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    中考英语一模试卷一、完形填空阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确答案。Life-Giving TouchIt was Match 25, 2010. Kate and David heard the words that every parent will 1 ,:Theirnewborn wasn't going to make it. Their twins-a girl and a boy-were born 14 weeks earlier than they expected, weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to 2. the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was 3. gone, and he'd stopped breathing. The baby had just moments to live."I saw him gasp (喘气),4. the doctor said it was no use." Kate said years later. nIf he wasstill gasping, that was a sign of life. I wasn't going to5.easily.HThe couple knew this was likely goodbye, 6, In order to treasure her last minutes with the tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him."I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us J Kate said. "We'd accepted the 7. fact that we were going to lose 8.,and we were just trying to make the most of those last, valuable moments.*'Kate held the boy in arms, 9. had already been given the name Jamie, and ordered David to join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as 10. as possible and hoped the skin- to-skin contact (接触) would improve his 11 ,nWe were trying to let him stay/ Kate added. nWe 12. to him, explaining his name and telling him that he had a twin sister to look 13.Then something 14, happened. Jamie gasped again-and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father's finger."We're the 15. people in the world," David said proudly.1. A. sayB. fearC. readD. understand2. A. save2. A. save2. A. saveB. protectC. callD. controlA. The word “quick" means fast today while it meant alive 400 years ago.A. The word “quick" means fast today while it meant alive 400 years ago.B It's difficult for the readers to understand the great modern poets* works.C. Shakespeare used different orders of words to make the lines sound natural.D. Nearly 95% of Shakespeare's words are used today but some have different meanings.24. Which of the following shows how the paragraphs are organized in this passage?25 . The writer's purpose of writing this passage is toA. introduce the words that Shakespeare used in his playsB show the word order of a sentence in the time of Elizabeth 1C. express people's love for Shakespeare as a great poet in historyD. explain why it is difficult for students to read Shakespeare's plays26. This passage can probably be read in the _ part of a magazine.A. TravelB. CultureC. GeographyD. Business【答案】23. BBDB【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要论述了莎士比亚作品难读懂的原因。【点评】考查阅读理解。注意在选择最正确选项时,尤其是概括文意和写作意图,要选择表达最全面 的选项,防止以偏概全。23 .推理判断题。“opinion”指的是观点,带有主观的观点,包含对某事的评判;而“fact”指的是客观 的事实,用数据和事实说话,不带有主观的色彩。B选项中,”对读者来说明白伟大的现代诗人的作 品是困难的“,是某人的自我观点,也有可能是认为不难,评价某物是怎么样的,这就是“opinion”。 应选Bo.文章结构题。第一段是总写,点明莎士比亚的作品我们难以理解;第二段,点明难以理解的原 因;第三、四、五段分别说明难以理解的几个原因,是第二段的详细说明;第六段是全文的总结, 虽然难理解,但是还是值得一读。应选C。24 .写作意图题。纵观全文,第一段是总写,点明莎士比亚的作品我们难以理解;第二段,点明难 以理解的原因;第三、四、五段分别说明难以理解的几个原因,是第二段的详细说明;第六段是全 文的总结,虽然难理解,但是还是值得一读。所以全文都在解释为什么莎士比亚的作品为什么难以 读懂。应选D。25 .文章来源题。A、旅游B、文化C、地理D、商业;本文主要介绍了莎士比亚这位诗人的作品 难读懂的原因,文学作品是文化的一局部。应选B。阅读下面材料,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确答案。He was in the first third-grade class I taught at St. Mary's School in Morris, Minnesota.A1134 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million: very neat in appearance with a happy-to-be- alive attitude (态度).He also talked endlessly.I had to make him remember that talking without being allowed was not acceptable. What shook me so much, though, was his honest reply every time I corrected him for misbehaving (行为不当):"Thank you for correcting me, Miss!" I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I got used to hearing it many times a day.One morning, I made a new teacher's mistake. When Mark talked once too often, I told him angrily, "If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!"It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck said suddenly,n “And since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it.I remember the scene as if it happened this morning. I walked to my desk and took out a roll of sticky paper tape. Without saying a word, I went forward to Mark's desk, cut off two pieces of tape, and made a big X over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room. As I looked at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked (眨眼) at me. That did it! I started laughing. The class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed (去掉)the tape, and couldn't keep from laughing.His first words were "Thank you for correcting me, Miss.',. The underlined word Hitn in Paragraph 2 refers to.A. warning him not to talk too muchB allowing him to talking freelyC. correcting him for misbehavingD. listening to his reply many times a day. Which of the following can best fill in the blank ( ) in Paragraph 4?A. Mark is talking again.B. Mark opens the door.C. Mark*s pen is broken.D. Mark is having a fever.26 . The teacher finally removed the tape from Mark's mouth probably becauseA. she regretted that she had hurt MarkB she thought it would make the class happyC. she felt she wasn't angry with Mark any moreD. she hoped Mark would say "Thank you for correcting me, Miss." again. What does the writer think of Mark according to this passage?A. Lazy but helpful.B. Noisy but careful.C. Special but polite.D. Boring but hard-working.【答案】27. DACC【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要记述了 Mark这个话多的学生,因为老师的一个举动改掉了这个坏 毛病。【点评】考查阅读理解。注意所给题目要求揣测作者对某个人的想法和态度如何时,也要借助相关 的语句来证明,切记想当然。27 .细节理解题。根据第二段"I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I got used to hearing it many times a day - 一开始我不知道该怎么理解,但不久我就习惯了每天听到很屡次。指的 是不知道怎么处理一天听到很屡次那句重复的话的这个行为。应选D。28 .推理判断题。根据" If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!" "和"And since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it.”可知,如果他再说一句话就要把 他的嘴巴贴起来,下文说到既然说了就要做到,说明Mark又开始讲话了。应选A。29 .细节理解题。根据“ The class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed (去掉)the tape, and couldn't keep from laughing. ”可知,此时全班都欢呼起来了,“我”也不生气了,反而控制不住笑起 来了。应选C。30 .推理判断题。根据第一段“ All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million "和“"Thank you fbr correcting me, Miss!n I didn!t know what to make of it at first, but before long I got used to hearing it many times a day ”可知,这个学生是万里挑一的和其他学生不一样;他还会每天 重复很屡次感谢的话。这都说明了 Mark是特别的,有礼貌的。应选C。三、词汇运用用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。bill passenger simple gray inviteThey asked the waitress for the .28. Thanks for the to your birthday party.29. The sky looks very .1 think it*s going to rain.30. The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both escaped unhurt.31. . Some students lose marks because they don*t read the question properly.【答案】31. billinvitationgreypassengers32. . simply【解析】【分析】bill名词,账单;passenger,名词,乘客;simple,形容词,简单的;gray,形容 词,灰色的;invite,动词,邀请。【点评】考查选词填空。注意题目是否要求填写适当的形式,根据空前空后的关键词判断。31 .句意:他们问这个女服务员要账单。根据“waitress”可知,和服务员有关的是“bill,账单”,需 要叫服务员结账,bill是不可数名词。故填bin。32 .句意:感谢邀请来参加你的生日晚会。根据“birthday party”可知,邀请来参加生日晚会符合语 境,空前是冠词the,此处要填invite的名词形式。故填invitation0.句意:天空看起来非常灰暗。我觉得要下雨了。very是副词,后跟形容词原级;根据下文“资s going to rain”可知,要下雨了,所以天空变得灰暗起来。gray,灰色的,指脸色头发,要变成 “grey”,可指天色。故填grey。33 .句意:这辆车的司机在撞击事故中死了,但是两辆车的乘客平安逃脱。both后一般跟名词,句 子结构中缺少名词,主语一般是名词形式;根据“The driver of the car was killed”可知,司机虽然死 了,但是和司机相关的乘客没有受伤,passenger,不止一名乘客,用名词复数。故填passengers。34 .句意:一些学生容易丢分,因为他们没有正确的看题目。句子意思完整,用副词修饰动词“lose,丧失“,形容词变副词以"ly"结尾;根据"because they don't read the question properly ”可知,没 有正确看清题目是导致容易丢分的原因。simple,简单的,以“e”结尾,去“e”加力y”。故填simply。阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。By the end of the 19th century, Alexander III, the Russian Tsar (沙皇)decided to build a railway line from the west, where Moscow is, to the eastern area of Russia known as Siberia. Work began in 1891 and after Alexander's 36 (死亡),his son, Nicholas II, took over.There are a number of routes to 37. (选择) from. The most popular route is the Trans- Siberian Line which runs from the 38. (首者B) , Moscow, to Vladivostock, a seaport on the Pacific Ocean. The second route is the Trans-Manchurian Line (from Moscow to Beijing) . The third route, the Trans-Mongolian, goes from Moscow to Beijing through Mongolia. And the 39 (第 四)route, the Baikal Amur Mainline, runs 40. (更远的)to the north and reaches the Pacific.It takes about a week to 41 . (完成)the Trans-Siberian journey. There are many stops, which last from a few minutes to half an hour. Travelers can stay in many of the Russian cities and towns 42 (沿着) the way. One of the most interesting sights is Lake Baikal-the _ 43. (最深的)and oldest freshwater lake on Earth.Some Trans-Siberian trains are actually hotels on 44. (轮子).For those who have money to 45 (花钱),there*s the Trans-Siberian Express with its comfortable, air- conditioned, first-class sleeping cars, a restaurant car which serves three meals a day and a shower car. In each sleeping car, there are two waiters who serve tea and coffee free of charge throughout the journey and make the beds.【答案】36. death; 37. choose; 38. capital; 39. fourth; 40. farther/further; 41. complete/finish; 42. along; 43. deepest; 44. wheels; 45. spend【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了俄罗斯的四大铁路,以及铁路沿途的风景。【点评】考查单词拼写。注意按照题目要求填写正确的形式,需要结合空前空后的关键词。35 .句意:工程开始于1891年,在Alexander死后,他的儿子Nicholas II接受了这个工程。死亡, 动词,die。因为表示某人的死亡,此处需要填写一个名词。故填death。36 .句意:有很多的线路可以选择。选择,动词,chooseo根据“there be sht. to do sth.”可知,有某物 可以用来做某事,此处需要填写一个动词,to后的动词用原形。故填choose。37 .句意:最受欢迎的路线是西伯利亚横贯首都莫斯科到太平洋上的海港符拉迪沃斯托克。首都, 名词,c叩ital。the后用名词,这里特指首都莫斯科,用名词的单数形式。故填capital。38 .句意:第四条路线,是贝加尔湖黑龙江主线,运行到更远的北部,到达太平洋。第四,序数词,fourtho根据上文“The second"和“The third”可知,此处用序数词。故填fourth。39 .句意:第四条路线,是贝加尔湖黑龙江主线,运行到更远的北部,到达太平洋。farther/further, 更远的,形容词比拟级。此处形容词修饰动词“runs”要变成副词,farther和further既可以做形容词也 可以做副词。故填farther/furthero.句意:这花了一周的时间完成了西比利亚的旅程。完成,动词,complete/finisho该句为“It + take +时间+ to do sth”,其后跟动词不定式to do,所以此处要用动词原形。故填complete/finiso.句意:沿途,游客可以在俄罗斯的许多城镇停留。沿着,介词,along。介词不要变形,故填 along o.句意:最有趣的风景之一是贝加尔湖世界上最深的、最古老的淡水湖。最深的,deepest,形容词最高级,根据"One of the most interesting sights ”可知,表示“之一”要用形容词最高级。故填 deepest o.句意:有些跨西伯利亚火车实际上是轮子上的旅馆。轮子,名词,wheelo根据“trains”可知, 火车有需要很多的轮子运行,所以轮子要用名词复数。故填wheels。40 .句意:对于那些有钱花的人,有西伯利亚快车的舒适,空调、一流的睡觉车厢,餐车提供一日 三餐和以及淋浴车。花钱,动词,花钱。因为主语是人,所以用spend, to后跟动词原形。故填 spendo语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。The sun was falling behind the hills. Andrea 46 . (drive) back home toBrockboune. Then she saw 47 .old lady standing by the road, with a sign saying nBrockbounen in her hand.Andrea stopped the car. When the old lady got in, Andrea could see that she was in a long dress and had a hat pulled down low over 48. (she) eyes. She put her bag down onto the floor.nDo you live in Brockboune?n asked Andrea. "No, dear," 49. (answer) the old lady in a low voice/ I'm just going to visit a friend, but my car won't start, 50. I decided to hitchhike.nThe way the lady spoke made Andrea uneasy. Andrea 51 . (secret) studied the halfcovered face and the arms 52.thick black hairs. Thick black hairs? Andrea's blood froze (凝 固).This wasn't a woman, but a man!Her heart was beating wildly. Then suddenly, an idea came up to her. She stopped the car. "Oh, no! A child! I think I hit a child!” she shouted. nI didn*t see 53. (something) J the old "lady” said. nFm sure 54. was a child! Could you just get out and have a look?n asked Andrea. The "old lady" slowly opened the car door, leaving her bag inside. As soon as "she" was out of the car, Andrea drove away as soon as possible.Several minutes 55. (late) , Andrea thought of the nold ladyfsn bag and opened it carefully. There was only one thing in it -a shining knife.【答案】46. was driving; 47. an; 48. her; 49. answered; 50. so; 51. secretly; 52. with; 53. anything; 54. it; 55. later【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要记叙了黄昏回家路上Andrea看见了一个奇怪的妇女要搭便车, 随后发现了老妇人的不对劲,心生一计甩掉了“老妇人”。【点评】考查语法填空。注意依据关键信息判断括号内的单词的形式,如无提示,一般需要根据句 子结构判断填写冠词、介词、连词。41 .句意:Andrea正在开车回Brockboune。drive,动词,开车。根据上文的时态为过去进行时可 知,此处的时态为过去进行时,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。故答案为was driving。42 .句意:然后她看见一位老妇人站在路旁边。无英文提示,用冠词、连词或者介词。根据空前空 后的“saw"和“old lady”可知,此处用冠词来连接动词和名词,表示泛指,一位老妇人,old是元音音 素开头所以用an。故填an。43 .句意:当老太太上车时,Andrea看到她穿着一件长裙,帽子低得盖过眼睛。she,人称主格,她。根据空后“eyes,名词,眼睛”可知,此处需要填写一个形容词,she的形容词性物主代词是 her“她的故填her。44 .句意:“不,亲爱的,”老太太低声回答,“我正要去拜访一个朋友,但是我的车发动不了,我 决定搭便车。"answer,动词,回答。根据上文动词“asked”可知,此处时态为一般过去时,answer的 过去式是规那么变化。故填answered。45 .句意:不,亲爱的,”老太太低声回答,“我正要去拜访一个朋友,但是我的车发动不了,我决 定搭便车。”无提示,用介词、连词或者冠词。分析句子结构可知,此处需要一个连词承接两个句 子,根据句意,此处是因果关系,所以用连词so。故填so。46 .句意:Andrea秘密地研究着半遮半掩的脸和有着浓密的黑色毛发的胳膊。secret,形容词,秘 密的。根据空后的“sthudied ”可知,此处形容词修饰动词要变成副词,形容词变副词在末尾加ly。 故填 secretly o.句意:Andrea秘密地研究着半遮半掩的脸和有着浓密的黑色毛发的胳膊。无提示,用介词、连 词或者冠词。“arm”和“thick black hairs”是伴随的关系,手臂上长着浓密的黑色毛发,用with表示 “有着,长着:故填with。47 .句意:“我看不见任何东西。”这个老“妇人”说。something,不定代词,某些东西。根据"didn't" 可知,该句是否认句,something要变成anything。故题anything。48 .句意:“我敢肯定是个孩子!你能出去看看吗?”Andrea问。无提示,用介词、连词或者冠词。 分析句子结构可知,该句为省略that的从句,缺少主语。根据上文“Oh, no! A child! I think I hit a child!n she shouted. ”可知,Andrea故意说她以为自己撞到了个小孩,实际上并不知道撞到了一个什 么东西,不知道是物还是人,因此要用it来指代。故填it。49 .句意:几分钟后,Andrea想起了“老太太的”包,小心地翻开了它。late,形容词,晚的。根据 空前的“several minutes”可知,此处修饰时间表示多久后,用later“后来”。故填later。五、任务型阅读下面有一那么冬季度假的宣传广告。针对广告内容,Matthew Fox写了一封信,想咨询一些细节信息。 请仔细阅读广告和信件,完成下面五个小题(每空不超过三词)。C»口Q.e q“ ! Ucfc»e.1gxzQD.g pr,ve.i R一0Icrtr Ropen cd 0xAevUocved .><.£55s*r jutor .Cty orrwolriQ resorts! 31? vCo,v0 1 vouir>!Writ® to,3浮专原:铠匕皮Ac”, o5°- zi112 Bingham StreetLincoln, NH, 03267December 12lh 2020Snoworld Travel Agency34 Parson Road,Lincoln, NH, 03267 Dear Sir/Madam,I saw your advertisement in a local newspaper, so I am writing to ask for more information about winter breaks.Firstly, would you please tell me if there is a minimum (最小的)number of people required to get the group special offer? I would like to come with friends, but I do not know the exact number yet. Also, could you tell me during which months the ski trips are available (有效的)? We are thinking of coming at the end of February or the beginning of March. Furthermore, do you provide ski equipment (装备) or do I have to rent and pay extra? This is my first time skiing so I do not have the equipment. Lastly, could you let me know what facilities (设施) are available at each of the resorts?I look forward to hearing from you. My email address is matthew . Thank you for3. A. alreadyB. alwaysC , nearlyD. seldom4. A. soB. butC. orD. and5. A. give inB. give upC. give offD. give out6. A. probablyB especiallyC. perhapsD. though7. A. basicB , normalC. unpleasantD. nervous8. A. itB. herC. meD. him9. A. whoB. whichC. thatD. what10. A. calmB. relaxedC. warmD. comfortable11. A. conditionB. memoryC. patienceD. expression12. A. wavedB. repliedC. pointedD. talked13. A. afterB. upC. throughD. at14. A. awfulB funnyC. surprisingD. natural15. A. bravestB. luckiestC. honestestD. cleverest【答案】1. B; 2. A;13. A; 14. C; 15. B3. C; 4. B; 5.B; 6. D; 7. C; 8. D; 9.A; 10. C; 11. A; 12. D;【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要介绍了新生


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