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    七年级英语下册 Module9 Story time Unit3 Language in use课件 外研版.ppt

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    七年级英语下册 Module9 Story time Unit3 Language in use课件 外研版.ppt

    Unit 3Language in use Focus:Past simple regular verbs (affirmative and negative)Drilling:Activity 1 Adjustment:More Chinese and foreign fairy tales can be introduced to master the way to tell stories.Detailed explanationNew Wordsrush v.try v.destroy v.unhappy adj.asleep adj.return v.cry v.point v.without prep.look arounddie v.change intoemperor n.奔,冲奔,冲尝试尝试毁坏毁坏 不高兴的不高兴的 睡着的睡着的返回返回哭、喊叫哭、喊叫指指无,没有无,没有向四周看向四周看死死变成变成皇帝皇帝1.Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers.2.They looked at the bowls and the chairs.3.She didnt like the food in the big bowl.4.They didnt notice Goldilocks at first.Language practiceLook at the pictures and say:walk pickbe lostnoticeknock on121,2,3look atpick up pair work3returnlook atcryopenjumppoint athurry out of4Look at the pictures and say:pair work一般过去时一般过去时:1.Goldilocks _ some flowers one day.(pick)2.She _ a little house.(notice)3.She _ to the house.(hurry)构成构成:主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式(v-ed)+4.She _ on the door.(not knock)5.She _ the door.(not push)6.She _ three bowls.(not count)构成构成:主语主语+didnt+动词原形动词原形pickednoticedhurrieddidnt knockdidnt pushdidnt count1.一般动词词尾加ed walk listen look动词过去式的小结2.以字母“e”为结尾的动词后加-dwalkedlistenedlookedlivenoticedecide livednoticeddecided3.以辅音字母加-y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-ed.hurrycarryhurriedcarriedcrytrycriedtried4.以元音字母加一辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.stopstepstoppedstepped动词过去式中动词过去式中ed 发音发音:规则规则动词原形动词原形过去式过去式以清辅音结尾的动以清辅音结尾的动词加词加-ed 后后,ed读作读作/t/knock pick push like stopknocked picked pushed liked stopped 以浊辅音和元音结以浊辅音和元音结尾的动词加尾的动词加-ed后后,ed读作读作/d/answer enter hurry liveanswered entered hurried lived以字母以字母t,d结尾的结尾的动词加动词加-ed后后,ed读读作作/id/count decidecounted decided写出下列动词的过去式1.knock 2.pick 3.walk4.push5.like6.finish7.stop8.notice9.answer10.enter11.hurry12.live13.count14.decide konckedpickedwalkedpushedlikedfinishedstoppednoticedansweredenteredhurriedlivedcounteddecidedGoldilocks(1)_(not live)in the forest.She(2)_(pick)flowers in the forest.She(3)_(notice)the three Bears house,and she(4)_(knock)on the door and(5)_(enter)the house.On the table,she(6)_(count)three bowls.She(7)_(pick)didnt livepickednoticedknockedenteredcountedComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.pickedup the biggest bowl,but she(8)_(not like)the food.She(9)_(finish)all the food in the little bowl.She(10)_(try)the chairs.Two chairs were uncomfortable.The smallest chair was comfortable,but Goldilocks was heavy and she(11)_(destroy)it.Then she(12)_(look)in the bedroom.didnt likefinishedtrieddestroyedlookedThe three Bears(13)_(return)but Goldilocks was asleep in Baby bears bed.They(14)_(not notice)her at first.Baby Bear(15)_(cry),“Theres nothing in my bowl!My chair is in pieces.”returneddidnt notice criedThen he(16)_(point)at Goldilocks,and(17)_(cry),“Theres the naughty girl!”Goldilocks(18)_(jump)up and(19)_(hurry)out.She(20)_(not look)back and she never(21)_(return)to she forest.didnt look hurriedpointedjumpedreturnedcriede.g.Goldilocks rushed out of the house.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.answer enter hurry jump like notice point return rush live1.Baby bear _to the girl in the forest.2.She _the house.3.Goldilocks _out of bed.4.She _ to the little house.5.The three Bears _(not)the door because they were out in the forest.hurriedjumpeddidnt answerpointedentered6.Goldilocks _(not)the food in the biggest bowl.7.The three Bears _(not)Goldilocks in bed at first.8.Goldilocks _(not)to that part of the forest again.didnt returndidnt noticedidnt likeTalk about the following topics with your partner.1.What did you do last weekend?2.Your favourite fairy tale.Fairy talesFairy tales请阅读请阅读Around the world部分,并根据其部分,并根据其内容判断下列句子正内容判断下列句子正(T)误误(F)。()1.Only mothers in the USA like telling fairy tales to their children.()2.Fairy tales are usually boring.()3.In fairy tales,people sometimes change into animals.FFTModule task Telling a storyWork in pairs.Look at the picture and make sentences using the words given.1.Emperor Yan quite loved his daughter.2.He often played with her.They were very happy.3.One day,his daughter died in the East Sea.4.She changed into a Sperm-defend Bird.5.The King watched it and he was very sad.6.She decided to fill the East Sea with stones.Jingwei Determines to Fill up the Sea Fire King had a nice daughter and he loved his daughter.He often played with her.They were very happy.But one day,his daughter died in the East Sea.And she changed into a Sperm-defend Bird.The King watched it and he was very sad.Jingwei was also sad.So she decided to fill the East Sea with stones.Activity 4


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