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    高中英语 Unit 1《Advertising》Grammar课件 牛津译林必修4.ppt

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    高中英语 Unit 1《Advertising》Grammar课件 牛津译林必修4.ppt

    Unit 1 AdvertisingGrammar and usage2021/8/11 星期三1 Direct speech and indirect speech:What are“direct speech and indirect speech?And when do we use them?1.We use direct speech to report what exactly has been said.If we write the speech down,the words will usually appear in quotation marks.e.g.Tom said,“I have previewed Grammar and usage.”Tom 2.We often use indirect speech to report the meaning of what has been said without using the exact words.2021/8/11 星期三2e.g.Tom said that he had previewed Grammar and usage.Comparing the examples,we can see the changes in“personal pronouns&tenses”.More examples:She said,“Im used to ads.”She said that used to ads.she was The table below shows how we usually change the tenses when the reporting verb is in the past tense.2021/8/11 星期三3Direct speechReported speechDirect speechReported speechSimple presentPresent continuousSimple pastPresent perfectSimple pastPast continuousPast perfectDitto!Simple futureFuture in the pastPast perfectPast perfectPresent perfect continuous Past perfect continuousTrue or false:“Light travels as great speed.”he said.He said that light traveled at great speed.Ftravels at great speed.We do not change the tense when we report a fact that does not change over time.2021/8/11 星期三4More practice:1.He said,“We exchange gifts at Christmas.”He said(that)they exchange gifts at Christmas.2.He said,“Magnet(磁铁磁铁)attracts iron.”He said that magnet attracts iron.3.The teacher said,“The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man.”The teacher told us that the earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man.定语从句定语从句How to change this sentence?Tom said,“Im working here today.”Tom said he was working there that day.2021/8/11 星期三5The following table shows other examples of such changes:direct speechreported speechtoday that day/yesterday/on Wednesday,etc.tomorrow the next day/the following day/on Thursday,etc.yesterday the day before/the previous day/on Tuesday,etc.next month the month after/the following month/in July,etc.last year the year before/the previous year etc.a week ago a week before/a week earlier,etc.2021/8/11 星期三6In addition to the above changes,we have the following:direct speechthisreported speechthatthesethosecomego2021/8/11 星期三7Reported speech:(1)statements We use noun clauses introduced by“that”to report statements.e.g.1.She said,“Advertisements are an important part of our lives.She said that advertisements are an important part of our lives.2.“PSAs are often placed for free,”the writer said.The writer explained that PSAs are often placed for free.Besides“tell,say”,the following words are also used to report statements:advise agree explain insist promise warn remind suggest2021/8/11 星期三8Change this sentence into indirect speech:Mary asked Ann,“Are you the happiest person in the world?”Mary asked Ann that she was the happiest person in the world?Right?Mary asked Ann whether she was the happiest person in the world.Is“if”OK?Mary asked Ann whether/if she was the happiest person in the world.We use noun clauses introduced by whether/if to report yes/no-questions.e.g.“Are all ads playing tricks on us?”I asked her.I asked her whether/if all ads are playing tricks on us.How to change this one?I asked her,“How can that be true?”2021/8/11 星期三9I asked her whether/if that can be true.OK?I asked her how that can be true.More practice:1.“Where did you find the advertisements for jobs abroad?”Bill asked.Bill asked where I had found the advertisements for jobs abroad.2.“When did you get the tickets for the concert?”I asked Wang Hua.I asked Wang Hua when he had got the tickets for the concert.We use noun clauses introduced by wh-words to report wh-questions.2021/8/11 星期三10Please try to change this into indirect speech:The writer said,“Think about why you should do the things the ad suggests.”The writer told us that we thought about why we should do the things the ad suggested.OK?The writer told us to think about why we should do the things the ad suggested.To report imperative sentences,we use the structure:reporting verb+obj.+(not)to-infinitiveMore practice:1.The salesman said to me,“Read what some of our satisfied customers say.”The salesman asked me to read what some of their satisfied customers said.2021/8/11 星期三112.“Dont worry,Mickey,”Jen said.Jen asked Mickey not to worry.There are other verbs that can be used in this structure to report imperative sentences:advise encourage invite remind warne.g.1.“Dont believe every advertisement you read,”Michelle said to me.Michelle advised me not to believe every advertisement I read.2.“Dont forget to take your medicine,Dad,”my daughter said.My daughter reminded not to forget to take my medicine.2021/8/11 星期三122021/8/11 星期三13


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