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    高中英语人教版选修六教案Unit 3单元教案.docx

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    高中英语人教版选修六教案Unit 3单元教案.docx

    Unit 3 A healthy lifeWarming Up, Pre-reading andReadingContent analyze:本单元以健康话题为主题,听说读写等活动主要围绕如何健身,怎样成为健 康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病,学习与工作压力等影响健康 的棘手问题。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们远离有损健康的活动,并养 成良 好的习惯。课型设计与课时分配lstperi2nd3rdperio4th5th6th7tReadin gLanguagestudLyExtensive readinL-gwordGrammarpei i octSpeaking&writin gIntegrating-skillslisteni ngThe 1stperiodTeaching Aims:Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.Difficulty and importanceLearn the bad effects of smoking and how to bive advice on stopping in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes.Teaching methods:Discussion,cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching aidsA computer and a projectorTeaching Procedures &ways Step I Warming1) Listen to the tape and tick the things Sara is worried about.1. drugssmoking2. alcoholdancing2) Listen to the tape again and complete Tina' s sentences.1. Just say no. You don' t have to do anything vou don' t want to.2. It is ok to drink orange juice or something instead.3. It would be a good idea to have something to eat before you go out, like rice or ncc dies.4. If someone offers you a cigarette, don' t take it.5. Well, you,11 have to learn. Let,s get my CD Dlaver and I' 11 teach vou.Step 4 Listening on page 581) Listen to the tape and fill in the chartbelow Medical chartName: Li YueAge: 18Occupation:studentToday' s date: Symptoms: headaches, tired all the time, not sleeping andeating well Possible problem: stressProposed action:1. Do some tests to make sure there is nothing seriously wrongDiscuss ways to relaxStep 5 Listening taskRead the questions below and then listen to the tape to find the answers.1. What is the topic of Li Yue' s talk?2. Summarize Li Yue' s talk in one sentence.1) Listen to Li Yue' s talk again and complete these sentences.1. It' s OK to.2. Be careful of.3. You also a balance in your life.4. If you to relax and enjoy yourself, you can beconi.5. You your study time with rest times.6. You need to. You keep in touch with friends and to.7. So, my advice to you today is to your physical and mentalth as well as your schoolwork.卜阳18. Just a day to 9. Take9. Takeoccasionally tofilm,in the country orhiking.Keys: 1. worry a little 2. worrying too much 3. have to keep4. don' t take time out; stressed and stress leads to ill healthhave to balance 6. have some sun; need to; get some exercise7. think carefully about 30 minutes; get some fresh air, do a little exercise or meet with friends 9. time out; go to a; take a bike ride;go3) Listen once more and then answer these questions.1. How long ago did Li Yue leave school? Two years.2. What is she doing now?She is studying atuniversity.3. Why did Li Yue say to the students “I can see by your faces that youare all doing ve ry well at school and that none of you are worried about the coming exams?”(Sample answer) Li Yue is making a joke to entertain the audience and keep them interes ted in her talk.4. Why is Li Yue a good person to give this talk to the students? Give at least two reas ons.Li Yue suffered stress herself so she knows what can cause stress and she knows how to prevent it. She is not much older than the students so she is a good role model.5. What does Li Yue say could happen if you study all the time without a break? You could become stressed, which often leads to ill health.6. List five things Li Yue suggests students could do to relax.Take 30 minutes a day to get some fresh air; get some exercise;meet with friends; go to a film occasionally;take a bike ride in the country; go hiking.Step 6 HomeworkRead the listening materials and pay attention to some key points.Speaking and writingTeaching materialNSEFC Book 6 Unit 3Teaching AimsEnable the students to give advice on quitting smoking.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHow to help the students to write a letter of giving advice on quitting smoking.Teaching aidsA computer and a projectorTeaching ProcedureStepl Letter readingT: Read this letter and imagine you are the adviser who deals withstudents' problems. List some helpful advice to give Xiao lei. Slide show Li Xiaolei 203 Thames Street Oxford, 0X4ILFClass 2 Grade 2GZ -Middle School, GZ, GD, China 518036 203 Thames Street Oxford, 0X4ILF Friday 11 Nov.Dear students in Class 20 Grade 2,Can you help me, please? I have tried to stop smoking several times. Iam OK for two days and then I feel really sick and irritableand I haveto start smoking again. I know smoking is a bad habit, but I just can' t seem to give it up. Do you have any useful tips? Yours sincerely Li XiaoleiStep 2 DiscussionT: Discuss with your partner and make a list of the tips to quit smoking. Slide showTips on how to quit smokingWrite down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you,11 get by quitting. Put it on paper and read it daily.Set a quit date. Decide what day you will extinguish your cigarettes forever. Write it dow n. Plan for it.Ask your family and friends to support yourdecision to quit. Talk with your doctor about quitting.Begin an exercise program.Do some deep breathing each day for 3 to 5 minutes. Cut back on cigarettes gradually. Drink lots of water.Find something to hold in your hand and mouth, to replace cigarettes. Whenever you have a craving for a cigarette, instead of lighting up, writedown your feeli ngs or whatever is on your mind.Believe in yourself. Believe that you can quit.T: Choose 3 pieces of most useful advice and write 2 or 3sentences to explain how to do it.Step3 WritingT: Write a letter to give Xiao lei some helpful advice. You can refer to the structure and useful expressions below.Slide show structure beginning of the letter : show your sympathy for him and encourage him body of the letter: list the advice on how to quit smoking end of the letter: express your wish and encourage him Useful expressions How to advise people about what to do Do You should- Don,t forget to- It would be a good idea toIt' s OK/ all right to How to advise people about what not to do Don' tYou don' t have to* There is no need to* It' s not necessary to* Sample Letter Dear Li Xiaolei, I am sorry you have had so much trouble to stop smoking, but I am glad you are still trying. I hope the tips below will help you.First of all, don, t give up. The more often you try the more likely you are to eventually succeed.When you feel irritable, don' t automatically reach for a cigarette to makeyou feel better. T ake a few moments to relax. Start by breathing deeply and lifting your arms out to the side and over your head.It is a good idea to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit when you are quitting smoking. This will help to remove the nicotine from your body faster and you won' t feel so sick.It is normal to feel a little stressed when yc but try toremember that it will only last awillbegin to feel much better.Keep up the good work, Li Xiaolei , and remind you will be when you finally quit.Good luck and best)u first give up smoking, few days and then youyourself how much healthierwishes, Sun GaoStep 4 HomeworkRevise the unit and prepare for an exam.Unit 3 A Health LifeVocabulary and UsefulExpressionsStep one: Explanation .青少年, adolescents between 13 and 18 and the problemstheyface 13至18岁的青少年以及他们面临的问题to归因于,归功于。. accident is due to your careless driving.那意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心。2. Her worldwide fame is due to his support.她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。表示因果关系的词和短语because附属连词,接从句,表示所表达的理由是本句的重点assince附属连词,接从句,表示理由是的,而理由以外才是表达的重点for并列连词,不用于句首,至于第一分句之后,补充说明理由;第一分句表示推测时,用 for说明推测的依据。because of介词,意思是“因为”,较口语化owing to介词,意思是“因为”,较正式thanks to介词,意思是“多亏了”as a result of介词,意思是“因为"addicted形容词,“对某某上瘾”,“沉湎于某某”.My children have become hopelessly addicted to television.我的几个孩子都成了电视迷,简直不可救药了。addict名词,沉湎与不良嗜好的人,由指吸毒者。addiction名词,沉湎、成瘾addictive形容词,使人上瘾的动词,使人习惯于、养成习惯, She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early.她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。常用句式(1) accustom+名词/oneself + to+名词.Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings. 孩子们很快就会适应新环境。(2) be accustomed to + 名词.I am accustomed to walking long distances.我习惯与长距离步行。(3) get/become accustomed to + 名词. You will soon get accustomed to the job.你将会习惯于这个工作。动词,过去式和过去分词均为quit,现在分词为quitting,接动词-ing形式,“停止 做”, She quit smoking when she got pregnant. 她一怀孕就戒了烟。6. in spite of尽管、无视。后接名词。.She can' t see very well in spite of her glasses.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得 很清楚。The boy went out in spite of his father" s orders.那男孩无视父亲 的命令,径直出去了。7. feel like想要,只表示一次的想法,后接动词-ing形式.It' s so hot today. I feel like going swimming. 今天好热啊。我想去游泳。into陷于,染上什么习惯get into the habit of 养成什么习惯。相当于fall into the habit of 或者form the habit of. The girl has got into the habit of playing with her hair while reading. 那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。短语联想get into trouble 惹上麻烦 get into debt负债累累get into a temper 大发脾气 get into deep water 陷于困境A healthy lifeget into one' s head 有某种看法get into the way of 习惯于、学会Step two: Now do the quiz and check yourselfRice production has increased greatly in china over the last few years, largely_super hybrid rice.1. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was not_to the cold of Northern Europe.2. He was of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.4.In spite of her wounded leg, she_to get up the stairs.5. He told me the same storyuntil I felt like screaming.6. With exams only a week away, Iam under a lot of.7. When I playing sport I become very fat andunhealthy. health is as important as physical health.9. Now that I am I eat a good diet because I want my baby to beborn healthy. 10.often take more risks than adults.Step three: Complete the text with words form below, adolescents 青 少年 cigarettes香烟quit 停止,戒drugs毒品due to归因于stress压力eventually 终于alcohol 酒addicted上瘾的manage管理,努力做Smoking 、drinking or taking other produce many harmful effects and have no real benefits. So why do do it? Some because they believe it makes them look cool. Others think it will help with in their life possibly pressure from their parents or teachers. Some just want to see what it is like. What they don' t realize is that they will get into thehabit and become It will then be difficult tothehabit. A few people to quit easily but for many it is a very painfulprocess. Of course, the bestway to deal with these drugs is not to start in the first place.Step four: HomeworkMaster and go over the use of the words and phrases above.1. Pre-view the use of it on page 21.A report Health China, 2005, which is about ten issues concerning Chinesepeople the most in the year to your understanding , what a healthy life is like? Can you guess what the ten issues are?A health life should include twoaspects A sample list : healthissuesAIDS and infections ,parenting, relationships, food and nutrition, family issues, environmental health, domestic violence( 家庭暴力), air pollution, cancer, anxiety, birth control, dental health, divorce, medical emergency treatmento Look at the issues listed in the textbook on page issue do you think is the most important one? Why? Work in groups and have a discussion.Drug takingDrug taking is particularly important . it does great harm to people, s health; it will gradually kill a person if he gets addicted to it. Buying drug costs a lot of money, many families break up in this way. Our government has to spend much money on drug addicts, treatment.Parenting is importantBecause many issues arise as a result of bad parenting or lack of care and love.If children grow up in happy and healthy families , they will form good habits and keep away from bad habits.Smoking is importantSmoking does great harm to people' s health, it causes damage to people' s lung and heart , smoking shortens people' s lifespan( 寿命)。Smoking not only does harm to people who smoke, but also affect the people around them.All these issues are important and need to be concerned. I am wondering if any of you smoke?. . We know some adolescents (青少年) started smoking at very early years. Why do you think they smoke?Some realized the harm of smoking and wanted to stop it, do you know any scientific ways of stopping smoking?Step IIText analysis listen to the tapeSummarize the main ideal of each paragraph. In 1st :in2nd:In3rd:In4th:In5th:How about the writing style and purpose ofthe text? The text is in the form ofthe purpose is to explain how people get addicted to cigarettes and affects people, s health. It alsoHow can I stop smoking?How can I stop smoking?IChoose a day that is not stressful 2Make a list ofall the benefits 3Throw away all your cigarettes4Develop some otherhabits 5if you feel bad, ask a doctorStepIIIReadingI: ask the students to read the passage for five minutes then answer the following questions:1. What kind of person do you think James'grandfather is ? Possible answer:He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in hisdaughter? s and grandson' s well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads theinternet. He appears to love his grandson.2. What are the suggestions James' grandfather gives to quit smoking? Possible Suggestions to quit smoking: Prepare yourself Be determined Break the habitRelaxGet help if you needit Keep tryingDo you think the information and advice on the internet page that James? grandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking?Possible answer:It' s a good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look for more information than what is presented here.3. What else could have been included?4. What information could have been left out?II: Fill in the chart on the next page with information from the reading passage.Different ways people can become addicted toC1 gdJ 巳 LHarmful physical effects forSlhukcl sEffects a person' s smoking can have on other -ipuupluEffects smoking can have onsportingpei f ui nianceMake a summary on how to stop smoking.IV: Reading and comprehendingA letter from granddad to James, he gives James some advice on stopping smoking.After reading the letter, what kind of person do you think the granddad is?From his words , I think he is very and. Hedoesn, t give advice on stopping , first he tellsJ ame sand;Thenheto his similar experience as a teenager. So I think heis very careful about_ talking to his grandson about.Suppose you were his grandson, would you love to take his advice? P20 2Information from the reading passageIDifferent ways people can become addicted tocigarettes 2Harmful physical effects for smokersStepIVHomeworkMake sentences with the six words and phras


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