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    2020 学年度人教版选修八 Unit4PygmalionPeriod5Usinglanguage-writing 学案设计【教学目标】掌握本单元的写作话题和写作技巧,了解其写作步骤和方法。同步写作皮格马利翁效应I.品句填空My mother can make delicious (饼干) for us.1. A (茶壶) is used to make tea.2. The traveler put some (面霜)on his face to protect himself against the strong sunshine.3. The boy s (指甲) were so dirty because he often played with mud.4. The girl brushed the (磁盘)with a brush.5. The wife lived a (寒酸的)life after her husband passed away.6. Listen!The (裁判员) is announcing the score.7. He struggled with his boss at first but had to (妥协)in the end.8. The taste of the rotten fish is so (令人恶心的).9. Dusk saw a little boy who lost his way (啜泣)in the streetcorner.n.完成句子As the program ended, the music slowly (渐弱)and someone began to speak.1. (一般而言), prices follow demand; if there is no demand, prices are low.2. When he didn t know how to get out of the building, a boy (把他带出去).3. I know I can go on foot, but (我要是有辆车会怎样)?4. Sports and games (三日常重要).5. (必要的时候),I 11 come to your help.皮格马利翁效应【写作典例】假设你是小明,是高二的学生,在本学期的一节英语课上,你用英 语回答了老师的提问,老师很高兴,对你说:“棒极了!你很聪明!你的 英语提高了很多,你要是再用点功,你会有更大的进步和成绩!”这是 两年来,你第一次受表扬,你很感动,下决心一定要把英语学好。现在 请你把这一好消息写成一封电子邮件,发给你在美国的叔叔。要求:1 .文字表述简练,写出自己的经历和感受;2 .选其中一个方面,进行充分发挥,重点写出老师的哪一句话对 你鼓励很大;3 .词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)o Dear uncle,I m glad to tell you thatYours, Xiaoming 【写作指导】1 .命题分析“皮格马利翁效应人们也称之为“罗森塔尔效应:该效应就是由 对教育对象的尊重、信任、热爱和对其更高的人际期待而产生的神奇 功能。它说明,一个人对另一个人的智慧成就的预言,会决定另一个人 的智慧成就。根据“皮格马利翁效应”,一个孩子能不能成为天才, 关键是家长和老师能不能像对待天才一样地爱他,期望他,教育他。 2.常用句型Why do you think. . . like that你为什么像那样认为?What do you think would make them happier?你认为什么会使得他 们更高兴些?Do you really think that s true?你真的认为那是真的?I am surprised. 我很惊讶They are amazed. .他们对很吃惊。I think you need more practice at.我认为你需要更多关于的练习。Your. . has improved a lot, but you still need to,你的已经提高了很多,但是你仍需要I think you are perfect, but.我认为你很好,但是.词汇翻译英语差对感到惊讶继续努力学习下决心3 .翻译句子我很高兴地告诉你这是我第一次被英语老师表扬。你的英语进步很大,但是你还需要继续努力学习。【参考范文】Dear uncle,I m glad to tell you that it s the first time I have ever been praised by my English teacher. As you know, I used to be poor at English.In an English class this term, I answered a question in English. My English teacher was amazed at that. She said, “Wonderful! Well done. Your English has improved a lot, but you still need to go on working hard. If you put your heart into it, you 11 make greater progress. ” I was so moved that I made up my mind to practice reading and writing more. Now, my English has been improving day by day. I think it s due to my teacher s encouragement.Do you really think that s true?Yours, XiaomingI.完成句子一I Mary in the street.我前几天在街上偶然碰到了玛丽。1. She a journalist to visit the farm.她伪装成记者去参观农场。2. The films of this year are those of last year, both quantity and quality.今年的后影无论从数量上还是从庙量上都优于去年。3. I am happy to .我很高兴认识你。4. We should donate money to those who are .我们应该把钱捐给 那些需要帮助的人。5. He accepted the job .他毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。6. When Fred an ambassador, many people tried to make his acquaintance.弗雷德被误认为是大使,于是许多人都想方法要与他 结识。、The of the conversation is a(n) reached by both sides.会谈 结果是双方和解,最后达成了协议。什7. Eliza so that she could begin a new life as a lady.伊莉莎 让人烧掉了那些令人作呕的衣服,以便能够开始她作为淑女的新生 活。8. Don t your own. It isn t fair.不要把我的工作说成是你自 己的,这不公平。II.创新写作根据以下材料,观察提示词,然后用英语写一篇80词左右的短 文。才华横溢的雕刻家皮格马利翁创作了一尊漂亮的女性雕塑。她将 注定(condemn)使他一生单独生活。他逐渐意识到自己爱上了她。他 向希腊女神求助,使她复活。女神犹豫(hesitate) 了一会儿后容许了。 根据(in terms of)他们的约定,他要冒充成(pass.off as.) 一位 公爵,不要暴露(betray)自己。皮格马利翁忽视(overlook) 了这个约 定。这位漂亮的女人再次(once more)成为雕塑。答案汇总知识记忆与理解课程预习检测I .1.cookies 2.teapot 3. cream 4. nails 5.disk6. shabby 7.referee 8. compromise 9. disgusting 10.sobbingII .1.faded out 2. Generally speaking 3.showed him out 4. what if I have a car 5. are of great importance 6. When (it is) necessary思维探究与创新写作策略突破写作指导3. (l)be poor at English (2)be amazed / surprised at (3)go on working hard (4)make up one s mind(1) I m glad to tell you that it s the first time I have ever been praised by my English teacher.(2)Your English has improved a lot, but you still need to go on working hard.技能应用与拓展I . 1. came across; the other day 2. passed herself off as3. superior to; in terms of 4. make your acquaintance5. in need of help 6. without any hesitation 7. was mistaken for 8. outcome; compromise 9. had those disgusting clothes burned 10. pass my work off as II.Pygmalion, a brilliant sculptor, made a stone statue of a beautiful woman, who condemned him to live alone all his life. He came to realize that he fell in love with her. So he turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. The Goddess hesitated for a moment before she agreed. In terms of their agreement, he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself. Unfortunately, Pygmalion overlooked the agreement. As a result, the beautiful woman became a stone statue once more.


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