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    高一英语Lesson 99 教学设计方案.docx

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    高一英语Lesson 99 教学设计方案.docx

    高一英语Lesson 99 教学设计方案Lesson 99 教学设计方案Teaching Aims1. Study the second part of the story. Get a general idea of the text by asking and answering questions.2. Learn the grammar item: Possibility Modal Verbs.Teaching proceduresStep 1 RevisionAnswer the questions about Lesson 98l) What did Dr. Baker receive one day? 2) Why did he think that it was funny to send him this invitation? 3) Did he go there at last? 4) What happened on the morning of the second day?5) What did the organizer want Dr. Baker to do? 6) What did Dr. Baker say to the organizer?Step 2 Watch and ListenAfter that ,please answer the following questions.1).Where did they discover the mistake?2) .Where did Dr. Baker work and what was his special field?Key: 1) They discovered the mistake at the organizer's office. 2) Dr. Baker worked at Lincoln's College in Tennessee and he was an expert on illnesses of the ear, nose and throat.Step 3 ReadingRead this paragraph carefully and then chose which is true or false.1) The mistake was made by the organizer. 2) Dr. Baker was working in England. 3) Both Dr. Baker and Dr. Lively were experts on ENT. 4) Dr. Baker gave a very good talk the next day. 5) Dr. Baker was likely to come to the same conference the next year.Key: 1) False 2) False 3) True 4) False 5) TrueStep 4 PracticeAsk the students to say something about Dr. Bakers experiences at the medical conference based on two articles.Suggest answer:Dr. Baker was very much surprised to receive an invitation to the.Medical Conference in London. However, he decided to attend the meeting himself. On the morning of the second day of the conference, the main speaker failed to arrive because of the bad weather at the airport. So he was asked to give a talk instead. When the organizer asked him to give a talk on DNA, Dr. Baker told him that he was an expert on ENT. Later the organizer discovered the mistake. Though the organizer had put Dr. P Bakers name on the list of speakers, someone had made a careless mistake and had written “Dr. D Baker” instead when the invitation list was being done. Anyhow Dr. Baker did give a talk that day and everyone at the conference was very interested in it.Step 5 GrammarHave a summary on the usage of the Modal Verbs.确定揣测用must be 和 must have done否定揣测用can't be和can't have done疑问句中表揣测用can. Can it be true?表可能用may和may have done表应当用 should do和should have done.Step 6 PracticeFill in the blanks using must, may, can, could, can't, mustn't.1. Who 1 she be?She 2 be Lucy.She 3 be Lucy. Lucy left for America.Then she 4 be her twin sister Lily.2. 5 I use your dictionary, Mr Baker?Yes, of course you 6 .3. The gentleman 7 be Dr Lively. Dr Lively is a lady.4. She 8 come with us this afternoon, but she isnt sure yet.5. He knows a lot about Xinjiang. He 9 have been there before.6. May I speak to the patient?No, you 10 .He's too weak now.Key:1. can 2. may 3. cant 4. must 5. Could 6. can7. cant 8. may 9. must 10. mustntStep 7 WorkbookDo exercises in Students Book . P.43 part 3.Finish off P101 part 3 and 4.Step 8 HomeworkRevise the contents of this unit.Prepare Lesson 100


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