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    Section AUnit 5Unit 5Invitation:Can you come to my party?Acception:Sure,Id love to(come).Declination:Sorry,I cant.I Key words:lesson 课程课程 concert 音乐会音乐会Key phrases:study for a test 为考试而学习为考试而学习 help my parents 帮助我的父母帮助我的父母 go to the doctor 去看医生去看医生 visit my aunt 拜访我的姑姑拜访我的姑姑 have a piano lesson 上钢琴课上钢琴课对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示谢绝,还记得下面的原因和理由吗?试着翻译谢绝,还记得下面的原因和理由吗?试着翻译-Can you come to my party?-Im sorry I cant.I_.1.得去探望我叔叔2.得去上吉他课3.得帮助我父母4.得做做运动5.有很多作业要写6.得去看医生7.得学习准备考试8.得上钢琴课9.得照看我妹妹10.得去和爷爷钓鱼11.得去拜访我表兄弟12.感觉不舒服have to visit my uncle have to go to my guitar lesson have to help my parentshave to do exerciseshave much homework to do have to go to the doctorhave to study for a testhave a piano lesson have to babysit my sisterhave to go fishing with grandpahave to visit my cousinam not feeling well Listen.Write the names (Tim,Wilson,Anna,Kay)next to the correct students in the pictureTedTimKayAnnaWilsonA:Can you come to my party on Wednesday?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.D:Im sorry,too.I have to go to the doctor.Task 1:GroupworkStudent A invite three students to your party.Students B,C,and D,give answers.Listen.Circle “can”or “cant”.1.Jeff can/cant come to the party.2.Mary can/cant come to the party.3.May can/cant come to the party.4.Claudia can/cant come to the party.5.Paul can/cant come to the 2 3 12bListen again.Number the reasons 1-3why people cant go to the party.I have to study for a test.I have to have a piano lesson.Why cant you come to the party?I have to go to the concert.reasonsREVIEWInvitation:Can you come to my partyAcceptation:Sure,Id love to.Yes,I d love to.Declination:Im sorry,I cant.I have to Id love to.But I have toSummary:How to accept or decline the invitations?(如何接受或拒绝邀请?)接受邀请:Sure,Id love to.婉拒邀请:Sorry,I cant.I have to.Sorry,I cant.Im _ing.have a piano lessonstudy for a test.go to the doctorvisit my auntA:Can you come to my party?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant.I have togD:Im sorry,too.I have to.A:Can she/he come to my party on Saturday?A:Can she/he come to my party on Saturday?B:No,she/he canB:No,she/he can t.She/he t.She/he has tohas to go to the go to the doctor/doctor/1.Thats too bad.太遗憾了。表示遗憾或同情。太遗憾了。表示遗憾或同情。2.Maybe another time.也许换个时间吧。也许换个时间吧。或或Maybe next time.也许下一次吧也许下一次吧3.another/the other/others/the others1)another another+n.(单数单数)三者中或无范围的另一个三者中或无范围的另一个 eg.This coat is too big.Please show me another one.2)the other one,the other 一个是一个是,另一个是另一个是.,表表示两者中的另一个示两者中的另一个 eg.I have two pens.One is black,the other is red.ExplanationGrammar Focus主要句型主要句型:Can you come to my party?Sure,Id love to.Sorry,I cant.I have to Sorry,I cant.Im visiting my aunt/Can he/she/they?No,he/she/they cant.He/She has/They have to No,he/she/they cant.He/She is Theyre本堂课谈论和学习怎样本堂课谈论和学习怎样邀请别人邀请别人或或接受接受别人的邀请以别人的邀请以及如何委婉及如何委婉说明不能应邀的原因说明不能应邀的原因。Lisa:Hi,Simon,_Lisa:Hi,Simon,_ you come to my _ you come to my _Simon:_is It?Simon:_is It?Lisa:ItLisa:Its _s _ at_ at_Simon:Great!ISimon:Great!Id love to.d love to.canParty?Whenon Friday June30four-thirty.It Its a Birthday Party!s a Birthday Party!For whom:Lisa For whom:Lisa Time:Friday,June 30,at four-thirtyTime:Friday,June 30,at four-thirtyPlace:LisaPlace:Lisas house,15th street s house,15th street Come and have fun!Come and have fun!3aFor whom:For whom:_ _Time:Time:_ _on Friday September 5,at five-thirty.Come and join us!Come and join us!Its a _!Its a _!an invitationCan you?When is it?Its.Where is it?Its.Great!Id love to./Sorry,I have toBirthday PartyJim PlacePlace:Jim s house 课堂跟踪练习单项选择().-Can you come to my birthday?-_.A.Yes,I cant.B.Sorry,I cant.C.No,I can.D.Sorry,I can.().-Can you come to my house?-Sure,_ A.Id love to.B.Id love C.Id like.D.I cant()Im too tired,so I _ sit down and rest every five minutes.A.must B.must to C.have D.have to()Id love_shopping with my mother.A.going B.goes C.to go D.went(D)5.I already had to_ when I was your age.A.working B.to work C.works D.workBAACDHomework:1.抄写语法表里的句子。抄写语法表里的句子。2.背诵背诵2c的对话。的对话。3.为你的为你的party 设计一张富有个性的请柬。设计一张富有个性的请柬。


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