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    2022年江苏省连云港市高考英语模拟试卷(一)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)Beginning full-day kindergarten is an exciting milestone fbr your child and for you.Il is also an important step to help children better prepare for Grade 1 and be more successful in school. Full-day Kindergarten Program is designed to give your child a stronger start in school and in life- by providing four-and five-year-olds with an interesting,inquiry and play-based learning program during the regular school day.Childrcn arc involved in a variety of learning opportunities to help them investigate,solve problems and cooperate,under the guidance of an educator team.The teachers of (he educator (earn are guided by a new curriculum,(he 2020 Kindergarten Program document,which is based on the most up-to-date information about child development and how children learn best.We know that through play-based learning and a culture of inquiry,children develop a strong foundation for learning in all areas.This includes: problem solving and creative thinking; thinking critically about ideas and information in literacy and maths: learning to think for themselves,understanding their feelings and those around theni.recognizing and respecting differences in others,and assessing the consequences of their actions;understanding their connections,contributions and relationships with others as part of a groups community,and the natural world;developing socially and emotionally through their relationships with other children and the educators who guide them;developing as a cilizen.through a sense of personal connectedness to various communities,like their class,their grade and their school.Through informal meetings,parent conferences or written communication of learning reports,parents will receive regular updates on their child's learning.1. What is the purpose of the full-day Kindergarten Program? It was on a day like (hat when my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of itsparts moved from my head to my heart.The view from my sycamore was more than rooftopsand clouds and wind and colors combined.It was magic.Then one morning I was watching the sun rising through the clouds when I heard a noisebelow. 1 looked down,and parked right beneath me were two big trucks.Thcrc were four menstanding around it.One man called, "You'd better come down,and we gotta take this tree down.""But who told you to cut it down?""The owner!" he called back."But why?""He's gonna to build himself a house."注意:1.写作词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题相应位置作答。My heart was crazy with panic.I must have cried fbr two weeks straight.第10页,共22页答案和解析13.【答案】B、B、C【解析】(1) B.细节理解题。根据第一段 It is also an important step to help children better prepare for Grade I and be more successful in school.(这也是帮助孩子更好地为 I 年级做 准备并在学校取得更大成功的重要一步)及第二段Full-day Kindergarten Program is designed to give your child a stronger start in school and in life - by providing four-and fivc-ycar-olds with an interesting,inquiry and play-based learning program during the regular school day.(全天幼儿园工程旨在为你的孩子在学校和生活中提供更有影响的开始,在 上学日期间为四岁和五岁的孩子提供有趣,探究和基于游戏的学习计划)可知,全天幼 儿园工程是为帮助孩子更好的为上学做准备,为孩子们更好地为学校和生活做好准备, 应选B。(2) B.细节理解题。根据第二段 Children are involved in a variety of learning opportunities to help them invcstigatc,solvc problems and cooperate,under the guidance of an educator team.(在教育团队的指导下,孩子们参与各种学习机会,郡助他们调查,解决问题和合作) 及第五段problem solving and creative thinking (解决问题和创造性思维)及第六段 thinking critically about ideas and information in literacy and maths (批判性地思考识字和 数学中的想法和信息)可知,全天幼儿园工程可以让孩子们学习处理问题和批判性思考, 应选(3 )C.推理判断题。根据第一段 Beginning full-day kindergarten is an exciting milestone for your child and for you.(开始全天幼儿园对你和你的孩子来说都是一个激动人心的里程 碑) 及最后一段 Through informal meetings,parent conferences or written communication of learning rcports,parcnts will receive regular updates on their child's learning.(通过非正式会 议,家长会议或书面交流学习报告,家长将定期收到有关孩子学习的最新信息)可推知, 这篇文章是为了给那些孩子即将上幼儿园的父母准备的,应选Co 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍全天幼儿园工程。做题时要通读全文,把握大意,然后结合题干及选项做出正确的选择。47.【答案】C、A、B、C【解析】(1) C.细节理解题。根据第二段 You need the right conditions and just two components to make a cloud: water vapour (蒸汽),and aerosols tiny airborne particles(微粒)that act as seeds for cloud droplcts.Thcse particles come from sources such as dust,volcanoes and salt from sea spray,as well as from human activity,such as ash from burning fossil fuels.(你需要合适的外部条件及两个要素:水蒸气和气溶胶,即空气中的小颗粒 这是云产生的前提。这些颗粒来自灰尘、火山和海浪产生的盐,以及人类活动,如燃 烧化石燃料产生的灰烬。)可知,云的产生需要合适的条件,水蒸气及尘土小颗粒。故 选C。(2) A.段落大意题。根据第三段 It's believed that clouds cover about two-thirds of the planet at any given moment and have a big influence on climate and weather.They do this by regulating temperature - for instance,by helping to spread the sun's energy evenly over the Earth's surface through storms,which transport heat from warm areas near the equator to colder regions.Clouds also have a thermostat (恒温调节)function,both keeping the Earth cool by reflecting solar energy back into space during the day,and heating it up by trapping thermal energy that rises from the Earth's surface at night.(人们认为,在任何给定的时刻,云层覆 盖了地球上大约三分之二的面积,对寒冷地区的气候有很大的影响。云还有一个恒温器 的功能,既可以在白天通过将太阳能反射回太空来保持地球凉爽,又可以在夜间通过捕 获地球外表上升的热能来加热地球。)可知,本段主要关于云层所发挥的作用。应选Ao(3) B.代词指代题。根据前句 keeping the Earth cool by reflecting solar energy back into space during the day (白天通过将太阳光反射回太空使地球温度降低。)以及卜句heating it up (将其升温。)根据句子and heating up by trapping thermal energy that rises from the Earths surface at night(通过收集夜间从地球外表升起的热能来加热。)可知,这里it代指前句提到的被降温的地 球。A .The equator 赤道:B.The Earth 地球;C.Solar energy 太阳能;D.Thermal energy 热 能。应选Bo(4) C.观点态度题。根据倒数第二段 his is because (heir effects are difficult to model accurately (这是因为它们的影响很难精确建模。)可知,Ang日ine的观点是,很难实现 精确建模。应选C。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了云的形成及在人类生存中所发挥的作用。阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑 关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断:或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章 未涉及的现象、事例给以解释。考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作 者观点。第12页,共22页811.【答案】D、D、C、A【解析】(1 )D.细节理解题。根据第二段 The museum focuses on the results of archaeological research in Shaanxi Province over (he past century and the more than 200 , 000 cultural relics that have been unearthed,aiming to introduce Chinese history and the spirit of the Chinese nation to the world.(该博物馆重点展示了近百年来陕西省的考古研究成果和出土的20 多万件文物,旨在推动和介绍中国历史和中华民族精神。)可知,博物馆旨在向世界介 绍中国历史和中华民族精神。应选D“(2) D.推理判断题。根据第四段 Sun Zhouyong,director of the museum,told the Global Times on Saturday that the museum focuses on the development of Chinese archaeology as its main thread.so all of the displayed cultural relics are introduced alongside the background of their unearthed sites so that the public can have a deeper understanding of the field of archaeology.(博物馆馆长孙周勇周六告诉环球时报,博物馆以中国考古学的开展为主 线,因此所有展出的文物都与其出土遗址的背景一起介绍,以便公众对考古学领域有更 深入的了解。)可知,博物馆所有展出的文物都与其出土遗址的背景一起介绍,以便让 公众对考古学领域有更深入的了解,所以展出的这些文化遗迹可以帮助我们了解中国考 古学。应选D。(3)C.词句猜想题。根据第五段The museum includes sample rooms,an archaeological content centenand a public archaeolog ical center that allows visitors to their own objects using ancient techniques at the hand-on archaeological sites.(博物馆包括样品室、一个考古内容中心和一个公共考古中心, 游客可以在考古现场使用古代技术自己的物品。)可知,公共考古中心可以让游客 自己动手挖遗迹。故推知excavate表示"挖工A.Protect.保护;B.Carvc.雕刻:C.Dig.挖: D.Restore.恢复。应选 C。(4)A.主旨大意题。根据第一段 The Shaanxi Archaeology (考古学)Museum,China's first archaeological museumjs to be opened to the public soon in 2022.(陕西考古博物馆是中国 第一个考古博物馆,将于2022年向公众开放。)可知,文章主要介绍了陕西考古博物 馆,应选A。这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍陕西考古博物饰。阅读理解解题步骤:首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意,因为阅读理解题 一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能 多地捕获信息材料;其次细读题材,各个击破,掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材 料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息,要善 于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性,对于捕获到的信息、,要做认真分析, 仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准。1215.【答案】D、A、D、C解析(1) D.推理判断题。根据第一段中的 No one in her family could go with her,so her parents decided it would be safe for a 19-ycar-old family friend to accompany hcr.Whcn they arrived for their layover in Chicago O'Harejheir connecting flight was canceled.The family friend bought herself a (ickel back home and left (he girl all alone in one of the busiest international airports in the country.(她家里没有人可以和她一起去,所以她的父母决定 让一个19岁的亲友陪她,这样很平安。当他们抵达芝加哥奥黑尔,中途停留时,他们 的转机航班被取消了。这位朋友给自己买了一张回家的机票,把女孩单独留在了该国最 繁忙的国际机场之一。)可知,航班取消,这位朋友将女孩单独留在机场,故推知这位 朋友很不负责任。应选D。(2) A.推理判断题。根据第四段中的 The woman could tell something was not right and she got permission from McDowell to take over.After reassuring McDowell,the woman convinced her to share her mother's phone number. A nd on the phone,she convinced her mother that McDowell would be safe with her.She was Hying to Pittsburgh but she made a detour (绕道) (o Burlington to drop off McDowell.(这位女士可能看出有些不对劲,她得到了 McDowell 的许可来照顾她。在抚慰McDowell之后,这名女子说服她提供她母亲的 号码。在 里,她说服了她的母亲,对她说McDowell和她在一起很平安。她将要飞往匹兹堡, 但她绕道到伯灵顿,将McDowell送下车。)可知,这位女士发觉到McDowell的害怕 与孤单,陪伴McDowell。为了帮助McDowell回家,给McDowell的母亲打 ,并绕 道去伯灵顿。说明这位女士是善良的并且体贴的,应选A。(3) D.词义猜想题。根据第二段中的"You know that feeling of being a kid and looking around and every single face is a stranger's face." She remembers.(她回想起:你知道那种 小时候的感觉,环顾四周,每一张脸都是陌生人的脸。)及第五段中的“Just knowing that she did all of that fbr a stranger.Somelhing that maybe didn't feel huge to her just completely redirected my life ("只是知道她为一个陌生人做了这一切。一些可能对她来说意义并不 大的东西完全改变了我的生活。)及第六段中的She has used that experience to teach her son about kindness.(她用这段经历教她的儿子善良。)可知,是陌生的好心人改变了 McDowell的生活,让她感受到善意及温暖。故推知McDowell从不快的经历中解脱出 来,应选D。笫14页,共22页(4) C.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 She has used that experience to teach her son about kindness. "I want him to know that people can choose to be beautiful and helpful and provide security and that people like this are out there," she said. "So I just appreciate it more than words can really express."(她用这段经历教她的儿子善良。她说:“我想让他知道,人们 可以选择美好,乐于助人,提供平安感,外面有很多这样的人。所以我就是感激,那不 是言语所能真正表达的二)可知,通过善良陌生女子的帮助,使McDowell平安到家, 感受到陌生人的善意和关心。陌生人的善意使McDowell从不愉快的经历中解脱出来, 并要将这种善良教给儿子。故推知作者通过这篇文章想要传达的是:小小的善意有着重 大的意义。应选C。本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 McDowell在机场被善良的陌生女子帮助的故事, 及这次经历对她的影响。做这类题题材阅读理解时,要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性 地找出相关语句进行分析,结合选项选出正确答案,推理判断题也要在抓住关键句子的 基础上合理的分析,才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜忌,一定要做到有理有据。1620.【答案】F、G、E、A、C【解析】(1) F.推理判断题。根据上文 If you could have any job in the world,what would it be? Children have been asked this question for generations.but it seems their answers are changing.(如果你可以有世界上任何一份工作,你希望是什么?儿代人以来,孩子们 一直被问及这个问题,但他们的答案似乎正在改变。)F项"A recent study has highlighted a dramatic shift in children's ambitions.(最近的一项研究说明,孩子们的抱负发生了巨 大的转变)”,上文提出话题:”长大以后会做什么工作”这个问题随着时代的变化,答 案也在变化,F项说明,有研究证实了这种变化。上下文语意连贯顺畅。应选F项。(5) G.推理判断题。根据设空处在逗号前,后半句others feel that (his (rend will ultimately lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals.(另一些人认 为这种趋势最终会导致不满,因为越来越多的人无法实现他们的目标)G项”While many would argue that there is nothing wrong with such ambitions (虽然许多人会争辩说,这样 的雄心壮志并没有错)",根据句首地附属连词while可知,G项与下半句为转折关系, 此处为两种不同观点的陈述,语意连贯顺畅,应选G项。(6) E.推理判断题。根据上文 According to the survey,children desire these jobs largely because of the wealth associated with (hem.(调查显示,孩子们渴望这些工作,很大程度 上是因为与之相关的财富。)E 项"However,such ambitions may put pressure on the individual.(然而,这样的野心可能会给个人带来压力。)下文"If people link happiness to wealth and status,they arc more likely to work hard to achieve them.(如果人们把幸福与财 富和地位联系起来,他们就更有可能努力工作来实现它们。)”E项与上文为转折关系, E项与卜文为解释关系。语意连贯顺畅,应选E项。(7) A.推理判断题。根据 A 项 Many careers in the spotlight are short-lived.(许多聚光灯 下的职业都是短暂的。)下文 For example,many athletes' physical peak only lasts a few years and singers can have a very limited career.(例如,许多运发动的体能高峰只持续儿年, 歌手的职业生涯非常有限。)A项中提到的short-lived,与下文的lasts a few years似及have a very limited career意思吻合,下文为举例说明A项的情况。故A选项”许多聚光灯下 的职业都是短暂的”符合句意,应选A项。(5 )C.推理判断题。根据上文 Despite (he drawbacks of being rich and famousjhere is greater ambition than ever among young people to attain that status.(尽管想变富有和知名的种种 缺点,年轻人比以往任何时候都更有雄心去获得这种地位。)C项"This has been brought about by today's celebrity culture.(这是由当今的名人文化带来的。)下文People unrealistically believed that a celebrity lifestyle is easily attainable.(人们不切实际地认为 名人的生活方式很容易实现。)C项中的this指代上文的“being rich and famous", "toattain (hat status",想要名利双收的抱负,C项与上文为因果关系,下文那么解释了 C项这个现 象的原因。语意连贯顺畅,应选C项。本文为一篇说明文。“孩子们长大后想做什么工作”的答案随着时代开展而变化,当今的 多数孩子想成为体育明星,流行明星或演员,文章探究了这一现象的原因,及其对孩子 们未来幸福指数的影响。七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子。解题 时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词), 选出最符合语境的句子。2135.【答案】B、C、D、B、A、A、B、D、D、B、C、D、A、C、A【解析】(1) B.考查名词及语境理解。A.agencies机构;B.families家庭;C.specialists 专家;D.rclatives亲戚。句意:他们和其他图阿雷格家庭正在搬到一个新的地方。根据 下文?向0111加15 1由1.1110什除19 0起0£(2) ."可知,图阿雷格人习惯于迁移, 故推知,此处指许多爱迁移的图阿雷格家庭和Ibrahim 一家一样,正在搬家。应选B。(2) C.考查名词及语境理解。A.campaign运动;B.invasion入侵;C.movemenl迁移; D.passion热情。句意:他们的生活是一种迁移。根据上文"They and other Tuareg (1)第16页,共22页 are moving to a new location.This routine is typical."可知,他们总是搬到新地方,这 是典型的惯例。故推知,他们习惯于迁移,他们的生活是一种迁移。应选C。(3)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.carriages四轮马车;B.creatures生物;C.shellers避难所; D.cullures文化。句意:曾经有许多游牧民族的文化,但如今数量越来越小。根据上文 "There are nomadic (游牧的)people in Africa,Central Asia and above the Arctic Circle/1 可知,游牧民族遍布在非洲,中亚及北极圈上,故推知,这些地区记录着游牧民的生活 和他们留下文化。应选D。(4) B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.bigger更大的;B.smaller更小的;C.strongcr更强壮 的;D.weaker更虚弱的。句意:曾经有许多游牧民族的文化,但如今数量越来越小。根 据上文"Many (3) were once nomadic”及“but”可知,曾经的游牧文化有很多,but 表示转折,前后意义相反,故推知,现在数量变得越来越少。应选及A.考查名词及语境理解。A.estimates估计;B.discounts折扣;C.capacities容量; .responses回答。句意:目前尚不清楚有多少图阿雷格人,但估计范围在100万到150 万之间。根据空后的"range from 1 million to 1.5 million"可知,此处指所估计的人数范围。 应选Ao(5) A.考查动词及语境理解。A.raising 饲养;B.killing 杀;C.delivering 运送;D.removing 移开。句意:图阿雷格的大多数人都过着以贸易和牲畜为基础的游牧生活方式,饲养山 羊,绵羊,牛和骆驼。根据上文"MoslofTuareg lead a nomadic lifeslyle based on trade and livestock""goats,sheep,cattle and camels"可知,图阿雷格的大多数人养牲畜,故推知, 此处列举的动物是他们所饲养的。应选A。(6) B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.dramatic戏剧性的:B.distinctive独特的;C.apparcnt 明显的;D.historic历史性的。句意:这些男人有时被称为“Blue Men”,因为他们独特的 蓝色服装。根据下文"The blue (8) protects their faces from the sun and sand.It also stains (染色)【heir skin and defines their unique (9) ."可知,此处介绍蓝色衣服独 特的作用,应选瓦D.考查名词及语境理解。A.parcel包裹;B.skin皮肤;C.wool木头;D.cloth布。句 意:蓝色的布可以保护他们的脸免受阳光和沙子的伤害。根据上文“The men are sometimes called "Blue Men" because of their (7) blue clothing."可知,本段描述的 是蓝色衣服及其特点,故推知,此处指蓝色衣服的布料可以防阳光和防沙。应选D。(7) D.考查名词及语境理解。A.tone音调;B.zone区域;C.privilege特权;D.identity 身份。句意:它还将他们的皮肤染色,并定义他们独特的身份。根据上文“The men are sometimes called "Blue Men" because of their (7) blue clothing."可知,人们因为穿 蓝色衣服及被衣服染蓝,所以被叫作“Blue Men”,故推知,蓝色衣服定义了他们的身份。应选D。(8) B.考查名词及语境理解。A.houses房子;B.lents帐篷;C.cottages小屋;D.flats公寓。句意:图阿雷格人的家是简单的帐篷。根据下文"This makes (12)easy to take the tent down and put it up."可知,上下文内容一致,本段描述的是图阿雷格人居住的帐 篷。应选B。(9) C.考查动词及语境理解。A.equipped 配备;B.occupied 占据;C.covered 盖;D.armed 备战。句意:它们通常有一个轻木框架,并覆盖着动物皮或垫子。根据下文/hey usually have a light wood frame"及"with animal skins or mats"及"This makes (12) easy to take he tent down and pul il up.”可知,此处描述帐篷的建造,并介绍帐篷容易搭建和撤除。 故推知,简单的搭建指的是:将动物皮和垫子盖在轻木架子上。应选C。(10) D.考查代词及语境理解。A.them他们;B.what什么;C.that那个;D.it它。句意: 这样很容易拆掉帐篷和搭建帐篷。根据空前的"make"及空后的"easy to take the tent down and put it up”可知,此处考查it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式。应选D。(11) A.考查动词及语境理解。A.makes制作;B.rents租;C.irons熨;D.sews缝。句意: 当一个女人结婚时,她的家人会为她做一个帐篷。根据上文"They usually have a light wood frame and are (11) with animal skins or mats.This makes (12) easy to take the tent down and put il up."可知,帐篷很容易被搭建,故推知,女孩出嫁,家人会为她 制作帐篷。应选A,C.考查动词及语境理解。A.refresh


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