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    写科技改变生活的英语作文人类社会的发展无疑是科技发展的历史,而现代文明社会的发展更是与科学技术的日新月异休戚相关。科学技术的发展为我们的衣食住行,通讯咨讯都带来着便利与快捷!以下是“科技变更生活的英语作文”希望能够帮助的到您! 篇一:科技变更生活作文 Science and technology are the bridge of human progress. In every corner of our real life, science and technology can be seen everywhere.You see, from the ancient cottage to now everywhere the high-rise buildings from the ancient edifice, ugly cannot cover the grass clothes now gorgeous elegant dress, from ancient times to the present car carriage, from the original palm leaf fan to the fan now, from nearby, I learn to use the automatic pen, morning listen to the radio, for a class of multimedia teaching equipment and so on, all these are the crystallization of science and technology.It is science and technology that has changed our lives and made us move from poverty and backwardness to prosperity. Science and technology have made great changes in our lives. The development of science and technology to solve the problem of food and clothing for us, so that we worry about; the development of science and technology makes us from the low cottage into the edifice; the development of science and technology to make our vehicles from bicycles to cars, train, ship, aircraft, the end of travel by taking the basic time; communication tools from the original manual telephone development now, mobile phone beeper to almost everybody has a mobile phone, ended the call on the basic primitive roar; anti-theft door, electronic lock door that I said goodbye to the guard dog by age; our cooking pot, grass carbon furnace with a liquefied gas, electric cooker, microwave oven.Now is the era of technology, technology leads our lives, so we must respect technology, learn technology, develop technology, and create more beautiful future with more advanced scientific knowledge. 篇二:科技变更生活作文 The times are changing, and science is progressing. Technology is developing more and more. Computers are also slowly entering our life. The Internet has become an indispensable tool in life, such as chatting, surfing the Internet, learning. However, the emergence of computers has brought changes to people's lives.There are few students on the Internet, most of which are playing games and chatting. Such examples are common. It is the emergence of computers that have all kinds of examples.Science and technology change life. Although technology is making our life more comfortable, but whether the environment is deteriorating, do they see that the air is getting more and more cloudy, people can no longer breathe fresh air, and there is little snow in winter. Don't you know?Science and technology not only change our lives, but animals also escape bad luck. The turbidity of the air makes the animals unable to survive, and the harsh environment makes most of the animals dying.Science and technology change my life, and I hope that science and technology can really "change life" one day. 篇三:科技变更生活作文 Technology is developing very fast. If students ask their parents how to watch TV when they are young, their parents may say, "before, many people were crowded together in a" richer "family's yard, watching black and white TV. How happy we are now! Who gave us happiness? It's science and technology.Listening to songs before listening to songs in tape recorder can be listened to. Now as long as you search on the Internet, you can listen to your favorite songs anytime and anywhere. That's the development of technology. The previous chips have almost a big thumb and how small and small the chips are. This is the development of Technology.I have witnessed the development of science and technology, when I was in grade X, for my TV, before the TV is very thick, only received dozens of television channels, now is the plasma TV, more thin than before, and with HD, satellite, there are so many channels can be received, can also be used as computer! After that, I saw the "3D stereoscopic TV" in the electrical mall. "Technology is developing fast!" I can't help but exclaim.In my hometown, last year, everywhere is dirty, there are some cobwebs lamp button, there were a lot of flies, but last week I went to take on an altogether new aspect, flies, much less, the ground is thickened, (prevention of heavy rain flooded the river) the middle of the road is also paved cement, rugged.From the launch of the first satellite of China to the present satellite navigation, from the upper library to the online search and search, from the mainframe to the small chip. The development of science and technology has brought us too many benefits, and let us look forward to the next miracle. 篇四:科技变更生活作文 Science and technology changed life in the middle of the twenty-first Century, the earth's environment deteriorated dramatically. The north and south polar glaciers melt, the sea slowly drowns the city, the famine wantonly spread, and the land resources are scarce. In this era of limited natural resources and rapid development of science and technology.For the sake of survival, one of the most outstanding products, artificial intelligence, has been made. Its shadows spread throughout all aspects of life, from food and clothing to living, and even to the indisplacable feelings of the tentacles. And the first robot that was entered into the emotional program, David, 11, was started by Monica and brought home, and David became her most loyal son. In the end, because David was no longer needed by Monica, Monica abandoned David in a forest. After a thousand years, the icy David returned to the earth. At this time the aliens had dominated the earth, and Monica had already died, but David did not forget it.The kindhearted alien cloned a Monica for David to make them get together for a short time. This is a story about a thousand years of love. Many people in artificial intelligence, after reading the film, think that it all just happened in the imaginary world of the future. But it's not just that. In today's rapid development of high technology, everything is possible. Today there are artificial computers, artificial cars, and the appearance of robots tomorrow is not surprising. But at the same time in the development of high technology, what kind of development posture do we have? As we all know, when technology is applied to the vicious side of human nature, the harm, disaster and decay that it brings is far from the big problem in the military field. Examples of the use of high technology to commit crimes or the destruction of bad conditions, the use of nuclear weapons, and waste of resources are not discussed temporarily. There are some examples of the loss of human nature in the society today. People at the top of the society scolded their parents, the "little moon" incident, even on the campus "campus bullying" and other social problems. The main source of it is "love" in human nature. "Artificial intelligence", in the machine in the slaughterhouse, crazy people will laugh, a robot wantonly torture, we see the human cold, cruel and lack of love. At this time, a robot saw a little David, and he was surprised to say, "someone has poured a lot of love on him!" Yes, full of love little boy David, thinking that he is a mother's unique child.He is the greatest carrier of mankind, his love, even beyond the bestowed man on his love, and even the life of the whole of mankind. In the future, the robot can do the housework, can organize the garden, can work, can be a friend. They can satisfy all the needs of mankind, but we can't deny that technology provides convenience for everyone's life, but good or bad is relative. Science and technology is a powerful thing in the development of human society, and there is a bad place behind the good side. While we are enjoying the changes that technology brings to our lives, we have to admit that some aspects of our hearts are slowly changing.For example, sympathy. For example, pity. For example, love. The movie's David gets the sympathy of the audience because the sentient life has the right to love and be loved. But Monica did not understand that a love, whether on the human body or on the machine, would shed tears. Never expire, never fade, never die. Yes, everything can be frozen, only love can not. Hope we enjoy in the science and technology at the same time, more is to don't doubt love, do not forget to love, not to lose love, do not love the people in. 篇五:科技变更生活作文 There was a map that was divided into three small plots, and the background of each picture was in the summer evening. The first picture is a grandmother, she was lying in bed, sleepy eyes, hands still holding a bamboo fan, while driving the mosquitoes and also a huge flow of tears; the second picture is an older gentleman, saw him sitting in a the wooden chair, hands holding a tattered book, but the first picture is not the same, he is not a fan of summerheat tools, electric fan, but on his desk the metal shell, the wind blows his wet hair. However, he didn't seem to have the trouble of mosquitoes. Instead, he enjoyed the pleasure of reading. As for the third picture, it was quite different from the first two pictures. The character in the picture was a child. He was playing with building blocks, without any worries, and he had a happy smile on his lips. Of course, this is the convenience brought by the air conditioner!From "bamboo leaf fan" to "metal shell fan", every household has "air conditioning". This is the credit of science and technology! Of course, science and technology bring us far more than these, there are two most important things, that is communication and consultation.In ancient times, people transmit information by post, feibook, beacon alarm, symbols, language, eye contact, touch etc. Today, with the rapid development of science, communication is basically completed by wire or radio. There are various ways of communication, such as fixed telephone, wireless phone, mobile phone, Internet and even video phone. Let us have to say that communication technology draws closer to the distance between people, improves the efficiency of communication, and profoundly changes the communication of human beings. With the communication technology after life, is "Zhimakaihua steadily high". People have a phone call and a phone call for consolation. But the most powerful example was also the urgent need of help people. If you have a fire at home, you can dial 119 immediately. If you have a sudden accident on the road, you can dial 110. If you want to know some local phone calls, you can query 114. I think this is the convenience brought by technology. And the convenience of the consultation is more to let people shout "magic"! "Great"! "Convenient"! As far as information consulting is concerned, information consulting is a kind of business activity based on the collection, processing and delivery of effective use and feedback based on various information. Information consulting industry is a knowledge-based industry that uses information processing technology to collect, process, sort, analyze and transmit all kinds of information, and provide information products, such as solutions, strategies, proposals, plans or measures, to customers. With consultation, is it not convenient for people to know the world at home?People can't live without science and technology, just as science and technology change life! 篇六:科技变更生活作文 "Mom, do you have a TV when you were a child?" After dinner, I raised a question to my mother. "Where did we come to TV when we were young?" The answer is "Daddy, when we were young in the village is only a TV every night, we went to see his chair, black and white, there is only one channel, often the signal is not good, even the image is not clear, we can" listen "with relish, that you like now so happy 42 inch TV is too small!" My father's words, let me thinking: what is so great, let rural change in just thirty years?The problem is perplexing. My father was born in 70s, and it was in an era of extremely scarce living matter. What makes our living standards change at a high speed? It was not until I read the book "sixty years of glory".In 1977, Grandpa Deng Xiaoping put forward the national strategic policy of "starting with science and education". Since then, thousands of researchers, high-technology workers and people's teachers have begun to respond to the national call and invest in the front line of scientific research education, making the technology of new China develop rapidly, and people's living standard has been improved rapidly.Seeing this, I can not help but reminiscent of my old home, Sheng Fu, a small mountain village that was once poor. I remember when I was small, the mountain is full of dirt road leading to the home, the rain will become muddy, it is difficult to pass; only a few TV channels are black and white, less, but also often snow in the mountains; hot summer and cold in winter, not only the summer without air conditioning, and some do not even have the fan, the heat is the mosquitoes unbearable, and the opportunity to have been out of trouble, I can place of love and hate.Unwittingly, I grew up slowly. Every time I return to my home, I feel a new change. The muddy mountain, mountain tea today; old tea farm hands dry, today the tin machine turn. Look, the bags made of tea, that traditional practices artificial tea gone for ever; see, the tea shop in the constant temperature air conditioning, as if in the strong wind to tell you that "heaven" era has ended; see, the old black and white television has ceased to exist. It is "which broadcast which" satellite TV and digital TV "network connection", which can receive satellite TV from the America TV channel, while digital TV is the full realization of the high difficulty to see what time what time """.Nobody thought that science and technology changed our life, and the poor small mountain village had changed so much. In the next few decades, when we are old and old, what is going to happen in our life again! We believe that with the rapid development of science and technology, our life will be happier and better, and our motherland will be more prosperous. 篇七:科技变更了生活作文 With the continuous development of science and technology, the quality of our life as Zhimakaihua - better and better, our life is rich and colorful, can be said that technology has changed our lives.


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