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    2022年初一英语阅读21英语报 .pdf

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    2022年初一英语阅读21英语报 .pdf

    精编学习资料欢迎下载Dancing aunties让我惊讶的中国广场舞Walking in the winter park,the wind is cold and leaves have escaped the trees.As I keep walking,I hear some music.A group of women is dancing in the park!It seems that(看来好像)if you go to any public place around China,you ll see these dancing aunties.When I first came to China,it soon struck(让-印象深刻)me.That s because in Britain,dancing in public is not common(普遍的).Usually,old people just take a walk for exercise.However,some people don t like these dancing aunties.They find them annoying.(烦人的)But others respected(尊重)their right to dance in public.I like seeing these women enjoying themselves.They show us the importance of exercising as we get older.And most of them have raised(养育)whole families.Now it is their time to have fun and enjoy themselves.1.Keep doing sth 一直做某事昨天下午他一直在操场上跑。2.请不要在公共场所吸烟。3.一群男孩正在游泳池里游泳。4.我们中大部分人5.fallen leaves 6.Most people eat,write,and work with their right hands.You were right to do what you did.(对的,正确的)Do the right thing at the right time.(适当的)a right angle(直角)Right dress!(向右看齐)Look right and left、They have the right to dance in public.7.auntie,aunty 是对 aunt 的亲热称呼uncle 小幽默A:Don t you see the notice?B:Oh,yew,I did.A:The why are you fishing here?B:Fishing?No,I m not fishing.I m training the earth worm to swim.精编学习资料欢迎下载A name you can call everybody(怎么用英文说张三?)Have you ever had this moment:you are talking about someone,but suddenly(突然)you can t remember his or her name?Don t worry!In English,there are special names to replace(代替)their real names.In the US,if you forget someone s name,you can simply say the name John Doe for a man,or Jane Doe for a woman.For example,“Did you see that boy who was running in the rain?”“Ah,yes,poor John Doe.”Also,in US courts(法庭),people also use these names.This is to keep the person s identity(身份)a secret(秘密).People use the name so often that there was even a comedy film in 1941 called Meet John Doe.However in the UK,unknown people are called John Smith.This is because John is one of the most common family name.So next time you forget someone s name,you know who to say.1.If you forget someone s name,you can call him _ or call her _ in the US.But in the UK,you can call the unknown people _,because John is one of the most common _ name.2.remember(反义词)_ Remember _(post)the letter for me.(别忘了替我把这封信寄掉)I remember _(tell)you about her.我记得曾告诉过你关于她的事情)在各句中找出错误并改正1.Don t late for school next time,please.2.Look at the blackboard and listening to me.3.They are gong to washing their clothes next Sunday.4.There are so much buses and bikes in the street.5.This is our the first lesson this term.6.What s wrong on the old car.7.I have many homework to do today.8.She is going to help Mike for his English.9.I want to buy a little oranges.10.Your coat is newer than Kate.11.What s he doing?He is at working on the farm.文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1精编学习资料欢迎下载Tom,Dad and Colin Tom set off for town,with his dad on Colin s back.A man went up to Dad.“Let your son get on,”he said.So Dad got down from Colin s back.Tom got on Colin.A man ran up to Tom.“Let your father get on too,”he said.So Dad got on Colin.A man sat on a bench(长椅).”let your donkey have a rest,”he said to Tom and Dad.So they got down from Colin s back.Colin got on Tom and Dad.When they got to town,lots of children were looking at them.Tom and Dad felt foolish.Tom and Dad did not see the pond(池塘).They all fell in.Tom and Dad were wet-and so was Colin 1.From the story,we can know that Colin is _.2.Tom and Dad is _.3.get off the bus _ 上车_ 仔细阅读下面的句子,猜猜句中划线部分的意思1.Tom is a black sheep in his family.2.My mother has a green thumb(大拇指)-look at the red roses in our garden.3.Telling lies is not good,but sometimes you have to tell a white lie.Mary sings very badly but I tell her is a good singer.I don t want to hurt her.中国的主要节日New Year s Day May Day/International Labour Day Spring Festival/fest?v?l/The Qingming Festival/Tomb-sweeping Day Lantern/l?nt?n/Festival International Labour Day Dragon-boat Festival Mid-autumn Day Teachers Day Women s Day Children s Day Chinese Youth Day Army Day National Day Tree Planting Day 文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1精编学习资料欢迎下载Cups full of cakes 风靡美国的纸杯蛋糕Cupcakes are a popular US dessert.Children sometimes bring homemade cupcakes into school on their birthday.Outside of the school,American enjoy buying cupcakes when they are shopping,having a party or meeting friends.People love cupcakes because of their small size,it s the perfect(完美的)size(尺寸,大小)for one person(人).Each person can get the same share(一分)when friends eat cupcakes together.So there are no cries of“she got the bigger cake.”These days,the nice cake is not just food.It is a popular activity for kids to make cupcakes with their parents.It is easy to make:put cake flour(面粉)into a cup,bake(烘烤)and add sugar(糖)on it.It s yummy.1.a popular song/writer She is popular with her pupils.2.I didn t go to the party _ I was not free.(because,because of)I didn t go t o play football_ the bad weather.(天气)3.It s easy/hard _(study)English well.公共场所常用标志BUSINESS HUORS OFFICE HOURS OPEN CLOSED NO SMOKING NO PARKING PULL PUSH BNTRANCE EXIT DANGER NO PHOTOS NO VISITORS NO SPITTING KEEP SILENCE KEEP OFF THE GRASS 送你一句话1.Never do things by halves.2.A good book is the best friend,the same today and for ever.3.A little learning is a dangerous thing.文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1精编学习资料欢迎下载Foreign favorites(老外爱吃那些中国菜)Chinese food is popular around the world.My favorite Chinese dish(菜)is hot pot.You can see the water bubble(冒泡).You can smell the beef,vegetables and the spices(调味品).Together with friends,we talk and laugh.This is my ideal dinner.But different people like different dishes.One of my British fiends loves duck s tongue(鸭舌).For me,it is a little odd(古怪的).Once we walked up and down the street,he hoped to find a nice tongue.Another friend from the US enjoys Chinese dumplings.“You can only get good dumplings in China,”he said.My friends and I all like holiday food.The Dragon Boat Festival means eating zongzi,and the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time to enjoy moon cakes.1.全世界The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year.It usually comes 1 January or February.Everyone in China 2 the Spring Festival very much.When the Spring Festival 3,Li Fang usually 4 his parents clean their house and 5 some shopping and other housework.On that 6 everyone in China eats dumplings,New Year s cakes and other good 7.Li Fang likes New Year s cakes,but Wang Hua says dumplings are 8 than New Year s cakes.The Chinese people 9 the New Year s cakes and dumplings in their houses.They put on the best 10 and visit friends during the Spring Festival.How happy they are!()1.A.after B.on C.in D.by()2.A.has B.welcomes C.remembers D.likes()3.A.goes B.comes C.begins D.ends()4.A.helps B.makes C.gets D.lets()5.A.buys B.does C.finishes D.goes()6.A.morning B.evening C.afternoon D.day()7.A.food B.drinks C.vegetables D.fruit()8.A.smaller B.better C.delicious D.lovely()9.A.find B.buy C.eat D.sell()10.A.clothes B.hats C.sweaters D.shoes Dead 不“死”1.That is a dead story.那是一个已忘怀的故事。文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH2T1V10J6X1文档编码:CJ10I8G5G1F8 HO1U1T10O2C2 ZH


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