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    牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 3 A day outReading 导学案.docx

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    牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 3 A day outReading 导学案.docx

    Unit 3 A day out Readingl 导学案学习目标I.知识目标2.理解与本单元主题相关词汇。3.学会运用各种阅读方式读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况。n.能力目标1 ,通过阅读了解关于world park的一些景点的知识。2.通过阅读掌握一些短语和句型的用法。 in .情感目标学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受,激发学生对名胜的热爱之情重点难点1 .读懂文章,知道一些世界名胜的知识。2 .学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受,了解文章写作思路。课前自学 熟读课文,完成课本B1练习1. join2. journey3. boring4. finally5. arrive at6. whole7. main8. sights阅读任务 a. full b. get to a place c. places of interest d. take part in e. not interesting f. a long trip g. after a long time h. most important一、listen and complete the exercise in B2二、 Scanning the passage and write aT if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.()1. Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.()2. Linda did not enjoy the day very much.()3. It took the students half an hour to get to the park.()4. The models in the park are small but wonderful.()5. The model Eiffel Tower is made of wood.( )6. The model Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in the US.三、Scanning(Answer the questions within 3 words.) pair work1. Where did Linda go? 2. How long was the journey? 3. Did she enjoy the journey at the beginning? 4. How many models are there in the park? 5. What did Linda think of the day? 6. Where can Linda's mother see the photos of the trip? 四、(一intensive reading and Fill in the form(Para 1-2)(二) What places of interest and activities are mentioned?(提及)(Para 3-5)A trip to the World Park in Beijingwhowhenhowhow far(三)1 .Choose the correct answer.(Para6)put his photos on the Internet for to look at. ()A.Linda; her mum B. Mr Wu; all the students C. Daniel; everyone2. feeling of the writer about the trip.(四)Group work1 .Why did Linda feel bored with the journey to the park?2 .Why did Linda enjoy herself after she got into the park? (五)Summary课堂达标检测一、根据汉语及首字母提示填入单词。1. At the(开头)of the party, we usually have cold dishes.2. Are you feeling(兴奋的)at the(令人兴奋的)news?3. During the rush hours, the(交通)is always heavy. You must be careful.4. This boy show a lot of(兴趣)in English. He reads it every day.5. I was doing my homework the(整个的)afternoon. 二、have a tryI was very happy today because my teacher Mr. Wu my cousin Linda to join our school trip.At the, we didn5t enjoy it because there was busy on the road. Finally we arrived atthe World Park. When we saw the Eiffel Tower, Linda and I became. In the World Park, there were over a places of interest from all over the world. The best part was the song and dance. I really enjoyed myself on that day.


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