句首,该句由助动词提前,构成部分倒装。词提前,构成部分倒装。7.Only in this way _ to make improvements in the operating system.A.you can hope B.you did hope C.can you hope D.did you hopeonly置于句首修饰状语,主句构成部分倒置于句首修饰状语,主句构成部分倒装。装。8.You forgot your purse when you went out.Good heavens,_.A.so did I B.so I did C.I did so D.I so didso表示表示“的确如此的确如此”,“确实这样确实这样”的意思时,即的意思时,即用来表示同意或肯定某种说法,或用来表示强用来表示同意或肯定某种说法,或用来表示强调,或用来单纯重复上文的意思,则其谓语动调,或用来单纯重复上文的意思,则其谓语动词不须倒装。词不须倒装。9.So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English.A.I have felt B.have I felt C.I did feel D.did I feelso/such that 表示表示“如此如此以至于以至于”置于句首置于句首时,从句构成部分倒装。时,从句构成部分倒装。10.Not only _ polluted but _ crowded.A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streetsC.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were not only but also引导两个分句时,引导两个分句时,not only 引导的分句要部分倒装,引导的分句要部分倒装,but also 引导的引导的分句则不必。分句则不必。11.It was not _she took off her dark glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star.A.when;that B.until;that C.until;when D.when;then由由it is/was that强调结构,对强调结构,对not until引导的状语从句进行强调。引导的状语从句进行强调。12.It is imagination _ makes the world colorful,full of vigor and vitality.A.where B.what C.when D.that由由it is/was that强调结构对主语强调结构对主语imagination进行强调。进行强调。13.I cant remember how many days ago _ a fight broke out between the husband and the wife.A.it was when B.was it that C.it was that D.was it when由由it is/wasthat强调结构对宾语从句强调结构对宾语从句中的特殊疑问词中的特殊疑问词how many days ago进行进行强调,宾语从句用陈述句语序。强调,宾语从句用陈述句语序。14._ the catastrophe happened that the local government realized the importance of substantial position.A.It was until B.Not until C.Until D.It was not until由由it is/was that强调结构,对强调结构,对not until引导的状语从句进行强调。引导的状语从句进行强调。15.Was it from the lake _ he often went fishing _ he saved the drowning girl?A.that;thatB.where;where C.where;thatD.that;where由由it is/wasthat.强调结构对地点状语强调结构对地点状语from the lake进行强调,其中进行强调,其中lake被被where引导的定引导的定语从句修饰。语从句修饰。二、完形填空二、完形填空16.A.When B.While C.OnceD.As由句意由句意“一旦养成忙碌的生活习惯,从早忙到一旦养成忙碌的生活习惯,从早忙到晚,就很难放慢生活的节奏晚,就很难放慢生活的节奏”选出选出once表示表示“一一旦旦”,作条件状语。,作条件状语。17.A.slow B.calmC.get D.turn slow down意思是意思是“减速,缓行减速,缓行”。18.A.fit B.nice C.proper D.necessary由由relaxation is _for a healthy mind and body判断,选择判断,选择necessary表示表示“必要的必要的”。19.A.basic B.natural C.hard D.terrible由句意由句意“压力是日常生活中自然的一部分,压力是日常生活中自然的一部分,没有办法避免。没有办法避免。”判断,选择判断,选择natural。20.A.tolerateB.solve C.avoidD.accept选选avoid,表示,表示“避免避免”。21.A.sureB.certain C.largeD.great 根据上下文根据上下文A certain amount of stress 表示表示“一定量的压力一定量的压力”。22.A.purposeB.resource C.influenceD.instruction由上下文判断,一定的压力能给生活以目的,由上下文判断,一定的压力能给生活以目的,所以选择所以选择purpose表示表示“目的目的”。23.A.when B.why C.that D.how这是这是it isthat强调结构,所以选择强调结构,所以选择C。24.A.ill B.goodC.strong D.weakill health为固定词组,意思是为固定词组,意思是“不健康不健康”,ill在这里的意思是在这里的意思是“不好的;糟糕的;坏的不好的;糟糕的;坏的”。25.A.insists B.depends C.calls D.spendsdepend on为固定词组,意思是为固定词组,意思是“取决于取决于”26.A.patterns B.types C.situations D.characters由上下文句意由上下文句意“这些特性是担负管理工作的主要这些特性是担负管理工作的主要素质素质”判断,选择判断,选择characters意思是意思是“性格,特性格,特性性”。27.A.glance B.viewC.sight D.impressionat the sight of为固定词组,意思是为固定词组,意思是“一看到一看到”。28.A.relaxation B.stressC.health D.control由由When exposed to _,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically.判断,选择判断,选择stress表示表示“压力压力”。29.A.peace B.frightC.pressure D.heaviness由由In fact we make a choice between _ and fight.判判 断,断,fright表示表示“惊吓,害怕惊吓,害怕”。而且而且fright和和 fight构成押韵。构成押韵。30.A.decisionB.promiseC.difference D.choice由由And in more ancient days the choices made the _between life and death.判判断,选择断,选择difference,意思是,意思是“生与死的区别生与死的区别”。31.A.likelyB.similarC.necessaryD.able由上下文判断,今天我们遇到的危机不大可能如由上下文判断,今天我们遇到的危机不大可能如此极端。选择此极端。选择likely。not likely to意思是意思是“不不大可能大可能”32.A.continues B.livesC.stands D.lasts由上下文判断,只有当这种压力持续长久由上下文判断,只有当这种压力持续长久时,健康才会受到危害。选择时,健康才会受到危害。选择last,意思,意思是是“持续持续”。33.A.balanced B.injured C.endangered D.changed由由through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes _.判断,选择判断,选择endangered,意思是,意思是“受到危害受到危害”。34.A.establishedB.achievedC.foundD.developed由句意由句意“高血压和心脏病与压力有关系高血压和心脏病与压力有关系”判断,选判断,选择择established,与,与link搭配,意思搭配,意思“建立联系建立联系”。35.A.UnlessB.Since C.BecauseD.As由上下文判断,既然我们不能把压力从生活由上下文判断,既然我们不能把压力从生活中消除,我们需要找到方法去应对它。选择中消除,我们需要找到方法去应对它。选择since意思是意思是“既然既然”。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解36.When was the story happening?A.On a rainy morning.B.On a sunny afternoon.C.On a dark evening D.On a foggy midnight由第二段第一行由第二段第一行At half past one the men got up第二行第二行There was now a thick fog 可知,可知,答案为答案为D。37.The underlined word“crept”in the second paragraph probably means _.A.came mercifully B.walked gently C.mourned desperately D.ran hurriedly由上下文判断,他们是去偷窃,因而他们在花由上下文判断,他们是去偷窃,因而他们在花园行走应该是悄悄地。所以,答案为园行走应该是悄悄地。所以,答案为B。38.Which of the following was probably not taken with Sikes and his partner?A.A lightB.A gunC.A stickD.A hammer由第三段可知有由第三段可知有light;由第四段第二行可知有;由第四段第二行可知有gun;由第二段第一行可知有;由第二段第一行可知有stick。所以,答案。所以,答案为为D。39.From the passage we can infer that Oliver _.A.together with Sikes and Toby was trying to conduct a murder B.was cut bleeding badly by a man with a sharp knife C.was a kind,innocent boy despite joining in the activity D.didnt know the purpose of the expedition until he was shot dead由上下文可知由上下文可知Oliver是被迫参与此次活动,是是被迫参与此次活动,是个善良、无辜的孩子。所以,答案为个善良、无辜的孩子。所以,答案为C。四、任务型阅读四、任务型阅读此题为信息归纳题,由全文大意和文章标题可此题为信息归纳题,由全文大意和文章标题可知,此处填知,此处填 prepare。Title:How to(40)_ for a new life prepare It is not(41)_ to choose only one or two universities to apply to.wise/correct/right此题为信息归纳型。由第二段此题为信息归纳型。由第二段I would suggest choosing about five schools to apply to.This way,if one or two schools do not accept you,you still have a chance of being accepted by the others.可归纳概括出答案。可归纳概括出答案。Choosing more universities can add to the(42)_ of being admitted to by one of them.chance此题为细节捕捉题,由第二段此题为细节捕捉题,由第二段Once you have decided what is important to you,I would suggest choosing about five schools to apply to.This way,if one or two schools do not accept you,you still have a chance of being accepted by the others.可得出答案。可得出答案。Fill in an application form for the(43)_ university,with your teachers reference letters.chosen此题为细节捕捉题,此题为细节捕捉题,由第三段第一行由第三段第一行After you have chosen which schools you would like to apply to,you have to complete an application form for each one.得出答案。得出答案。Take part in the proper tests(44)_ to the university you have chosen.according此题为同义词组转换。由第三段第四行此题为同义词组转换。由第三段第四行Depending on which college or university you want to enter得出词组得出词组according to。(45)_ for education Paying此题为细节捕捉题,此题为细节捕捉题,由第四段第一行由第四段第一行After you have been accepted to a university,you need to be able to pay for your study there.得出答案。同时注意表格上下文的对应形得出答案。同时注意表格上下文的对应形式。式。Apply for the loans(46)_ by the government,which can be repaid after graduation.此题为细节捕捉题,由第四段第二行此题为细节捕捉题,由第四段第二行To help students pay for their education,the government offers loans which students do not have to repay until after they graduate.得出答得出答案。案。offered/provided Scholarships can be given to(47)_ has excellent grades.此题为同义词转换。由第四段第三行此题为同义词转换。由第四段第三行Scholarships are also available to students who have excellent grades.得出答案。得出答案。whoever Find a part-time(48)_ while at university.此题为同义词转换。由第四段第四行此题为同义词转换。由第四段第四行many students also work part-time while they are at university.得出此答案。得出此答案。job The(49)_ of the class is also larger in university than at high school.Sometimes it can have 200 students.此题为信息归纳题。由第五段最后一句话此题为信息归纳题。由第五段最后一句话Classes are much bigger too and some can have as many as 200 students in them.概括概括归纳出答案。归纳出答案。size


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