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    高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period One Warming UpPrereading &amp Reading课件 新人教必修1.ppt

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    高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Period One Warming UpPrereading &amp Reading课件 新人教必修1.ppt

    Unit 3Travel journal Travelling is more important than reading books to understand people and the world.A book about another country tells you about things such as the countrys history,its people and its culture in a very general way.When meeting foreigners,I found that books cant be trusted wholly.For example,when I was visiting Wisconsin University,many people there knew China through books.They thought Chinese people were not active,uneducated,had no sense of humor,and all wore blue suits.Through the videotapes shown by me,they were surprised to find that these facts were not true at all and the Chinese people are outgoing and have great intelligence,话题导入dress well and have an equally strong sense of humor.Reading a book about another country makes me interested in travelling.Then I make plans to go and see what I have read about.In addition,people who go out and experience things themselves are likely to be openminded,and are really interested in making things happen.More and more Chinese travel at home or abroad.Especially the children who will see the important landscapes and will truly be full of knowledge about their own country.I have always felt enriched by the experience.It is only by“getting onto action”that one can make a mark in this world,and truly live a meaningful life.阅读短文,回答下列问题阅读短文,回答下列问题1.The best title of the passage is“”.”.2.The underlined word“experience”in the passage means“”.”.A.learn about B.go throughC.get through D.look through3.Fill in the blank with proper words._4.In the writers opinion,the more you things,the more you want to try something.答案BexperienceWhats Good for Traveltravel morePeriod OneWarming Up,Prereading&Reading基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识课文预读 回归教材 萃取文本主旨要点探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维基础自测 自主学习 落实基础知识1.n.&vt.运输;运送运输;运送 2.vt.更喜欢;选择某事物更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物而不选择其他事物)3.n.不利条件;不便之处不利条件;不便之处 n.有利条件;优势,长处有利条件;优势,长处4.vt.说服;劝说说服;劝说5.vi.毕业毕业 n.大学毕业生大学毕业生6.adv.最后;终于最后;终于 adj.最后的,最终的最后的,最终的答案重点单词重点单词 transport prefer disadvantageadvantage persuade graduate finallyfinal答案7.n.时间表;进度表时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间为某事安排时间8.adj.顽固的;固执的顽固的;固执的9.vt.组织;成立组织;成立10.vt.决定;确定;下定决心决定;确定;下定决心 adj.坚决的;有决心的坚决的;有决心的11.n.旅行;旅程旅行;旅程12.n.态度;看法态度;看法 schedule stubborn organize determinedetermined journey attitude答案1.自从;自自从;自以后以后2.喜爱;喜欢喜爱;喜欢3.关心;忧虑;惦念关心;忧虑;惦念4.改变主意改变主意5.下决心;决定下决心;决定6.投降;屈服;让步投降;屈服;让步重点短语重点短语ever sincebe fond ofcare aboutchange ones mindmake up ones mindgive in1.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从从中中学学时时候候起起,我我的的姐姐姐姐王王薇薇和和我我就就一一直直梦梦想想做做一一次次了了不不起起的的自自行行车车旅旅行。行。2.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.首先想到沿湄公河从源头到终点骑自行车旅游的是我的姐姐。首先想到沿湄公河从源头到终点骑自行车旅游的是我的姐姐。3.Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。好句积累好句积累返回课文预读 回归教材 萃取文本主旨1.Wang Kun persuaded his cousins,Dao Wei and Yu Hang,to join in their cycling.()2.Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey from where it begins to where it ends.()3.The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres,where it would be hard to breathe.()4.The source of the Mekong River is in Sichuan Province.()5.They found few maps about the Mekong River in the library.()答案根据课文内容判断正根据课文内容判断正(T)、误、误(F)FTTFF12435答案1.If they travel along the river,where will it become rapids as it passes through deep valleys?A.In Qinghai Province.B.In Tibet.C.In Yunnan Province.D.In Vietnam.答案答案C课文阅读理解课文阅读理解答案2.If you travel with them,you will see all the following EXCEPT .A.a desert B.a waterfallC.a delta D.a glacier12435A答案3.What does Wang Kun think of her sister?A.Foolish and stubborn.B.Foolish but determined.C.Stubborn but determined.D.Unkind and stubborn.答案答案C12435答案4.What did they do before the trip?A.They had a very good rest.B.They talked with their parents about it.C.They were full of fear.D.They had prepared well for it.答案答案D12435答案5.Which is the proper order about the Mekong River according to the text?a.The Mekong River enters the South China Sea.b.The Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.c.At first,the river is small,and the water is clear and cold.d.The Mekong River enters Southeast Asia.e.The Mekong River travels across western Yunnan Province.f.The Mekong River leaves China.A.b,c,e,f,a,dB.b,c,e,f,d,aC.c,b,e,f,d,aD.c,b,f,e,a,d答案答案B12435 Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei had dreamed about 1.(take)a great bike trip.They decided 2.(cycle)along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.Wang Wei 3.(insist)that they start from Qinghai where the river begins in order to see all of the Mekong River.Wang Kun said that 4.(be)very difficult,5._ their journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres.But Wang Wei refused to change her mind,6.(say)that it would be 7.interesting experience.课文语法填空课文语法填空答案antakingto cycleinsistedwould bebecausesaying返回答案 The Mekong River begins in a glacier 8.a mountain in Qinghai Province.The river is small at first.It moves 9.(rapid)as it passes through deep valleys.Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys.After 10.flows out of China,it continues to flow through Southeast Asia.At last,the river delta enters the South China Sea.itonrapidly要点探究 探究重点 互动撞击思维 Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train?你比较喜欢使用哪种交通方式:公共汽车还是火车?你比较喜欢使用哪种交通方式:公共汽车还是火车?1.1.归纳拓展(1)prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物而不选择其他事物)prefer to do/doing sth.宁愿做某事;更喜欢做某事宁愿做某事;更喜欢做某事prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事宁愿某人做某事prefer that.宁愿宁愿prefer(doing)A to(doing)B 与与(做做)B相比更喜欢相比更喜欢(做做)Aprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做宁愿做A而不愿做而不愿做B(2)preference n.偏爱;喜爱偏爱;喜爱重点单词语境助记(1)Would you prefer me to stay?你愿意我留下来吗?你愿意我留下来吗?(2)I prefer reading books to watching TV.我喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。我喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。答案题组训练用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空(1)My parents prefer me (finish)the work by myself.(2)Tom prefers to meet his friend at the station rather than (wait)here.(3)My husband prefers staying at home watching TV to (go)shopping with me.(4)The girl has a (prefer)for music and she wishes to be a singer.preferenceto finishwaitgoing Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两两年年前前她她买买了了一一辆辆昂昂贵贵的的山山地地自行车,然后她也说服我买了一辆。自行车,然后她也说服我买了一辆。2.2.归纳拓展persuade vt.说服,劝服说服,劝服语境助记(1)I decided to persuade him to change his mind.我决定说服他改变主意。我决定说服他改变主意。(2)I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea.(2015浙浙江江)我成功说服我的同学接受我的主意。我成功说服我的同学接受我的主意。注意:persuade表表示示“说说服服”,强强调调说说服服的的结结果果;advise表表示示“劝劝说说,建建议议”,对对方方不不一一定定接接受受,强强调调动动作作。“劝劝说说但但不不一一定定有有效效果果”应应表表述述为为:advise sb.to do sth.或或try to persuade sb.to do sth.。答案题组训练(1)用用persuade,advise的正确形式填空的正确形式填空Some of us him to change his mind but no one could _him to do so.I did her but didnt her.(2)单句语法填空单句语法填空The man was so stubborn that no one could persuade him (do)so.I must find a way to persuade her into (leave)that house.None of us could persuade him of doing that.outadvisedpersuadeadvisepersuadeto doleaving Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.现在她正在为我们的旅行安排行程。现在她正在为我们的旅行安排行程。3.3.归纳拓展schedule n.时间表;进度表;时间表;进度表;vt.为某事安排时间为某事安排时间ahead of schedule提前提前behind schedule迟于预定时间迟于预定时间on schedule准时;按时间表准时;按时间表be scheduled for预定;安排预定;安排be scheduled to do预定做预定做语境助记(1)We arrived two hours ahead of schedule in order not to miss the train.为了不错过这趟火车,我们提前两小时到达。为了不错过这趟火车,我们提前两小时到达。(2)The game is scheduled for Saturday.比赛定于星期六举行。比赛定于星期六举行。(3)The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.新版本预定将于五月份上市。新版本预定将于五月份上市。答案题组训练单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The project was finished schedule because of the bad weather.(2)Although the weather was very bad,the buses still ran schedule.(3)The famous scientist is scheduled (arrive)in Shanghai at 5 oclock.to arrivebehindon She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind.她她给给了了我我一一个个坚坚定定的的眼眼神神这这种种眼眼神神表表明明她是不会改变主意的。她是不会改变主意的。4.4.归纳拓展(1)determined adj.坚决的;有决心的坚决的;有决心的be determined to do.决心做决心做(表示状态表示状态)(2)determine vt.确定;决定;下定决心确定;决定;下定决心determine to do.决定做决定做(表示动作表示动作)determine on/upon(doing)sth.决定决定(做做)某事某事(3)determination n.决心;决定决心;决定语境助记(1)I was determined to have another try,even if I might fail again.即使可能再次失败,我仍决心再试一次。即使可能再次失败,我仍决心再试一次。(2)The girl determined to look for a chance to go abroad.这个女孩决定寻找一个机会出国。这个女孩决定寻找一个机会出国。(3)I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。我已决定毕业后去西藏。答案题组训练用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空(1)She is determined (become)a doctor when she grows up.(2)The (determine)look on his face showed that he was very confident.(3)The governments action shows its (determine)to control the situation.determinationto becomedetermined重点短语 Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从从中中学学时时候候起起,我我的的姐姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想做一次了不起的自行车旅行。姐王薇和我就一直梦想做一次了不起的自行车旅行。1.1.归纳拓展dream about/of梦到;梦想。梦到;梦想。about,of是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。dream/have a.dream做一个做一个梦梦realize ones dream实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想dream的的过过去去式式、过过去去分分词词有有两两种种形形式式:dreamed,dreamed;dreamt,dreamt。答案题组训练用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空(1)The boy said that he dreamed of (become)a famous pilot.(2)In order (realize)his dream,the man has been working hard.(3)Last night my younger brother (dream)a strange dream.语境助记(1)My younger brother dreams of becoming a spaceman.我弟弟梦想成为一名宇航员。我弟弟梦想成为一名宇航员。(2)The girl is working hard to realize her dream.这个女孩正在努力学习来实现梦想。这个女孩正在努力学习来实现梦想。dreamed/dreamtbecomingto realize Of course she hadnt;my sister doesnt care about details.当当然她没有,我的姐姐不在乎细节。然她没有,我的姐姐不在乎细节。2.2.归纳拓展care about关心;忧虑;惦念;在乎关心;忧虑;惦念;在乎care for喜欢;照顾,照料;关心喜欢;照顾,照料;关心take care of照顾;负责照顾;负责take care小心,注意小心,注意with care小心地,慎重地小心地,慎重地语境助记(1)The young lady doesnt care about her clothes.这位年轻的女士一点也不在乎穿着。这位年轻的女士一点也不在乎穿着。(2)He likes pop;he doesnt care for classic music.他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。(3)All the children are being taken good care of in the centre.孩子们在中心得到很好的照顾。孩子们在中心得到很好的照顾。答案题组训练用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(1)I dont care the price,so long as the car is in good condition.(2)The old man doesnt care popular music;he likes folk music.(3)The woman placed the old vase on the table care.withaboutfor Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。3.3.归纳拓展make up ones mind(to do sth.)下决心;决定下决心;决定(做某事做某事)change ones mind改变主意改变主意bear/keep.in mind记住记住注意:make up ones mind中中mind的形式要随的形式要随one的单复数形式而变化。的单复数形式而变化。语境助记(1)Tom is working hard because he has made up his mind to pass the exam.汤姆正在用功学习,因为他决心要通过考试。汤姆正在用功学习,因为他决心要通过考试。(2)You say you wont smoke any longer,but youll soon change your mind.你说你不再吸烟了,可是你很快就会变卦的。你说你不再吸烟了,可是你很快就会变卦的。(3)Always keep in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.(2015湖南湖南)一直要记住:你的主要任务是使这家公司运转顺利。一直要记住:你的主要任务是使这家公司运转顺利。答案题组训练(1)No matter what happens,.无论发生什么,他都不会改变主意。无论发生什么,他都不会改变主意。(2)They the poor woman.他们下定决心要帮助那个可怜的妇女。他们下定决心要帮助那个可怜的妇女。(3)If youre invited to an American friends home for dinner,_ .如如果果你你应应邀邀去去一一位位美美国国朋朋友友家家共共进进晚晚餐餐,你你应应该该记记住住以以下下这这些些礼礼貌貌行行事事的常规。的常规。mind these table mannershe wont change his mindmade up their minds to helpkeep in Finally,I had to give in.最后,我只好让步了。最后,我只好让步了。4.4.归纳拓展give in(to sb./sth.)投降;屈服;让步;上交投降;屈服;让步;上交give away赠送,给予;泄露赠送,给予;泄露give back归还;恢复归还;恢复give off发出发出(气味、气体等气味、气体等)give out散发散发(声、光、热等声、光、热等);用完,耗尽;分发;用完,耗尽;分发give up放弃;戒掉放弃;戒掉语境助记(1)Finally the woman had to give in to her daughter.最后,这个女人只好向女儿屈服了。最后,这个女人只好向女儿屈服了。(2)The old man is very kind and he often gives away his money to the poor.这位老人很善良,经常把钱捐给穷人。这位老人很善良,经常把钱捐给穷人。(3)The plant gave off a strange smell,which made me sick.这棵植物发出奇怪的味道,让我感到恶心。这棵植物发出奇怪的味道,让我感到恶心。答案题组训练用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空(1)After two days our food gave ,and we had to return.(2)I know smoking is bad for health,but I simply cant give it .(3)Who was it that gave the secret to our enemy?(4)All papers must be given before the end of the week.(5)I must give the two books to the library before Friday.backoutupawayin Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从从高高中中起起,我我姐姐姐姐王王薇薇和我就一直梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。和我就一直梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。1.1.归纳拓展ever since从从那那以以后后,后后接接从从句句或或短短语语,通通常常与与完完成成时时态态连连用用。ever since还可以作副词单独使用,在句中作状语。还可以作副词单独使用,在句中作状语。经典句式语境助记(1)They have been living here ever since their childhood.他们从小就住在这儿。他们从小就住在这儿。(2)Weve been friends ever since we met at school.自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。答案题组训练(1)She ever since she left home.从她离开家她就没见过她父母。从她离开家她就没见过她父母。(2)He went to Europe in 1990 and China ever since.他他1990年去了欧洲,此后再也没有回中国。年去了欧洲,此后再也没有回中国。(3)Where is Peter?I cant find him anywhere.He went to the library after breakfast and (write)his essay there ever since.(2015福建福建)彼得去哪儿了?我到处找不到他。彼得去哪儿了?我到处找不到他。他早饭后去了图书馆,从那之后,一直在那里写论文。他早饭后去了图书馆,从那之后,一直在那里写论文。has been writinghasnt seen her parentshas never returned to It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.首首先先想想到到沿沿湄湄公河从源头到终点骑自行车旅游的是我的姐姐。公河从源头到终点骑自行车旅游的是我的姐姐。2.2.归纳拓展句中使用了强调句型:句中使用了强调句型:It was.who.。(1)强强调调句句式式的的基基本本结结构构为为“It is/was被被强强调调部部分分that句句子子的的其其余余部分部分”。被强调部分是人的时候,。被强调部分是人的时候,that还可以用还可以用who代替。代替。(2)强强调调句句的的一一般般疑疑问问句句结结构构为为:Is/Wasit被被强强调调部部分分that/who其余部分;特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词其余部分;特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词is/wasthat其余部分。其余部分。若强调若强调not.until,则需用:,则需用:It is/was not until.that.。语境助记(1)It was in Beijing that I saw the film The Third Way of Love.我是在北京看的电影第三种爱情。我是在北京看的电影第三种爱情。(2)It was not until ten oclock that he went to bed.直到十点他才去睡觉。直到十点他才去睡觉。(3)Where was it that he picked up the small bag yesterday?昨天他在哪里捡到的这个小包?昨天他在哪里捡到的这个小包?注意:(1)强强调调句句型型与与其其他他句句式式区区别别的的依依据据是是将将It is/was及及that/who去去掉掉,句子依然成立。句子依然成立。(2)此强调句型不可对句子中的谓语部分进行强调。此强调句型不可对句子中的谓语部分进行强调。答案题组训练单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)It was on the farm I got to know the lovely girl.(2)It was October 1st,1949 the PRC was founded.(3)When was that the boss knew the whole truth?itthatwhen Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.尽尽管管她她对对去去某某些些地地方方的的最最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。3.3.归纳拓展(1)在在“insistthat.”结结构构中中,当当insist作作“坚坚持持主主张张,坚坚决决要要求求”解解时时,其其后后的的宾宾语语从从句句用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,即即谓谓语语动动词词用用“should动动词词原原形形”,should可以省略。可以省略。(2)当当insist作作“坚持说,坚持认为坚持说,坚持认为”解时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。解时,其后的宾语从句用陈述语气。(3)insist on/upon(doing)sth.坚决要求坚决要求(做做)某事某事答案题组训练用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空(1)I wanted to walk to the station,but he insisted on (drive)me there.(2)Mary insisted that she (be)right but her mother insisted that she _(say)sorry to Annie.语境助记(1)They insisted that he(should)be present at the ceremony.他们坚持要他出席这次仪式。他们坚持要他出席这次仪式。(2)I insist on your taking immediate action to put things right.我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。(should)saydrivingwas Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变主意。她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变主意。4.4.归纳拓展once用用于于引引导导时时间间状状语语从从句句,意意为为“一一旦旦就就”。once引引导导的的从从句句的的时时态态是是一一般般现现在在时时或或现现在在完完成成时时,主主句句通通常常要要用用将将来来时时,也也可可含有情态动词。含有情态动词。语境助记(1)Once you get there,you will find the people there very friendly.一旦你到达那儿,你会发现那里的人很友好。一旦你到达那儿,你会发现那里的人很友好。(2)Once the fire has died out,the rescue team will move in.一旦火熄灭了,救援队就会马上进入。一旦火熄灭了,救援队就会马上进入。答案题组训练(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空I believe you will have a wonderful time here you get to kno


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