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    Unit2 Task课件-牛津译林版七年级英语上册.pptx

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    Unit2 Task课件-牛津译林版七年级英语上册.pptx

    Unit2 Lets play sports!TaskHe is my hero.Yao Ming was once a member of Chinese Basketball Team.I like watching his matches.In my free time,I often talk about basketball with my friends.My favourite playerDavidDavid,a student at Sunshine Middlea student at Sunshine Middle SchoolSchool is is writing about his favourite sport.writing about his favourite sport.LetLet s meet him.s meet him.1.Whats Davids favourite sport?2.When and who does he often play basketball with?3.Who is his favourite player?Why?1.Whats Davids favourite sport?2.When and who does he often play basketball with?3.Who is his favourite player?Why?His favourite sport is basketball.He often plays basketball with his friends after school.Yao Ming.Because he plays basketball well.Read the article and fill in the blanks.David _ sports.He _ basketball very much.He is a _ of his school basketball _.He often _ basketball with his friends after _.They often talk _basketball and watch basketball _ on TV.Yao Ming is his _ basketball player.He is Davids _.loveslikesmemberteamplaysschoolaboutmatchesfavouritehero1.Para 1 ()2.Para 2 ()3.Para 3.()A.What is Davids favourite sport?B.What team is David in?C.When does David often play basketball?D.Who does David often play basketball with?E.What else do David and his friends often do?F.What do they watch on TV?G.Who is Davids hero?H.Why does David like YaoMing?AFG,B,C,D,E,HPara.1Para.2Para.3Lets look at the structure(结构)结构)of the writing.Para.1 1.What is Davids favourite sport?Basketball is his favourite sport.David likes basketball very much.David loves basketball.Para.2 2.What team is David in?He is in/a member of the school basketball team.He plays for the school basketball team.3.Who does David often play basketball with?He often plays basketball with his friends.4.When does David often play basketball?After school.5.What else do David and hid friends often do?They often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on TV.Para.3 6.Who is Davids hero?Yao Ming is his favourite basketball player.He likes Yao Ming very much.Yao Ming is his hero.7.And why?Because he plays basketball very well.Who is your favourite player?Li NaWang YimeiLin DanSun YangYao MingZhangYiningUseful expressionsI love sports because.I likevery much.I enjoy(doing)is my favorite sport.I like walking/swimming/playing I am a member of the school team I often play withWe often talk about and watch basketball matches on TVmake(s)me happy/feel great.is my favoriteplayer/star/hero.He plays basketball very well I want to be a player like him/her when I grow up.I hope my dream comes true one day.Part 1 Part 2Part 3Pair work:Ask and answerDo you like sports?Do you like sports?What is your favourite sport?What is your favourite sport?Are you good atAre you good at?Who do you often play with?Who do you often play with?WhereWhere do you often play?do you often play?When do you often play.?When do you often play.?Who is your favourite player?Who is your favourite player?Why do you like him/her?Why do you like him/her?Who is your hero?Who is your hero?Where is your hero from?Where is your hero from?How old is he/she?How old is he/she?I often play table tennis_I often play tennis_I often play basketball_Where do you often play.?on the tennis courton the basketball court(球场球场)on the table tennis courtI often swim_I often play football_I often play volleyball_Where do you often play.?on the volleyball courton the football field(田野田野)in the swimming poolPart B:My favourite sportWhat is your What is your favourite sport?favourite sport?My favourite sport isMy favourite sport isWho do you often Who do you often play with?play with?I often playI often play.withwith(parents/(parents/classmates/friends.)classmates/friends.)When and where When and where do you often do you often play?play?I often play on/atI often play on/at(at PE at PE lessonslessons/on theon the school school groundground)/()/(after schoolafter school/in the parkin the park)Do you often Do you often watch matches?watch matches?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.I often watch matches.I often watch matches.Who is your Who is your favourite player?favourite player?My favourite playerMy favourite playerMy name is_.I love sports and I like_Very much._I love sports!Writing 根据书本part B的表格,以my favourite sport为题写一篇文章,可以进行适当的发挥(如自己今后的梦想),字数在70字左右。Rules:1.整体性:结构清晰(如:是否分段),正确使用标整体性:结构清晰(如:是否分段),正确使用标点符号,书写端正。点符号,书写端正。2.优美性:语句连贯、优美(如:使用一些关联词,优美性:语句连贯、优美(如:使用一些关联词,时间状语,形容词,副词等)。时间状语,形容词,副词等)。3.完整性:要点齐全,适当拓展。完整性:要点齐全,适当拓展。4.准确性:语法正确,语句通顺。准确性:语法正确,语句通顺。Structure(结构)结构)A clear structure(结构清晰结构清晰)5Grammar(语法)语法)No grammar mistakes(没语法错误)(没语法错误)7Expressions(表达)(表达)No spelling mistakes(没拼写错误)(没拼写错误)10Handwriting(书写)(书写)Clean and pretty(整洁漂亮)(整洁漂亮)3Result:20 Excellent 15-20 Good =10-15 Not bad 10 Work harder评分标准评分标准:25First check by yourselves.And then work in groups of four and choose the best article.Homework1.Recite the article on P28.2.Finish some exercises on the Students Workbook.


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