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    Unit 2单元话题语法填空专项练习-学年选择性必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(人教版2019).docx

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    Unit 2单元话题语法填空专项练习-学年选择性必修第一册单元重难点易错题精练(人教版2019).docx

    Unit 2单元话题语法填空专项练习(名校最新真题)(2022.重庆合川.高二阶段练习)在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式或者一个单词。With the development of modem technology, people can stay (connect) with their families and friends easily, however far apart they are from each other. WeChat is one of 2 most frequently used means of communication in China. It is reported that the number of the WeChat users 3 (reach) over 1.1 billion so far.Once 4 (join) the WeChat, people can find more and more people start to add them as friends. They don't have to consider time 5 (zone) when communicating. Another reason why it becomes so popular is that it costs nothing. It9s also very convenient fbr people to 6 (immediate) update what they are doing by WeChat.However, addiction to WeChat will rob people of the time that should otherwise be spent 7 something more important. And the many so-called friends on it are not really friends at all, 8 simply want to put ads or sell items on Moments. Besides, people on the Wechat are more likely 9 (compare) themselves with others, which will make them feel bad when finding some people seem to be 10 (success).(2022浙江杭十四中高二期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of practicing their language skills and learning 11 different cultures. With the Internet, finding friends has been much 12 (easy) and such relationship is called key pals. However, you should take care when 13 (find) friends on the Internet.First, look for reviews of your chosen sites 14 (know) more about other students9 experiences. Don't join service until your research 15, Then, you'd better use a nickname, rather than your real name toprotect 16 (you), and never give personal 17 (inform) to anyone, your home address, phone number and birthday 18(include). What's more, you should stop contact with others if you feeluncomfortable with the topics of conversation. Meanwhile, it's best to ask appropriate questions to learn someone's personal experience, 19 may help you understand 20 whole culture. Most importantly, tell your teachers, parents or even the police if a problem arises.(2022四川省绵阳南山中学高二期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(仅限1词)或括号内单词 的正确形式(不多于3个词)。March 15, 2022, marks a(n) 21 (forget) date for the Eiffel Tower, which has always played its part in major innovations in radio and television. The Eiffel Tower grew by six meters on that day after engineers hoisted a new communications antenna (通信天线)at 22 very top of France's most iconic landmark. The towerthe47. itdesigned48. to access【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了互联网的诞生。互联网可以追溯到1969年,当时美国国防组织开发出一 种方法,让所有的电脑都能通过 相互通话。1984年,国家科学基金会建立了国家科学基金会网络,被 称为互联网。1989年,一位英国科学家提出了万维网的概念并使每个人都能上网。41. 考查形容词。句意:互联网是世界上最大的信息来源,由数百万页的数据组成。根据空前的定冠词the 及联系上下文可知用形容词最高级形式,修饰名词source。故填biggest。42. 考查定语从句。句意:互联网是世界上最大的信息来源,由数百万页的数据组成。分析句子结构可知, 此处空格处引导定语从句,先行词为the Internet,指物,在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故填which。43. 考查非谓语动词。句意:它可以追溯到1969年,当时一个美国国防组织开发出一种方法,让所有的电 脑都能通过 相互通话。分析句子可知,"(date)backto 1969”作状语,date与逻辑主语aUS defense是主 动关系,用现在分词形式作状语,故填Dating。44. 考查名词。句意:它可以追溯到1969年,一个美国国防组织开发出一种方法,让所有的电脑都能通过 相互通话。空格处作主语用名词作主语,由不定冠词修饰用单数,故填。rganization。45. 考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:他们创立了一个名为DAEPANET的网络,然而,它只被美军使用。 分析句子可知,which引导定语从句,指代先行词DAEPANET,从句中作主语,是单数,use作从句谓语 动词,二者之间是被动关系,这里在讲一件过去发生的事,所以句子用一般过去时态,故填was used。46. 考查固定短语。句意:然后在1984年,NSF开始了 NSFNET网络,这是称为网络。be known as意 为"被称为”,为固定搭配。由the NSFNET network (国家科学基金会网络)后来又被称为the Inter-Network(互联网)可知,应用be known as"被称为: 是固定短语。故填as。47. 考查冠词。句意:后来,1989年,一位英国科学家在瑞士工作时提出了万维网的概念。此处特指这位 科学家提出的万维网的概念,需要用定冠词,故填the。48. 考查代词。句意:他使每个人都能上网。分析句子结构可知,此处用it作形式宾语,代替后面的不定 式短语。111狄吾+2e.+砧。13.1:0(10是固定用法,意为“使某人做某事是”,故填在。49. 考查非谓语动词。句意:他设计的第一个“网络浏览器”允许计算机用户访问其他计算机上的文件。分 析句子成分可知,"9(design) by him”作后置定语修饰句子的主语The first “web browser”(第一个“网络浏览器”),design和The first “web browser”之间是被动关系,因此要用过去分词作定语,故填designed。50. 考查非谓语动词。句意同上。这里考查短语allow sb. to do允许某人做,用不定式作宾语补足语。故填 to accessodiscovered51. wherebenefits52. usuallyan53. himselfsuccessful54. betterit55. to raise【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了互联网如何改变英国伯明翰一位因病而辞职的英语老师的生活。51 .考查动词时态。句意:过了一段时间,她发现上网可以帮助她减少孤独和无聊。结合上时态可知,此 处是讲述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填discovered。52 .考查定语从句。句意:她还加入了一个在线小组,在那里她可以谈论自己的问题,并获得他人的支持 和建议。分析句子可知,空处引导限定性定语从句,先行词是。nline group,关系词在从句中作地点状语, 应用where引导。故填whereo.考查名词复数。句意:她意识到互联网最大的好处之一是能够消除通常存在于人与人之间的距离感。 beneEt好处,益处,是可数名词,one of后常接可数名词复数,表示"之一故填benefits。53 .考查副词。句意:她意识到互联网最大的好处之一是能够消除通常存在于人与人之间的距离感。修饰 动词exists,应用副词形式。故填usually。54 .考查冠词。句意:网友给了她很大的启发,她决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教老年人如何使用电脑和互联 网。club俱乐部,是可数名词,此处表示泛指“一个IT俱乐部”,应用不定冠词,且IT是以元音音素开头, 故填an。55 .考查反身代词。句意:现在他工作了,而且可以照顾自己,他的女儿就有时间在大学学习。此处宾语 与主语是同一指代对象,应用反身代词作宾语,himself他自己。故填himself。56 .考查形容词。句意:她不再感到孤独,她的公司也相当成功。become在句中用作连系动词,空处应填 形容词,作表语,successful成功的。故填successful。57 .考查形容词比拟级。句意:Jan已经开始上在线课程,以了解更多关于如何利用互联网让社会变得更 好。结合句意可知,此处应用形容词比拟级,better更好的。故填better。58 .考查it作形式主语。句意:她认为,消除数字鸿沟、确保每个人都能使用互联网并知道如何运用新技 术是非常重要的。分析句子可知,that引导的是宾语从句,空处是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语, 应用it作形式主语。故填在。59 .考查非谓语动词。句意:她的下一个目标是建立一个慈善网站,为贫穷国家的儿童募集资金。结合句 意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式,作目的状语。故填t。raise。56. itheld57. whichbe enlarged58. independentlyout59. experimentsintention60. guaranteeingnational【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲的是中国修建太空站的一些事情,包括计划投入运营的时间、太空站的设计 理念,以及修建太空站的目的和意义等。61. 考查代词。句意:中国计划在2022年左右建成一个空间站并投入运行。分析句意可知,此处缺“空间 站'的意思,故用让来代替作宾语。故填匕考查非谓语动词。句意:中国载人航天计划总设计师周建平在中国南部广东省举行的论坛上说。分析句子 结构可知,此处hold做非谓语,与逻辑主语forum是被动关系,应该用done形式。故填held。62. 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:据周说,空间站的设计重量为100吨,可容纳3名宇航员,如果需要, 可以进行扩建。分析句子结构可知,此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是the space station,指物,需用关 系代词which引导。故填whicho考查被动语态。句意:据周说,空间站的设计重量为100吨,可容纳3名宇航员,如果需要,可以进 行扩建。分析句子结构可知,此处enlarge做谓语,与主语the space station是被动关系,应该用被动语态, 且放在情态动词could后面。故填be enlargedo63. 考查副词。句意:空间站建设的主要目标是使中国成为一个独立掌握近地空间长期载人飞行技术的国 家,并具有进行长期载人科学实验的能力。分析句子结构可知,此处应该用副词修饰后面的动词mastero 故填 independentlyo考查动词短语搭配。句意:空间站建设的主要目标是使中国成为一个独立掌握近地空间长期载人飞行 技术的国家,并具有进行长期载人科学实验的能力。carry out为固定搭配,表示“实施二故填out。64. 考查名词。句意:空间站建设的主要目标是使中国成为一个独立掌握近地空间长期载人飞行技术的国 家,并具有进行长期载人科学实验的能力。experiment为可数名词,空间张进行的实验应该不止一次,应 用复数形式。故填experiments。65. 考查词性转换。句意:周利民表示,空间站将成为中国空间科学研究的主要平台,旨在掌握大型空间 设施的建设和运行技术、经常在轨飞行的宇航员的生命和健康保障技术以及国家空间实验室的建设。分析 句子结构可知,the+名词+of表示”的",空格处应该填名词形式,表示“意图故填intention。66. 考查非谓语动词。句意:周利民表示,空间站将成为中国空间科学研究的主要平台,旨在掌握大型空 间设施的建设和运行技术、经常在轨飞行的宇航员的生命和健康保障技术以及国家空间实验室的建设。分 析句子结构可知,guarantee在此处做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语the technologies是主动关系,应该用doing 形式。故填 guaranteeing。67. 考查形容词。句意:周利民表示,空间站将成为中国空间科学研究的主要平台,旨在掌握大型空间设 施的建设和运行技术、经常在轨飞行的宇航员的生命和健康保障技术以及国家空间实验室的建设。分析句 子结构可知,此处应该用形容词修饰后面的名词space lab。故填national。68. takenwhich69. were shotexploration70. afterfeatures71. Theharder72. successfullybeginning【导语】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了中国发射的天问一号以及祝融号火星探测器。71 .考查非谓语动词。句意:中国国家航天局周四公布了三张最近祝融号火星探测器所拍摄的照片,照片 显示了探测器着陆时所使用的降落伞以及碗形的背壳。分析句子可知,提示词在句中作后置定语,修饰名 词pictures,是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语pictures之间为被动关系,应用过去分词。故填taken。72 .考查定语从句。句意:中国国家航天局周四公布了三张最近祝融号火星探测器所拍摄的照片,照片显 示了探测器着陆时所使用的降落伞以及碗形的背壳。分析句子可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句,先行词 > three pictures,在定语从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。73 .考查动词语态。句意:周一祝融号探测器的摄像机拍摄了这些照片,当时探测器正在向南进行科学探 测。分析句子可知,shoot(拍摄)是主句中的谓语动词,与主语The pictures之间是被动关系,结合时间状语 on Monday可知,应用一般过去时态被动语态,又因主语是复数名词,所以谓语动词也应使用复数形式。 故填 were shot。74 .考查名词。句意:周一祝融号探测器的摄像机拍摄了这些照片,当时探测器正在向南进行科学探测。 结合句意及句子分析可知,提示词位于形容词scientific后,应用名词exploration,作宾语。故填explorationo 75.考查介词。句意:截止周四下午,以中国古代神话中的火神命名的祝融号已经运行了 60天,行走了 45。米的距离去调查这个荒芜的星球。name after为固定短语,意为“以命名: 故填after。76 .考查名词。句意:240千克重的祝融号的任务是调查火星地形、地理结构、土壤特性、潜在的水源位 置以及冰和其他物理特性。可数名词feature意为“特征。结合常识和句意可知,火星土壤特征是复数概念, 应用其复数形式,作宾语。故填features。77 .考查冠词。句意:1.85米高的月球车是“天文一号”任务的核心组成局部,该任务比月球任务更难。名 词L85-meter-highrover是指上文提到的“月球车”,特指,应用定冠词the限定,另外句首单词首字母大写。 故填Theo.考查比拟级。句意:1.85米高的月球车是“天文一号”任务的核心组成局部,该任务比月球任务更难。 根据句意,句中把“天文一号''火星探测任务与月球探测任务相比拟,应使用比拟级形式。故填harder。78 .考查副词。句意:天问一号是2020年7月23日在文昌航天发射中心搭载长征五号运载火箭成功发射 的,开启了国家第一次探索另一个星球的任务。修饰动词launched,应用副词,作状语。故填successfully。79 .考查非谓语动词。句意:天问一号是2020年7月23日在文昌航天发射中心搭载长征五号运载火箭成 功发射的,开启了国家第一次探索另一个星球的任务。分析句子结构可知,本句中已含有一个谓语动词, 且没有连接词,此处要使用非谓语动词,逻辑主语Tianwen l和begin之间为主动关系,应用现在分词,作 伴随状语。故填beginning。was built by Gustave Eiffel in the late 19th century, now 23 (measure) 330 meters in height after the DAB+ antenna was airlifted onto its peak by helicopter.This new antenna will improve the quality of digital radio coverage for Paris. DAB+ is the radio version of DTT, Digital Terrestrial Television. It allows 13 radios 24 (broadcast) on the same frequency, unlike on the FM band, 25 each radio has its own frequency. In addition, 26 (listen) enjoy excellent sound quality thanks to a strong signal captured by a dedicated DAB+ receiver.When it was completed in 1889,27 taking the name of its creator, the Eiffel Tower was called the“300 m Tower”. It was exactly 984 feet tall. However, on its 28 (open) ceremony on March 31, it was topped by a large flagpole from which the French flag was flown, taking the height of the Tower to 312 meters.The Eiffel Tower 29 (use) for broadcast transmission for more than 100 years,30 theheight of its pinnacle (塔尖)changing numerous times as ageing antennas were replaced.(2022.广西.南宁市第四十二中学高二期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的 正确形式。She was so 31 (inspire) by the people she met online that she decided to start 32 IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. She and her friends now organise 33 (event) and collect money to pay for 34 (privacy) teachers. Since then, many people 35 (help) by the club. A 59-year-old man learnt how to apply 36 work online and found a great job. Now that he works and can take care of himself, his daughter has time 37 (study) at university. A 61-year-old woman38 was living alone has started a small online company together with two friends. She no longer feels 39 (lone), and her company has become quite 40(success).(2022.江西赣州.高二期中)阅读以下短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的适当形 式。The Internet is the 41 (big)source of information in the world, 42 consists of millions of pages of data.43 (date)back to 1969, a US defense 44 (organize)developed a way for all their computers to talk to each other through their telephone. They created a network called DAEPANET, which, however, 45 (use)only by the US army. Then in 1984, the NSF started the NSFNET network, which was known 46 the Inter-Network. Later, an English scientist put forward 47 idea of the World Wide Web while he was working in Swizerland in 1989. He made 48 possible for everyone to use the Internet. The first “web browser”49 (design)by him allowed computer users 50 (access)documents from other computers. From that moment on, the Internet grew. Within five years, the number of Internet users rose from 600, 000 to 40 million.(2022山东省郸城第一中学高二期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确 形式。Jan, an English teacher in Birmingham, UK, suddenly developed a serious illness and had to quit her job. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. After a while, she 51 (discover) that surfing the Internet could help her less lonely and bored.She could listen to music, watch films, play games, and explore the world.She also joined an online group52 she could talk about herproblems and get support and advice from others. She realised that one of the greatest 53 (benefit) of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that 54 (usual) exists between people.She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start 55 IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. She and her friends now organise events and collect money to pay for private teachers. Many people have been helped by the club. A 59-year-old man learnt how to apply for work online and found a great job. Now that he works and can take care of 56 (him), his daughter has time to study at university. A61-year-old woman who was living alone has started a small online company together with two friends. She no longer feels lonely, and her company has become quite 57 (success).Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society 58 (good). She believes that 59 is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology. Her next goal is to start a charity website 60 (raise) money for children in poor countries.(2022.四川.石室中学高二期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正 确形式。“China plans to complete the construction of a space station and have 61 put into operation around 2022J said Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China's manned space program, at a forum 62 (hold) in south China's Guangdong Province. If needed, the space station, 63 is designed to weigh 100 tonnes and accommodate three astronauts, could 64 (enlarge) if needed, according to Zhou.“The main goal of the construction of the space station is to enable China to become a country 65 (independent) mastering the technology for long-term manned flight in near Earth space, and having the capacity to carry 66 long-term manned scientific 67 (experiment),said Zhou at the 4th China Summit Forum on Human Factors Engineering, which was held at Sun Yat-sen University.The space station will be built as China*s main platform for space science research, with the 68 (intend) of mastering the technologies in constructing and operating large space facilities, the technologies69 (guarantee) life and health of astronauts who often fly in orbit, and the construction of a 70(nation) space lab, according to Zhou.(2022.广东.执信中学高二阶段练习)按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(正确形式可使用两个词或以上)。The China National Space Administration published on Thursday three pictures 71 (take) recently by its Zhurong Mars rover (探测器),72 showed the parachute (降落伞)and bowl-shaped back shell usedin the rover9 landing.The pictures 73 (shoot) by Zhurong's camera on Monday as the rover was traveling southward for its scientific 74 (explore).As of Thursday afternoon, Zhurong, named 75 the Chinese god of fire in ancient mythology, had operated 60 days on Mars and travelled 450 meters to survey the barren planet. Meanwhile, the mission's orbiter has continued traveling around the Red Planet.The 240-kilogam Zhurong is tasked with surveying Mars9 landforms, geological structures, soil 76 (feature), potential locations of water and ice, and other physical properties.77 1.85-meter-high rover is the core component part of the Tian wen-1 mission, a mission78 (hard) compared to the moon. Tian wen-1 was 79 (success) launched by a Long March-5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23. 2020 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center, 80 (begin) the nation's first mission to another planet.参考答案:1. connected2. the3. has reached4. joining5. zones6. immediately?. on8. who9. to compare 10. successful【导语】这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了微信给人们带来方便的同时,也存在着一些弊端。1. 考查形容词。句意:随着现代技术的开展,人们可以很容易地与家人和朋友保持联系,不管他们相距多 远。系动词stay后用形容词connected作表语,意为“有联系的“,stay connected with"与 保持联系”。故 填 connected o考查冠词。句意:微信是中国最常用的通讯方式之一。根据句意和mostfrequently可知,句中使用多音 节副词frequently的最高级形式作状语,应加定冠词the。故填the。2. 考查时态及主谓一致。句意:据报道,到目前为止,微信的用户数量已经超过11亿。分析句子可知, 提示词是从句谓语动词,结合时间状语so far可知,应使用现在完成时,“the number of+复数名词”作主语 时,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填has reached。3. 考查非谓语动词。句意:一旦加


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