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    盐城师范继续教育学院大学英语普通用卷一单项选择题(共50题,总分值75分)1. Neither entirely on the agent when we buy insurance. (1.5 分)A. depend weB. we should dependC. should we dependD. we dependA: Hi! Aren,t we in the same English class?B:A: Nice to meet you, Sue. I'm George. (1.5 分)A. It's so wonderful to meet you.B. Thank you very much.C. How are you doing.D. Yes, we are. My name's Sue Deer.3. A: What a surprise. You had your hair permed.B: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get married next Saturday.A: (1.5 分)A. Well done. The dating for the marriage is well chosen.B. Oh, sorry, I've nearly forgot that,Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look Wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you gooD.Jane:. (1.5 分)A. That's very kind of youB. I don't believe it. You are flattering meC. You think so? That's encouragingD. Are you kidding? Thank you anywayClerk: Good morning. Can I help you?Mr. Smith: Yes, Kd like a ticket to New York 9:15 tomorrow morning.Clerk:?Mr. Smith: Single, please (1.5 分)A. Single or returnB. Single or doubleC. Single or twoD. Single or backPlease remind me the director at 10.(1.5 分)A. by seeingB. to seeingC. seeingD. to seeMichael: Hi, mom. I' d like you to meet my girlfriend, Susan Lee. Susan, this is my mother.Susan: How do you do, Mrs. Miller.Mother: How do you do, Susan. Km glad you can join us. (1.5 分)A. Please feel natural.B. Make yourself at home.C. Feel all right here.D. Take is easy.31. Customer: Excuse me, sir.Clerk:Customer: Kd like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to?Clerk: You can cash checks over there at window 6. (1.5 分)A. Yes, may I help you?B. It doesn't matter.C. Its all right.D. What? Can I help you?32. My dream is other alcoholics will find their success with the help of my book. (1.5 分)A.thatB. whoC. itD. whichHairdresser: How would you like to do your hair today? The same style as usual?Mrs. Lee: I have a special party to attend tonight, and I'd like to change styles.Hairdresser: Very well. You're not in a hurry, are you?Mrs. Lee: No. (1.5 分)A. Take your time.B. Take it easy.C. Don't worry.D. Be relaxed.33. Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it?Roger: Lots of food anddrinks! (1.5 分)A. It is certain.B. It sure is.C. It must be.D. It is real.34. Colleague A: You got a perm. I love it.Colleague B: Thanks. (1.5 分)A. Come on, you're just trying to be polite.B. I had it done just yesterday.C. Donna's wedding is tomorrow, isn't it?D. Hope I don't look too different.35. If I your address, I would have visited you. (1.5 分)A. knowB. knewC. have knownD. had knownThe members of an extended family are by blood or by marriage. (1.5分)A. relativeB. relatesC. relateD. relatedMichael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday.Tracy: I didn't realize they were moving so soon.Michael: Yes, but well have one last chance to get together. We/re planning a barbecue. (1.5 分)A. Wish them a happy journey.B. May they have a more comfortable home.C. They are really going to be missed.D. We can't stay together forever, can we?36. Please show me to do it. (1.5分)A. whatB. whenC. which D. how7 Ann: Do you still have a headache, Bill?Bill: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and cough constantly.Ann:. (1.5 分)A. That's worseB. That's pitifulC. That's very regretfulD. That's too badNancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham!Scott: (1.5 分)A. Is it a real thing?B. Congratulations!C. You're kidding!D. Good luck!37. They usually go for a walk in with each other aftersupper. (1.5 分)A. companyB. connectionC. comparisonD. relationThere pepper, salt, mustard and sometimes vinegar on the table. (1.5 分)A. areB. beingC. isD. bePlease give the problem a careful . (1.5 分)A. considerableB. considerationC. considerD. considerateA: Susan, this is my boyfriend Sam.B:C: Nice to meet you, too. (1.5 分)A. You may only have one.B. Yours is lovely, too.C. Oh, really? Nice to meet you.D. Very well, thank you.38. We are not supposed football on Sundays. (1.5 分)A. playingB. to playC. to playingD. playChina is committed to worldpeace. (1.5 分)A. achievesB. achieveC. achievedD. achieving一单项选择题(共50题,总分值75分)1 .答案:C.答案:I)2 .答案:D.答案:B3 .答案:C.答案:A4 .答案:D.答案:A5 .答案:A.答案:C6 .答案:D.答案:B7 .答案:D.答案:A8 .答案:B.答案:B9 .答案:B.答案:D10 .答案:A.答案:C11 .答案:C.答案:B12 .答案:B.答案:B13 .答案:C.答案:B14 .答案:B.答案:C15 .答案:D.答案:C16 .答案:A.答案:D17 .答案:B.答案:B18 .答案:A.答案:A19 .答案:B.答案:B20 .答案:D.答案:D21 .答案:C.答案:D22 .答案:D.答案:C23 .答案:A.答案:C24 .答案:B.答案:C25 .答案:B.答案:DC. How about another time? I'll be busy then.D. Really? Congratulations.4. Professor: First of all, allow me to introduce Professor John Brown from Cambridge.Student: (1.5 分)A. Hello, Mr. John Brown. What brings you here?B. Morning, Prof. Brown. May I have a question?C. Hi, Prof. John Brown. Can I ask what your specialty is?D. Hello, Mr. Brown. Are you a doctor?5. The mother and father thenucleus, or the center, of the nuclear family.(1.5 分)A. are formed byB. in the form ofC. formD. forms, women prefer brighter colors than men do. (1.5 分)A. On the wholeB. In the wholeC. As a wholeD. To the wholeNurse: Do you have any designated doctor?Patient: Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt.Nurse: Here is your registration card. Dr Hurt is at clinicNo. 6. (1.5 分)A. You may stand in line here and wait for your arrangementB. You may stay here and wait for your right.C. You may sit here and wait for your order.D. You can sit over there and wait for your turnGuest: Oh, I hadn' t realized how late it was. I' m afraid I' 11 have to be going.Host: Oh, not yet. Km just going to make some coffee.Guest:, though I'd really love to stay. I've got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party. (1.5 分)A. Km sorry, but I mustB. Pardon me, but I should goC. Its a pity, but no way outD. Excuse me, but I have to goRebecca:Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually light colors don't really suit him. (1.5 分)A. I love the way Bob dresses. He always looks so smart.B. I don't think Bob has chosen the right suit.C. How funny Bob looks in that jacket!D. Bob's new coat looks very expensive.6. In most heavy rains in thisarea will cause problems. (1.5 分)A. situationsB. thingsC. casesD. areas ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream. (1.5 分)A. NotB. NoneC. NeitherD. NoTom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music?Charles: No, I don't. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right.Tom:Charles: No, really. (1.5 分)A. You're lying.B. You're kidding.C. You are boasting.D. You/re cheating.7. He always tries to avoid me. (1.5 分)A. to seeingB. by seeing C. to see D. seeingThere are trees all shapes onthe hill. (1.5 分)A. ofB. atC. inD. byIt was long supposed the maindifference between animals and plants was that animals could move about. (1.5 分)A. thisB. thatC. whichD. becauseWendy: Have you been to the new bakery on the corner?Arthur: NO, how is it?Wendy: It is heaven ! !(1.5 分)A. Their cakes are to strive forB. Their cakes are to pay forC. Their cakes are to struggle forD. Their cakes are to die forThe nuclear family two parents (mother and father) and their children.(1.5 分)A. is consisted ofB. consists ofC. consist ofD. consistsRestructuring in the telecom businesses is . (1.5 分)A. on handB. by handC. in handD. at handCustomer: The jeans look cool. May I try them on?Salesman: Sure. (1.5 分)A. What size, please?B. Cash or charge?C. It's 34 RMB, please.D. Help yourself, please.8. Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner?Secretary: (1.5分)A. Hello. Thank you for calling.B. Speaking, pleaseC Im sorry. He's at a meeting right now.D. Hello. Who're you, please?9. It is necessary that measurestaken right now. (1.5 分)A. must beB. w川 beC. beD. can beCustomer: Excuse me.Clerk: The rate for airmails is two dollars. (1.5 分)A. Can you tell me the money I need to post a letter?B. How much is a letter to South Africa?C. Do you do international delivery?D. Do you happen to know how fast airmails are?10. There are many animals, however, never play. (1.5 分)A. whichB. thatC. whereD. whatMary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday?Tom:.What kind of party?Mary: Its a birthday party. (1.5 分)A. Feels excellentB.Sounds goodC. Looks niceD. Seems all rightCustomer: Saleswoman: Yes, they are on the third floor. (1.5 分)A. Hello. How can I find Emergency Room?B. Miss, is this Holiday Inn?C. Excuse me. Do you sell bathing suits?D. Excuse me. Where are your cosmetics, please.11. Phone caller: Hello. Could I please speak to Helen?Helen:. (1.5 分)A. Its meB. SpeakingC. I am HelenD. This is meYou would laugh if anyone ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant. (1.5 分)A. shallB. shouldC. wouldD. w川For some individuals financial security is still viewed a dream that can never be achieved. (1.5 分)A. toB. withC. asD. forSalesgirl: Good morning, miss. Can I help you?Mary: Yes, I'd like half a kilo of oranges, please.Salesgirl:. Anything else?Mary: No, thank you. (1.5 分)A. Here are youB.These oranges are for youC. Give you the orangesD. There you areJane: Carol, you look very well.


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