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    高二英语选修6 unit 4 language points 课件.ppt

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    高二英语选修6 unit 4 language points 课件.ppt

    Language points2021/8/11 星期三1depend on You cant depend on your parents forever.1.It(all)depends.That(all)depends.那得看情况light v.照亮,点燃 n.光,线,灯 adj.淡色的,明亮的,轻的consume v.consumer n.run out/run out of 2021/8/11 星期三2as as one can=as as possible2.Please come here as soon as possible.=Please come here as soon as you can.as many as 多达as long as 长达,只要as far as远至,就而论as well as 和一样好,也,和as early as 早在Mention v.n.提到,说到Its worth mentioning that 值得一提的是I hope you didnt mention my name to her.Its worth mentioning that he is a good student.2021/8/11 星期三3You should clean your room to keep it from getting dirty.1.keep.from.stop.(from).prevent(from).你应该打扫房间以保持干净.Keep doing 继续 keep out 挡住使进不去keep up with 跟上2021/8/11 星期三4Trap vt./n.挡住圈套Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream.They finally trapped the mouse in a cage.The police set a trap for the thieves.最后,他们用笼子把老鼠逮着了2021/8/11 星期三5Compare to()和比起来Ive had some difficulties,but they were nothing compared to yours.Compare with把相比4.Compared with many women,she was indeed very fortune.()比喻,比作3.We often compare children to flowers.2021/8/11 星期三6explain sth to sb从句从句He explained how the machine is used.He explained why he was late.无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布The teacher explained this point to us.2021/8/11 星期三7Come about 发生,造成(无被动)vCome across偶然碰到vCome out显露出版发行vCome up with提出How did the accident come about?2021/8/11 星期三8tend vt.照顾,护理vi.趋向,易于tendency n.When Im tired,I tend to make mistakes.He tends to get angry when people oppose his opinion.tend to 倾向于2021/8/11 星期三9Subscribe vi.Vt.Subscribe to 同意赞同支持订阅签名5.I subscribe to your opinion completely.2021/8/11 星期三10Result in=cause,lead toTheir dispute(争端)resulted in war.6.Hard work results in success.result from+原因7.Success results from hard work.2021/8/11 星期三11Trend n.趋势,倾向,走向You should pay attention to the trend of public opinion.(舆论导向)2021/8/11 星期三12Oppose vt.They opposed the new tax.I oppose your going there alone.Be opposed to(doing)sth反对,反抗8.She is strongly opposed to their plan.2021/8/11 星期三13State vt.9.He stated his opinion.The Prime Minister stated that he would visited China the next year.2021/8/11 星期三14Range(cn.)The student has a very wide range of interests.Range fromto.10.The prices of the pens range from$5-$100.This plant ranges from France to Italy.2021/8/11 星期三15Build up逐步建立,促进,加强 11.What Father said built up my hope.Build up ones healthBuild up the business2021/8/11 星期三16be used for 用来做This room is used for study and work.be used to do be used to doing used to do especially 尤其,特别(非普通)specially 专门12.I am-busy on Sundays.13.I come here-to see you.heat v./heat up 是某物变热或变暖heated adj.热的激烈的heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地heater加热器发热器2021/8/11 星期三17There is no doubt that.14.There is no doubt that he can come on time.doubt 的宾语从句,肯定句whether/if/that 否定句 that 15.He doubted whether they would be able to help.He never doubted that they would win the game.beyond/without doubt无疑地 random 随意的胡乱的随机的/randomly at random 任意地随便地Phenomenon n.16.It is just a natural phenomenon.2021/8/11 星期三18thereforeHe was ill,and therefore could not come.warm v.(up)He warmed himself by the fire.add v.add up 加起来add up to合计达 add to 增加If you add 4 to 3,you get 7Add up these figures,please2021/8/11 星期三19extra adj./adv.17.Can you have extra time to finish my work?Children were extra glad to see the foreign visitors.quantities of 18.There are quantities of apples in the room.There are quantities of food here.go up上涨,建设,爆炸,烧毁19.Prices have gone up again.go by 经过go in for 参加go through经历,遭到go on 前进2021/8/11 星期三20Average adj.平均的平常的,/n.平均水平The average age of the students in this class is 9.Temperatures are above average for the time of year.温度高于此时的年平均温度on the whole总的来说大体上On the whole,Im in favour of the idea.The paper is well written on the plete v./pletely adv.existence 存在生存n.In existence 存在Mens social existence determines their consciousness.社会存在决定社会意识in the future2021/8/11 星期三21advocate v.提倡主张拥护鼓吹/n.提倡者 20.He advocates building more schools.The public advocated passing the mitment n.承诺信奉忠诚,预先安排的事commit v.犯罪犯错误,使承担义务,为某人作出保证commit a crime pollution n./pollute v.21.We dont have to put up with pollution.22.Many lakes have been polluted by industrial waste.2021/8/11 星期三22casual adj.随便的漫不经心的偶然的,休闲的便装的His casual manner annoyed me.他无所谓的态度令我恼火22.Dont be casual about this.不要对此漠不关心contribution n./contribute v.contribute to All contributions,however small,will be greatly appreciated.23.He has an important contribution to the companys success.The volunteers contribute quantities of time to the project.24.Various factors contributed to his downfall.2021/8/11 星期三23replace v.代替,替换,把放回原处.George has replaced Edward as captain of the team.25.We have replaced the old adding machine with a computer.26.He replaced the book on the shelf.electrical 关于电方面的被修饰的名词本身不带电electric 导电的电动的发电的被修饰的名词本身带电 借喻”像电一样的 令人骤然激动的”He is an electrical engineer.I bought an electric rice cooker last month.The atmosphere in the theatre was electric.2021/8/11 星期三24make a difference 有影响有重要意义Together,individuals can make a difference.27.It makes all difference to me what you do.put up with I dont know how she can put up with him.put aside 忽视不理睬积蓄put away 收好放好储蓄put forward提出put off推迟put up 搭起建立张贴put on 穿上put down 写下镇压put back放回原处2021/8/11 星期三25as long as/so long as 只要,和一样长You may borrow this book so long as you promise to give it back.I will stay as long as I can.我能呆多久就呆多久carry out 贯彻实行遵循遵守carry on 继续on behalf of He accepted the cup on behalf of the team.turn up It takes sb.Some time to do sth.2021/8/11 星期三262021/8/11 星期三27


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