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    课题:Unit2 school life (Welcome to the unit)一、自学英国和美国都是说英语的国家,但两个国家的教育体制有不同的地方,在一些语言的表 达法或单词的拼写上也不同。你能判断下列单词哪些是英式拼写(BE),哪些是美式拼写(AE) 吗?meter metrecolorcolour favoritefavouritetraveling travellingmathmaths neighborneighbour我对我自学的评价我很棒我还行我还要努力一句话自我建议二、互学根据Hobo和Eddie的对话及首字母提示补全下列短文。Hobo asks Eddie why dogs d go to school. Eddie thinks it is b dogs ares than people. Then Hobo wants to know w school is 1. Eddie tellshim that school is like w TV, but there are f advertisements. What do yout school is like?要点点拨(1) Why don't dogs go to school? 这是一个疑问否定句。“为什么不呢?,试着表达下列句子:*他为什么不喜欢数学? Why maths?*你昨天为什么没有做作业?Why do your homework yesterday?否定疑问句Why don* you do sth?是专门用来表示建议或询问对方的想法,与其功能相似 的句型还有:Why not do sth? What/How about doing sth? Lefs do sth.Whafs school like?句子中的like意思为“像”,是介词。和他相关的词组:be like像,look like看起来像(强调视觉印象), 有时候,他们是有区别的。分析下列例句,看看他们到底区别在 哪里。He looks like his mother. His mother is like his friend.Do you want to watch movies on the Internet? Ifs like watching TV. 试翻译下列句子:*你的朋友长什么样?*今天天气如何?三、助学阅读理解Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example, if you cannot remember anything when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.How to teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in, or you have to read. The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you don't understand, or you want to know more about. You can write down these questions. The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard, by reading the text or other books, and sometimes by asking other people. This is the way of teaching yourself. And you must do like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.1. Listening to the teacher is fbr students to learn something.A. not a way B. the best way C. the only way D. not the only way2. Which of the following is right?A. A student can teach himself only in class.B. It is a bad way to learn from the teacher.C. A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.D. Students know very well how to teach themselves.3. In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is .A. writing B. reading C. asking D. answering4. A clever student usually likes .A. asking questions B. answering questions C. find answers D. teaching others5. If you want to succeed, you'd better learn .A. how to teach others B. how to teach yourselfC. to read and write D. how to ask questions课题:Unit 2 School life (Task)一、自学翻译下列词组。wear tiesReading Club Cooking lessons. get up latea big dinning hallmy ideal schoolhave lots of time for listen to pop musichave an hour for lunch go on a school trip to 我对我自学的评价我很棒我还行我还要努力一句话自我建议二、互学一)、完成句子。1 .中国的学生夏天休假比英国学生少几周。in summer than British students.after-school activities.and a supermarketChinese students2 .他将能够完成那项工作。finish that work.He3 .今天我们将有很多时间进行课外活动。Today we will.我理想的学校一边有个公园一边有个超市。 My ideal school has a park4 .你理想中的学校是什么样的?What your?二)、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词。1. My father likes to play Chinese c in his free time.2. Til play baseball after f my homework.3. Young people like p music.4. He is a professional (职业的)table t player.5. There are many students in the(大厅).6. We will have lots of time for after-school a.三、助学Writing:以My Ideal School为题,根据所给信息,写一篇不少于80词的短文。1. begin at 8:00 a.m., finish at 4:00 p.m.2. a lot of trees and flowers3. a big dining hall, we can . there.4. a big school library with five thousand books, seven computer rooms5. Home Economics every day, small classes, . students in each class6. many after-school activities(列出至少两个活动)7. an hour's homework every day, no homework at weekends8. Every month, .My ideal school改写同义句。1.1 have 5 colour pens, but Daniel has only 3.Daniel has colour pens I.2. What is your friend like?What your friend?3. Kitty has fewer magazines than Amy.Amy has magazines Kitty.4. Shanghai is the biggest city in China.Shanghai is bigger city in China.5. How is the weather today?the weather today?6. Why don't you borrow some books from the school library?some books from the school library?四、课后思考阅读理解“What's the matter? "asked his mother . "Why do you look so sad? ” "I don't have anyone to play with , “ Bob said ,"I wish we stayed in London. I have friends there. “You will soon make friends here,“ said his mother . Just then there was a knock on the door. Mrs. Miller opened it. There stood a woman with red hair. "Hello,“ she said ,"I am Mrs. Brown. I live next door. I come to ask fbr two eggs. ” "You may have the eggs, “ said Mrs. Miller. " But sit down for a moment. Let's have coffee and talk a little. That afternoon there was another knock on the door . It was a boy named Tom. "My mother told me to send you this cake and these two eggs." He said. Bob asked him to come in and played with him. They played basketball for an hour happily and soon became good friends. "Tm glad your mother needed two eggs, “ said Bob. Tom laughed. “She didn't need any eggs." He said. "She just wanted to make friends with your mother. ()1. From the passage we learned that.A. Bob had no friends in LondonB Bob's mother don't want to move hereC. no one wanted to play with BobBob's family moved from London()2. Tom came to Bob's house.A before his mother did so B. after his mother did soC. to ask for eggsD . to ask for cakes课题:imit2 School life (Readingl)一、自学(一)翻译下列短语1 .一所男女混合的学校 2.一起上课3.一周两次 4.上驾驶课5.与某人交流 6.一个阅读周7给某人提供帮助 8.努力练习我对我自学的评价我很棒我还行我还要努力一句话自我建议二、互学根据中文提示填写单词。1. David Beckham is one of my (被崇拜的对象).He plays football very well.2. Does your mother like (缝纫)or cooking?3. The chicken (尝起来)wonderful. Would you like to have some?4. We learn many (科目) such as Chinese, Maths and English at school.5. 1 spend some time (练习)singing every Sunday morning.6.1 can solve this difficult Maths problem by (我自己).经过本节课的学习,你能介绍一下John的学校吗?John lives in. He is a student in a school. Boys and girlshave lessons. John and his friends learn many at school. John's favorite one isbecause he can learn how to and. He knew about this before hecame to this school. He even didn't know how to for himself. But now you see hecan cook and meals. John's school has a every year. Theyit very much. They read books from the school or from their. Theymust tell their what they are reading. Near the of each class, theyabout the books with their friends. They all think the reading class is too because theywant to read the books of their friends.三、助学 根据句中提示或题意写出单词的正确形式1. John is a(Britain) student, he comes from London.2. My mother cooks very(taste) meals.3. You should listen to your teacher(careful) and work(hard) than before if you want to get the(high) points in your class.4. If you want to be, you should cook food and eat(health).5. Our school has the(many) students in our city.6. We have a great time(play) softball after school.7. There is(few) water in my bottle than in yours.8. They were the(hero) of the World War IL四、课后思考完型填空In the middle of a dark forest, there lived an owl (猫头鹰).All the animals knew that he was the 1 among all of them. So they often went to him and told him their 2 , Then the owl always taught them what they must do.One day, a little bird went up to the owl. She was crying. "What's 3 you?” asked the owL 'Tm not 4 at all. I don't want to be 5 J the bird said. nWhy don't you want to be a bird?'1 asked the owl. *'I am so small and weak and useless/1 she cried. nI want to be big and 6 like the lion. He is very important, but I am not.”Then the owl whispered (耳语)7 in her ear. At once the bird 8 her tears and went away. 9, the bird came back. nOh, thank you very much, you are a very wise owl J she said to the owl. nI am very happy now. Every day, I sit on top of the tallest tree and watch out for(监 视)lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my voice. Then my friends all run and hide. They are very 10 to me. I am useful and important now.'* The wise owl smiled and said, nNo one in this world is useless.n( )1. A. laziest B. wisest (智慧)C. weakest D. bravest( )2.A.stories B. lives C. troubles D. families( )3.A.matter with B. your wrong with C. the troubleto D. wrong with( )4.A.happy B. rich C. important D. famous( )5. A. a lion B. a bird C. tiger D. owl( )6. A. fat B. rich C. strong D. tall( )7. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( )8. A. dried B. ran down C. cried D. burst into( )9. A. One week after B. One week later C. In a week D. Later one week( )10. A. helpful B. friendly C. thankful D. angiy课题:unit2 School life (Reading!)一、自学让学生快速浏览课文,回答问题。1. Which school is Nancy at? What kind of school is it?2. which subject does she like best? Why?3. What can students do during the Reading Week?4. Which school is John at?5. How often does John go to the Buddy Club?6. Who is Tony? Why does John think Tony is his hero?7. Does John like playing baseball?我对我自学的评价我很棒我还行我还要努力一句话自我建议二、互学Try to memorize the main idea of John's and Nancy's articles according to the table.Who?NancyJohnWhere?What?When?Why?三、助学根据句意和所给单词填空1. In a(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.2. Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents(two) a month.3. The dishes in the restaurant are very(taste). We often go there.4. I am old enough to look after(I). You needn't worry about me.5. What's the(long) of your desk? It's about one meter.6. We always have a great time(chat) with each other.7. (take) a bus is much faster than walking,8. Quiet! The students(have) an English class.9. Could you tell me how(get) to the hospital?10. My mother asks us(not watch) too much TV.四、课后思考阅读理解If you live in the country in northern Europe, you'll share your garden with all sorts of birds, animals and insects. The swallows(燕子)will travel 9000 kilometers or more to southern Africa. They'll come back in the spring.In warm countries, where the winters are not very long or very cold, hibernation(冬眠)is not necessary. And in very cold parts of the world, like the far north of Russia, not many animals hibernate; the ground is so hard that they cannot make a deep hole to spend the winter in. but animals in a large part of the northern hemisphere匕半球)spend every winter fast asleep.A bear is a half-hibernating animal. A she-bear chooses her wintering place much more carefully because she is likely to have cubs(小熊)in it. It is nearly always a cave, and she covers the floor with grass or leaves to be sure of extra warmth. She hides as much food as possible in it. She sleeps until January, when the cubs are born. Even then she doesn't try to come out of hibernation. The cubs stay with her, drinking her milk and growing bigger and stronger week by week until spring arrives. To keep the milk supply(提供)going, the she-bear eats the food from her secret stores.()1. In northern Europe, people all kinds of birds, animals and insects.A. hate B. live on C. get on well with D. like eating( )2. The swallows travel very long distance from the north to the south, because.A. they like traveling B. they want to find their food thereC. they want to visit their friends there D. the climate is warm in the south()3. In warm places, animals.A. need hibernating B. don't need hibernating C. never go out D. do much exercise( )4. According to the passage, a she-bear has her babies in.A. spring B. winter C. summer D. autumn( )5. In the last sentence, 'cgoing means.A. moving B. passing C. lasting (持续) D. becoming课题:Unit 2 School life(Grammar)一、自学用唯w, little, many, much”的适当形式填空.ApplesOrangesMoneyTime spent on homeworkNancy106¥302 hoursDaniel84¥401 hourJohn62¥503 hourNancy has apples than Daniel.1. John has orangesthanDaniel.2. Nancy has apples.3. John has oranges.4. John has money than Daniel.5. Daniel spends time on homework than Nancy.6. John has moneyDaniel spends time on homework.7. John has apples than Daniel.8. Nancy has orangesFinish the exercises on P-28-31Check the answers我对我自学的评价我很棒我还行我还要努力一句话自我建议二、互学用品给单词的适当形式填空。1. Nick ate(few) oranges than Mike.2. Sam drank(little) orange juice than Sally.3. Nick has(much) free time than Jim.4. The boy scored the(few) points of the three.5. Of all the girls my sister ate the(little) rice.6. John studies fewer subjects than Daniel, but Nancy studies the(few).7. Millie studies the(many) subjects of the three.8. Who has(little) milk, Linda or Simon?9. Nancy joins more clubs than Daniel, but John joins the(many).10. David picked up(many) apples than me on the farm yesterday.三、助学Comparing more than two things: the most/the fewest + (countable) nouns, the most/the least + (uncountable) nouns.1. Please use more /fewer /less .than or the most/fewest/least to compare. Many, many-more-the most,Much, much-more-the most,Few, fewfewer-the fewest, Little, littlelessthe least,完成句子,每空一词.1他们一星期见一次面,相互开心地交谈。They meet, and.2 . Kate的毛衣和Helen的 是一样的。KateHelen.Kate's Helen's. Kate'sHelen总3 .他的答案与你的不同。His answer is yours.4 .我们应该用较少的人力与财力把工作做得更好。We should use people and money to do the work.5在家政课上,学生们学习怎样烧健康可口的食物和缝纫。In Home Economics the students learn healthy and tastyfood and sew.四、课后思考One day a rich man met Tom. The rich man asked,“I hear you are very cleverand 1 is difficult fbr you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?9,Tom answered with _2 , “Oh, I am not clever. Instead, you are too fdolish(愚蠢的)The rich man became _.Tom said, "Sir, please 4 unhappy. If you don't agree 5 what I said, now let me _ 6 you a very easy question: If you have a group of sheep, I send you 7 group. Then, you say, how many groups of sheep do you have?”"Why! That's the easiest question in the world.One and one is two. 8 knows that. I have two groups of sheep, of course.'Tom laughed and laughed and said, "You are quite 9 , sir. Two groups of sheep put together is still one group.That's the 10 question in the world, isn't it?()1. A. something()2. A. smile()3. A. happy()4. A.don'tB. nothingB. smilesB. sadB. don't be()6. A. say()7. A. other()8. A. People()9. A. right()10A. more difficultB.speakB. the otherB. AnybodyB. cleverB. easierC. everythingC. smilingC. unhappyC.not beC. askC. oneC.SomebodyC.


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