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    Module 6 War and peace Reading and vocabulary课件-高中英语外研版选修六.pptx

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    Module 6 War and peace Reading and vocabulary课件-高中英语外研版选修六.pptx

    Reading and Reading and vocabularyvocabularyReview Review information information of D-Day landingof D-Day landingNormandyDebarkationNormandyDebarkationD-DayLandingsOperationOverlordJune6,1944Startwith霸王行动霸王行动August25,1944Why is D-Day Landings important?Great BritainEnglish ChannelFrance MapofD-DayLandingsAxiskssn.轴线;轴心国轴线;轴心国PretendtoattackherewiththehelpoffalseinformationfromTuring图灵图灵1.Describe the feelings of peoplein the photo.2.Can you predict what this passage is about according to its title and picture?D-Day+2Togetdetailedinformation1.p.78activity22.p.78activity3Read the passage and choose the best answer.The writer is _.(a)a German soldier (b)a French villager(c)an American soldier(d)a British soldier 1.p.78activity2Reading1 What do you think the title of the passage means?Two days after the D-Day landings.2 Why do you think the writer says,“To our astonishment”?Because they were very surprised by the sudden change,from fighting and seeing friends killed to a peaceful village.3 How do you think the soldiers felt when they first saw the people in the main street?They felt frightened because people there may be enemy.Activity 3 on page 784 Who was with the writer before the rest of the company arrived?Private Kowalski.5 How do you think the villagers felt when they saw the American soldiers?They felt happy.6 How old do you think the writer was?A teenager of less than 18 as he said he was too young to have a girlfriend.7 How did the writer feel at the end of the day?He felt happy and sad at the same time.morequestionsondetailedinformation1.In the text,“He.gave me the best shave I had had in years”means that _.A.the barber was expert in shaving for customersB.without the tools,the author couldnt shave by himselfC.because of the war,the author didnt shave for a long timeD.the author had no money to have a shaveC2.The author felt that all the fear and danger had been worthwhile because _.A.the villagers treated them like heroesB.they checked that the village was safeC.they drunk and cheered with the villagersD.the villagers gave them perfume for their girlfriendsA 1.Some of our boys had never tasted wine before and spat it out,thinking it was vinegar.2.I was too ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend.What is your feeling after reading these sentences?Discussion1 What do you think the soldiers would have done if there had been enemies in the village?2 What do you think the soldiers would do next?Activity 6 on page 80consolidatevocabularyp.78activity4p.80activity5Answer the questions with the words in the box.baggage bedding comb mess yell confidential perfume razor tractor scissors shave(v)stockingsOnly a few because they were confidential.In a mess2.What kind of state is the beach likely to be in after the landings?1.How many people knew about the orders to join the D-Day landings?tractorsyell3.What kind of vehicle do you often see on or near farms?4.How do you speak when you see danger and want to give a warning?5.What do men without beards do to their faces every day or so?What do these men use to do this?6.What tools do you need to use to cut hair and make it look tidy?shave/a razorscissors7.What things did the soldiers bring with them for their personal possessions and to be able to rest?8.What do women often wear on their legs?baggage and beddingstockingperfume9.What do women often like to wear to smell nice?Choose the correct answersActivity 5 on page 80.ashamed barbershop constitution cheers liberation vinegar worthwhile1.A barbershop is the usual place_.(a)for women to have a haircut (b)for men to have a haircut and a shave (c)for people to buy things like soap,perfume,tooth paste etc.(d)for people to go when they first arrive in a French village2.The soldier was ashamed to admit that he was too young to have a girlfriend because_.(a)he wanted a girlfriend,but didnt have one(b)the villagers treated the soldiers as heroes(c)he hoped to find a French girlfriend at home3.They said“cheers!”and drank to liberation and to the French constitution in order to_.(a)show they hoped the villagers would soon be free and in good health(b)thank the villagers for the food and for their welcome(c)celebrate freedom and the return to power of the French government(d)introduce the rest of the company to the villagers 4.Some of the soldiers thought the wine was vinegar because_.(a)its traditional to spit it out(b)they had drunk too much(c)it didnt come out of a wine bottle(d)they hadnt tasted wine before5.He thought the fear and danger was worthwhile because_.(a)he would remember this special day(b)Many of friends had died(c)the villagers were very grateful to them(d)it reminded him that some friends had diedKey sentences:1.It was late afternoon,and the sun was setting on a perfect country scene of farm buildings.2.I took off my helmet and yelled,“American!Put your guns down!”3.The barber had magnificent moustache,which he used wax to keep in shape.4.We all drank to liberation and to the French constitution.Translate the first sentence of Paragraph 2 into Chinese.傍晚时分,夕阳照耀在农舍、主街道、傍晚时分,夕阳照耀在农舍、主街道、商铺、车库和教堂上面,形成了一幅完商铺、车库和教堂上面,形成了一幅完美的乡村美景。美的乡村美景。It was late afternoon,and the sun was setting on a perfect country scene of farm buildings,a main street,a few shops,a garage and a church.Language points1.to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是e.g.:To his astonishment,the keys were in the door.归纳:归纳:to ones+n.=to the+n.+of sb.令某人令某人的是的是to ones joy/delight/surprise/sorrow2.unload v 卸下卸下 反义词:反义词:load n/vvt.1)装装,装载装载(+with)The workers are loading the ship with coal.工人正把煤装上船。工人正把煤装上船。2)使摆满使摆满;使充满使充满;使长满使长满(+with)The air was loaded with soot.n 1)负担、重量,装载的东西负担、重量,装载的东西 c.n He was bent down with his load.2)(精神方面的精神方面的)负担负担;压力压力 The good news has taken a load off my mind.去掉思想负担去掉思想负担(短语短语)3)装载量(可以译成一车或一船装载量(可以译成一车或一船.)The truck was carrying a load of sand.卡车装运一车沙子。卡车装运一车沙子。3.I was too ashamed to admit that I was too young to have a girl friend.我太害羞了以致于没有承认我太小了还没有女我太害羞了以致于没有承认我太小了还没有女朋友。朋友。too to 太太而不能而不能e.g.:He is too young to go to school.在下列几种情况下在下列几种情况下too to 表示肯定表示肯定1)Too后面是后面是ready,eager,willing,pleased,glad等表示心情或倾向的形容词等表示心情或倾向的形容词 e.g.:He is too eager to know the result of the examination.他急于知道考试成绩。他急于知道考试成绩。2)“tooto”前有前有but,only或或all等副词时,等副词时,通常表示通常表示“非常非常;十分;十分”,“真是太真是太”e.g.:I am only too glad to accept your invitation.我很乐意接受你的邀请。我很乐意接受你的邀请。3)“tooto”的结构与的结构与cannot或或never 连用时连用时表示表示“无论无论也不过分也不过分”e.g.:You cannot be too careful to do your homework.You can never be too careful to do your homework.你做作业无论再仔细也不为过。你做作业无论再仔细也不为过。4.Worthwhile adj.值得的值得的We had a long wait but it is worthwhile because we got the tickets.归纳拓展归纳拓展1)It is worthwhile to do/doing sth.做某事是值得的做某事是值得的It is worthwhile to read/reading the book 2)sth.is worth doing 某事值得被某事值得被The book is worth reading twice.3)sth.Is worthy of being done/to be done The book is worthy of being read/to be read关于关于“值得值得”的的3个词汇个词汇1.sth be worth doing 2.sth be worthy of being done3.sth be worthy to be done4.It is worthwhile to do sth5.it is worthwhile doing sth同义句转换The question is worth discussing1)The question is _ _ _ _2)The question is _ _ _ _3)It is worthwhile _ _ the question4)It is worthwhile _ the question.worthy of being discussedworthy to be discussedto discussdiscussingA.Expository Writing B.Argumentative WritingC.NarrationD.Practical Writing=literarystyles=passagetypes=article genreWhatsthewritingstyleofthispasage?adj.说明的;解释的;评注的说明的;解释的;评注的explanatory/illustrative/expositive说明说明文文议论文议论文记叙文记叙文应用文应用文


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