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    2021年山东中考英语真题分类汇编之完形填空一.完形填空(共7小题)(2021 烟台)Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world.But no matter how (1) it is, some people voluntarily (主动地) take this role一even if they don't have to.We know them as "foster (收养) parents".Katie Holstein is one such example.In 2017, though unmarried, she decided to become a mother.Eight months later, she got a license and was (2) to become a first - time mom to two babies.lt was not an easy (3) for Katie.However, she made it.The babies were looked after very well.Over the next three years, this (4) mom fostered 16 children.They were all under five years old because she wasn't willing to take teenagers.However, her attitude changed when she met a teenage girl named Akyra.Akyra's foster family needed a break.Katie was asked to let Akyra (5) with her for a week.To Katie*s surprise, she and Akyra got on well.They had the same (6) such as watching movies and reading novels.As time went on, the pair grew (7).Katie made up her mind to foster her for real.Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.Now Katie's story is (8) known.She hopes it will encourage other people to (9) their homes to foster kids: ”Being a real family doesn't always mean being connected by blood.Sometimes, it just means being connected by the (10) .1 promise you there are children in your community right now who need a safe place to land.They need willing families, not perfect ones, “ explained Katie.(1) A.interestingB.excitingC.unhealthyD.difficult(2) A.forcedB.encouragedC.allowedD.asked(3) A.taskB.questionC.examD.rule(4) A.beautifulB.powerfulC.carefulD.regretful(5) A.stayB eC municateD pete(4) A.beautifulB.powerfulC.carefulD.regretful(5) A.stayB eC municateD pete(6) A.difficultiesB.ideasC. interestsD.friends(7) A strangerB.quickerC. strongerD.closer(8) A.widelyB.clearlyC.nearlyD.directly(9) A.buildB.openC.cleanD.change(10) A上rainB.ageC.moneyD.heart【考点】记叙文.【分析】文章介绍了 Katie Holstein收养孩子的经历,并鼓励人们也去收养孩子。【解答】(1) D形容词辨析。A有趣的,B兴奋的,C不健康的,D困难的,根据上句 Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world 做父母无疑是 世界上最具挑战性的工作之一,这里应该是无论多难,一些人主动承当这个角色,故答 案是D。(2) C动词辨析。A强迫,B鼓励,C允许,D让,根据上句she got a license她得到 执照,应该是允许她成为两个孩子的第一任妈妈,故答案是C。(3) A名词辨析。A任务,B问题,C考试,D规那么,根据上句允许她成为两个孩子的 第一任妈妈,可知对于Katie不是容易的任务,故答案是A。(4)B形容词辨析。A漂亮的,B强大的,C小心的,D后悔的,根据后面fostered 16 children 收养了 16个孩子,应该是表达出她的强大,故答案是B。(5) A 动词辨析。A 待,B 来,C 交流,D 完成,根据.Katie was asked to let Akyra (5) with her for a week.应该是被要求让Akyra和她待一周,故答案是A。(6) C名词辨析。A困难,B想法,C兴趣,D朋友,根据后面such as watching movies and reading novels应该是有相同的爱好,故答案是Co(7) D形容词辨析。A更陌生的,B更快的,C更强壮的,D更近的,根据上句有相同 的爱好,应该是随着时间的流逝,让她们的关系更近了,故答案是D。(8) A副词辨析。A广泛地,B清楚地,C几乎,D直接地,根据Now Katie*s story is (8) known.应该是Katie的故事被广泛知道,故答案是A。(9) B动词辨析。A建造,B翻开,C清扫,D改变,根据their homes to foster kids应 该是开放他们的房子收养孩子们,故答案是B。(10)D 名词辨析。A 大脑,B 年龄,C 钱,D 心,根据上句 Being a real family doesn't always mean being connected by blood作为一个真正的家庭并不总是意味着血脉相连,这里应该 是它只意味着被心灵连接,故答案是D。【点评】考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思, 选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺。1. (20217宾州)A little boy invited his mother to attend his school's first teacher parent meeting.To the little boy's (1)she said she would go.This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher (2) C his mother and he felt sorry for her look. (3) C she was a beautiful woman, there was a serious scar (疤痕)on her right face.The boy never wanted to (4) A why or how she got the scar.At the meeting, the people were impressed (使留下印象)by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother though she had the scar.But the little boy was still (5) D and hid himself from everyone.Just then, he (6) C a conversation between his mother and the teacher.nHow did you get the scar on your face Madam? ” The teacher asked carefully.The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, his room caught fire one day. (7) D was too scared to get into his room, but I did.When I was running towards his bed, a long piece of wood fell down and I put myself over him.Finally, when I (8) A , I found I was in the hospital." She touched her right face. nThe scar was left on my face, but I have never regretted what I did for my son.You see, he is strong and healthy now.”Hearing that, the little boy cried(9)and ran to his mother.He hugged his mother and felt great love (10) A his mother.He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.(1)A.surpriseB.disappointmentC.enjoymentD.excitement(2)A.noticedB.greetedC metD.mentioned(3)A.IfB.AsC.AlthoughD.While(4)A.talk aboutB.think aboutC.worry aboutD.hear about(5)A 上 oredB.satisfiedC.surprisedD.embarrassed(6)A. madeB continuedC.heardD.replied(7) A.Nobody(8) A.woke upB.climbed upC.put upD.thought up(9) A.normallyB.sadlyC.exactlyD.simply(10) A.fromB.forC.withD 上 etweenB. AnybodyC.SomebodyD.Everybody【考点】记叙文.【分析】短文表达了小男孩所在学校要开家长会,他不愿妈妈去,但妈妈却容许了,小 男孩很失望,为什么呢?原来妈妈脸上有一块小男孩认为很丑的疤痕,但当小男孩得知 妈妈的疤痕是为救自己而留下的。小男孩很惭愧。从此文中我们感受到了母爱的伟大。【解答】(1) B.考查名词及语境理解。A惊喜,B失望,C享受,D兴奋,孩子邀请妈 妈去参加家长会,大概这是老师的邀请,孩子要完成传达任务,但因妈妈脸上的伤疤而 心中不希望妈妈前去参加,妈妈居然容许前往,孩子感到与自己心中的愿望相反,故而 感到失望,句意:她说她会去,这使小男孩很失望,应选B。(2) C.考查动词及语境理解。A注意,B问候,C遇见,D提及,根据常识可以判断 出,妈妈去参加家长会自然会见到老师和同学,句意:这将是第一次他的同学和老师见 到妈妈,他对妈妈的外表感到羞愧。应选C。(3) C.考查连词及语境理解。A如果,B因为,C尽管,D然而,结合句意:虽然她 是个漂亮的女人,但她的右脸上有一道严重的伤疤,用Although引导的让步状语从句, 应选C。(4) A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A谈论,B思考,C担忧,C听说,从下文可知, 这个孩子对妈妈脸上的伤疤是怎样产生的毫不知情,孩子从来不去问,因为他不想谈相 关的事,句意:男孩不想谈谈为什么或她伤疤是怎么产生的。应选A。(5) D.考查形容词及语境理解。A无聊的,B满意的,C惊讶的,D尴尬的,根据后 面hid himself from everyone可知小孩躲藏起来,怕别人笑话妈妈和自己,句意:在家长 会上,尽管有疤痕,但是妈妈的友善和自然的美给人们留下了很好的印象,但是小男孩 仍然感到尴尬,躲着每个人,应选D。(6) C.考查动词及语境理解。A使,B继续,C听到,D回复,句意:然而,他听到 了母亲和老师之间的谈话,孩子躲躲藏藏,但心中一定想知道老师和同学对妈妈有何评 价,所以还是凑近了,因而听到了妈妈和老师间的对话,既是对话,应是听到,应选C。(7) D.考查代词及语境理解。A没有人,B任何人,C某人,D所有人,结合语境, 失火了,应该是每个人都因害怕而不敢进屋去救孩子,"t。t。”,”太而不% 应选Do(8)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A醒来,B爬上去,C搭建,D想出,结合后面I found I was in the hospital,应该是醒来发现在医院,应选A。(9) B.考查副词及语境理解。A 一般地,B伤心地,C确切地,D简单的,结合上文 的故事,听到这个,小男孩应该是伤心地跑向妈妈,应选B。(10) A.考查介词及语境理解。A从,B为,C具有,和,D两者之间,结合语境,应 该是他拥抱着母亲,感受到母亲的爱。从妈妈那儿感受到的母爱,应选A。【点评】考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思, 选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺。3. (2021 日照)Even before my father left us, my mother had to work to support our family.Once I came out of the kitchen, "Mom, I can't peel potatoes.! have only one (1) "Get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes, "Mom said, without looking up. nAnd don't use that as a (n) (2) C for anything again!"One day, our teacher had each of us race(3) D the monkey bars (攀爬架),swinging from one rung (横杠)to the next.When it was my (4) A , I shook my head.Some kids behind me (5) D , and I went home crying.Hearing my story, Mom hugged me.The next afternoon, she took me (6) to school.At the empty playground, Mom looked carefully at the rungs. nNow, (7) C up with your right hand, " she advised.She stood by as I tried hard to lift myself with my right hand (8) C I could hook (勾住)the rung with my other elbow (肘).Day after day we practiced and she praised me for every rung I (9) C .Fil never forget the next time, crossing the rungs, I looked(10) D at the kids standing there with their mouths (11) A .One night, after a dance at my new junior high, I (12)myself into the bed, crying.I could hear Mom come in, "Mom, '* I said sadly, n (13)of the boys would dance with me.”It was a long (14) D before Mom said, "Oh, honey, someday you'll be beating those boys off with a bat." Her voice was so (15) A that I could hardly get it.I could see tears running down her cheeks.Then I knew how much she had suffered (遭受) in bringing meup.She had never let me see her tears.Mother's tears are always there in my heart.I will beat any difficulty off with one hand.(1)A.footB.hand(2)A.causeB.explanation(3)A.ontoB. through(4)A. turnB.place(5)A.smiledB.nodded(6)A.awayB.back(7)A.pullB.push(8)A.afterB.since(9) A.madeB. touchedC.armC.excuseC.overC. orderC.cheeredC.offC.raiseC.untilDegD.resultD.acrossD.sideD.laughedD.aroundD.jumpD.unless(10) A.up(11) A.open(12) A.relaxedB.aboutB.closedB. threw(13) A.allB.none(14) A.breakB.rest(15) A.weakB.clearC.reachedC.outC.fullC.layC.neitherC.hourC.lovelyD.putD.downD.wideD.setD.someD.silenceD.high【考点】记叙文.【分析】本文主要介绍作者的不幸经历,家庭的特殊,她肢体的残疾,但是母亲对作者 要求严厉又经常鼓励作者克服困难,其实母亲在作者成长过程中遭受更多,但她从不让 作者看到她流泪。【解答】(1) B考查名词词义辨析。A.foot脚B.hand手C.arm臂D.leg腿。根据前 文“cant peel potatoes/我不能削土豆皮。可知,削土豆应该用手,因此她说她只有一只手,不能削土豆。应选:Bo(2) C考查名词词义辨析。A.cause起因B.explanation解释C.excuse借口 D.result结 果。根据语境""Get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes, nMom said, without looking up. HAnd don't use that as a (n) (2) for anything again!”"”进厨房削土豆,” 妈妈没有抬头说。”对于任何事情不要再用那作为一个(2) !”可知,“excuse”符合语 境,即作为一个借口。应选:Co(3) D考查介词辨析。A.onto到上B.through穿过,强调从空间穿过C.over超过, 强调从上方跨过D.across通过,强调从外表经过、横过。根据语境"One day, our teacher had each of us race (3) the monkey bars (攀爬架),swinging from one rung (横杠) to the next J有一天,老师让我们每个人比赛(3)攀爬架,从一个横杠摆动到下一个 横杠。可知,是穿过攀爬架从一个横杠摆动到下一个横杠,因此用介词"across”符合语境。 应选:Do(4) A考查名词词义辨析。A.turn轮流B.place地方C.order命令D.side边,方面。 根据语境"When it was my (4) , I shook my head.”当我的(4) 时,我摇摇头。 可知,按照次序轮到她时,她不能做,摇头,因此"turn”符合语境。应选:Ao(5) D考查动词词义辨析。A.smiled微笑B.nodded点头C.cheered欢呼D.laughed嘲 笑。根据语境"Some kids behind me (5) , and I went home crying.”一些孩子在我身后(5),我哭着回家了。可知,她不能攀爬横杠,孩子们都嘲笑 她,她哭着回家了,因此是“laughed”。应选:D。(6) B考查副词辨析。A.away离开B.back回来C.off离开D.around周围,大约。 根据下文"At the empty playground, Mom looked carefully at the rungs.”在空荡荡的操场上, 妈妈仔细看了横杠。可知,她们在学校,因此是第二天下午,她妈妈带她回到了学校。 应选:Bo(7) C考查动词词义辨析。A.pull拉B.push推C.raise举起,抬起D.jump跳。根据 下文"She stood by as I tried hard to lift myself with my right hand ”她在一旁站着,我用我的 右手努力提升自己,可知她妈妈建议她用右手提升。因此是“raise”。应选:C。(8) C考查连词。A.after在之后B.since自从,因为C.until直到为止D.unless除非。根据语境"She stood by as I tried hard to lift myself with my right hand (8)I could hook (勾住)the rung with my other elbow (肘).”她在一旁站着,我用我的右手努力 提升自己(8)我可以勾住横杠用我另一个肘。可知,她用右手提升自己直到另一个肘能勾住横杠,因此是“until”。应选:Co(9) C考查动词词义辨析。A.made制作,使B.touched接触C.reached到达D.put放。 根据语境"Day after day we practiced and she praised me for every rung I (9) ,"日复一 日,我们练习和她表扬我为每个横杠我(9)。可知,每次她到达横杠,她妈妈都称 赞她,因此是"reached”。应选:C。(10) D考查副词。A.up向上B.about大约C.out出来D.down向下。根据语境" I'll never forget the next time, crossing the rungs, I looked (10)at the kids standing there ” 我永远不会忘记第二次,穿过那些横杠,我(10)看着孩子们正站在那里,可知她 通过了那些横杠后向下看着那些正站在那儿的那些孩子们,因此“down”符合语境。应选: Do(11) A考查形容词词义辨析。A.open开着的B.closed关着的C.full满的D.wide宽 的。根据语境"the kids standing there with their mouths (11) .”孩子们站在那里用他们 的嘴(11) o可知,孩子们看到她通过了横杠,都惊讶的张着嘴站在那儿,惊呆了, 因此是“open”。应选:Ao(12) B考查动词词义辨析。A.relaxed放松B.threw扔C.lay躺D.set设置。根据语 境"One night, after a dance at my new junior high, I (12)myself into the bed, crying.H 一天晚上,在我的新初中跳舞后,我(12)到床上,哭了。可知,情境是她把自己 抛到床上,因此"threw”符合语境。应选:Bo(13) B考查不定代词辨析。A.all全都,用于三者或三者以上B.none都不,用于三者 或三者以上C.neither都不,用于两者D.some 一些。根据前文"1 said sadly”我难过地说, 可知没有一个男孩儿和她跳舞,因此是“none"。应选:B。(14) D考查名词词义辨析。A.break间隙B.rest休息C.hour小时D.silence沉默。 根据语境"It was a long (14) before Mom said”它是一个漫长(14) 妈妈说之前, 可知妈妈很长时间没说话,因此是沉默了很长一段时间。应选:Do(15) A考查形容词词义辨析。A.weak虚弱的B.clear清晰的C.lovely活泼的D.high 高。根据语境"Her voice was so (15) that I could hardly get it.”她的声音是如此(15) ,我几乎不能听到。可知,妈妈的声音很低,很弱。因此是“weak”,应选:Ao【点评】考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思, 选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺。4. (2021 范泽)Little Women is Louisa May Alcotts most famous novel.The novel follows the(1) of the four March sisters 一 Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy 一 and is based on the writer's own (2) A of growing up with her three sisters during the American Civil War (1861 - 1865).The main theme in the story is the importance of (3) C .Other themes include the need to work and self - improvement.When the story begins the sisters are complaining because they are (4) A and have to work.Their mother says that they mustn't spend money on pleasure (5)there is a war and everybody must help.Their father is in the army.In the letters their father sends home he tells his daughters to work hard and not to waste their time.They must try to(6) C the bad things in their lives and stay cheerful.He wants to be proud of them when he comes home.The girls decide to make an effort to (7) A themselves because they love and miss their father very much.Alcott was interested in women's rights and, through the four March sisters, she explored (探索)four different (8)of being a woman in those days.Meg leaves the family to get (9) C and have a new family.Beth devotes (致力于)herself to (10) A her own family.Amy focuses on herself and her own pleasure.And Jo, like Alcott herself, tries to have a career in writing and care for her family at the same time.(1) A.rules(2) A.experiences(3) A.friendship(4) A.poor(5) A.so(6) A.sell(7) A.improve(8) A.mapsB.livesB.expressionsB.workB.richB.becauseB.findB. serveB.waysC. secretsC.directionsC.familyC.cleverC.ifC. acceptC.imagineC.circles(9) A.dressed(10) A.dressedB.lostC. married(11) A.looking afterB.looking forC.asking for【考点】说明文.【分析】本文是一篇关于小妇人的文学作品。【解答】(1) B.考查名词。A.rules规那么;B.lives生活;C.secrets秘密;根据下文”is based on the writer's own”可知,小妇人文学作品来源于四姐妹的生活经历,因此选lives。 应选B。(2) A.考查名词。A.experiences 经历;B.expressions 表达;C.directions 说明;根据句意 可知,这部文学作品来源于姐妹们的生活经历。应选A。(3) C.考查名词。A.friendship友谊;B.work工作;C.family家庭;根据语境可知,这个 故事的主题强调家庭的重要性。应选C。(4) A.考查形容词。A.poor贫穷的;B.rich富有的;C.clever聪明的;根据”have to work.Their mother says that they mustn't spend money on pleasure"可知,他们家很穷,妈妈 说不能把钱花在享乐上,因此选poor。应选A。(5) B.考查连词。A.so 因此;B.because 因为;C.if 如果;根据"there is a war and everybody must help”可知,她们的母亲说由于战争,每个人都得帮助,句子前后构成因果关系,因 此选because。应选B。(6) C.考查动词。A.sell卖;B.find发现;C.accept接受;根据句意可知,父亲教导她们 要接受生活中的坏事并保持乐观,因此选accept。应选C。(7)A.考查动词。A.improve 提高;B.serve 服务;C.imagine 想象;根据"He wants to be proud of them when he comes home”和本句句意可知,因为她们都爱父亲,所以在父亲回家之前, 她们都努力提高自己。应选A。(8) B.考查名词。A.maps地图;B.ways方法;C.circles循环;根据句意可知,Alcott探 索出了在那个时代作为女性的四种不同的方式,因此选ways。应选B。(9) C.考查动词。A.dressed 穿;B.lost 丧失;C.married 结婚;根据"have a new family” 可知,她结婚了。应选C。(10) A.考查动词短语。A.lookOg after 照顾;B.looking for 寻找;C.asking for 要求;根 据空格后"her own family”可知,Beth致力于照顾自己的家庭。应选A。【点评】考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了解.,然后根据短文的大体意思, 选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺。5. (2021 枣庄)An old man had seven sons who were always quarreling (争吵).Some enemies decided to cheat them out of their property (贝才产)(1) C making them quarrel about it.The good old man, one day, called his sons around(2) D .He laid before them seven (3), which were tied together with a rope.He said, nI will pay a hundred dollars to the one who can break the bundle (束,捆).”Each one worked hard to break the bundle.They tried many times but they (4) C .They all said that it could not be done."And yet, my (5) A , H said the father, "nothing is easier to do." He then untied the bundle, and broke the sticks, one by one, very (6


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